Son Takes Control

By Dillon Forsythe

Published on Jun 6, 2023


He said, "Thanks for dinner, dad. I will be coming back on Friday afternoon. Tim will drop me off, and he'll be at work until 10PM. He'll come pick me up when he's done working. I hated to have to punish you, but you know that you deserved it. You have to understand that my cock is the only one that you need, or will have from now on." With that, he picked up the package from earlier, and left. Once he was gone, I reached back and felt my ass. Sure enough, there were huge welts where the belt had struck. Note to self, no wandering eye. Fortunately, I had good training when I was married to his mother, so I knew how to do that. I went out to the garage and got my clothes, took them into my bedroom, and decided to watch tv laying on my stomach. For some reason, the urge to jerk off wasn't there this time - I really felt like I had been punished, and had disappointed him. There was no feeling of oddness anymore, I was owned, and I knew it. I just had to figure out how to please my master, and knew there would be some difficult learning moving forward.

I spent the day Thursday sitting rather gingerly at my desk, doing online meetings. Every time I leaned, or moved, I felt the tenderness of my ass. My ass had bruised up pretty well, and the stripes from the welts were still raised when I went to bed Thursday evening. I briefly thought about the package that Tyler had taken with him, and was thankful that he hadn't even mentioned using the chastity device on me. I was still free to jerk off, and since I didn't know how long that would last, I availed myself at every opportunity.

I reflected on the past week... Tyler had given absolutely no indication that he was concerned at all about my discomfort. In fact, he made no effort at all to penetrate me gently in the pool. Using the belt on me the other day, he showed no restraint or concern. I worried that if he put the cage chastity device on me that I'd have problems traveling since the metal detectors at the airport would go nuts..... I wanted to have a talk with him, and try to set some level of boundaries on things if I could get the opportunity.

Friday morning at about 10AM I got a text from Tyler saying that he and Tim would be coming by at around noon. Tyler asked if I'd be free to go to lunch with them, and we agreed to meet at a nearby Chili's restaurant for lunch at noon. I showered and shaved, and reached the restaurant at 11:55. I got a table, and kept an eye out for them to arrive. I did notice that there was a cute waiter, but involuntarily, I thought about my ass, and Tyler's words, and decided not to even look.

Tyler, and Tim came into the restaurant at a couple minutes past 12. Tim looked tired, and was wearing the black pants he wore for his waiter job at the steakhouse. I glanced at a distance, and to be honest, I hadn't noticed that his bulge was as big as it was when I met him a couple of weeks ago, but once again, I averted my eyes, and did nothing that would cause a repeat of the other night's lesson. The boys sat down, orderd sodas, and we talked about things like how school was going, and how work was going in Tim's case. Classes were going well for both of them, but Tim admitted that he was struggling a bit with his math classes, but seemed deadly serious that he was going to get his grades under control and pass with an "A". He said that work at the steakhouse was great, and that he was making better than average tips. He handed me a couple of coupons for the steakhouse, and told me that I should come by sometime when he was working since it was only a few miles away. I told him I would when I got the chance.

We ate lunch, and I reminded the boys that for me it was lunch hour, and I had to get back for a meeting at 1PM. They were not quite done eating, so they decided to stay and finish, and Tim would drop Tyler off when they were through. I paid the check on the little terminal on the table, and headed home, arriving just in time for my meeting. About 20 minutes later, I heard the door open, and both of the boys came in. I was still on my meeting, so couldn't go out and join them, but figured that Tyler knew where things were. I heard them go onto the patio, and in the living room, and the front door a couple of times, but they were quiet for the most part. When my call ended at 2PM, I went out into the living room to find Tyler setting up his Xbox. He had pulled a recliner into the middle of the room, and was hooking it up to my 72" television. Tyler said, "Tim works from 2PM-10PM, and he'll come by afterwards. He suggested that we come by this evening for dinner and use the coupons. From the first time I saw this television in your living room, I wanted to know what Xbox would be like on it, so I brought my console over. How long until you're done working?" I told him, "My last call is at 3PM, and it should be a short call, so I should be done by 3:30. I'm going to grab a quick smoke, and then run in and get ready for the call."

