Soopersaver Pets

By Stevie Zadara

Published on Nov 2, 2007


Second part of series SOOPERSAVER PETS by spunkymonkey If you like the story please mail with feedback and ideas for the next parts to Story contains lots of humiliation and sexy games playing with cocky lads


Part 2:

"That's OK Brad, thanks for the entertainment! You can go and clean that cum off your cock and tell your mate that he is due on in five minutes," slobbered Warburton, as he lasciviously eyed the lad's cock popping back in to his sexy underwear. There were now over thirty viewers on the Jock Teasers website and they were very excited that this week there was to be a second lad on show for them. Some of the viewers had already blown their wads while they were watching Brad put through his paces and now there was more to come. They would have to coax their limp dicks to another orgasm over one more horny toy hunk, about to be humiliated for their pleasure. It was all too delicious. Warburton started to introduce the next fun and games as McCormack wheeled the equipment required into view: a vaulting horse, a small children's paddling pool, a rowing machine and a wooden chair contraption.

"Our next young gentleman is Tony Cockbright," sniggered Warburton at the amusing surname, as he saw the website fill with lewd observations about the name such as bet it is', yeh nice shiny helmet hehe'. "Tony," continued Warburton "is a young plumber and football player from Cambuslang who has just been kicked out of his job for shagging his boss's wife. Well, that boss, Harry Stevens is a mate of mine and has arranged for Tomas to come over here and entertain us for free, otherwise he will make sure Tomas's girlfriend gets to find out about his bit on the side. Needless to say, Harry will be looking carefully at the show tonight via internet to see the brat who pumped his 47 year old wife full of dirty teenage boy cum get the treatment he deserves. Tomas is only 5'7" but he makes up for that in the cock department, I can assure you", giggled Warburton salaciously.

Plenty of amusement in the chatroom that the lad would have to do everything required of him or his girlfriend would find out.

"So let's introduce our cheeky, cocky playmate, Mr Tomas Cockbright!" announced Warburton. Tomas came in looking cocky and sheepish in a white baseball cap and red cotton overalls with zip front, red puma sneakers and green and white Celtic soccer socks. His face was as rough as it was cute, with an almost shorn head, grey-green eyes, his tongue hanging out licking his lips in frightened anticipation, and cute little ears, a diamond stud in the left one. The chatroom went wild with observations on the lads physique, the tightness of the overalls and the tight little butt. Tomas hadn't expected this, but Warbuton reminded him of the penalty if he didn't go along with it. Tomas looked dejected.

"First of all we need to get you out of those overalls," laughed Warburton. As Tomas reluctantly made for the zipper, Warburton simply took out his modelling knife and ran it from the base of the rear of one trouserleg, right up to the neck. It was so fast that Tomas didn't even know what had happened. The back of his cheap, nylon fabric overalls had been quickly shred in two and with one quick tug over each shoulder, Tomas working gear fell to the floor, exposing a gorgeous smooth chest and tight little nipples. Warburton pulled the garment away from the floor as Tomas blushed and murmured `what the fuck...' It was priceless and the viewers loved to see this lad looking a complete fool. Tomas's tormentor surveyed the lad's tight green and white Ginch underpants, filled with what looked like a sizeable package. No wonder his mate Harry's wife so easily succumbed to the young man's rough good looks and sexual charms. Who wouldn't? He looked like he could pump a fountain of cum seven times a day.

First of all, Warburton announced that the lad would be doing some exercises in his underpants, socks and sneakers, as he stood there, too warm him up a bit and let everyone get a good look at his taut, muscular body in action.

"On the whistle Tommy boy, I want 20 somersaults over the vaulting horse!" He know Tomas was a gymnast for Scotland under 21s team and was determined to get a view of his abilities. The whistle blew. As the viewers started to pull their cocks over the sight of the horny young man barely dressed and performing for them, McCormack put the filled paddling pool at the other end of the horse. It contained freezing cold water. As Tomas began his first athletic vault he realised he was going to land straight into the cold water.

