Son Takes Control

By Dillon Forsythe

Published on Aug 7, 2023



< Author's note: I would really like to thank everyone who has commented and sent feedback. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I've struggled with where to take this story, and after several rewrites, and some feedback from you all, I finally have this chapter written. I look forward to your comments, and please, don't hesitate to make suggestions on where we go next - no promises on that, but I will listen to you :-) >

As I drifted off to sleep, I knew that I was going to be very happy with the new circumstances, and I marveled at how much Tyler and Tim had changed my life in the past couple of weeks. Tomorrow would be another day, and I was looking forward to what was next. Tim rolled over, and laid an arm across my back, with his hand coming to rest on my ass, and that was the last thing I remembered before I fell asleep.

I woke up at about 630 since I always get up at about that time. Tim had rolled onto his stomach, and was near the far edge of the bed. I quietly slid out of bed, and headed into the bathroom. I relieved myself, and then started the shower. I shaved while the water was warming, and decided to take my razor into the shower with me. No point in giving Tyler any reason to punish me again; my ass was just getting back to normal. I showered, and made sure to shave everything well, and in my mind, I said, "New rule - shave your face, shave your ass." I stepped out of the shower, clean, shaved, and ready to see what the day would bring.

I went into the bedroom, and Tim was still sprawled on his stomach, sleeping soundly. I decided to let him sleep, so I quietly left the room, and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. I started the coffee, and went out to the patio to have a cigarette. About half-way through the smoke, I went in and filled my coffee cup, and returned to the patio. I sat there taking in the morning, and reflected on the past week. I sat and thought that for the first time in years, my personal life was making me happy. I guess the key to happiness is understanding your situation, accepting it, and being honest with yourself. Ihonestly liked being at the mercy of these boys, I was incredibly happy that they were moving in for two reasons. I could make sure they were taken care of, and safe, and then there was the sex. I felt like a college student again, and was loving it.

I went into the kitchen, refilled my coffee, and headed into my office to check on things. After a few emails, I heard the door across the hall where Tyler was sleeping open, and a moment later, the bathroom door closed. A short while later, I heard the flush, and the door opened. I heard a little clattering in the kitchen, and a minute later, Tyler came into my office with a cup of coffee in his hand. He said, "We need to get milk.", and I told him, "Tim and I will go get some groceries this afternoon. We'll set up a grocery list on everyone's phone, and we'll try to make sure we keep up. I'll get you each a debit card from the bank, and you'll have some money for groceries and other things."

He nodded, and sat down in the 'guest' chair. He looked over, and askd, "Doing important stuff, or something you can put aside?".

I said, "I was just checking emails and things; normal morning routine. Nothing that can't wait."

He said, "Tim is still asleep, and I need my morning blow job." He leaned back, and spread his legs, and I locked my laptop, and crawled between his legs. He was already about half hard, and in a moment, he was stiff as a board. He leaned back, and sipped his coffee, and I went to work on his cock, and balls. Within just a minute, he tensed, and his morning load shot down my throat. I licked him clean, and when I finished, he asked, "So, it's just you and I right now. Are you really ok with all of this?"

I said, "Oddly enough, I spent a while on the patio alone this morning thinking about all of this, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm honestly happy. Putting aside the fact that you are my son, you are a consenting adult, and as long as we keep this to ourselves, I am good with this. We can't be reckless with money, but I have enough to keep us comfortable. I do want you to make sure that you get a job, and start building a career, and I want you to do well in school, but other than that, I think this will be just fine. I like Tim quite a bit, and he seems to be ok with having me around."

He said, "I left you in his control when I went to bed. What did you two get up to?"

I told him that Tim fucked me, and that it was his first time topping, and that he seemed to enjoy it. Tyler said in surprise, "First time?"