I went out on the patio, and lit a cigarette. Tyler joined me a few minutes later, and said, "We will talk when you're done at 3:30. In the meantime, I'll play the Xbox, and so it doesn't interrupt your meeting, I'll use my headphones." I thanked him for that, and underneath, I was so grateful that he was being respectful of my job. I finished my cigarette, and went back into my office, took my call, and at about 3:20 I was finished for the week. I went out to the living room, and Tyler was playing his game intently. I watched for a minute as he killed some type of monsters in a big cave, and then headed out to the patio for another smoke. If the events of the previous week hadn't happened, this would be almost like the relationship I had expected before he arrived. About 10 minutes later he came out on the patio, and said, "I just beat that dungeon to death - having all of that screen real estate sure makes it easier to navigate the dungeons." I asked him what game he was playing, and he told me "Elder Scrolls Online." I had seen commercials, and that was about it, but the look on his face told me that he really enjoyed playing that game. Then he said, "Dad, I think you should reward me for beating that dungeon." as he headed inside the house. I followed him, and he headed toward the recliner, lowering his skinny black jeans before he sat down. He said, "I'm going to play the game while you work on my cock." and I got down and went to work. He pulled the headphone jack out, took off his headphones, turned up the volume, and leaned back. I licked and sucked his cock and balls, and throughout it all, I could hear the sounds of explosions, fireballs, monsters, and game sounds. He would occasionally lean one way, or the other, and I imagined this was to dodge some danger in the game. After about 10 minutes, he paused the game, and pushed my head down on his cock just as he shot a huge load down my throat. I licked him clean, and he said, "Nice job, dad."

He set the controller aside, and said, "Now, we should talk a bit. I have some things that I want to go over with you. I'm glad that you're learning to listen, and doing what you're told when you are told. Let's head out to the patio so you can have a smoke." With that, he stood up, pulled his pants and underwear over his softening cock, buttoned and zipped his jeans, and headed toward the patio. I asked if he'd like something to drink, and he asked for a Coke. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a coke for him, and a glass of water for me, and headed out to join him on the patio. I handed him his coke, and sat down, lit a cigarette, and he cleared his throat looking like he was trying to figure out how to start. I started to say something, and he put up his hand and shook his head, so I just sat quietly until he decided what to say.

After a couple of minutes, he leaned forward, and said, "Look, dad, I've been thinking a lot about what's been happening this week. At first, I did it just to humiliate you, and to test your limits. I've come to the conclusion that you really are enjoying this, and to be honest, I am too. We will go eat as Tim requested at 6PM, and in between, we are going to have an honest conversation. After all that has happened, I don't know what the dynamic of this conversation is going to be, but you can speak freely, openly, and honestly - just remember that in the end, I still control your future, and ultimately, I am in charge. First off, tell me honestly, are you enjoying this?"

I looked at him and said, "In the spirit of open, and honest, I have to say that on many levels I am enjoying this, but it scares the hell out of me."

He said, "Go on.... what scares you?" I told him that I had worked for many years to develop my career, and that I had a measure of success, and that I didn't want to jeopardize anything with a scandal, or something that would interfere with my job. I also told him that it had been years since I'd done some of the things that we were doing, and as much fun as it was, it terrified me that he would tell his mother."

He said, "I am glad you understand the gravity of your situation. You have to understand that I can destroy you and your career at any time, and that I will do it if you provoke me, or give me a reason. You also have to understand that I'm not an idiot, and I know where the money is coming

from, so I wouldn't do anything to screw that up. I like having an allowance, and I intend to keep it that way. I used my headphones while you were on your call, and Tim and I were very quiet earlier when I showed him around, so that should be evidence that I have no intention of messing you up - as long as you do as you're told."

I thanked him, and took another drag off my cigarette. He said, "Now, I've been thinking, the campus is only 8 miles from here, and Tim's job is only 3 miles away. You have four bedrooms, a pool, and it would make sense for us to move in with you. Moving in with you will save us more than $1000/month. I'm not really asking you, I'm telling you that is my decision. We will finish the month at the apartment, and then move in here in a couple of weeks. I will need a car to get back and forth to school, so we'll have to find one between now and then."

I thought for a moment, and asked him if he had discussed this with Tim, and he told me that he had not mentioned it. He said, "Tim will see the logic of it, and he'll be all for it, I'm sure." I asked him, "How will things be between us if you're both here?" He replied, "I have sense enough to know what is appropriate, so don't worry about that - I'm confident that this will be fine, and you should be too. Now, on to other things. I've noticed that you don't shave below the waist, and I want you to make sure that you are shaved down there, front, and back at all times from now on. Now, go in, and shower, shave, and get cleaned up - I will inspect you afterwards, so do a good job."

I went into the bathroom, and for the first time in my life actually shaved down there. I shaved three times just to make sure that I didn't miss anything. If anyone ever wonders, shaving your own ass is not an easy task. When I was done, I toweled off, threw on a pair of shorts, and returned to the living room. Tyler was engrossed in the game, and between battles, he said, "Lose the shorts. When I'm done with this dungeon, I'm going to inspect." I took off the shorts, and stood quietly beside his chair watching the game. He got to the end, had a big boss fight, and opened a chest. He teleported to some safe place in the game, and set the controller down. He reached over, and felt my cock and balls, then he said, "Turn around, and lean forward." I did, and he ran his finger up my crack, and gave an approving nod. He said, "From now on, you need to stay like that. I made my girlfriends shave their pussies, and your will be the same." I turned and reached for my shorts, and said I was going to go have a cigarette, and he said, "No, you do not have the right to wear any clothing unless I tell you that you can. You can go have your smoke naked, and you will ask permission before you get dressed at all times moving forward. Do you understand?" I nodded, and headed toward the patio.

