Sooner Than It Seems Life Turns Around

By Dre O'connel

Published on Jun 4, 2011


Disclaimer: blah..blah..blah.. I know you know all the rules, so I will just say, enjoy!

This is my first story, and probably the only series. And I know it's not perfect, but you can help me by telling me in , I love to hear from you!

Anyway, thanks for encouraging me to keep writing. But you should know I like to make it slowly but steady (and also romantic). It's not a rush sex or something. I hope you understand.

Oh yeah, one more thing, you guys really should download Hillary Duff's song 'Someone's Watching Over Me', it inspires me a lot!

          • Sooner Than It Seems Life Turns Around Part 2 By Dre

McDonalds was crowded, as always. I couldn't even find a seat for me and Mason. I stood in the line, while my eyes are searching for an empty seat. Finally, I gave up, I wanted to go home before someone called my name, "Yo, Dre!". Oh no. That voice. Why him? Why now? He stood in the line with me.

"Err, hi Matt", I could feel my face's blushing.

"Who is this?", he asked, nodding his head at Mason. "Your son?"

"Very funny Matt, do I look old enough to be a father? Don't answer that. Well, he's my nephew."

"Aahh, I see."

"Are you coming alone?", I asked him.

"Yeah, I was hungry, but I'm bored with pizza. So I walked here.", he smiled. Oh my gosh, he smiled! That smile, that perfect white teeth. My knee's shaking.

"But it seems like there's no empty seat. I was gonna leave when you called me."

"Let me take care of that. Can you order for me too?"

"Sure, what do you want?"

"Cheeseburger, french fries, and diet coke.", he smiled, again. And then he disappeared to look for an empty seat. Thinking of him, I forgot that I held Mason, who was almost overslept, in my arms.

I ordered our meals, paid it, and then searching for Matt. Did he leave me? Or that was my imagination that he was here?

"Over here!", he raised his hand. So that wasn't a dream. I really can't believe I'm gonna sit and eat with him, together. Oh and of course there's Mason. But still...

"You sure know how to find a seat.", I chuckled.

"My special ability.", he acted like a James Bond with some gun-blow thing. I couldn't hold my laugh. Mason was laughing too. "Well, he looks just like you. He's cute. What's his name?"

But you're cuter. Wait, does it means I'm cute, too? Well, don't think too much, Dre, answer him! "Mason. And yeah, he's adorable."

"Hey by the way, how much?", he's opening his wallet.

"No worries, Matt, dinner's on me.", I smiled.

"What? Are you sure? Because it's like...", he's talking so fast, but that makes him looks cuter.

"Matt,", I cut him. "Thank you is enough. Come on, don't think too much about it."

"You're right, thanks Dre.", he smiled.

"You're welcome.". Then we eat. Mostly, we're just silence and laugh because of Mason, and smiled to each other. But it's a nice silence. It's a warm silence.

"Where're his parents?", Matt started.

"Uummh, they're... gone.", I was gonna say dead. But it hurts me by saying that.

"Ups, I'm sorry Dre.", he looks worried.

"No that's fine.", I stopped. This little chat brings that memory back. That terrible memory.

"Do you wanna talk about it? Or silence is the best thing for now?"

I looked at him, I didn't know what to do. But it seems like I can trust him. "It's a long story.", I started.

"I'm listening."

So I told him all the story. Me being an adopted son, my family, Mom, Dad, Ryan, Ashley, Penn, Mason, that accident, me being the company owner, my movement to LA, everything.

"Wow, it must be hard for you.", he said.

"Yeah, but I can't just sit and cry all the time, right? Besides, Mason is my responsibility.", I looked at Mason, he already slept. And we had finished our meals. Time goes too fast.

"It's late.", he said, he must saw me looking at Mason.

"I think I should take Mason home.", inside, I don't wanna leave him. I want to spend more time with him. But like I said, Mason is my responsibility.

"Do you want me to walk you home? It's late, and you're carrying a... well, Mason is a baby, isn't he?", he said.

"Sure, that will be nice.", he's a gentleman, too. He's just perfect.

Along the way home, we're getting to know each other. And I can tell that I already fell for him. I didn't realize that we're already in front of my house.

"Well, this is it.", I said. But I didn't get any response from him. He was just staring at my house. So I continue, "What's wrong? It's just a house."

"It's a nice house.", he said. "Your story changed my perception of you. You're a tough guy, Dre. And I mean it." I could feel myself blushing.

"Err...Thanks.", Now what? Should I invite him in or goodbye is enough? I'm really confused. "Come stop by sometime.", I offer him. That's the only rasional sentence that come out from my mouth.

"Sure.", he smiled. "Uuhm, I think I should go home. So... Err...", I can tell he's finding a proper sentence. It's funny he can be the nervous one, too.

"Good night Matt.", I said, chuckling.

"Yeah...good night, Dre. See you tomorrrow?"

"See you tomorrow.", I agreed.

That night, was the first time I dream about him.

Part three is coming soon. And feedbacks are always more than welcome in

Cheers! .Dre.

Next: Chapter 3

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