Son Takes Control

By Dillon Forsythe

Published on Jul 16, 2023


< Author's note: I would really like to thank everyone who has commented and sent feedback. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I've struggled with where to take this story, and after several rewrites, and some feedback from you all, I finally have this chapter written. I look forward to your comments, and please, don't hesitate to make suggestions on where we go next - no promises on that, but I will listen to you :-) >

********* Tim said, "Any time, dad. I mean that. I just wish that I didn't have this cage on, so I could enjoy things more. It's really beginning to hurt."

I said, "Was that the first time you've ever been spanked?" He nodded, and said, "I have seen it in videos, but it sure hurts a lot more than I'd imagined. As you said, explore your boundaries, and roll with it. I don't want to do it again anytime soon, but knowing Tyler, I'm sure it will happen again."

I said, "Well, I wonder what he could have forgotten that would make him run to the apartment at 2AM?" Tim shrugged his shoulders, and said, "I have no idea, but I guess we'll find out soon." With that, we both lit a cigarette, and leaned back thinking about the last hour or so, and what the next hour might bring.

We smoked quietly, both of us contemplating how things were turning out. For my part, I really liked Tim, and to be honest, he was the kind of boy that I looked for on the occasions that I hooked up using Grindr, or looking around on Craigslist. In this case, he was clean, friendly, and seemed to enjoy sex quite a bit, so he was perfect. I just didn't know what Tyler had in mind as far as interactions with other than him. I did get a blow job, and got to fuck Tim, and Tim seemed to enjoy that, so I was cautiously hopeful that things would continue along that vein. I know that Tim didn't have a lot of experience other than with Tyler, and what that meant as far as Tim getting any pleasure out of things, and I'd happily help him in that area if he wanted to, and Tyler permitted it.

Tim sat quietly thinking to himself, "My parents would kill me if they knew I was gay. The church was firmly against that, and if my parents ever find out, then they'll cut me off completely, and let me fend for himself. In this case, Tyler's dad is very nice, and I like him a lot. How different parents can be. This cage is killing me, but all I can do is let Tyler do what he wants to do. My ass hurts a lot from the spanking, and I hope that doesn't happen too often. I don't know if I should be ashamed because it turned me on so much to be spanked - at least the cage kept my boner down. I think they both noticed, and if they did, then Tyler will probably spank me again because he thinks it pleases me... and it does... but it hurts.... I'm confused. I don't know how long Tyler will be gone, he could be back at any time, but I'd sure like to let his dad fuck me again... Tyler did say that we could do whatever we want to do, right? Is that a test? Will it result in a spanking? I wish I knew. "Dad" is so nice, and I'd love to make him as happy as he wants to be. Especially since he's going to let us move in and take the pressure off of my parents for the apartment rent. Oh well, I guess we'll see where things go."

Tim finished his cigarette and asked, "I hate to be a bother, but is there anything to eat? I haven't eaten since before work, and I'd love a snack if there is one around here."

I looked over at him, and said, "As far as I'm concerned, you live here, and you can help yourself to whatever you want to eat. There are some things in the fridge, and in the pantry, and you can look around and see if there is anything there that appeals to you. We'll go grocery shopping tomorrow, and when we do, please don't be shy about the things that you like to eat - as far as I'm concerned, you're family, and I want you to be comfortable. The rules are that anything in the fridge or the pantry is fair game, and when you're done eating, clean up the counters, put the dishes in the dishwasher, and if the dishwasher is full, run it. If it's full, and clean, put the dishes away, and put the dirty ones in to start the process over again. Now, let me show you around a bit."

We stood up, and headed into the house, and I took him into the kitchen. I showed him around the cupboards, and the pantry. Since I lived alone, and ordered out a lot, I really didn't have much in the way of food around. He pulled open the fridge, and leaned in to grab some left-over pasta from a night or two ago, bending down so he could reach in and grab it. When he did, I subconsciously reached out and caressed his bare ass. He didn't react, other than to say, "Mmmmm", and pulled the pasta container out. I pointed toward the microwave, and he walked toward it, and set it for four minutes on medium. Once he started the microwave, he turned around to face me, reached out, and grabbed my cock, then dropped to his knees, and began to suck it. I leaned back on the counter, and enjoyed the sensation of his hot, wet mouth on my cock, and began to get hard almost immediately. I was lost in the pleasure of his mouth when the microwave beeped, and he reluctantly pulled off and stood to get his food. I said, "Thank you for that. When the cage comes off, I'll have to return the favor." He smiled, grabbed a fork out of the drawer, and sat down at the breakfast bar to eat. I grabbed another coke for him, and put it in front of him. When he finished eating, we headed into the living room, and turned on the tv, and took our places on the couch. I tossed him the remote, and he scanned through the channels, and put on an episode of "Law and Order". We leaned back and watched the episode,and he reached over and grabbed my cock, gently jerking me while we watched tv.

