Son of Firewitch

By Deb Jones

Published on Apr 28, 2012


The X-men and other well-known superheroes are the property of Marvel and DC. This story takes after the 3\super rd\nosupersub X-men movie, but Jean has been resurrected by her powers and in the process Phoenix has been integrated into Jean making her a whole person again. Thanks to Dr. Moira MacTaggert and Forge the Professor and Scott are alive again as well. I\rquote m new at this so everyone please keep that in mind when u read this story. If you like the story and want to comment or give some ideas for it please e-mail me at: Thank You! I hope u enjoy the story! You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook:!/ghettodeb

These symbols are for telepathic conversations. [ ] Visions are { }

Son of Firewitch

By: DJ

Chapter Eight:

It's been almost two months since Ben's vision and he has become obsessed with finding out who had his Mom killed. Everyone is starting to worry about him. Why Ben is off checking out a lead, Scott calls for a emergency team meeting. Pearl: "What the hell Scott it's like one in the morning! I was trying to get some sleep!" Jean: "Yea Scott what is this all about?" Scott: "It's about Ben. He got a lead and has left to follow it." Logan: "What?! Why didn't he tell us? He can't go check out a lead without telling us!" Scott: "I know Logan! He said that he wanted to check it out on his own, because everyone's morals are why we haven't found any answers. I think Ben is starting to lose it. He has become obsessed with finding out who had Debbi killed. I think we need to do something about him soon!" Everyone agreed with Scott that Ben was getting out of control. Pearl how ever felt differently. She agreed with Ben. They needed to stop at nothing to find out who had their Mom killed.

Mean while in a deserted warehouse downtown Ben arrives on the roof and looks down through the glass part of the roof. He sees the lead he came to check out being totured and interigated by 3 mutants that he don't recignize. He closes his eyes and uses his telepathy to find out if anyone else is around. He can sense 20 different mutants surrounding the warehouse. He doesn't have time to deal with them so he enters their minds and traps them in a psychic cage inside their own minds. He levitates a couple feet above the warehouse and hits the roof with a powerful tk pulse that completely destroys it. As the roofs debrey is falling he puts a tk shield around his informant and lifts him up to were he is and flies off with him.

A couple hours later Ben is in the Medbay with his informant. Jean is running some tests. She looks over at Ben and says "I'm worried about you. Everyone is! How far are you willing to go with this obsession?" Ben looks at her shocked and replies "I'm willing to do what ever it takes to find out who took my Mom from me!" The informant looks up then says "The people that had your Mom killed are the same people that kidnapped your Sister. They are known as the Inner Circle. There a group of powerful, but yet rich mutants. There a secret society hell bent on controlling the world." Ben: "They didn't have my Sister anymore so why did they have my Mom killed?" Informant: "Because of you. They realized later that you were the prophecy child not your sister." Ben: " What do mean prophecy child?" Informant: "There is a prohecy telling of the birth of a child that would be the human version of the legendary Phoenix. The Inner Circle has been looking for this child for centuries. They want to harness it's power." Ben: Can you identify some members of the Inner Circle?" Informant: "Yes I can. They are." All of a sudden the informant stops, grabs his head and screams in pain. Then all his head explodes! Sending out a psychic pulse that knocks Ben and Jean on there asses.

Ben gets up and says " What the fuck was that?" At that time the Professor comes rolling into the Med Bay. He looks at the blood and brain matter that is splattered everywhere and on everyone. He looks at Ben then says "It was a telepath that did this. I was in the Cerebro room when it happened. I was able to copy the telepathic signature to Cerebro. In time I might be able find out who did this. Then maybe will find out who had your Mom killed." Ben looks at the Pro then says "I don't have time to wait. I'm tired of waiting for answers. If I can't get them with just my mutant side, I guess I'm going to need some magical assistants!" Everyone looked at Ben with terrorified looks as he flames out!

As soon as Ben flames out Pearl runs into the Med Bay. "Holy shit! What the hell happened in here?!" Jean looks at her and says "The Inner Circle is what happened. Ben has teleported away to hunt down the telepath that killed his lead!" The Professor looks at everyone then says "I fear Ben has started to lose his mind. The rage he is feeling from his mother's murder is getting to him. He will stop at nothing to get revenge and I fear he will destroy anyone or anything that gets in his way." Pearl looks at the Pro and says "He has a right to want revenge. The Inner Circle kidnapped me and had our Mom killed!" Scott who no one really noticed was there sneeks out.

Once up to his room Scott goes to his desk and opens an old box with a pentagram on it. Then takes out the glowing amythest crystal. He holds it up to his mouth and says "I need to talk to you it's inportant!" He puts the crystal back in it's box and waits. A few minutes later flames appear in the middle of the room. When they disappear, there standing were the flames were is Ben and Pearl's Mom, Debbi! Scott runs over and hugs Debbi then says "I'm glad to see you, Debbi!"

Debbi smiles then pulls away from him. "You said you needed to talk. What is so important that I had to risk everything to come here?!" Scott looks at her in shock. He can't believe how cold she sounds. Scott looks her in the eye then says "It's Ben, he has become obsessed with revenge. He refuses to listen to reason. He won't let us help him. An whats worse is that Pearl agrees with him. You have to come back now and let everyone know that your alive!" Debbi moves over and looks at a 8picture on Scott's wall. The picture is of those she loves Ben, Pearl, Abby, Matt, Logan, Scott, Ororo, and Jean. She continues to look at the picture for several minutes then she turns around and says "I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm to close to bringing down the Inner Circle. Tell Ben to contact Emma Frost! She can give him the answers he seeks." Scott replies "Emma Frost?! But she is apart of the Inner Circle!"

Debbi walks over and has Scott sit with her on the bed. She looks him in the eye then starts to explain "Emma was apart of the Inner Circle, but she isn't anymore. She hasn't been since they wanted to have me killed. She is trying to redeem herself by helping me bring them down. She feels super guilty for helping them kidnap Pearl. She is a very gifted telepath and she knows everything there is to know about the Inner Circle. Trust me Scott, she can help Ben." Scott with a look of doubt says "Debbi, I gotta say your being nieve. I mean trusting Emma, letting your children continue to think your dead, and wanting to give Ben a straight lead right to the Inner Circle. Can't you see Ben is losing himself! He won't stop until he kills the entire Inner Circle and here you're helping him! He kills them and he'll completely lose himself!" "He won't lose himself! My son is the strongest person I know! He won't hurt the innocent people of the Inner Circle, only the guilty!" Scott stands up starts pasing he turns around and starts yelling in anger at her "YOU DON'T GET IT! HE IS GOING TO USE MAGIC TO HELP HIM FIND AND KILL THEM! HE ISN'T GOING TO LET NO ONE OR NOTHING GET HIS WAY!" By this time Scott had tears streaming down his face. Debbi also had tears running down hers. She gets up and hugs him then says "It will be okay Scott! I promise!" Scott continues to cry on Debbi's shoulder and says "I hope your right because I don't want to lose him, like I lost Jean before!" Debbi pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. After a moment a look of realization came over her face, then she says "Ole my God, Your in love with him!"

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