Son Takes Control

By Dillon Forsythe

Published on May 31, 2023


My son, Tyler had moved across town a few weeks ago so he could be independent, and near campus about ten miles from my place. He was 18, 5'10, #145, had an excellent GPA in high school, and was attending on a scholarship. His mother and I had divorced several years ago, and she had moved to Seattle. He decided he wanted to return to Phoenix to go to ASU, and he and a friend got a small apartment near campus. We hadn't seen each other often since the divorce, and we both hoped this would give us a chance to reconnect. I am a smaller man, 5'7/#150, and at 48yo, I was starting to get a middle aged middle.

When Tyler moved in, I went over to help him get settled, and meet his room mate, Tim (18, 5'7, #135). Tim was a cute kid, and my son had turned out to be quite the looker - longer than average black hair, blue eyes, and kind of a skater/goth look. Tim was more preppy, and had light brown hair, and brown eyes. They seemed to get along very well together, and were quite comfortable with each other. I made sure that Tim had my cell phone number in case of emergencies, and let them know that I was around, but on their terms (what college guy wants a parent looking over their shoulder at every turn?)

I helped them get moved in, ran with them to the store to get a few things that they needed, took them to dinner, and it was a pretty good day. We made plans to get together once the semester started and they had settled into a routine. They were in a nice neighborhood, with everything they needed close by, and they were just off campus. Nearly all of the other residents that I saw in the apartment complex appeared to be college students.

Tyler called yesterday, and asked if I wanted to come by and hang out - watch the game, and keep him company. Tim had found a job, and was working the evening shift at a convenience store, so he'd be out for the afternoon. I accepted, and asked if there was anything that he needed, and we made arrangements for me to arrive at about 3PM.

I showed up, and he let me into the apartment, and we sat and chatted for a bit about his mother, how things were pretty tight since the payments I had been making to his mother stopped when he turned 18, and he asked if I could help him out some. I told him I could give him about $50/week, and he seemed pretty happy. I asked how classes were going, and how things were going living with Tim, and general father stuff. Things were ok, and it turned out that he and Tim were both in AP classes together in high school, and had known each other for quite some time. He told me that Tim thought I was pretty cool, and that he was glad to have some family around, and that he liked that I respected his privacy.

Tyler was wearing those skinny jeans that the young guys wear these days, and during the course of our chat, I had glanced a couple of times at his bulge (hey, all dads want to know how their sons turn out, right?). He seemed to be average, and that was fine with me. When he went to the kitchen to get us a couple more sodas, I checked out his ass, and it looked nice and firm. I bet that he had no problem finding girls, or guys, but he had never given any indication at all that he might be gay or bi.

We settled in to watch the game, and once in a while I would glance over, and shamelessly, I was mostly looking at his crotch. I had fooled around with guys when I was a teen, and through my college years, and since the divorce, I had been with more than one young man his age. He was my 'type' if I had one, but he was also my son, so no plans to go down that road at all. I don't know why my eyes were constantly drawn to his package.

Suddenly, just as the first game was about to end, he caught me looking. He actually just said, "Dad, are you checking out my package?". I denied it, but he pressed me, and finally I admitted that I just had a natural fatherly curiosity about how he'd developed. He seemed to think about that for a while, and relaxed a bit, and I thought that the matter was closed. When the game ended, he took the empties into the kitchen, and grabbed a couple more sodas, and when he came back into the living room, he walked around the table and stood in front of me. He put his soda on the table, and handed me mine, and the next thing I knew, he dropped his pants and underwear right in front of me. I was shocked. He said, "You wanted to see it, get a good look." I took it in for a few moments, and said, "You seem to have turned out well."

He said, "You can touch it if you want to." I was hesitant, but he seemed to really want me to, so I reached out and cupped his balls in my hand. I kind of brushed up against his penis, and he responded a bit, and he had a semi in no time. I blushed, and told him thanks, and told him he should pull his pants up. He looked down at me and said, "Do you want to suck it? Please suck it." I couldn't help myself, and I leaned in and started sucking his cock. It grew to about 6.5", and was kind of thicker in the middle than at the base, or the head. I sucked him for a couple of minutes, and he grabbed the back of my head, and started to face fuck me. A minute later, I felt his balls start to tighten, and he shot a huge load down my throat. When his orgasm subsided, he pulled up his pants, grabbed his soda, and went back over and sat down - not a word was spoken by either of us. What had just happened?

Ten minutes of silence passed, the next game came on, and then he spoke. He said, "Dad, three things are going to happen now.

  1. You are going to make sure that I get my allowance weekly, with no question. 2. You are going to do exactly what I tell you to do from now on, or I am going to tell mom about what just happened. 3. You are going to stand up, and take off your pants and underwear. It's my turn to see you.

Do you understand?"