About 10 minutes later, Tyler came in the front door, glanced over at us, smiled, and didn't say anything. He walked into the living room, and started to strip down, and when he was naked, he sat down in the chair. Tim continued to jerk me slowly, and Tyler looked across and asked, "What did you two get up to while I was gone?" I told him that Tim had a snack, and that we'd just put on the tv. He said, "I've got a snack for you. I want both of you sucking my cock, now." We both stood up and went over in front of him, knelt, and we both leaned in at the same time, knocking our heads together. [The logistics of two guys going down on a third while he's seated in a chair is tough, just in case you're wondering.] It took us a few moments to work out how we could do this, and we ended up going high, and low. I went low and licked Tyler's balls, and Tim went high, and sucked his cock. Tyler seemed to like this a lot, and after only about 5 minutes, he shot his load into Tim's mouth. Tim licked him clean, and Tyler said, "I'm very pleased with the obedience that you two are showing. Dad, please hand me my shorts."

I reached over and grabbed Tyler's shorts from the floor where he'd stripped, and passed them over to him. Tyler rummaged in the pockets for a moment, and then said, "Tim, stand up." Tim stood up, and Tyler handed him the key to the cage, and said, "Unlock it, and hand it over. You've been a good boy, and since the situation has changed quite a bit, I'm going to free you. Keep in mind, both of you, that this cage can go on whenever you disobey."

Tim was trying to unlock the cage, and was having a difficult time getting the padlock open. I reached out a hand as an offer of help, and he gratefully looked down and handed the key to me. From my vantage point, kneeling in front of him, I was able to unlock the cage in a moment. Once the lock was opened, Tim was able to slide the cage open and free his cock. In a matter of seconds, it was at half-mast, and I couldn't help but admire how nice it looked. Tim handed the cage to Tyler, who locked the padlock on it, and set it aside on the table. Tyler said, "Tim, now that I've freed you, I've decided that for the rest of the night until noon tomorrow, you can make use of dad in any way that you want to. Dad, just as if it were me, you do what Tim tells you to do. Tim, if he disobeys, you may punish him, and if you do, I want to know so I can punish him too. Now, dad, since you're in the right place, go ahead and suck his cock."

I leaned in and took Tim's cock into my mouth, gently grabbing his balls while I sucked. In a second, he was fully hard, and in less than a minute, he exploded in my mouth. He looked very happy when I glanced up at him. Tyler said, "Good, I think he needed that. I'm tired, and I have class at 10AM tomorrow, so I'm heading down to bed. Tim, have fun, and enjoy him all you want to. Good night." With that, he stood up, and headed down the hall, carrying the clothes he had just taken off under his arm, and the cage in the other hand.

Tim looked down at me, and was beginning to come down off his orgasm, and said, "I have to take a leak. I'll meet you outside for a smoke." With that, he turned and headed down the hall following Tyler. I stood up, and headed toward the patio, and just as I opened the door, I could hear Tim say, "Thank you Tyler, and good night." distantly down the hall. I went outside, lit a cigarette, and waited for Tim to come outside. A minute or so later, the patio door slid open, and Tim came out and sat down. He lit a cigarette, and he said, "How do you feel about this situation? Are you ok with me bossing you around?"

I said, "Yes, I am. Totally. I have enjoyed your services this evening, and like I told you, I'm happy to return the favor. Please, dont be shy, and know that I'm happy to do whatever you want to do. I do enjoy being 'commanded', so please don't be shy about taking control."

He said, "Good. I'm very horny, and I have so many things I want to try. When we're done with our cigarettes, we'll go to your room, and see what my mind can come up with."

I looked over, smiled, and said, "And, please, be selfish and enjoy yourself all that you want to."

We smoked quietly for a few more minutes, and he stubbed out his cigarette, and stood up, saying, "C'mon slave, time to pleasure your master."

