Songs of the Heart

By Mr J

Published on Oct 29, 2017


Ever have your life flash in front of your eyes? My heart went from full to broken, my future from full to empty; all I could do is brace myself for impact. My arms came up trying best to cover my head and ribs. The anticipation was almost as worse as the pain, especially since the pain never came. A loud bang and a louder crash had me lowering my arms to see the van hit some garbage cans and go up on the sidewalk opposite of Nessay. It swerved back onto the road and couple seconds later gone from sight. I exhaled a big breathe that I didn't even know I was holding, but I would worry about myself later my first priority had to be Nessay. I jogged over and sliding an arm around his waist and the other under his legs I lifted my love with ease. I picked up my pace and jogged back to the bar. Despite Nessay's protests he was fine, I never let him down to walk. Kicking the door a few times I finally got Jared to open the door. Luckily for me, Odin and Ty were already here. They both needed to know what just happened.

I carried Nessay into his office, laid him on his couch, and moved away so Odin could give him a quick check. Shifting away, Jared, Micah and I huddled up close. I quickly explained what just happened and my suspicions about the truck incident this morning. Both of them gave me wide eyed looks, and I could swear Odin was listening to us and not his patient.My mind did wonder. I mean, he was the last one to drive the truck before us. First things first, we need to get that truck inspected and find out what the issue was. That task I assigned to Jared, as a former marine he had contacts in the area who could look into that. Next I asked Micah to use his family connections to see if he could dig up some info on Odin. My gut told me he wasn't the threat but I will do anything to keep Ness safe. As for me, my task was to call the lawyer who handles my finances, and arrange for a debit card to be sent to Nessay's house for his use. Not to buy his love, but make his life a bit easier. My money would be his, and he will be able to do as he pleases... See my grandfather passed a few years ago and left me his money, little did I know the little ole farmer had stock piled a massive fortune in a bank in Houston. Grandfather had been highly intelligent with his investments, something I planned to continue. First thing I did is hire Jared's father to run it for me. He's a high powered financial attorney in New York and one of our rocks. He is highly supportive of all us, and always willing to lend an ear.He was especially helpful when my father contested the will. The nightmares of that man having money to do as he pleased scared the shit out of me.

Sometime soon, I need to tell Nessay how I met Jared and Micah, I guess, but it's so hard. It's not something that should happen to a guy. We are told we are strong enough to fight people off, men are never victims we are the ones who victimize. When you share the hardest secret of your life, something so evil and vile it changes you. You become closer than any other thing on this world. We each have our demons, and mine came from my father's church. Someone had found out about me when I was 13, about what I was doing with Ness. He took me to his house for the weekend; he was my father's assistant minister. I came home that weekend a lot less innocent and covered in bruises inside and out.

God, what will Nessay think of me? I am such a weak pathetic idiot for falling for him; he will never want someone who couldn't defend himself. Breathe, Brady, breathe! Remember your voice, I am strong and good I can live my life the way I want to. I will be loved, and while I work thru it I will put my heart and spirit into loving Ness. No one, and this I vow to the heavens, will ever hurt him again!


Three of them sat in the van, furious that somehow their mission had failed this morning. They wanted this little fag gone and they weren't just stopping with that attempt. The youngest pulled out his phone and entered a number, waiting patiently as someone picked it up.

"Is it on the vehicle? Copy! We will distract the tall one; we shall send a ghost to scare him away from the little fag!"

Looking at the older man next to him, the younger man nodded his head. Try as he might the faggots were in for a big surprise, you could say this day would end with a big bang.The youngest of the three exited the van, heading off to ensure the success of their plan.


Several hours later it was almost lunch time and the boys and I had been working hard to finish this set list. Now though I had a special song I needed to get out, just for Ness.I needed him to know that I truly am not the person I was before. That I am here for him; to love only him. Quick chug of water, and peek at my cell phone I backed away from the microphone.

"Okay guys let's take a five, then when I come back we will do code heart! Also let me know if you hear anything on those tasks."

