Songs of the Heart

By Mr J

Published on Dec 4, 2017


This story is mine, please do not use any of it without written permission from me :) Please donate to Nifty to keep the wonderful service they offer us :) Only a couple more chapters left after this!

The big idiot, who did he think he is? I am not some child to be sent away to his room when I am not needed. I certainly did not need some big oaf being a bodyguard or babysitter. Though I suppose me struggling uselessly on his shoulder really isn't doing much to show how mature I am. Though that big idiot makes me so mad, I thought we had made progress on our relationship. When I get my hands on him he will never be able to have kids again, and will need a permanent ice bag on his balls. One thing for sure, I wasn't leaving here without him.

"Hey uh agent sir you really don't need to carry me around like a sack of potatoes! I can walk you know, I am quite capable of escaping on my own two feet."

I got a chuckle as he continued his long strides down the hall, not showing any sign of slowing down at all. All I could do was huff and pout, it was obvious he was going to ignore everything I said. I peeked over my shoulder seeing we were coming to a corner and thinking maybe if I grab it I could slip from his grip. Those plans went to hell as we turned the corner to find seven armed men waiting for us. I felt Jeremy quickly pull me back around the corner as the men opened fire. My hands came up to my ears trying to block some of the noise. I was set down on my feet as he pulled out his own handgun, then peaking around the corner he briefly opened fire back at the other end of the hall. Jeremy came back around the corner, looking at me he gave me a small smile.

"Don't worry Nessay, I have been training for years, for situations like this. It's going to take more than four guys with bad aim to take me down!"

Jeremy then popped around the corner and again open fire. This time I heard grunts and groans so I assumed he hit a couple of our assailants. I was about to cheer when I heard a yell and Jeremy fell back towards me, blood already leaking from his shoulder. I reached down placing both hands over the top of the wound trying to stop the bleeding. Jeremy reached up and grabbed a small pennant tucked under his shirt and gave it a jerk. It snapped off and started to softly beep. He started to try and sit up, I wouldn't let him. I watched as his eyes slowly closed, and I knew the best thing I could do is draw the men away and maybe buy him time to get away. I felt so bad, this man had risked his life and now he was seriously hurt, so I did the only thing I could. I grabbed Jeremy's gun and turned and chucked it down the hall. I than stuck my hands up, and took a step around the corner.

"I am coming around the corner boys, I surrender. All I ask is you leave the gentleman here alone. You guys try anything and I will resist and kick all of your asses!"

Slowly I came around the corner hands straight in the air, and saw all three men hands on their weapons All eyes were locked on me, ready to fire if I did anything stupid. Soon as I got close enough one of the guys dropped his weapon and approached me, he grabs my wrists and bring them behind my back in a hammerlock position. Finally the others lowered their weapons and moved behind me. I closed my eyes and sent a silent prayer for the poor man lying on the ground.

"Say good night fag boy!" Then a sudden sharp pain in the back of my head sent me unconscious Last thing I remember is being let go and collapsing to the floor.


. "I think the little fag is coming to, he sure took his sweet time! I hope he likes the sight before him. I wish things had turned out differently, if Brady had stayed with us he would be on his way to controlling all of this. Instead I think master has plans to dispose of him and the little fag!"

"Good! Once he is gone it will be us that the master will leave his legacy too. Imagine how much money and power we will control."

Gah! My head hurt, and these familiar voices were making the headache worse. I really wanted to snuggle with Brady and take a long nap. Slowly things started to come back and I remembered where I was. Shaking my head I go to move my arms and find I can't, they had been tied together behind my back. Deciding to try and move my legs I find them bound together at the ankles. I lifted my head to look at the two bitches talking but my eyes stopped on the sight in front me, there was Brady also restrained on his knees. He had been stripped down to his briefs, and his face and body covered in bruises. Even more so than when we were locked in the room, he had dried blood on his lips and chin. His head was slumped forward, a low moan and chest rising were the only signs that let me know he was alive.