I thought for a moment, and even considered the possible consequences of my next statement, and finally said, "Tyler, I want to say something, and I want you to think about it as advice, and I don't want it to sound mean, or for you to do anything other than think about what I'm about to say. You have absolutely got to be very kind to Tim. I am honestly surprised that he's stayed with you for as long as he has. In all of the years that you two have been fooling around, you have never once considered his sexual needs, or desires. Even so, he has done his best to please and serve you in any way that you asked. The best thing that you could have done was to 'give' me to him. He is comfortable with me, and relaxed enough to try all of the things that he hasn't been able to do with you. Giving him control over me let him overcome some of the shyness or hesitation that he might have had in asking for what he wants in bed, and even so, he's very kind in bed. I want you to let him do that, and to enjoy himself doing it without the fear of you getting all possessive, or jealous, or whatever it was that made you put that cage on him. You'll get what you want, when you want it sexually from either of us; that has already been spelled out clearly. In between, you can let us enjoy ourselves too. You are free to explore in any direction that you want to, and you need to give us that freedom without consequences. I wasn't intending to say this, figuring that you'd come to these conclusions yourself, but since we are alone, I wanted to say it."

Tyler said, "I get what you're saying, and you are right. I never even thought that he might want to do other things, but in my mind, I know that I can't or won't do them. Having you in that role should make him happy, too. I feel bad that I haven't done more with him, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't mind you two getting together at all. I got into such a horny mood after I visited you last week, and when he told me about he and the busboy, I got jealous, I guess. I was still all geared up from taking control of you over the weekend, I decided to try the same with Tim, so I took the alpha role like I did with you. I didn't want to hit him, or spank him. I never want to hurt him, and I had read about those cages, and decided that would be the way to go. He responded to it pretty well, so I've just been pushing it further to see where he wants to go. I spanked him last night, and he was hard as hell afterwards, just like you. Well, I guess the best thing that I can do to satisfy him sexually is to let him do that with you. We'll see how things go."

He stood up, and said, "Time to get ready for school. I should be back around 4. Tim can have you until then. If you get groceries, don't forget milk, and I really like Wheaties. See you later."

He walked across the hall, grabbed some clothes off his bed, and headed across the hall into the bathroom, closing the door. I unlocked my laptop, and quickly ran through my inbox, and decided it was time for more coffee. I headed to kitchen, refilled my cup, and then on to the patio. I was surprised when I went outside to see Tim smoking a cigarette with a cup of coffee in front of him. I said, "I didn't hear you get up. When I got up, you were sound asleep, so I didn't wake you."

He said, "That was really nice what you said in there."

I asked, "What all did you hear, and why were you eavesdropping?"

He said, "I got up and heard you two talking. I went down the hall, and just as I got there, I heard Tyler say, "It's just you and I right now.....", I didn't want to intrude on your private conversation, but I couldn't help listening. You were right about my feelings, and I don't know why I stuck around him, either, but I think that this is going to be ok, too." He smiled, and then said, "Now, Slave.... Finish your coffee and your cigarette, and get into the bedroom. I'm going to go shower quickly, and I'll expect you to be on the bed when I get done."

With that he stood up, and I could see his cock hardening. I looked down, and sure enough, mine was hardening, too. I knew I had a little while, so I killed about 10 minutes with another cigarette. I went inside, and as I was refilling my coffee, and grabbing a water bottle, Tyler breezed past, said, "Bye dad, be back later." and out the door he went. I smiled, and thought to myself, "I honestly never thought I'd see my son heading out the door to school like you see in the movies again."

I headed down to the bedroom, put my coffee and the water bottle on the nightstand, and climbed onto the bed. I decided to lay on my back so I would look vulnerable to him, and my cock started to stiffen again. The water in the shower stopped, and I heard Tim toweling off in the bathroom. In a few moments, he came into the bedroom, naked, and semi-hard. He walked over to the bed, climbed in beside me, and said, "Pleasure me, slave."

I knew that he hadn't had a lot of experience with someone actually concerned with his pleasure, and this seemed like a very good way to introduce him to some of the pleasure he'd been missing out on. I said, "Yes, master.", rolled over, and gently stroked his arm. I leaned into his neck, and gently kissed his neck, and shoulders. I worked my way down and began to lick, and suck on his nipples. My hand brused his stomach, occasionally brushing his stiffening cock. I decided that I was going to make this last a while, and as I continued to work my way down, I decided to edge him. I kissed his stomach, brushing his cock with my chin. I stuck my tongue in his navel, and he giggled a bit. I caressed his thighs, and then kissed and licked my way down his pelvis. Still brushing his now fully engorged cock from time to time with my cheek, or my arm. I licked between his balls and his thigh, licked and sucked his balls a bit, and then slowly started working my way down his legs. I began to massage his feet, and he looked totally relaxed, and happy. I lifted his foot to my mouth, and began to suck his toes, one at a time. He squirmed with pleasure as I sucked his big toe, and when I licked the sole of his foot, he giggled a bit. I worked on the other foot for a while, and said, "Master, your front is done for the time being, would you please roll over?"