"And don't forget to complete each jump with the correct termination, hands in the air, like you would in competition," mocked McCormack. The chatroom cracked up with amusement as the first somersault ended up with Tomas landing on his pretty white gymboi backside in the cold pool, soaking his briefs. Nevertheless he recovered to do the traditional hand in the air finish. Another and another, and Tomas's briefs started to slip down his backside, much to the continued merriment of the chatroom onlookers. After 10 vaults and a lot of watery mess, Warburton decided that the lad could continue without the briefs, and as he came past, sliced them off his backside with the modelling knife, once again so deftly that the boy didn't see it happen. The ripped briefs clung to his ripe, bubble butt ass for half a somersault and then flew off revealing the boy's naked cock and bush. Now nude after the 12th consecutive vault, and blushing with embarrassment that his five inch flaccid cock was bouncing about in full view of the internet pervs, Warburton decided to up the fun content. He stopped Tomas in his tracks and announced that, as Tomas clearly saw himself as the brightest and sexiest cock on the circuit, happy enough to stick it up his friend's wife's cunt for little more than a laugh, there would be further humiliation. He whipped Tomas's cap of his head and replaced it with a large red cockerel's coxcomb headpiece. It looked hilarious and everyone giggled at Tomas's obvious dismay at being made to look an idiot. That was the point, of course. Warburton then fixed a white belt with coloured cock feathers at the rear above his ass, as McCormack forced five small lubricated China eggs, held together like anal beads, up the lad's tight little ass. Tomas screeched as the eggs were forced up his teenage rectum, and wondered how he would carry on doing the embarrassing vaults.

"Each time you land in the pool, you will shout cock-a-doodle do' as you lay a little egg for us in the pool by forcing it out of your ass. I know hens technically lay eggs but who cares about technicalities," laughed McCaormack. "If you fail to lay you must shout it again until it pops out and you lay it in the pool. And all this would be done to the sound of Spitting Image's comedy The Chicken Song' and the Stones's Little Red Rooster', played on repeat loop. Failure will cost. Tomas was mortified at the show he was having to but on for these sad old perverts. But he knew he had no choice. He couldn't bear his girlfriend to hear what he had done, or see the video of his show. So off he went. It was simply hilarious seeing him in that cockerel costume, his cock slapping about lewdly from his ample pubic bush, jumping down in the pool to a shout of cock-a-doodle doo' as he grunted and forced a porcelain egg out of his straining anus. What a show it was. Tomas managed to shit out an egg on each round, and finished off the last three drenched, shouting the stupid phrase at the end of each round. It was hilarious. The viewers pounded their cocks over the seeing-to the young buck was getting and couldn't wait to see what was coming next. The soaked lad was already very sweaty, wet and exhausted, but hurled straight on to the rowing machine for some more exercise. This time, he was to pull sixty strokes of the oars and row the equivalent of two miles in less than four minutes. In the nude apart from his coxcomb cap and sneakers. The snag was that when he sat in the rowing chair, he realised the seat contained a five inch buttplug, onto which he would impale himself after every pull on the machine. The viewers realised that they were literally going to see the gorgeous, toned youth fuck himself rigid while he did his exercise for them.

"Go!" shouted Warburton excitedly as Tomas yanked on the make-believe oars and fucked his cute ass with every movement of the machine. The viewers went wild as they closely observed the young man's face contorted into a four-way delicious grimace of sexual agony, sexual pleasure, embarrassment and exhaustion. Not only that, but they soon saw that his cock had started to rise to full erection as he pumped the machine, undoubtedly due to the butt plug gently caressing the lad's engorged prostate gland deep within his probed and pulsting anus. Even Tomas couldn't understand why he was getting erect, but he was getting there fast. Pearls of clear, dewy precum emerged at the end. Tomas's by now fully erect penis was an eight-inch smooth, dream to behold. The rock sold erectile tissue formed a solid groove down the lower side of his cock as it flapped about from side to size, bobbing up and down of its own accord as Tomas sweated and grunted on the machine. The whistle went and Tomas just made the distance in the last few seconds. He was dripping with sweat.

"What have we here young man," teased Warburton as he fingered the tip of Tomas's proud cock.

"Oh, oh, er shit, sorry I couldn't help it man," blabbered Tomas.