I was confused though, why hadn't they assaulted me? I looked down at my own body, and I was still dressed in my same shirt and jeans. I then turned my attention to the two, who were talking moments ago, and to no surprise I did know the owner of the voices, it was the same two idiots that use to follow Brady around in school. Things had started to click now, obviously they had grown up in this church. Of course they would take great pleasure in harassing anyone who was not a member of their church.

"I can obviously see you two idiots still have the intelligence of a newt! I always thought you two would end up alone and miserable. This though, to be a part of this group is so incredibly stupid! I can't wait til the day until you both are arrested. You both will be the laughing stocks of the town, the same things you were in high school!"


My head swung to the side from the impact of the slap, a small grin on my face. I figured they were still the same, both hot heads who hated to be corrected or challenged. These boys would be in for a long afternoon if they expected me to kneel here and be quiet. Chuckling I lifted my head and faced the two wanna be men.

"SO brave and courageous of you idiots striking a bound and helpless guy half your size. I bet your mommies are just so proud of you!"


Second slap turning my face the other direction, this once causing a little cut on the inside of my cheek. I was about to turn my head and let the idiots have more of my tongue when they two fools turned and dropped to a knee. I watched as this heavy set fat man walked in. Roughly five nine, and easily three hundred pounds. The last time I had seen the man, he had a head full of hair, not so much nowadays. Adorned in a long robe and using a stick to walk, he almost looked like one would imagine an evil king in a fairy tale. Unfortunately this was real, and the sight of him sent a chill down my spine.

He slowly took his time walking over to us, stopping next to Brady. I watched as he raised his hand and snapped, signaling two men to come into the room each carrying a bucket of water. They came over to Brady as his father stepped back and dumped both of them all over him. Brady's body jerked as his hissed out a breath from the cold, he lifted his head and our eyes met. Tears instantly fell from my eyes, I could see the pain he was in as he tried to speak.

"I think introductions are in order once more, as you might remember I am Van Jordan the chief pastor of this church. That miserable piece of flesh kneeling across from you is a mistake my wife and I made years ago. Now I have the chance to make up for it, especially since it now has cost me my empire here in Texas. Because of it I will be leaving town, but we have a couple of things to do before that happens don't we boys!"

His goons laughed as I could see Brady's arms work and struggle in the ropes. He was trying to say something but nothing came out. I watched his father move straight behind Brady and reach into his robe, pulling out a small hand gun. Lifting it, he aims it straight at my chest, my eyes go wide. This lunatic was going to kill me, and there's nothing I could do.

"I hope you are ready to die faggot! I am going to enjoy this, more than a man of a righteous faith like me should. I am going to hurt that pathetic son of mine a such as he hurt me. Can you imagine it? He was going to assist in me being arrested by some stupid federal agency? What kind of pathetic human being would do that to their own father! So now he is going to learn a lesson, if you mess with me you mess with God."

The next thirty seconds went by in slow mode for me, it all started with Van Jordan laughing a couple seconds before starting to pull the trigger. While that was going on Brady gave a yell and jerked his arms with a sickening crack and his arms came from behind his back. His body lunged forward arms extended, palms slamming into my chest sending me backwards. His father pulled the trigger, and next thing I know I am laying on my back watched as Brady's body hits the floor with a heavy thud!


"HAHA! That was better than what was going to happen, now my disgusting worthless son is gone and, you are hurt more than a bullet would of have. Now enjoy your miserable life faggot and know someday I will be back to finish you off for good!"

Sliding the gun back into his robe Van Jordan turns and starts for the door. His exit is interrupted by a swarm of mean in swat gear storming into the room. Van Jordan wasn't a stupid man, nor was he a brave one. Soon he had surrendered and his men were quickly arrested. I could tell by the way one of the men towered over the others and when Van Jordan received a fist right across the jaw knocking him out that it was Odin.

"Odin! He shot Brady! Please save him, he pushed me out of the way!"

Over the next several minutes we were loaded into ambulances rushing towards Houston Medical, we were going to be happy. We had a future together. Now, all I could do was pray that my cowboy was strong enough to survive this. We deserved our happily ever after.

Next: Chapter 13

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