Hopping off the stage I give them a wave before heading back into the office. Quick knock on the door to get Ness attention, those eyes of his looked tired and exhausted. That debit card needs to get here and get here fast. Walking into the office deciding the Ness needs a distraction, I give him a big smile.

"Hey Ness think I can steal you for a bit? I need your opinion on this song we are trying to cover and add to the playlist."

With that he stood and we walked back to the stage area that was being set up for the festival. Grabbing Ness' hand I led him to the chair set out especially for this. On the chair was a single long stem rose, I leaned in and stole a quick kiss, before turning and hopping back on stage. Couple hand gestures and the boys were in place and the opening chords started to play. I let the sound fill me, as I took a big breath and started to sing.

When I look into your eyes It's like watching the night sky Or a beautiful sunrise There's so much they hold And just like them old stars I see that you've come so far To be right where you are How old is your soul

I let the music fill my soul, this was my declaration of love to the man I wanted to spend my days with. I wasted fourteen years, and I wasn't wasting another damn day.

Well I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up And when you're needing your space, to do some navigating I'll be here patiently waiting, to see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn Some even fall to the earth We've got a lot to learn God knows we're worth it No, I won't give up

I won't give up; I will be there for him now and always. We are two parts of the same soul, together forever stronger. I hope my words reach you, that my voice touches you, Nessay.

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use The tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not and who I am

I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough I'm giving you all my love I'm still looking up, still looking up

I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up) God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved) We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved) God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)

Sweating, swaying to the music I put my all into it. Wanting the heavens to know I loved this man, and we will never be separated again. Demons behind us, we are moving forward together.

I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++_ As the ending chords played I could feel my strength drain, a common occurrence for singers when we put our whole being into a song. Slowly I looked up at Nessay, and noticed he was sobbing openly. I rushed down off the stage and dropped to a knee in front of him. I never meant to make him cry; quickly I grabbed both of his hands so I could look into his eyes.

"Ness what's wrong? Didn't you like the song? Am I moving too fast? Please talk to me!"

My answer came when I was tackled by a bundle of sobbing muscle. Falling to my back Nessay lands on top of me and I get kissed hard. We are so lost in the kiss that it takes Jared and Micah wolf calling to get me to break it. Ness pushes away some, a grin spreading on his face,

"I love you too babe!"


Back of the room stood a very tall man, with an even bigger smile on his face. Odin was truly happy for his friend, and his contacts had told him that Brady was a good man, nothing like his sad excuse of shit father. He wondered if his best friend knew just how much his lover was worth, or the fact he could buy out most millionaires and even some fake billionaires businesses. Odin could feel his eyes drift to the drummer of JBM, Micah Owings. Something about the guy just got under Odin's skin. Odin could stare at him all day, wondering what it would take to get Micah to notice him. Suddenly the song "you're my sunshine" started to play in his ear. Tapping a button on his Bluetooth, Odin backed further into a corner.

"Speak" came the sharp command; Odin was sliding out of his facade of pediatrician and into the real role. Then man on the phone went on to explain that their target had made a move, hoping to eliminate their target with a bomb attached to his truck. They had an employee of theirs drop it off and he was just attaching the bomb to the engine as they spoke. Soon as the word was given the bomb was set, Odin reached into his pocket and found a small little square, Automatic starters were amazing things, easy to duplicate and especially handy for eliminating wanna be bombers. His finger found the automatic start button and held it for three seconds. The bar shook as just outside the main entrance, glass and metal flew. Everyone took cover as the explosion rocked the small town.

"Target has been eliminated, good job Agent Stormbringer!"


The town of Heartsville had never seen anything like what had happen to the truck, including the two men who were sitting in the van. The driver having tears coming from the corner of his eyes, revenge would be theirs and the little fag was going to pay dearly for this. Silently he put the van into to drive and sped off back to regroup with the others passing an alley with a single person it. Completely ignoring the one man who knew exactly what they were up to.

Next: Chapter 8

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