Son Takes Control

By Dillon Forsythe

Published on Jul 11, 2023


Gay, Authoritarian

< Author's note: I would really like to thank everyone who has commented and sent feedback. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I've struggled with where to take this story, and after several rewrites, and some feedback from you all, I finally have this chapter written. I look forward to your comments, and please, don't hesitate to make suggestions on where we go next - no promises on that, but I will listen to you :-) >

********* I had already pulled off my shirt, and stood up and unbuttoned my shorts, figuring what the hell, I dropped them, and stood in front of Tim stark naked. I looked at Tim, and said, "Based on my experience over the past week, he's serious, so if I were you, I'd do what he says. He seems to be in a mood, and I think he processed everything while he was gone." Tim was pulling his shirt off, and then stood up, and dropped his pants. I was still astonished at the bulge in front of his shorts. He sighed, took a deep breath, and dropped his underwear, revealing the cage that I had bought earlier in the week. I glanced at it, and he blushed. He said, "I told you I'd tell you about it 'sometime' - I just didn't think it would be this soon." With that, we both turned and got into the pool. Tyler looked approvingly from the deep water. Tim muttered under his breath, "He has a funny look on his face... one that I haven't seen before... I wonder what's next?" I looked at him, and said, "I wonder, too." With that, we both swam out into the pool.

We swam for a while, and after about 15 minutes, I got out, grabbed the ashtray, and my cigarettes, and went back over and sat in the spa at the end of the pool. I lit a cigarette, and sat for a moment wondering what would be next. I had to admit to myself that I was enjoying this scenario, but I also worried about the risk. A few minutes later, Tim swam over to the spa, and asked if he could join me. I said, "Yes, of course. It seems like privacy is a thing of the past, so no need to be shy I guess." Tim asked if he could have a cigarette, and I passed him the pack and the lighter, placing the ashtray on the edge of the pool between us. He lit a cigarette, and leaned back. Tyler was floating lazily at the other end of the pool, and seemed quite relaxed, but deep in thought.

I looked toward Tim, and then down at the cage that was barely visible through the water, and I said, "I do have to ask.... what's the story behind that?"

Tim took a drag of his cigarette, and said, "I've told you about our relationship; that started a few years ago. When we moved down here, I was hopeful that it would continue, and hoping beyond hope that he would finally relent and start doing things to 'help me out', too. I thought that maybe if he was away from all of the people we knew, in a big city where nobody knows us that maybe he'd be more willing to try other things. In all of our years together, and all of the times that we've had sex, it's always been 'him' having sex. He's never even so much as given me a hand job, or for that matter, I don't think he's ever intentionally touched my cock. Well, one of the busboys at the restaurant is very cute, and one evening after we'd finished cleaning up, we went out to his car, and smoked a bowl together. As we talked, it was clear that he is a gay boy, too, and one thing lead to another, and we ended up giving each other head. When I got home a little later than usual, Tyler noticed I was baked, and asked me where I got high. I told him, and unfortunately, I didn't think about what I was saying, and I ended up telling him about the busboy."

I said, "And he didn't take that very well, I'd imagine."

Tim said, "He was furious, but he didn't yell, or anything. He just said, "I don't want you going out and getting any bugs," and went to bed."

I asked, "What day was this, if you don't mind me asking?"

He told me, "It was last Saturday evening, and that I didn't see, or talk to Tyler until I got home from work Monday night. Why?"

I then proceeded to explain to him about Tyler and I on Sunday last week. I also explained that he'd sent me the link to the cage, and ordered me to have it ASAP, and that he'd picked it up Wednesday evening. I said, "I honestly think you're right, he was furious, but as a result, I think he took his anger out on me."

Tim said, "When he picked me up from work Wednesday evening, he asked me to point out the busboy that I'd fooled around with. I had no idea what he was going to do, so I told him that he hadn't worked that night. He walked right past us in the car as we were sitting there. Tyler told me that our agreement was just he and I, and that he didn't want me messing around with anyone else. When we got home to the apartment, the cage was sitting on the living room table, and he told me to get undressed. The rest, as you can see, is history. What sucks about this the most is that I'm usually a twice a day jacker, so this has been a rough few days. I usually blow Tyler in the morning when we get up for school, and he usually fucks me before he goes to sleep, and when he's done, I usually jerk right afterwards. Things haven't changed as far as his appetites, but I don't have the opportunity for relief anymore. Looks like he's swimming this way."