I nodded, still shocked - I had never heard this tone in his voice before. He said, "Pants off, now!", and I stood up and took my pants off. I am about the same size as he is, and he'd seen it before when he was much younger, so nothing to hide here.

He looked at my cock, which was shamelessly hard, and he said, "Now, in order to make sure that you understand who's boss, I am going to punish you. Come over here and lay across my lap - you are going to get a spanking for being such a sick bastard."

I walked over to where he was sitting on the couch, and he motioned for me to lay across his lap. He said, "I remember when you spanked me when I was 10 for playing with matches, and this is going to make that look like nothing. Put your hands flat on the floor, and if they come off the floor, we're starting all over. Count them out loud, and we're going to start with 25 swats. Do you understand?"

I said, "Yes. Are you sure that you're not taking this too far, son?" And, with that, the first swat landed. It stung... oh, it stung. I lifted my hand to cover my ass, and he said, "I told you what would happen - now, we start over. We won't be done with this until you take your full punishment, so cooperate, or it will be worse."

I placed my hand back on the floor, and the next swat struck. I said, "One", and then number two hit, "Two". I made it all the way to number 15 before my hand came up involuntarily again, and he said, "We're starting over. Man up, and take this like you deserve it." By now, my ass was on fire, and I had 25 to go. I decided to focus my energy on keeping the count, and keeping my hands on the floor.

After what seemed like an eternity, we made it to 25. He told me to stand up, and not to touch my ass at all - let the heat sink in. I stood up, and remarkably, I was still hard. I glanced at his crotch, and he was hard as well. He said, "Back on your knees, time to suck my cock again, as he stood up and took his pants off entirely." I dropped to my knees, and he placed his cock in front of my mouth, and I went to work. After a couple of minutes, he pulled back, and said, "I want to sit down and relax while you do this."

He sat back down on the couch, and spread his legs so I had complete access. He said, "I want to enjoy this, so start out by licking my balls - do that until you get further instructions." So, I did... I still don't know what was going through my mind - he had taken complete control, and seemed to be loving it.

I sensed that he had some experience with this, since he seemed so comfortable having me under his control. I worked his balls for about 10 minutes, and then he said, "Lick my cock like a lollipop, pop.", and I did. Long tongue strokes from balls to head, over and over again. I asked if I could have a drink of my soda, and he told me that I could take a break for a while. He told me to sit on the couch next to him.

He sat quietly for a few minutes, and then he said, "Are you gay, or bi? Mom always said that she thought you might be. I didn't believe her, but here we are."

I told him that I considered myself to be bi, and that I'd fooled around at his age, stopping when I met his mother. After the divorce, I had decided to stay away from women for a while, and experimented a bit. To be honest, I think that I enjoy the company of men more than women because the costs are lower with them. Then I asked him if he was gay, or bi?

He told me that he'd had a friend suck his cock when he was younger, and even fucked a guy one time, but that he preferred women when he wanted sex. He said that the intensity of his course load didn't give him much opportunity to 'chase tail', but that he would make do. He didn't offer any more details.

I asked him, "So, how is this going to work going forward? I'm still confused, and my ass hurts quite a bit, and I have no idea what our relationship is at this point."

He sat back, and thought for a few moments, then said, "I have to take a leak. I'll be right back." He stood up, still naked from the waist down, and headed down the hall to the bathroom. A minute later, I heard the toilet flush, and he came back towards the couch with his now soft cock swinging in front of him.

He sat back down, and it was obvious that he'd been thinking constantly about the question I'd just asked. He looked at the game, and didn't say anything. I realized that everything was in his hands at this point, so I leaned back, sipped my soda, and focused on the game. He was processing, and I was powerless, so all I could do was wait for the wheels to stop turning.

After about 10 minutes, mid-way through the second quarter, he cleared his throat, and said, "Here's the way it's going to be. In the beginning, I thought it was going to shock you when I showed you my cock. I didn't think for a second that you'd touch it, let alone actually suck it. I am disgusted by the fact that my own father has the hots for me, and it is going to take me some time to decide how I feel about it. For now, when we're alone, I'm going to stick with what I told you, and you will do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it without question, or you'll face punishment. I have limited experience with guys, and I know that I want to experiment, so you'll be my guinea pig. Judging by the way you got hard when I spanked you, and when you were sucking my cock, you seem to like being controlled, so we're going to do that until I decide what to do. You have a few minutes before my half-time blow job, so if you have any questions, you can ask them - I'll be honest, so ask whatever you want to."

I looked at the game, and saw that there were 8 minutes left of the second quarter. Half-time blow job? I thought for a second, and said, "You said that you have limited experience with guys. Can you tell me what you've done?"