Tim was in ecstasy. In his mind, his thoughts were running wild. "This is the stuff that dreams were made of.", " He's doing things I only ever dreamed of.", "This feels so good.", "Oh, I've always wanted to try that.", "Why isn't he sucking my cock?", "What????? Roll over????", "I see what he's doing... he's edging me. That's cool. Let's see how this goes."

Tim looked down at me, nodded, and rolled onto his stomach. I reached up, and grabbed the extra pillow, and gently lifted his middle, and slid the pillow under. I pulled his cock down below the pillow. With the pillow under his stomack, his ass cheeks were spread just enough to be able to see his hole clearly. With that, I slowly carressed and massaged his calves, and the back of his thighs. I finally slid up, and decided to sit on his ass. My cock was hard, so I made sure to brush it along his crack. I leaned forward, and began to rub his shoulders, and upper back. I massaged him like this for a while, working down his arms, and basically letting his cock cool off a bit so I could start edging him again.

After about 15 minutes, I leaned down, and began to tongue his ears, and kiss his neck. I slowly massaged, kissed, and licked my way down and finally, I slid off of his ass, and back between his spread legs. I massaged his ass for a couple of minutes, working my way do and began to brush down his crack, past his balls, and down to the tip of his cock. He literally shivered, and started to shake as I slowly worked him into a frenzy. Finally, I leaned my face into his ass, and began to lick, and work his ass to the best of my ability. He responded by lifting a little more, and pushing back against my tongue. In a few minutes, he was up on all fours, and he had reached back with his hand and was pulling my face deeper into his crack. I started to realize that I wasn't getting much air at all, so I started to slow down a bit, and pulled back for a breath. When I was able to breath, I said, "Would master prefer to sit on my face, and help me to know what he wants pleasured?" I swung my body around into a 69 position, and pulled his ass gently back toward my face. He leaned back, and began to ride my tongue, and then finally settled where I could tongue his hole. I worked like this for a few minutes, and then he slowly started to slide back so his balls were in front of my mouth. I started to gently suck, and lick them, and a few moments later, he leaned forward, and his hole was back for more attention. I put my hands on his hips, and could feel him still shaking. He was breathing heavily, and gently moaning. Suddenly, he switched positions, turning around so his cock was right at my lips, and he said, "Suck my cock, slave."

Without a second thought, I leaned forward and took his cock into my mouth. It tasted of precum, but I hadn't seen any on his cock. I reached my left hand back, and slid it between his legs, resting my middle finger near his hole. I knew he wouldn't last very long, and I wanted to make him cum like he'd never cum in his life. I sucked him all the way in, and he grabbed the back of my head, pulling it up, and began to thrust into my throat. I used my right hand to slow him from time to time so I could get a breath, and he continued to face fuck me. I reached down, and started to touch his hole with my middle finger, gently tapping it and pausing on it as it flexed with his thrusts. His balls were tightening, and I could feel his cock grow, and I braced for his load. Just as the first spurt started to fly, I pressed my finger further into his ass, and in a moment, I could feel his engorged prostate gland pulsing. I gently pressed, and caressed it, and he continued to shoot gob after gob of cum into my mouth. His orgasm finally subsided, and I alsowly withdrew my finger, and swallowed his load. I started to pull my head back, cleaning his cock as I went, and when I finally pulled off entirely, he looked down, and said, "Oh, my God..... Oh, my God." and just fell down to the bed panting.

He was still breathing like he'd run a marathon. He had such a look of pleasure and contentment on his face that all I could do was to slowly slide my hand down his side, and say, "It seems that master is pleased. I'm so happy I could be of service."

