Songs of the Heart

By Mr J

Published on Nov 29, 2017


Three days, it's been that long since that idiot sent his little "Luv U" text. Like I would really forgive him that easily. Even though it did make my heart flip a little, I missed that big body in bed at night. I really thought he had changed, I had bought it hook line and sinker. Always the fool, never the king as the saying goes. Each day I had arrived at work super early, gone straight into the office and locked the door. Ignoring any knocks, calls, and messages slid under the door. The only three people I was talking to were my mom, my assistant manager, and Ty. He was such a god send to me, he held me many times over the last couple days as I cried and screamed about how things with Brady ended. Worse yet, the bum couldn't even make it to practice, and his two little follow longs looked worse every time I saw them.

The really odd thing is how Odin has been behaving, for the first day he respected my wishes and never tried to contact me. Now all of sudden he has been shoving notes under doors, texting constantly, calling every couple hours, and blowing up my social media. The big idiot just doesn't understand what never contact me again means I guess. I really needed to focus on this paperwork and get it all caught up. I had been slacking off since Brady had come back into my life, and now I was paying for it. The big idiot, not only had my mortgage been paid off he had somehow made all my expenses disappear. It truly was a sweet thing to do, somehow he had even got my loan on my truck taken care of and insurance check in the mail for a new one. Whoever worked for him or handled his money did not play around! Now if he only would have been honest with me in the beginning about everything.

I was busy focusing on typing up payroll for the last two weeks when I heard a familiar sound of a door frame cracking, why do people feel the need to ram my doors? Planting my hands I was just about to push up to my feet when I my office door came flying in and landed on the floor with a thud. In my door way stood a very tall, very pissed off, and very red faced giant. Odin was pretty intimidating when he wasn't angry but, the look on his face was just frightening. Something not good had happened; I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. The feeling only sank in more as Ty entered the office, and the other members of JBM. Everybody else had this look of panic and worry. Odin took three steps before bringing both hands down on my desk making us all jump.

"Now listen here you little cry baby, I have had enough of this attitude towards Brady and us your friends. You wanna be mad at me? FINE! You should know though I was wrong in my judgement of Brady. The amount of money and time he gives to charities, including ones that provide support for rape victims. You don't deserve to be told this, but he went into his father's church to collect info for us. We are so close to taking that bastard down, and trust me he won't be getting back up ever again!"

Odin then turned on his heel and stormed out the door. I thought for sure the building would collapse on itself from him slamming the doors on his way out. Ty was the next to come towards my desk, and grabbing a hand our eyes met.

"I'm sorry dude, Odin is a little upset because as lead agent he approved bringing Brady onto his team. Brady was to report in a couple hours ago. We have lost all contact with him, and we believe he is in serious trouble. Odin and his team are awaiting ransom demands or the okay to storm the building. I'm sorry Nessay, we believe there's a chance he won't make it back out. He left this letter with Odin in case something like this happened!"

He reached out and put an envelope on my desk, than gave my hand one more pat before turning and hugging Jared. Micah just looked pissed, and I am pretty sure if he could he would take my head off and feel no remorse. They filed out the door leaving me to my thoughts and the letter. I carefully picked it up and opened it, pulling out the letter I noticed it was hand written.

Dear Nessay,

Please don't be angry my heart, I had to do this to stop him. Stay strong and know I love you always.


Your Cowboy

Tears were forming in the corner of my eyes, what was I going to do? Here he was risking his life to try and save mine, and I am sitting here calling him different names. I needed to do something and needed to be something drastic. Quickly I stood and headed out of my office, seeing the bar filling as some of my afternoon regulars, Micah and Jared were in a corner talking with Ty, my staff were all busy doing their prep and serving people, and I did not see Odin anywhere in the bar. Quickly and stealthily as I could I move to the side exit, and slip out the door into the alleyway. Not sure of what I was going to do, but maybe if I go to him he will let Brady go. Turning to exit the alleyway I only make it a step before I feel huge arms wrap around me, and a rag is brought over my mouth and nose. I struggle and fight to break free but my attacker is too strong, and very quickly I feel my eyes sliding close. My body soon follows, and I feel myself slump back against a muscular body.


"Boss we have him, you were right he was sneaking out the side door. I am about to load him into the back of the van. We'll be there shortly!"

Ending the call he bent down and picked up the smaller man and lugged him over the shoulder. He was amazed at how much of a fight the smaller man had put up. He said a small prayer as he gently laid him on the back seat, hoping he was doing the right thing. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a small square and with his thumb than slides it into the smaller man's pocket. He could not wait until he was finished with this assignment, he was going to need a long shower, one he wasn't sure would erase the memories from his mind. He had made many mistakes when he was younger, like allowing the bullying and harassment of this young man to go on. He hoped his boss knew what he was doing when he set this up with Brady. Closing the car door, he opened and hopped into the driver's seat. Soon this would be over, and sooner the better.

Next: Chapter 11

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