He said, "I let a friend of mine suck my cock after he begged me at a party when I was a sophomore. It was ok, but not great. You give excellent head, and I like that, Dad. The same boy paid me $100 to fuck him in our senior year, and I took it so I could buy some books for school. That, in a nut-shell is my experience with one exception, and we won't talk about that right now. Next question?"

I said, "You seemed to be very comfortable being in control, and punishing me. It seemed like you'd done it before, have you?"

He said, "We had a deal on the soccer team where if you made a big mistake, the team captain would punish you in the locker room in front of the rest of the team. I was on the receiving end once, and I just did what he did. It hurts like hell, but it teaches you. I hope you learned something. It was the first time I ever administered a spanking, but I think you got the message, right?"

I nodded. Then I said, "You were as hard as I was when you finished. Did that turn you on?"

He said, "That is what I'm fighting in my head. I am turned on by this whole thing, and don't know how I feel about it. I actually enjoyed making you squirm, and commanding you to lick my balls, and cock. Speaking of which, time for my half-time blow job - get back on your knees, and get to work on my balls again."

I climbed down on the floor in front of him, and his soft cock was laying across his balls. I began to gently lick his balls, and sometimes the head of his cock, and in just a couple of moments, he was as hard as a rock. He leaned back a little further, and said, "Lick behind my balls and between my balls and my thighs."

I had more than my share of pleasing guys orally when I was younger, so I went to work, trying to do my best to avoid another spanking. I knew that it would be inevitable, but hopefully not as serious as the first one when he was making a point. I gently licked the entire area behind his balls, and up and down between his thighs and his balls. As a millenial, he was shaved except for a small bit of trimmed pubic hair just above his penis. I was surprised to see that his asshole was shaved, too. My tongue came close, but never quite touched his asshole.

After about 10 minutes, he said, "Half-time show is nearly over, suck another load out of me before the quarter starts, and we can talk. If you don't get me off by then, you're getting another 10 swats. You have five minutes."

My ass was still stinging, and he meant what he said, so I renewed my efforts to please him orally with a vigor. I licked, sucked, played my fingers over and behind his balls, just to the edge of his asshole, and he responded accordingly. After about 2 minutes, he grabbed the back of my head, and shoved his cock to the back of my throat where he let loose about four jets of cum. When he let my head go, he said, "Lick it clean, and climb back up on the couch." So, I did.

I told him that I was surprised that he had that much cum left after the first load only an hour ago, and he said that he had cum seven times in one day with an ex girlfriend. I know my eyes grew large at that, and he just grinned. He said that her parents were gone one weekend, and he stayed at her place. Their goal was to bone in every room in the house, and they completed their mission. I looked at him with fatherly admiration.

We sat quietly and watched the game for a bit, and he said, "Go in the kitchen and get us more drinks." I took the empties into the kitchen, and grabbed a couple more sodas, and returned to find him lying naked on his stomach on the floor. He said, "I would like a massage, get to work on my shoulders and upper back."

I obediently began to massage his shoulders and neck, and after a few minutes, he said, "lower", and I began to work on his lower back. He was watching the game, and a few minutes later, he said, "Rub my feet." I started rubbing his feet, and the absence of lotion made them red. He said, "Go into my room, and in the top drawer of my nightstand there is some lotion. Bring it here, and do it right."

I went to his room, and opened the drawer of his nightstand. There were several condoms in there, and a large bottle of skin lotion. I grabbed the lotion, and returned to the living room. I took a decent amount of the lotion, and began to rub his feet. He seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.

After about 10 minutes on each foot, he said, "I want you to rub my butt, but be careful not to get any lotion in my crack - understand?"

I said, "Yes", and crawled up beside him and began to rub his perfect ass. My cock was as hard as a rock. I kneaded his cheeks for a couple of minutes, and he said, "Harder", so I began to really work them. About ten minutes later, he said, "Now I want you to massage the crack, but you are going to use your tongue. Understand?"

I said, "Yes", and added that I had very little experience giving rim jobs. He said that this would be his first, and that we'd learn together how to please him. He spread his legs, and I crawled up between his legs, spread his cheeks, and began to lick his crack. He shuddered as I passed over his asshole, and said, "Keep going - lick harder, and don't stop until I tell you to." I licked harder, going from the bottom to the top over and over again. Each time my tongue passed over his asshole, he shuddered. Finally, he said, "Just my asshole - stick your tongue in, and keep doing it." I started to tongue fuck him, and after a couple of minutes of him shuddering, he said, "That's enough for now.", and he rolled over to reveal a cock as hard as steel. He said, "Get to work on my cock again, dad."

I licked and sucked, and after a few minutes, once again his hand pressed me down, and he released another four or five jets into my throat. I licked it clean, and he stood up, and returned to the couch. I told him that I needed to go to the bathroom, and asked if I could be excused. He said, "Yes, and grab a towel when you come back."