He put his hand on my face, and said, "Oh, yes. Master is quite pleased. Oh, my God." His breathing slowed to an 'I walked 10 flights of stairs' pace, and I passed him the water bottle from the nightstand. I sat up, and grabbed my coffee cup, sipping the now cold coffee. He sat up, and started gulping the water down. Neither of us said a word. we both wanted this moment to last for a while. I gently rubbed his shoulder, and arm as he camed down from what was probably the best orgasm I had ever seen (including my own) Finally, he took the last gulp of water, and said, "I think I can walk now. Let's go out to the patio."

We walked out to the kitchen, got some coffee, and headed to the patio. We sat quietly, smoking, sipping our coffee, and he finally cleared his throat, and said, "I just don't have words..... That was the most incredible thing I've ever felt. Thank you."

I smiled, and said, "Of course. I think I enjoyed it as much as you did. When you're fully recovered, we should run and get some groceries, and maybe grab some breakfast while we're out." I headed in to get dressed, and ready to head out into civilization. He joined me.

We dressed and headed out. On the way to the grocery store, I stopped at Denny's, we grabbed breakfast. We spent nearly $300 at the grocery store, and headed home. Throughout the entire time we were out, he called me, "Dad." When we got home, we loaded the cupboards, and the fridge, and when we were done, we went out onto the patio for a smoke. As I finished my cigarette, I said, "I suppose that we should get undressed, since we're supposed to be naked all the time at home." With that, I headed in, and down the hall to my bedroom to get undressed. To be honest, being naked was kind of freeing, and having Tim around naked all the time was pretty cool, too. Tim walked into the room just as I finished undressing. I headed into the bathroom to take a leak, and just as I finished, I heard, "Don't flush.", and Tim walked into the bathroom. I finished shaking, and when he started to pee, I walked behind him, reached around, and took his cock into my hand, holding it while he pissed. I said, "This is what slaves are for, master. I'm here to serve your every need." When he finished peeing, I shook him dry. He turned, grabbed my arm, and pulled me toward the bedroom. He walked over beside the bed, and said, "On your knees, slave. Suck my cock." I got down on my knees, and started sucking his cock. As I hungrily sucked his cock, he reached over onto the night stand, and grabbed the bottle of lube. He opened the bottle, and said, "That's enough of that, slave. Stand and bend over the bed."

I stood up, and bent over the side of the bed, making sure to spread my ass for what I was certain was coming. Once I was laid over the bed, I felt his finger start to lube my ass, and then heard him applying lube to his cock. Without a word, I felt the head of his cock press against my hole, and he smoothly plunged his cock into my ass. He fucked me hard, and deep for about 5 minutes, and then I felt his load spray into my ass. When he was done, he pulled out, grabbed the towel he'd used for his shower, wiped himself clean, and left the room. I stood up, and headed into the bathroom to clean up. I came back into the bedroom to find Tim holding two cups of coffee, and as he handed one to me, he said, "You have been very obedient, slave. I am going to reward you now. Lay down on the bed." I took a sip of coffee, and sat down on the bed with my back against the headboard. He reached out, spread my legs a bit to get them where he wanted them, and sat his coffee cup down on the night stand. With that, he crawled up on the bed, and began to suck my cock.

Tim had definitely had a lot of practice sucking cock, and it felt so good. It didn't seem like he was going to edge me, rather, he was going full tilt to make me cum. It didn't take long for his fingers to find their way to my hole where there was still some residual lube inside. Just as I was about to cum, he pressed his finger into my hole, and repeated what I had done to him exactly. I saw stars, and had one of the best orgasms I'd had in years. He swallowed my load, pulled his finger out, sat up, and washed the load down with his coffee. I sipped my coffee as well, and in a moment, Tim said, "I think I'm really going to like this arrangement."

Tim smiled, stood up, and headed out to the patio. I followed a moment later, and joined him on the patio after refilling my coffee. It was 2PM, and Tyler wasn't going to be home for a few hours. It'll be interesting to see what the afternoon brings.

< Thank you for reading part 6 - part 7 will be along shortly. Would you guys prefer longer chapters, or short ones like this? *** As always, comments are welcome, and don't forget to donate to keep nifty alive. >

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