Songs of the Heart

By Mr J

Published on Nov 6, 2017


If you are underage please do not read this, if its illegal do not read this, if you do not approve of gay relation ships or offended by two men loving each other do not read this. This story is mine and mine alone, please do not use any part of it without my approval. Coudln't do this with out my wonderful editor, you are simply amazing. Any mistakes are mine and mine alone! Please think about donating to Nifty!

Sometimes Odin Stormbringer really loved his job, and other times, like tonight assignment, it was really awkward. He was watching the video feed of Nessay Rodriguez's house. For the last three months, him and his team had made it a priority to protect and watch out for the young man. Being forced to watch the video of his friend try to be dominant with his lover, something he considered hot but hilarious as well. There was such an innocence about Nessay, he truly brought out the best in the people around him. He had wondered what life would've been like if he would of met Nessay before going into the service. As well as Ty, the two smaller men made him stride to be a better man to the people around him. Odin was truly happy about Brady and Nessay reuniting, though after hearing the conversation Brady had about what his father had done raised some flags with him. A high percentage of people who were abused, turn around and become abusers, so maybe a deeper look into Mr. Jordan past after he left town was in order.

Unfortunately for Nessay, he had powerful enemies in the small town. Enemies that US government wanted to disappear, not because of targeting the young Hispanic but because of a child porn ring they running out of the church. So far, they had enough evidence to take down most of the ring but they were still waiting on main piece to bring down Van Jordan. The evil bastard had been sending kids off with his sicko church flunkies for several years, and his day of reckoning was coming. Agent Stormbringer's team wasn't sent to arrest anyone, they were only dispatched when the US government wanted people to be gone and not come back. Watching as the love birds began to cuddle and bed down for a while, he turned the audio off. Now was the perfect time to do that research. With a flick of the wrist the video feed went out and he focused on the laptop computer.


That was simply amazing, that my little minx could be so naughty like that. From that strip tease to taking charge in the bedroom, I had never seen that side of Ness, but even now it made me hard thinking about it. I nuzzled my face into his neck taking a couple of deep breathes before inhaling that sweet scent, before carefully rolling him off of me and sliding out of bed. God, is he handsome, I will never understand how I get so lucky to have this beautiful person in my life. I head out to the living room, picking up my jeans and fishing out my phone as I do. Looking at the home screen I notice an email. Opening it up I read through it, my eyes getting wide as I do. I knew that big fucker had been hiding something, and now I knew. Mr. Nessay's best friend is no doctor, he's a trained medic who was in the Marines then shifted to a special force in the government.He was known as deathbringer overseas, because he seemed to be on a mission to eliminate everyone he was told to, with no mercy. I also found out he was stationed here to get close to the people in town, something having to do with my father and his evil group of fucktards. Oh god! Nessay was not going to take this well, he absolutely values honesty above all. Between me hiding my wealth from him, and Odin hiding his true personality, I was afraid of what Ness would do. Turning my phone off I stood back up, turning to head back to the bedroom, when a wood splintering pounding came from the doorway. Cautiously I advanced and peeked out the hole to see one pissed of giant standing on the stoop.

Unlocking the door, I opened it and smiled at the big man. "Hey Odi-" Was all I got out before I was shoved backwards out of the way He turned around like he was looking for something, and seeming disappointed when he didn't find it. Suddenly he cleared his throat and let his big boom voice out.


It felt like the entire house shook when he spoke, I could see Nessay come walking into the room, rubbing his eyes and wrapped up in his robe. That's when Odin's ice hard stare locked onto me, and I suddenly felt two feet tall.

"Listen you mother fucker, your fucking jack hat of a father has been trying to get Nessay's bar from him, and now all of sudden you come back into town and buy it from under him? Does Nessay know the bank sent him a letter via certified mail to arrive tomorrow letting him know to vacate the property? Your chicken ass day too weak to do it himself, had to send his flunky ass son to do it, didn't he? Well I hate to break it to you, your father won't be able to sneeze here shortly, his goose is almost done!"

"Another thing, what kind of ass hole doesn't tell the person they are dating they are a billionaire. Looking at your funds, your number 10 on the Forbes list. Fucking number 10! What the hell is with this little music act? You don't need the money or the fame, and the same fucking thing goes for your whole little group. You're all a bunch of spoiled rich ass bitches, making a mockery of the struggle other musicians go through!"