"No, no on the contrary, get up and let the gentlemen take a good look at your penis in all its erect glory", instructed Warburton. The camera closed in on cheeky Tommy's flaring piss slit and Warburton squeezed the end to give everyone a good look at the rude lad's gaping, pinky purple, teenage cum hole. Several shot their wads at the site but couldn't take their eyes off the screen. McCormack grabbed the cocky teen by the ear and led him to a large, polished, wooden chair contraption with a high back. Before dumb Tomas could cotton on to what was happening, his hands were whipped up above his head and secured in metal handcuffs, a leather belt was strapped round his waist, and his legs stretched apart and secured in straps over each arm of the chair. That left his hard cock and tight young balls exposed for the finale. Warburton had decided that the lad's cock needed to be shaved and denuded of its bush so that everyone could get a clear look at the boy's genitals. Who better to do this that his extremely effeminate hairdresser friend Austin McCrae. Austin, who must have been all of 70 years old, had been looking forward to shaving the young man's crotch all day and all week, and minced in, cooing at the gorgeousness of the tied up and squirming specimen they had ready for his clippers.

"Would sir like a parting? Crew cut?" joked McCrae.

"Fuck this is perverted," shouted the insolent lad to the delight of all involved. Cocks were being pumped faster than ever on the website, as the boy's cock was fondled and McCrae took the clippers and shaver to his pride and joy. The effeminate old man made no disguise of the fact that he was enjoying keeping the squirming brat at full erection as the soft white foam was applied and the humiliated cocky gymnast recoiled with embarrassment at the gay man having fun manipulating his cock and balls. In ten minutes his equipment was dusted down and wiped off and his hard cock stood up like a monkey wrench, his pubic area as smooth and clean as a baby. McCrae dusted the crotch off with talcum powder to rub in the point.

"No, who wants to see the lad produce a bit more sperm?" teased Warburton? "Well, I think it's about time. I have invited my friend Harry over to do the deed. The friend whose delightful wife Anna was the lady this dirty brat decided to fuck for a bit of a laugh. And I am delighted to say, his wife is coming too!

"N-n-n-noooo!" squealed Tomas, "not both of them!" He was mortified at the humiliation about to ensue. His casual shag and her furious husband were going to wank him off for a bit of fun, laugher and revenge. But there was more to come. Harry had decided to humiliate him further by reading a Tomas The Spunk Engine kiddies' story to him as his wife started to fondle his erect penis. The viewers found it hysterically funny as Tomas was made to wear a Tomas The Spunk Engine train driver's cap and a baby bib, for any spillages, round his neck. The bib had baby steam engines all over in order to humiliate the hunk to the hilt. The piece de resistance was a little lubed up cut-off Tomas The Spunk Engine children's drinking straw, which was about 3 inches long and a quarter inch wide, and which Harry had inserted into the petrified lad's cum slit. It was a nice cosy fit and looked hilarious, with the little smiling engine motifs up it. When Tomas finally came his goo was going to flow up the straw and spurt out the tip like a little boy funnel of cum. The straw felt strange inside Tomas's urethra and he squirmed to get himself free, but it never happened, he was stuck there for the duration. The lady and gent pulled away on the nasty boy's cock, laughing and cheering as they got their revenge and brought him ever closer to the orgasm that everyone wanted to see.

"Warburton told the lad that when he felt he was about to cream he HAD to whoop and whistle like a real stream train. If he didn't, he would ring Tomas's girlfriend there and then and tell all." Tomas couldn't believe the final humiliation. Acting like a fool for the pleasure of these perverts. Yuck. And so he groaned and moaned as they fondled his young, hard pectorals and twisted his nips. Suddenly he bucked his hips as he tried to stop himself from orgasming in front of these dreadful people. But his muscular legs contorted and writhed and he couldn't stop himself. "Woo woo! Woosh woosh", chirped the lad like a toy train, as desperately as he could, as the semen started to pump from his cock. His legs juddered in excitement as he orgasmed and his feet twisted with the painful pleasure of enforced climax. Suddenly the funniest think happened. The boy's cum was forced up the narrow straw with such a blast that a fountain of semen squirted up and hit him in his own face, as Harry's wife tugged on the boy's shaft. Then another jet of white hot semen spurted out and across Tomas's baby bib. More cum squirted out of the tip of the straw and back down over his pulating purple glans, as Tomas continued to grunt and make the embarrassing train noises. It was over. Warburton thanks everyone for watching and participating. He thanked everyone but Tomas, who he unshackled and kicked out of the door, throwing his wet underpants and torn overalls after him. Poor Tomas would have to hitch home in his sexy torn gear. But then again he should have thought of that before he took on Warburton, McCormack and their gang. Tomas wasn't going to try that trick again. Or was he? The online viewers at any rate couldn't wait to get their eyes on another show. But now there was business to attend to. McCormack knew that the lads on the shop floor could be up to all manner of mischief by now. He decided he ought to go out onto the bright supermarket floor and see how his pets were doing while Warburton and Harry cleared up, still laughing at having got their own back on the cocky sod who cuckolded Harry, and at making a tidy sum from internet viewers at the same time. It was nearly 11.30 and the customers were filling the shop for the opening day bargains. The four older women who manned the check-outs signalled their approval for McCormack's choice of Soopersaver Pets when he asked them how they thought it was going.