I stubbed out my cigarette, and followed him into the house, turning the lights out as we went, stopping at the bathroom for a piss on the way, and when I got to the room, he had the table lamp on, and was laying on his stomach on the bed. He said, "My butt is still very sore, and I want you to kiss it and make it better, slave." I crawled up from the end of the bed, and began to kiss, and caress his butt. He murmered in pleasure, and said, "Work on my crack, now." I spead he cheeks, and began to slowly lick from the bottom just behind his balls to the top, pausing as I passed over his hole. I continued, working my tongue deeper into his hole with each pass, finally sucking on his hole. He continued to squirm in pleasure. After about 10 minutes, he said, "Time to work on the front, now.", and he rolled over onto his back. I climbed a little higher on the bed, and started at his nipples, licking and sucking them for a short while, and slowly working my way down to his stomach. I licked his navel, making sure that my chin brushed his hard cock once in a while. His cock was so hard, it was throbbing and bouncing. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore, and said, "Suck my cock, slave."

At his command, I slid the last little bit down, and began to suck his cock. His cock was just slightly longer than Tyler's, and a bit thicker, with a perfect circumcision and a nice broad head. I began to suck his cock, going as deep as I could, and pulling all the way back to the end. I was going slowly, trying to make this as pleasurable as I could for him. After a couple of minutes, I could feel his balls begin to tighten, so I pulled off, and went down and began to lick and suck his balls. I alternated between sucking his cock, and cooling him down for about 20 minutes, and by the way he was squirming, he wanted to cum very badly. I had him on the edge, and as I was about to pull off, he reached down and pushed my head down on his cock, and began to thrust into my mouth. In a few seconds, he once again shot a huge load into my throat, and I sucked until he released my head. When he let me go, I licked the few remaining dabs of cum from his pubic area, and his cock. Amazingly, he never got fully soft, and within a few moments, his cock began to stiffen again. He said, "That was pretty awesome. Let's go have a cigarette.", and we went outside for a smoke. When we were outside, he said, "I could get used to having a slave, especially you. You give great head."

I said, "Thank you. Don't be shy if there's anything else you want to try, too. I really enjoy making you feel good."

Tim said, "I want to fuck you when we get back inside. Is that lube in the living room still, or did Tyler take it with him to the bedroom?"

I said, "We'll find out when we get inside. If he took it, I have some more in my room. Even if we have to go dry, I still want to feel you inside me, so that will happen."

He leaned back and smiled, and said, "I can't wait. I've given my ass to Tyler for years, and a couple of other guys, but I have never tried being the top before. I can't wait to try it."

I looked at him, and I know that my jaw dropped, and I said, "You've taken it all this time, and have never once topped? I feel so sorry for you, and I'm so glad that you'll finally be able to get your chance. You may have to try several times before you get comfortable with it, and I'm looking forward to it, as much as you are."

He smiled and said, "Yeah, I will need a lot of practice, I think. We should go begin practicing now." With that, he stood up, his hard cock jutting out in front of him, and stubbed out his cigarette. I put my cigarette out, and we headed inside. On the way through the living room, I grabbed the lube from the table, and followed him down to my room.

He closed the door behind us as we entered, and as we approached the bed, he pushed me forward so I was leaning over the bed. He took the lube from my hand, and I heard the lid open. I felt him work a liberal amount of lube into my hole, and then heard him do the same for his cock. One advantage to him having been a bottom for so long was that he was sensitive to how it felt to receive, and he was being very good to me. In a moment, I felt the head of his cock sliding up and down my crack in search of the hole, and when he found it, he gently pushed forward, easing his cock head in. He pushed in an inch or so, then withdrew until only the head was in, then pushed a little further, repeating that process until I felt his hips pressing on my ass cheeks. He said, "Very tight, and it feels really good. No wonder everyone wants to do this all the time." He slowly pulled out, and pushed back in, and said, "How hard or fast do you like it?"

I said, "It has always been my experience that once a cock has penetrated my ass, the cock is in charge. It isn't up to me to do anything but what I'm told when I've given myself like this. I appreciate your asking, but this is all for you. There is no right, or wrong, it is only what you want for as long as you want it, so like I told you before, be selfish, and don't worry about me."

He said, "Cool. I may have to practice a lot to find what I like most. Here goes..." and with that, he pulled almost all the way out, and thrust back in deeply, and hard. He thrust like that for a few strokes, and then shortened the stroke a bit, and increased his force. He experimented with a lot of different 'styles', finally settling back on the deep, hard stroke he had started with. He began to develop a rhythm, and he was fucking so hard that it was rocking the bed, rattling the lamp on the table touching the bed, and I could only imagine that Tyler could hear the slapping sound as he thrust deep inside of me. He lasted slightly longer this time, since it was the third time he'd cum in less than an hour, but within about 10 minutes, I felt him shudder, and his load explode inside of me. He leaned forward, laying on top of me, with his cock still in my ass, sweating, and his rapid breaths hitting my shoulder. He just laid still for a few minutes, letting the waves of pleasure roll over him, and then he said, "That was great. Was it ok for you?"