Nessay's eyes were wide open, he looked very pale and like he was about to faint. I move towards him meaning to wrap my arms around him when he blocked me and stepped back. Tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes. Now it was my anger getting ready to unload, and I choose the biggest target in the room. Turning back to Odin I marched to him and gave him a huge shove, which resulted in me bouncing off of him.

"At least I am not some super secret agent sent here to spy on people? Is your friendship with Nessay even real? Sure looks like to me you got close to him only to be able to use it to spy on the freaks that are around my dad? Do you even care about him? I mean it takes a spineless person to bug his so called friend's house. How many cameras and devices Odin? I noticed ten when I looked earlier!"

"I never asked to be rich, when I left I had little money to my name except for what I was earning. Not my fault my grandfather left me a fortune. I also think you need to check your sources because, it was some idiot banker in this hell hole, that was trying to sell the bar to the highest bidder. And, if you had looked close enough, the name on the deed isn't mine. It's in The Nessay Rodrigues Trust, it's meant to protect him from all these idiots that you and your team of clowns don't seem able to stop. If I really wanted him hurt, do you think I would of shoved him away from being hit by the van? You must be all muscle and no brain you giant sized elephant dick!"

Odin leaned down and his forehead went to mine and we gritted our teeth at each other and started to growl. I knew I was going to get my ass beat, but I wasn't going down without a fight If this idiot thought he could come in here and get between Nessay and I, he had another thing coming to him. Clenching my fist I brought it back, thinking how much fun decking this arrogant prick was going to be. Except I never got the chance. "STOP" A small voiced stopped us in our tracks, both of us turning towards him to so we could hear him better.

I will not have you two bloodying yourselves in my home, You want to fight? Take it outside because i want no part of it."

With that he came marching over and grabbed each of our wrists. Tugging on them we let ourselves be dragged out the front door and stopping in the front yard. Nessay stood between us, as I locked eyes on Odin. This was going to be fun, I hadn't been in a good fight in a few years. Bringing my right hand up I cracked my knuckles as Odin just stood their staring at me.

"Well you two have fun beating each other up, now while you do that I will be in my bed sleeping. ALONE! But before I go let me do one last thing."

Suddenly Nessay swung his elbows outward and into both of our bulges and my vision filled with stars. Slowly I sank to my knees and then falling to my side I watched Nessay turn and go into his house. Only satisfaction I got was seeing Odin on a knee across from me, the look on his face showing he was in some serious pain. I extended a hand toward Nessay, trying to stop him from leaving, he just ignored it as he stopped at the door way.

"I want my house debugged, and I want you both to listen carefully to me. I want neither of you to ever talk to me again, you are both dead in my eyes. Brady enjoy your new bar I will be glad to clean out the office tomorrow. Doctor or agent whatever or whoever you are, if you come anywhere near me at all, I will call the cops and file a restraining order!"]

With that he went into his house, making sure to slam the door behind him, I was sure his whole house shook from the door slamming. Not again, I had done the one thing I vowed I would never do, I hurt my Nessay.


I am guessing most people would assume Odin and I would of gotten up and went our different ways. That we hated each other and didn't trust each other. Well you would be all wrong, since the first thing he did was help me back up to my feet. Odin, placing an arm over my shoulder we hobbled our way back to his van, where he, fortunately, had a couple of ice packs and we sat in the back. Despite what Nessay said he was going to do, there he was, on the screen, laying in his bed sobbing. I had hurt my love. I needed to fix this!

Over the next three hours Odin and I talked in the back of his van, everything from my own horrid past with my father. He shared with me that they were missing hard proof, do more. They had tried to send a couple of men to join my father's group but they all had disappeared. He explained how the goal wasn't necessarily to arrest my father, but to make sure the activities stopped with him. Also, to use him to see if bigger fish could be caught. My mind was running wild, here was a chance to get back at that bastard. I needed to know a few more things, but an idea was already forming in my head. I reached down and grabbed my phone and typed up a couple emails, than a couple texts. Finally I typed a simple "luv u" to Nessay, he may not believe it now but hopefully he would when I was done with this. Looking up at Odin I smiled for the first time in hours, more sure that what I was going to do was the right thing.

"I am going to do it, I will get you what you need. I am the only person who knows exactly where to look and how to get you the info you need. Here's my plan, and I think you will agree it's the best plan of all."


I really hated this place, I really hated the memories and horrors it brings to memory. I looked up the banner above the door, "We welcome all sheep who need a shepherd" Now if that wasn't a crock of shit, but it fit the devil to feed people a corrupt apple. Hell wasn't something I believed in, but I did know the devil and I was about to enter his home.

Next: Chapter 10

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