I went to the bathroom, and took a leak. It took a moment or two for my hard-on to subside to the point where I could pee, but I finally managed it. On the way out, I grabbed a clean towel off the shelf over the toilet, and returned to find him sitting on the couch. I went to hand him the towel, and he said, "Lay it across my lap." I laid the towel across his lap, and he said, "Now you lay across my lap."

Fearing another spanking, I said, "But, I've been good... what did I do to deserve to be punished?"

He said, "I had other plans, but since you questioned me, you are going to get five swats. I expect you to do what I tell you without question. Now, lay across my lap like I told you to do."

I did as instructed, and he told me to make sure that my hands didn't leave the arm of the couch or we'd begin again. I counted as we went from one to five in quick order, and my ass was renewed with pain. I wimpered a little bit.

He said, "I wish you hadn't made me do that, but you have to learn to do what you're told without question." Then, the most remarkable sensation I've ever felt began to happen. He had taken the lotion, and was rubbing my ass with it. The cooling was remarkable, and he was doing it gently as if to apologize. I relaxed, and began to enjoy the attention. I could feel his cock beginning to get hard under me, and his fingers began to caress up and down my crack. More lotion, and a few minutes later, his fingers began to enter my asshole. I said, "Thank you for this. I feel wonderful."

He said, "I hate fucking a dry pussy, so this isn't for you, it is for me. You will need to get some lube, and a butt plug or dildo from the adult store before you come back here. Understand?"

I said, "Yes. I haven't been fucked in a very, very long time, so could you please take it easy at first?" He laughed, and said, "We'll see. Now, stand up and lay the towel over the end of the couch.

I took the towel off of his lap, and he was once again, as hard as a rock. I laid the towel over the end of the couch, and he said, "Now, bend over with your cock on the towel. I don't want your cum to stain the couch." He was lubing his cock with some lotion as I bent over, and he walked up behind me and in one smooth motion, slipped his cock in all the way to the hilt. I groaned in pain, and he said, "Like ripping off a band-aid - best to do it fast. Now just get used to it being in there for a second, and tell me when the pain is tolerable."

I flexed my sphincter, and slowly the pain subsided. He sensed that I was getting comfortable, and began to slowly work his cock in and out. In a few minutes, he was fucking me with a regular rythm. The 'club' shape of his cock was an incredible feeling as my asshole stretched and shrunk around it with each thrust. He said, "How is this for taking it easy?"

All I could do was grunt in ecstasy as he continued thrusting. He picked up speed until there was a steady slapping of flesh on flesh as he pounded me. This went on for about 15 minutes, and I could feel him tensing. He said, "Now, dad, you gave me something 18 years ago, and in a couple of seconds, I'm going to give it back.... prepare to be bred." With that, I could feel him cum... hot jets, over and over again inside of me. Unconsciously, my cock erupted too. He continued to pound the loads into my ass for a minute, suddenly pulled out, and said, "Clean up that mess, and join me in the bathroom."

I wiped myself off front and back with the towel, and walked toward the bathroom wondering what could be next. I walked into the bathroom, and he was sitting on the toilet with the lid down. He said, "Well, dad, I have put two loads down your throat, made you eat my ass, put another deep inside your ass, and punished you twice. Is there any question in your mind that you belong to me?"

I said, "No, son. It is clear to me that you are fully in charge."

He said, "Good. The final thing that I have to do is to mark my territory. Get into the bathtub, kneel, and face me."

I climbed into the tub, knelt down, and prepared myself. He stood up, turned toward the tub, and a golden stream of urine hit my chest. He said, "Don't turn away, I'll aim it where I want it to go.", and he continued to spray me for several seconds. He sprayed my face, my chest, and my hair. When the stream finally ended, he said, "Suck the last few drops out."

I leaned forward, and took his cock into my mouth. Knowing that it had just been in my ass, and that my objective was to drink the remainder of his urine, I finally gave up all will (or won't) with regard to his orders, and his complete possession of me.

After a few minutes, he said, "Start the water, rinse off, and then you can wash me." Without a second thought, I complied. I was beaten, bred, and a slave to the will of my son.

A short while later, after he made sure that I had washed him thoroughly and cleaned myself, we stepped out of the bathroom and returned to the living room. He said, "You do realize that this is only the beginning, right?"

I nodded my assent, and with that, he said, "The game is over. Tim will be home soon. Get dressed and go home. I will call you when I want you. Give me your wallet."

I handed him my wallet, and he took $100 in cash out of it. He said, "This is what we agreed on, right?" I said, "Yes, son." He said, "This is a fair amount for my allowance, but if I need something extra, I will take more."

He said, "Go buy a dildo, some lube, and a chastity device. I will have you over again next weekend. Do not disappoint me."

I dressed and left. I can't wait until next weekend to see what happens.

<Shall I continue as this develops?>

Next: Chapter 2

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