I said, "It was wonderful, and it really felt good. You're a natural at this, but I'd still recommend a lot of practice."

He smiled, pushed up off of my back, and it was only then that I realized that his cock was still hard inside of me. He said, "Oh, yeah.... ", as he pulled most of the way out, and then thrust back inside as deeply as he could. "I think I'll practice some more now." With that, he started fucking again, deep and hard, and this time he lasted nearly 30 minutes. I could feel his first load squishing inside of me, and that further lubricated my hole, so there was no pain or discomfort... only the feeling of his hard, teen cock passing over my prostate every second or two. His next load exploded deep inside again, and this time, he pulled his cock out, rolled over, and flopped on his back on the bed. He was smiling, and his cock was finally softening all the way as his breathing started to slow, and he had sweat pouring off of his face and chest.

I said, "That was an incredible fuck. I mean, really incredible. I very nearly came at the end, myself."

He smiled, and said, "Next time, maybe you will. Let's go have a cigarette. It's almost time to get some sleep, but I'll sleep with you tonight." I stood up, and said, "I need to wipe up a bit," and headed to the bathroom where I cleaned up. When I returned, he was still laying on his back, breathing was still heavy, and he was still smiling ear to ear. I walked over in front of him, reached my hand out, and pulled him up to his feet. We staggered out to the patio, and sat down to smoke.

He said, "I really, really liked that, and I know that I want to do it more. I loved receiving, but I think that giving is slightly better. Thank you for letting me feel so comfortable doing it the first time."

I said, "Of course. Don't forget, I took nearly as much pleasure as you did, so I'm all in favor of you doing it more."

We smoked, and then we headed into the house, and back down to the room. When we arrived, he said, "Lay on your back on the bed." I did, and he climbed on top of me, and placed his ass right in front of my face. He said, "Rim me again.", and I started to lick his ass and tongue his hole. After a couple of minutes, he leaned down and began to suck my cock. In a matter of moments, I was hard again, and he continued to suck deeply. Suddenly, he climbed off, swung around, and sat down on my cock. He reached down, grabbed my arms, pulled them over my head, and began to grind on my cock. He was power-bottoming me, and this was something that I'd always wanted to try. He ground on my for about 10 minutes, and I grunted that I was about to cum, and he continued as if I hadn't said anything. A moment later, I exploded inside of him, and he didn't slow down, or stop at all. It was starting to get uncomfortable, and I said, "I think that's enough... " and he held my arms tighter, and continued to grind. When my breath was so ragged that I could barely breath at all, he finally stopped, and climbed off. He said, "That's exactly what it is like when people choke themselves during sex. I learned that from the one person other than Tyler that ever fucked me. Roll over."

I rolled over onto my stomach, still breathing like I'd run a marathon, and I felt his fingers slide down to my hole. He gently rubbed my butt, and his finger would slide down my crack from time to time. After a few minutes, I felt him slide down, and then slowly, tentatively, I felt his tongue slide down my crack. He said, "I don't know if I'll be any good at this, but I do want to try it. It felt so good when you did it." With that, he started giving his first rim job. He licked, tongued, fingered, and worked on my hole; oh did it feel good. After a few minutes, he said, "Time for round 3, lift that ass up." I got up on all fours, and he positioned himself behind me, and in a moment, I felt his cock slide deep inside my ass. He slam fucked me for about 20 minutes, once again cumming inside of me, and when he was through, he said, "Now, it's time for sleep... I'm beat." I collapsed where I was, and he climbed up toward the pillows, and within a few moments, we were both sleeping soundly.

As I drifted off to sleep, I knew that I was going to be very happy with the new circumstances, and I marveled at how much Tyler and Tim had changed my life in the past couple of weeks. Tomorrow would be another day, and I was looking forward to what was next. Tim rolled over, and laid an arm across my back, with his hand coming to rest on my ass, and that was the last thing I remembered before I fell asleep.

< Thank you for reading part 5 - part 6 will be along shortly. As always, comments are welcome, and don't forget to donate to keep nifty alive.>

Next: Chapter 7

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