He leaned over and stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray. Just as he finished stubbing it out, Tyler climbed over the pool wall into the spa. He asked, "Are you two getting along? Remember, no secrets." We both nodded, and he said, "Let's head inside. We need to continue our discussion." With that, he climbed out of the spa, and headed into the house. We both got out, toweled off, and followed Tyler inside.

We got inside, and Tyler was sitting in the 'game chair' that he had moved earlier. He had turned it so that it was facing the couch, and he pointed toward the couch, and said, "Have a seat boys." Tim and I each grabbed a seat on the couch. Since Tim's clothes were piled on the end toward the patio, we ended up sitting next to each other, Tim on the end, and me in the middle. We both looked toward Tyler, as he cleared his throat, and said, "We're going to have a long talk now. Dad, please bring us some sodas. Tim, while he's doing that, you need to come over and suck my cock." I stood up and headed toward the kitchen to get the drinks, and as I left, I saw Tim sliding forward onto his knees in front of Tyler. I got glasses, and ice, and three bottles of Coke from the fridge, popping the tops, and then carried it all into the living room. I approached Tyler, who was leaned back as Tim was sucking his cock in fast, steady motions. I put two of the glasses, and two of the Cokes on the table in front of the couch, and leaned in to hand Tyler the last glass and his soda. Tim kind of glanced up at me, and Tyler accepted the glass and the soda. He said, "Thank you, you can go sit now." I went over to the couch, leaned forward, took a glass, and a soda, and poured my drink. Tyler said, "Tim, you can go sit, too." Tim stood up, and came over to the couch, and his cage was straining to contain his cock. I knew this was difficult (I know, I could have said, 'hard' here :-) ) for him, but he was very obviously turned on by being ordered around just like I was. He sat down, grabbed his glass, and filled it with soda.

Tyler leaned forward, his cock still throbbing, and reaching up to touch his navel, and said, "OK, for the next little while, there is no "I'm in charge, or me being dominant. We need to have a serious talk about how things are going to go around here. For the time being, you two can speak honestly, and frankly without any fear of punishment. I have some thoughts, and I'll go ahead and start us off. It is plain to me that both of you seem to enjoy the role of submissive - just look, you're both hard right now - one from watching, and the other from being told what to do. I do want Tim and I to move in with you, dad, and this is the time for you to speak if you have any ground rules that you'd like us to follow."

I cleared my throat, and said, "Well, as it happens, I do enjoy not having control. On that point, you are correct. It has been like that since my college days, and with the one exception that you're my son, this is working fine for me. Since you're a consenting adult, I can get past the incest thing. I find you both very attractive, so I'm fine with you moving in. I do have some things that I want to lay out as 'House Rules', and regardless of anything else that happens, these must be followed:

  1. You must respect my work, and do absolutely nothing to interfere with it, or otherwise disrupt my job. This is what pays the bills, and puts food on the table, so don't fuck with it. 2. I am fine with smoking weed - I used to smoke too, but my job prohibits it, and I'm subject to testing, so I don't mind if you smoke, as long as it is outside, and you don't try to pressure me into smoking with you. 3. I am not ok with any other drugs, or drug use - in or out of the house. If you do this, I will toss the offender out, or into treatment that very day. 4. There will be no drug sales by either of you - I will contact the authorities if I find out that you are selling any drugs. 5. Anything that happens as far as sex stays between us - not one word about it outside of the house, and if we have company, no mention or suggestive comments at all to indicate that you are anything other than my son, and his friend staying with me while they go to school. You will each have your own room, your own bed, and for all intents and purposes, will be living separately - regardless of what sleeping arrangements end up happening. 6. Keeping the house in order is everyone's job, and I'll expect things to be kept neat. Dishes go in the dishwasher when you're done with them. I do not want a bug problem, so don't leave dishes or things laying around. I have a housekeeper that comes once a month to vacuum, and clean, but in between, we will keep things tidy. I have people from work that stop by from time to time, and this relates to rule #1. 7. Friends - you can have them, and you can have them over to visit. Just like any parent, I want this done responsibly, and I do not want any parties, or surprise visits. I'd appreciate it if you would make arrangements when you plan to have someone over, and for that matter, we should put together a calendar/schedule so we can all stay aware of what's going on as things get busy. 8. As far as sex goes, "No" means "No" - there are things that I am not comfortable doing, and I imagine that there are things that both of you are not comfortable doing. I have no problem trying things, and I encourage both of you to explore your limits and boundaries, but if someone says, "No", then you stop - anything else is rape, and once again, the authorities will become involved. Part of the turn-on for me in losing control and taking orders is being able to relinquish my right to say no, but even that may have a limit, and I will not have those lines crossed. 9. From time to time, I travel for work, and sometimes I'm out of town for a week or two. When I'm gone, all of the above rules still apply - particularly the one about parties and friends. I have to be able to trust you while I'm away, and I expect you to respect that it is my home, but I want you to be comfortable and treat it as if it were yours. 10. I would like you both to maintain at least a 3.5gpa in school, and each of you to have a part-time job. This is a good way for you to become socially integrated with others your age, and to help you become self-sufficient. I'll have three mouths to feed, so the more you can take care of yourselves, and contribute, the better off we'll be as a family unit. That is what I want this to be, and as far as I'm concerned, Tim is going to be treated just as if he were another son of mine.

