Songs of the Heart

By Mr J

Published on Oct 26, 2017


The van sat around the corner from the little fag's home, inside it sat two men whose hearts were filled with hate. Both men had watch the taller fag arrive and bust his way in. Why did fate have to interfere in their plans. They were so close to ending that little fag. Amazing what can happen to a home with little gasoline and a match.

It had been months now of trying to get that spic to pack and leave, breaking things in his bar, smashing windows, slashing tires, using business ties to cut off financial options, and threats. They were done playing nice now, now they were going to break the little fag mind and body. Even if it mean going through the big dolt that showed up tonight.


Two hours after that kiss Nessay and I were sitting on his couch, we had been talking very little so far, it had been mainly me holding him as he cried and let his emotions out. Every sob broke my heart little more, every tear dug that knife into my chest little deeper, and every smile made my day brighter. Finally I got him back to his feet and lead him to the door so we could look at the damage I caused. Starting to scratch my head, I started to add up the cost for supplies we would need. I wonder if I could sneakily order th-


Doing about the only thing I could I kissed him once more, had to stop that temper of his now before I was in the dog house even more than I already was. I wrapped one of my arms around him pulling him in close, the other went to the back of his head rubbing it. I rested my chin on his head, smiling as I tried to calm him back down.

"Please don't worry about this babe, I will pay for supplies, I will fix your door, and I will make you supper!"


So that's how I ended up going to the hardware store with Nessay, watching him pick up lock set then see something else and put it down so he could look at that. I knew the trip wasn't going to be cheap, and the $1200 bill at the register was the proof of that. My little hopefully soon to be lover was smirking, proud of himself. I could already hear the laughter from my accountant. Also my band mates were going to bust my balls, but in the end it was going to be worth it if it makes Nessay happy.

Quick phone call and a ten minute wait and Odin arrived with Nessay truck. Shortly after that we were on our way back to Nessay's place. It was so nice to be able to stretch inside the cab of the truck. It should be illegal for people who are tall to drive small vehicles like that Bug.

Over the next couple of hours we talked, we laughed, and overall just got to know each other as adults. It was interesting to see that adult Nessay was much like the kid I knew growing up. He loved comic book movies and board games, he still preferred Italian food over any other kind, he still loved to dance and sing, he could feel just as comfortable in the bar making his customers happy as he could in front of a fire holding a book. I had also learned he mainly wore contacts now, deciding he preferred them over his glasses. Slowly I felt myself fall more and more in love with this man, I didn't deserve to feel that way. O had a lot of ass kissing to do before I could approach that subject. Nothing fixes things like a great dinner. After finishing installing his brand new door and fancy locks, I grabbed his hand and led him into his kitchen.

Together we made a lasagna with store bought frozen garlic toast. As we were sitting at the table waiting the hour for it to cook I could see Nessay get lost in the scent. While he was doing that I got lost in staring at his handsome face. He still looked young, but he had definitely grown more handsome over the years. I reached across the table and grabbed his hand, rubbing my thumb over the top of it. He looked at me a small smile on his face, and I knew I needed to tackle something here and now. I took a big breathe, and let serious look fall on my face.



"Do you think we will have to remove him too? Or do we wait and let him leave before we roll out our final plan?"

The two men were in the back of the van huddled together talking, the senior one just nodded his head as his companion spoke. He seemed to be thinking hard about how he wanted to say next.

"We leave him, after the festival he will be gone! He will have no reason to be here once our little problem is gone!"

The grin on the younger man's face held no warmth. It held nothing but hatred and evil, two things the senior man had taught him. Deciding they had done enough for the night the two men moved back to the front of the van,

"By this time next month, this town will be ours!"


The look on Nessay's face after my question hurt, I am not sure I have ever seen the look of defeat on someone's face before. His whole body language said it all, he did not want to talk about this subject at all. I got up and came around the table and dropped to knee, grabbing his hand in mine.

Slowly he began to tell me about it all, his family's struggle for someone to believe him, how my father used his status as the principles minister to influence him. How the police wouldn't do anything , how he had felt backed into a corner. He stopped caring about school, he shut his friends and his parents out of his life. Rolling out of bed had become a huge struggle, and he worried about saying or doing anything to give away he was gay. The thing that pushed him over the edge though, was his grandfather passing. The only man who had known about his sexuality and loved him. He had lost the greatest man in his life, and with everything we were doing just added on.

"I had no reason to live, my mind kept telling me to be done with everything. How easy swallowing some pills or pulling down my father's gun would be. "

I felt a tear drop from the corner of my eye and slowly fall down my cheek, only for Nessay to lift a hand and wipe it away with his thumb. Where do I start to make things right with Nessay? How do I show him I am a different person? No matter what before the end of the of the benefit Nessay was going to be my friend!

"Ness I need to say this, I am sorr-" Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep! Stupid oven timer, it of course would pick the time I am about to apologize to go off. Standing I went to the stove and pulled out our dinner and shut off the timer. I peeled off the tin foil so it could cool when I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I straighten up and leaned back against him, Such an amazing feeling to be in the arms of someone you care about, need to put a lid on that L word til he is ready to hear it.

"Brady I know what you were about to say, but there is no need. What you do need to do is prove you're a better person now. I will say I like what I see in front of me, and I look forward to spending more time with you the next couple weeks. "

I managed to turn around in his arms and give him a big grin. Deciding to turn the tables on him I reached down and grab the back of his thighs and lift his legs around my waist. After taking a couple steps forward I set him down on the island, our faces level with each other. I could stare into those gray eyes all day long, they reminded me of a storm cloud right before it rains.

"I can feel myself growing feelings for you Ness, feelings that I have carried for years. I should have been a man and not a boy and told you how I felt back, instead I became a coward and a bully. You may not want to hear it, but I am sorry Nessay! I am sorry I let fear and hate affect my decisions, I let hate and fear drive you away and out of my life, and it was fear that did not let me do this back in high school."

Leaning down I placed one hand behind his head, then brought my lips to his in a deep long kiss. I could of stayed just like that for hours, but we had food that needed to be eaten and more catching up to do. I broke the kiss and gave him a small smile.

"I promise you this Nessay, on my life and soul no one will ever hurt you again!"


Couple hours later found us snuggled on his couch watching his favorite movie, The Princess Bride, which was okay since I enjoyed the movie too. Nessay had fallen asleep towards the end , his head resting on my shoulder. If you would of asked me a week ago if I thought this would've ever happened again I would of looked at you like you had three heads. Now I had to decide whether to just stay like this or carry Nessay to his room and call a taxi back to his room.

I didn't want this feeling to end, so I adjusted us a little to make things more comfortable, and delivered a quick kiss to Nessays forehead. I let my head fall back against the armrest and felt my eyes drift close. Never thought I would be this close to Nessay ever again.

Not sure how long after dozing off I woke up to Nessay shaking my shoulder, I opened one eye and looked at him and his grin. He grabbed my hand and led me into towards his room, where we both stripped down to our briefs. He then led me to his bed where we both crawled in and snuggled together. I thought kissing Nessay was the greatest thing ever, snuggling with him definitely blew that out of the water.


Few things beat a great views of a sunrise, and today was going to be one of the best days ever. The young man had just slid from underneath the vehicle in front of him. Proud of what he had done, and amazed at how easy it was to sabotage a vehicle. He couldn't wait to get the call that their plan had succeeded, and their hometown would be rid of the little fag for good. Pulling out his phone he scrolled through his contacts looking for a certain person. Hitting the call button he lifted the phone to his ear.

"It's done!"

Next: Chapter 6

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