Songs of the Heart

By Mr J

Published on Oct 11, 2017


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Could use some beta readers and an editor or two if anyone one is interested. I am pretty bad with my grammar, so anyone who wants to help with that is a big plus ;) Please donate to Nifty. They provide such a great service to all of us!


Dear Mr. Nessay Rodriguez,

It is with great regret that we must inform you that we are unable to offer you a loan at this time. We look forward to serving you in various other ways, with the variety of services we offer. If I can be any more assistance please feel free to contact me at the number below.


Josh Hoeven Loan Officer NHAP Bank

Well that was one fine way to start off another shitty day. Why couldn't something just go my way? Why did everything good come with something bad? Sometimes I just wish I could get out of this funk I have been in. Instead all i can do is worry about my finances and more importantly my bar's finances. Several years ago I cashed in medium sized trust my grandparents had left me and bought out the old country bar in town. It started off as making a killing but steadily over the last few months I have been dealing with several incidents that have made it hard to run. It all started when someone spray painted "Fag" on every window and door, next someone decided to break in and smash every bottle of alcohol and liquor in the place, and just last week someone decided to smash in all the windows. If it wasn't for my best friends Odin and Ty, I don't think I would have made it through this last month.

Grabbing the next envelope I look down and see its from the concert board here, and I shake my head. Not sure if I want or need to open this letter and see that bid for the festival was denied. Just once in my life could something go right. I was just about to open the letter when five feet of blond male rushed into my office followed by a brown haired giant close behind..


I couldn't help but grin at my friends. Ty (the short one) had busted his tail over the last couple years, and his family a set of wealthy ranchers from the area had donated lots of money and time to this festival.

"Um that's great Ty, but can you remind once again who JBM is?"

The look I got after that question, made me feel lucky looks don't kill. Our friend Odin was just sitting there chuckling at us. He really stood out when we were together, Ty could've sat on my shoulders and still be shorter than Odin. Where Ty and I were very much the smooth twinks, Odin was the burly man's man. Where Ty and I focused on Yoga and flexibility, Odin focused on balance and strength. He was also the most gentle giant you could ever meet, unless you insulted his Minnesota Vikings!

The thing you need to know about Ty is he absolutely loves music and at the moment he had a man crush on all three members of JMB. This group was all he ever talked about, and personally I would be glad when this was over and I would never have to hear about the band again. Odin and I had given up long ago trying to persuade him to move on and find someone local to hook up with in Houston.

"Ness we really need to get you out of this bar and out into the real world with the rest of us. For your information JBM was the group that won the singing contest America's Next Hit! They released their cover of Hallelujah a couple months ago? It's been number one on charts for about three weeks! Gah you are so frustratingly focused sometimes I wanna shake you!"

With that I stood and came around the desk to hug him. "Thanks for reminding me Ty there's more to life then working and sleeping. Now onto this letter I got from chairmen of the concert board, care to tell me what it says?"

The only answer I got was Ty grinning and shaking his head side to side, damn little pest, so grabbing my letter opener I sliced the letter open and pulled it out. Scanning the letter looking for the words "We regret" or "We're sorry". Instead I found a check for $3000 and my bid to host the festival had been accepted. Lunging towards Ty i wrapped my arms around him and spun him around. I wonder what this would of looked like if someone could of seen it, a caramel skinned, 5'5 dude spinning around a blond white as cream skinned barely five feet tall screaming and laughing with excitement. Then both of us picked up by our giant and spun around some more. Suddenly Ty's phone began to chirp so Odin put us down so he can grab the phone from his back pocket. Watching as he answered it, slowly his grin spreading out wide across his handsome face. It was funny to watch because I could slowly see his excitement building till he hung up the phone and grabbed my wrist and proceeded to drag me out of my office.

"Wait .... Hey.....Hold up......STOP! Ty what are you doing? I have bills to pay and I haven't started ordering things and getting the bar revamped for the festival! I don't have time for whatever that phone call was about!"

In response Ty continued to drag me out towards the door of the bar and opened it. Odin remaining in my office "For your information we will be meeting with the star attraction of this show. JBM is here in town already, and their lead singer requested to meet you right away!"

"Great Ty just what I needed some mini diva to come strolling into town and think he can boss me about! If this dude thinks for one second I will give a damn about his-"

I was interrupted by the door opening and in walking a face that I could never forget, no matter how hard I tried. Same blond curls, bright crystal blue eyes, that "gonna have my way with you" smirk, and trouble, that's all this bastard ever brought with him.

"Nessay Rodriguez I would like you to meet the lead singer for JBM, Mr. Brady Jordan!"

The bastard look like he was about to speak, knowing my hatred and anger might fade if I gave him the chance, I marched up to Mr. Hotshot and did something I wanted to do over the last fourteen years.

I kneed him right in the balls. Than proceeded to deck him straight in the nose! Watching him drop to his back was the best site I have ever seen. Turning towards the door I sprinted out and towards my home a couple blocks away. Ignoring the voices calling for me to stop, letting the tears fall from my eyes fuel me I sprinted home not sure what I was going to do.

TBC ....

(P.S. Decided to do shorter chapters instead of switching view points. Let me know if you guys think this is a good idea or bad one? Also still in seek of an editor or two, and a beta reader would be awesome :) )

Next: Chapter 3

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