"That Scott is a right little devil and that Gez is little cheeky monkey if you ask me, but they've got lovely asses," cackled Mrs Simmons, old enough to be the lads' mother ^Ö at least. "Look at those butts bounce, girls," she went on. The customers joined in to crane their necks and ogle the boys in their tight, humiliating uniforms.

McCormack went into full army drill inspection mode.

"Fuck ^Ö McCormack's coming to inspect our bottoms," said Scott to Gez, only half jokingly, as Lyle overheard and laughed while he stacked the sugar on the bottom shelf of aisle four and his pert little butt stuck out, stretching the material in the obscene and ill-fitting polyester trousers to their utmost.

"So you think it's funny do you, Scottyboy?" snarled McCormack. He grabbed the insolent, cocky lad by the ear and made him stand up. "Look me in the eye. Look me in the eye. Your fucking tie is not straight. Your top shirt button is undone and you have a speck of some shit or other on your shoe. Shine it lad, shine it."

"Can't be fuckin' bothered."

"What?!" screamed McCormack. "I'll teach you to answer me back. Come in the back room. I want to see what you are wearing underneath that uniform.

McCormack frogmarched Scott out the back past the delicatessen counter, and up the stairs into his office. He made the cute lad stand with his hands behind his back.

"For a start, your cap is on back to front. Peak at the front boy, peak at the front." He grabbed Scott's cap and threw it across the room. Scott gave an arrogant glare as he re-arranged his cocky, spiked up hair and bounced on his meaty thighs. McCormack was having fun with this.

"Hands behind your back! I want to see if you have disobeyed me. With that he unzipped the 19 year old's trousers and saw that he had changed back into his little turquoise Tommy Hilfigers. A pair he had lifted in town only a few days ago.

"What are those? Fucking girl's knickers?"

"No, sir, they are boy's briefs. Course they're not for girls."

"Look pretty girly to me," roared McCormack as he pulled the trousers down to Scott's ankles and saw that he wasn't wearing the tight, regulation, knee-length, navy, nylon ribbed socks as prescribed. At this, McCormack's mood almost boiled right over.

"Where are your Soopersaver socks, boy? What have you done with them?"

"Fuckin' poof's socks, sir."

"Poof's socks? Poof's socks? They're smart and I require them. Not these white sports socks that you have changed into. Completely against my orders. See me back here in the office at 20.00 tonight when the store closes. You can assist with the director's canape and wine evening. Now get back to the floor when you have changed into the proper uniform. Scott got his proper underwear and went back to the floor. Gez asked what had happened. Lyle and Donnie came over to ask what went on upstairs.

"He fuckin' checked my pants and socks."

Gez and Lyle roared with laughter. "What the fuck...?"

"Made me take me runnin' socks off and put these on!"

Scott pulled up his trouser bottoms and pranced and preened mockingly in the blue socks, pulled right up to his knees.

"Ha ha ha ha, you look a right bloody fairy!" laughed Gez. "Who's McCormack fuckin' think he is!"

Scott went on prancing in mock-effeminate gestures, his hand on his hip, mincing around the fruit counter: "Who's a pretty boy then!" he sang, as the other lads wolf whistled when he stuck his ass out.

McCormack caught the end of this performance. "Get- back- to- work you cocky little bastards!" he yelled, as a couple of the customers dived for cover. "You ^Ö Lyle ^Ö had just about enough of you. See me after the store closes." Lyle Duff was from Manchester, with a drawling, tough accent to match. His compact, athletic body was just the type to turn McCormack on. He had plans for the evening. He asked Andy to make sure the two lads didn't slip away and present them in his office at 20.15 on the dot.