In return for all of that, I don't expect Tim's family to pay anything toward rent when you move in. I know that they don't have a lot of money, and as long as you two are contributing, I think we'll be just fine without that. If they insist on contributing, we'll put the money into a special fund for school or something. I really want you both to graduate with little or no debt.

From my point of view, none of the above is negotiable. If any of that is not acceptable to either of you, then the idea of you moving in ends right now. I need to hear from each of you that you understand, and that you will agree to those rules. Tim?"

Tim said, "I agree to all of those rules."

I said, "Tyler?"

Tyler said, "Dad, those rules sound fair, and I agree to them. Tim, it's your turn - do you have anything that you'd like to say?"

Tim said, "Tyler, you are right, I do enjoy having you control me, but," he pointed down to the cage, "I think this is a bit much. I have known I was gay since I was about 12, and my cousin Derek and I ended up sucking each other's cocks. Through high school, you know I couldn't come out, and you were the only other person that I fooled around with. When Billy ended up sucking my cock the other night, it was the first time in six years that anyone other than myself made me cum. I know that you don't have any interest in getting me off, it is just about you getting off, and I've come to accept that. Ido want to try other things, and that means that I'll have to try them with other people. For a while, and I'm not sure how long that will be, I'm fine with taking your orders, and serving your pleasures because this new dominant you turns me on quite a bit. When the time comes that I want to try things with other people, you have to understand that I have needs other than your pleasure, and these are things that you won't do, so stop being a selfish shithead. Do you understand what I'm sayin?"

Tyler said, "Tim, I honestly didn't give a lot of thought to what you just explained. You are right, I don't want to do some things, and like dad said, "No means no.", but I get what you're saying. We'll have to figure something out to get you what you want. I do want to continue what we've been doing, so I want it to be safe. Anything else on your mind?"

Tim said, "No, that was it. I do really like your dad a lot, and I'm glad things are working out this way. I guess this means it's your turn... What's on your mind?"

Tyler said, "Why don't you two go have a smoke, and let me think for a few minutes. " and he pointed towards the patio. We both stood up, and headed outside. I walked over to the spa, and slid back into the water, and Tim joined me a moment later. We both lit a cigarette, and sat thoughtfully for a minute.

Tim finally cleared his throat and said, "I've wanted to tell him that for a few years. He seemed to take it better than I'd expected. I'm glad I finally got it out."

I said, "I think you explained it well, and he did say that this was a gloves off conversation, so you were right to tell him. I had to get the house rules out, just to make sure that things don't get too crazy. I hope you understand."

He said, "I totally get it, and to be honest, I think your rules are very fair. Neither one of us uses drugs, other than the weed I told you about earlier, and I imagine that is why you loosened the restrictions on that. I will smoke outside, and totally respect that; I'm so happy to be able to smoke openly around a father figure. My father would banish me to treatment for even talking about it. You are very cool, and I do like you a lot."

I said, "Well, you aren't my son, and you're very cute. I like you a lot, too. Who knows what will happen once this all settles down."

He blushed, and leaned over and stubbed out his cigarette. As he was getting out of the spa, his foot 'accidentally' dragged across my lap. He said, "Well, we should head in and see what Mr. Devious has in store for us. Why does this turn me on so much?"

I said, "I don't know, but it turns me on, too. All I can say is that some of the best experiences in life happen because you dont think about them too much, and just roll with the flow, so my best advice is - just go with it, and enjoy it all to the fullest extent possible. You're only young once, and don't be afraid to try things at least once, twice if you like them." With that, I climbed out of the spa, and we headed toward the patio door.