A few minutes later, he joined me on the patio, and he said, "You have to understand that I am in charge of all things from now on. You will have to ask permission to do anything, and be prepared to hear the word no. When you're done with your cigarette, you may get dressed for dinner. I'd like you to wear some nice slacks, and a dress shirt. Do not wear any underwear. Understood?" I said, "Yes, I understand." I went into my room, chose some dockers from the closet, picked a matching shirt, and got dressed. It was an odd sensation wearing pants with my freshly shaven nether region, and I could feel my balls sweat more than usual. When I was dressed, I returned to the living room to find that Tyler had put on a nice pair of slacks, and a dress shirt as well. He looked very nice, and the pants were nearly a size too small for him. I took him in, and he'd be an eye catcher when we were out. He looked at me, and then said, "Drop your pants, dad." I lowered my pants, and he confirmed that I was not wearing underwear, and he said, "Well, go ahead and pull them up, and we'll get going. Tim will be so happy that we decided to use the coupons. He really likes you, and thinks you're very nice."

We headed to the steakhouse, and when we arrived, we got a table in Tim's section. Tyler spoke with the host, and made the arrangements. We were in a quiet area of the restaurant, and after a minute or two, we saw Tim at a table nearby taking an order. Tyler nodded at Tim, and apparently, Tim didn't see him because he didn't respond. Tyler raised his hand, and waved, and still no response. Tyler was taking an order from a small family, and was most likely trying to concentrate - this was one of those places where the waiters don't write things down, they just memorize the order. Tim turned, and went to the console to enter the order he had just taken, and a few minutes later, he showed up at our table smiling. He took our drink order, and returned a few minutes later to take our food order. Tyler mentioned that he had waved at him, and Tim apologized for missing that. We ordered steaks, and had a wonderful meal. Tyler had dessert, and I had a cup of coffee. When the check arrived, Tim had applied the coupon, and the bill was very reasonable. I handed him my card, and he returned a few minutes later with the slips for me to sign. I signed, and put $40 in case in the folio - he had done a fantastic job, and hopefully he'd have sense enough to pocket the cash. When he returned, Tyler said, "I'll be over at dad's place. Text or call when you're done so we know when to expect you." Tim nodded, and we got up and left.

We got back to my place, and Tyler said, "Now, it's time for a nice swim, and some relaxation." He stood right in the living room, and undressed, and I noted that he was wearing underwear. He told me to get undressed and join him, so I headed to my room and undressed. I returned to find him in the pool already, and as I walked onto the patio naked, I sat down and had a cigarette. He swam lazily around the pool, and when I finished my cigarette, he motioned for me to join him in the pool. I walked into the pool, and we swam a bit, and he didn't even remotely suggest anything sexual. We swam for a few more minutes, and he said, "Let's head inside. I need a nice massage." We got out of the pool, and air dried for a few minutes while I smoked a cigarette. When I finished, we went inside, and Tyler said, "Get a blanket to lay on the floor. I want a nice back rub."

I went to the closet, and pulled a spare blanket out, and took it to the living room and laid it on the floor. Tyler laid down on his stomach, and he said, "Get to work on my back. My shoulders need some work." I began to massage his back, and he seemed to doze off after a few minutes. I continued to massage his back for at least an hour. I finally said, "My hands are getting very sore, and I need to use the bathroom. May I?" He mumbled, "Yes you may." I headed to the bathroom, took a leak, and returned to find that he had tucked a pillow under his middle. This had the effect of spreading his ass cheeks a bit, and he said, "Dad, now, time for you to eat my ass for a while." I knelt down, and started slowly licking his crack, eventually getting to the point where I was sinking my tongue all the way into his ass. He seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit, and I could feel that his cock was hard. He had the television on, and some concert playing very loudly, and he seemed to just relax and enjoy himself.

I was really getting into eating his ass, and he was kind of thrashing around a bit, very obviously enjoying it, when with no warning, the door opened, and Tim walked in.... Tim stopped in the door, and we were clearly visible to him just a few feet in front of him........... "Tyler, what are you doing?" asked Tim. I scrambled to pull the blanket over myself, and heard Tyler say, "Tim, you're early. It's only 9PM. I told you to text me before you came over."

< Thank you for reading part 3 - part 4 will be along shortly. As always, comments are welcome, and don't forget to donate to keep nifty alive>

Next: Chapter 4

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