In the meantime it was almost midday and time for McCormack and Andy to greet, if that's the right word, Donnie to discuss the incident in the morning when he was caught exposing himself in front of a group of women. McCormack and Andy sniggered as they heard the knock on the door at 11.59.

"Come in!" Donnie walked in sheepishly. "Stand to attention. Put your hands on your head. Do not move!" barked out McCormack, who couldn't wait to put the lad through his paces.

"What is this I hear about you lowering your trousers in front of customers this morning, on our first prestigious day?"

"Ain't me it's them, Sir," retorted Donnie.

"Donald I have heard some unlikely stories in my time but do you think I seriously believe a hooligan like you would have his uniform trousers ripped down by a bunch of old housewives?"

"No. Well, yes. I mean they fuckin' did!"

"No need to swear in here. In fact I -will-not tol-er-ate it you little piece of shit! What are you?"


"I said what are you?"

"Little piece of shit sir." Andy wanted to giggle at the lad being teased humiliated in this way and didn't know where to look.

"Quite right, quite right. You will not make an exhibition of yourself in this way. Now take your trousers off. Shoes off, socks off. I want to see what all the fuss was about." Donnie protested but realised it wasn't worth it. There he stood in his regulation white slimline briefs, his crisp nylon shirt and the bow tie, with the stupid cap on.

"Nice bulge in those briefs. I expect those ladies got quite a shock when they saw how big your bollocks are lad. Quite big and fit for a twenty year old, aren't you?" continued McCormack.

"How often do you masturbate, Donnie?"

"What the...." Stuttered the dumb jock.

"How often do you whack off, you heard?"

"I don't have to answer that," answered back the tough, arrogant piece of shit.

"Better if you do, and quickly, don't waste my time you little worm."

"'Bout a couple of times a day."

"Well, since you're obviously so keen to impress the ladies, you can do it here and now, while Andy and I watch. I don't want any more unforeseen recurrences. Strip naked and jerk your cock."

"I feel like such a fuckin' faggot."

"Well you should have thought of that before." The sexy skinhead removed everything and stood there pulling his cock for the two managers, who relished the free, sexy show. Everything was being filmed on a secret video as part of a plot to get all the lads on film. This could be used as a bargaining tool should any of them try to escape from McCormack's control. Soon the cock was up and dripping and within a few minutes Donnie was on the verge of cumming.

"Ah oh, oh, oh fuck. Here it comes." Donnie spewed his love juice all over McCormack's desk. Spatters of cum blobbed over the hideous yellow block of headed Soopersava notepaper.

"Good. That has removed some of your desire, I sincerely hope," ranted McCormack. "Now get your uniform on properly and get back to work. I shall expect you, in the morning, to help set up the stripper show. See you here at 7.30."

"Stripper show?" queried Donnie. "What stripper show?"

All in good time, you'll find out what is required soon enough. And don't think about disappearing anywhere. Your little show just now was videoed and can be sent to your parents and girlfriend at any time. Donnie flushed with embarrassment.

"What the fuck?"

"All on tape. Be careful, lad. Have a fun afternoon!"

When the store finally closed and the girls had cashed up, the lads were rounded up and sent home. All except Scott and Lyle. Andy took them upstairs once more. They were getting used to the route now.

McCormack confronted them as they were ushered in by Andy.

"Now lads, I want you to be in attendance this evening at the opening canape evening. I have several important directors coming this evening to see how the new store is doing, and I want them to be impressed by our new staff." Lyle and Scott puffed out their chests and thought they were there because they looked good. Well, in a way they were. "If you behave yourselves and do as you are told there might even be a bonus in it for one of you." McCormack knew it was always a good idea to pretend to lads like this that they were in direct competition with one another. They were stupid enough to believe it, too. Naturally enough though, the guests that evening were not directors at all, they were middle-aged friends of McCormack who liked to see tough, young thugs like Scott and Lyle brought down a peg or two. More than that, they liked to see them humiliated, as well. McCormack had invited along six of his closest homosexual friends to pretend to be directors of the Soopersaver chain. It was going to be a hilarious evening. The lads' work was never done.

Next: Chapter 3

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