When we went into the living room, Tyler was still sitting in his chair. He motioned toward the couch, and we both took our seats. Tyler said, "I've given this a lot of thought, and here is what I have to say. I know that you both like to be controlled, so I intend to be the alpha around here. When I want sex with one of you, I expect you to comply. You both know that I have a high sex drive, so I'll probably be using one or both of you at least twice a day. I will also admit that I have enjoyed punishing dad, and that when I'm displeased by either of your performance, I will punish the offender.

I've thought about what Tim said, and what dad said about Tim being 'another son', and I like that idea. I've known Tim nearly all of my life, we grew up together, so he may as well be a brother. That doesn't mean that he is any better than you are dad with regard to being punished, or him being used for my pleasure when I choose to do that. You each have your merits as far as things you do well. Dad, you give better head than anyone I've ever tried, and Tim, I love the way you squirm when I fuck you. Are you both comfortable with my role as 'Alpha' in this household?"

I looked over at Tim, and he was nodding. I nodded, too. Tyler said, "Good, now, let's get down to business. We have some outstanding issues to take care of, and then we can get this thing in motion. Tim, you have displeased me twice this week. The first time was when you messed around with Billy busboy, and the second time was this evening when you didn't text like I told you and walked in on dad and I. This was always going to be something that happened, but your early arrival made this a lot more traumatic than it should have been. For that, I am going to have to punish you. I can forgive the Billy busboy thing since you have explained why it happened, but the other was just not acceptable. I have never spanked you before, but tonight you deserve it. This will also serve to help enforce your understanding of my alpha role around here. Now, come here and lay across my lap; I think 25 swats should teach you a lesson."

Tim said, "Tyler, you already caged me for three days, isn't that punishment enough?"

Tyler said, "Tim, it only gets worse if you argue with me. Now, you're getting 30 swats. Get over here, and take your punishment."

I said, "He's serious, so I'd do it if I were you."

Tyler said, "Shut up, dad. I don't need your help with this. One more word, and you'll get the same punishment. Tim, get over here."

I closed my mouth, and looked over at Tim. He slowly stood up, and once again, his cage was straining. It was obvious that he was turned on by this, but it was also obvious that he was somewhat frightened, too. He walked toward Tyler, and hesitated, and said, "Which way should I lay?"

Tyler said, "I'm right handed, so lay across from my right side. Hands flat on the floor, feet touching the floor. If either a hand, or a foot comes up off the floor, we start again at one. Count the swats aloud."

Tim laid across Tyler's lap, put his hands and feet on the floor as instructed, and braced himself for what was to come. Tyler gently brushed his hand across Tim's bare ass, caressing it softly. The look on his face was part nervous, and part excitement. According to both of them, this was something new to them, and it appeared that they were both anxious about the outcome. A moment later, Tyler's hand came up, and swung down with a resounding slap on Tim's ass. Just like me, he involuntarily lifted a hand from the floor in surprise,and said, "One." Tyler said, "No, you lifted your hand, so that was zero. Here we go again." I sat and watched as swat after swat made Tim's ass red. Hand prints were visible on his butt, but to his credit, he didn't lift a hand or a foot. I know this had to sting awfully since we had just gotten out of the spa, so his skin was moist. Finally, after about 10 minutes, Tim said, "Thirty," and I knew he had tears in his eyes. His voice was rough, and he was fighting the urge to cry out loud. He started to get up, but Tyler held him down.

Tyler said, "You took it well. I didn't want to have to do that to you, but you know that you deserved it, right?"

Tim said, "Yes, Tyler. I promise to do as you say from now on."

Tyler said, "That's good. Now, dad, come over here and kiss it and make it better."

Without hesitation, I stood up, walked over to where Tim's ass was exposed and spread, knelt, and began to kiss his ass cheeks as I was instructed. Tyler watched for a moment, and looked pleased. Then he said, "Now, eat his ass like you ate mine. I want that pussy nice and lubed for when we punish the inside."

I slowly began to lick Tim's crack, pausing to go slowly over his hole. After a few long, slow licks, I began to focus on his hole, pushing my tongue further into his hole with each lick. Tim actually sighed a little bit, and began to respond. I lifted my hand, and could feel the area behind his cock tightening. The cage must be under a lot of strain. I continued to eat his hole, and he really started to push back and make murmuring noises. After about 10 minutes, Tyler said, "Dad, go down and get the new bottle of lube. Tim, get down and start sucking my cock."

I reluctantly withdrew from eating Tim's ass, and stood up. I was as hard as a rock, and Tyler noticed that right away. Tim slid off of Tyler's lap, and placed his face between his legs and began doing as he was told. I went down the hall to my room, grabbed the lube from the nightstand, and returned to the living room. Tim was slowly sucking Tyler's cock, and Tyler was looking very pleased. Tyler said, "Tim, lift your ass up so dad can lube you up. Dad, lube him up good." Tim lifted his ass so he was basically on all fours in front of Tyler, and continued to suck his cock. I popped the cap off of the lube, and covered my fingers with lube, pausing to squirt a little bit directly on Tim's hole. Tim's butt was becoming a bright red from the spanking, and I felt kind of sorry for him. Mine had been worse, but this was probably the first spanking he had ever gotten. I slowly began to finger his hole, lubing it up as much as I could. Based on Tyler's statement about 'punishing the inside', I wanted to make this as comfortable as possible for Tim. I finally worked his hole to the point where three fingers would slide in all the way.

Tyler looked down, and saw this, and said, "He's ready, and so am I." With that, he pushed Tim's face away from his cock, and told Tim, "Stay where you are." He walked around behind Tim, got on his knees behind him, and leveled his cock toward his hole. In one motion, he rammed his cock all the way to the hilt into Tyler's asshole. Tim grunted a little bit, but thanks to the lube, and the fact that Tyler had been fucking him daily for quite some time, he didn't seem to have any pain. Tyler began to slowly slide his cock in and out. Tyler said, "Tim, not only did you offend me, but you offended dad, too, so while I fuck you, I want you to suck his cock. Dad, sit on the chair in front of Tim." I went over, and sat down on the chair in front of Tim. My cock was already rock hard, and Tim looked at it before leaning down and starting to suck. Now, this was the first time in about a year that anyone other than me had touched my cock, and oh, my did it feel good. Tim had obviously had quite a bit of practice.

Tyler continued to fuck Tim, picking up speed as he went. Within about 5 minutes, he was slamming his cock into Tim's ass with as much force as he could muster. By the look on his face, I could tell that he was getting close to cumming. Tim continued to suck my cock, and I have to admit, I was getting close, too. Finally, Tyler grunted, and came deep in Tim's ass, continuing to pound his load deep into his bowels. He slowly continued fucking him until his cock became too soft to penetrate anymore. Then, Tyler said, "OK, your turn, dad. Get over here and fuck him." Tim looked up from sucking my cock, and nodded, and I stood up and went around behind him. I was much gentler when I entered him, and oh, how good it felt. He was perfectly lubed, and the load that Tyler had just pumped into him lubed him even further. I began thrusting deep, and hard, and Tim responded by pushing back on my cock. After a few minutes, I couldn't control it any longer, and I exploded deep inside of Tim's ass. Just like Tyler, I continued until I couldn't stand it any more, and finally pulled out.

I looked up to see Tyler pulling on his shorts, and a T-shirt, and he said, "I forgot something at the apartment. I have to run and get it. I'll be back in 20 minutes. You two go out onto the patio, and have a smoke or two, sit in the spa if you want to, chat, do whatever. I'll be right back." With that, he grabbed the car keys, and walked out the door.

Tim, and I looked at each other, and stood up and walked out onto the patio. We climbed back into the spa, and I said, "Are you ok with what just happened?" He looked at me, smiled, and said, "Two things just happened that I've always fantasized about... One, I was rimmed, and the other was that I was spit-roasted. I've always dreamed of both, but until just now, I've never had it happen. I loved it."

I smiled, and said, "You seemed to enjoy the fuck. I know that I certainly did. Thank you!"

Tim said, "Any time, dad. I mean that. I just wish that I didn't have this cage on, so I could enjoy things more. It's really beginning to hurt."

I said, "Was that the first time you've ever been spanked?" He nodded, and said, "I have seen it in videos, but it sure hurts a lot more than I'd imagined. As you said, explore your boundaries, and roll with it. I don't want to do it again anytime soon, but knowing Tyler, I'm sure it will happen again."

I said, "Well, I wonder what he could have forgotten that would make him run to the apartment at 2AM?" Tim shrugged his shoulders, and said, "I have no idea, but I guess we'll find out soon." With that, we both lit a cigarette, and leaned back thinking about the last hour or so, and what the next hour might bring.

< Thank you for reading part 5 - part 6 will be along shortly. As always, comments are welcome, and don't forget to donate to keep nifty alive.>

Next: Chapter 6

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