Son of Firewitch

By Deb Jones

Published on Dec 15, 2011


The X-men and other well-known superheroes are the property of Marvel and DC. This story takes after the 3rd X-men movie, but Jean has been resurrected by her powers and in the process Phoenix has been integrated into Jean making her a whole person again. Thanks to Dr. Moira MacTaggert and Forge the Professor and Scott are alive again as well. I\rquote m new at this so everyone please keep that in mind when u read this story. If you like the story and want to comment or give some ideas for it please e-mail me at: Thank You! I hope u enjoy the story! You can also follow me on Twitter:!/ghettodeb

These symbols are for telepathic conversations. [ ] Visions are { }

Son of Firewitch

By: DJ

Chapter Seven:

On the island of Genosha Ben walks along the streets watching the mutant kids play around with their powers. Ben can't stand Magneto, but thinks he's done a great thing in creating Genosha. With his empathy Ben can sense nothing but happiness from the people here. Ben can also sense fear from the resident Brotherhood members. Which Ben could care less, because he wanted the Brotherhood to fear him. It has been a week since Ben arrived on Genosha and Jean, and the rest of the X-men have tried several times to contact him, but when he does answer he just says "I'm fine! Stop worrying! I'm checking out Genosha and taking a vacation. I still need to talk to Magneto. I'll be home when I get home!"

A few hours later Ben walks out onto Magneto's balcony to talk to him. Magneto looks at Ben then says "I take it you have come to ask your questions? Well, I have a question of my own. What is your opinion of Genosha?" Ben looks out over Genosha and smiles "You've done a wonderful job with Genosha, but it almost seems to good. As you guest I'm here to ask my questions. I'm going to ask them all and then you can answer. How did you know my Mother? What all can you tell about the Professor and what all he is hiding? Not just from me, but the rest of the X-men." Ben could sense Magneto's worry and fear, but he decided to answer Ben's questions and as amazing as it sounds honestly! "I met your Mother years ago when she first came into her powers. Charles and I went an met her together. She was one of very few young mutants that we met together. Your Mother was an amazing and a very gifted mutant. That wasn't the only time I met your Mother. I met her when she was pregnant with you and helping out the X-men. She called herself Firewitch then. The Brotherhood and I were battling the X-men and your Mother came to help. She was so powerful, she could handle anything my Brotherhood threw her way, but finally we were winning and the only one left standing was your Mom. All of us attacked her at once. Your Mom's telekinisis wasn't strong at all, she never was able to produce a tk shield. However a tk shield emerged from her stomach surrounding her. She was engulfed in a aura of fire. Her powers seemed to be amplified at that moment. She damn near killed us! The only reason for this display of great power is that it wasn't her power, it was yours! You used your own power from inside her womb!"

Ben looked at Magneto in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. How was it possible for him to use power from the womb? Magneto waited a few minutes to see if Ben said anything. When Ben didn't say anything he continued "After that your Mom left the X-men and returned to West Virginia. Once your Mom left Charles wiped the minds of his X-men and my Brotherhood. He tried to wipe my mind, but my helmet provented it. A couple years later I paid a visit to your Mother. You two at the time and a cute fisty little tike. While I was there I met your Grandmother and discovered another of Charles' secrets. It turns out that Grandmother was also a mutant. She was a class 4 elemental manipulater, but because of her mental state Charles completely seperated from her powers and wiped away everyones memory of them. I know this because your cousin Gemma told me. I met her then too. Also when you and Pearl were born a group known as the Inner Circle kidnapped Pearl, because they believed that she was the one who displayed power from the womb. I found out later what the Inner Circle did thanks to Charles. He was worried about there being another extremely powerful muntant child around. So I promised him that I wood retrieve Pearl and take care of her! But I lied I got her away from the Inner Circle and gave her to a mutant Family that raised her and tought her how to fully use as well as control her powers. I also helped train her, but Pearl would not join my Brotherhood and used her telepathy on me. She found out were she was from then left and headed for Phoenix, West Virginia. You know the rest of what happened after that. I know you didn't ask about your Sister, but I felt that you needed to know. Charles is a good man, but I do believe he is a fool. I also believe he is threatened by you, because with you around he isn't the most powerful telepath!"

Ben couldn't believe what he just heard. He felt angry, shocked, and annoyed. How could the Professor do all that and even think for a second that it was right. He couldn't help feel that both the Professor and Magneto had some kind of God complex, but as far as he was concerned there was only one God. Finally after about ten minutes Ben says "Thank you for answering my questions, as well as a question I didn't ask. I'm leaving Genosha imediately and heading home, because if I stay I just might kill you for keeping my Sister from my Mom and I all of these years! So goodbye Magneto!" With that Ben went to his room, got his things and left.

Meanwhile at the School in the War room the X-men were arguing. Scott "Ben, needs to get his ass back here and undo what he did to the Professor. If he wants to be an X-men he needs to realize we don't harm anyone just because we get pissed off!" Logan "Well I think the Professor deserves what Ben did to him for what he did to Jean and what he was going to do to my Son! So why don't you shut your damn piehole before I shut it for you Cyke!" Storm "I think everyone needs to calm down. I agree with both of you, but us fighting with eachother isn't helping anything." Pete "After everything I'm starting to wonder if there is anything else the Professor is keeping from us! I mean what else has he done that we don't know about? No matter what I'm on Ben's side and I agree with him. Logan is right the Professor deserves it, but I know that Ben will undo it when he gets back, because unlike the Professor Ben is good person. He'll do what he feels his Mom and God would want him to do. And if anyone here goes to attack Ben I will rip them apart with my bare hands. You hear me Scott?" Scott looks like he's about to attack Pete when they hear laughing coming from the door way. Everyone looks over and sees Pearl standing there laughing. She finally stops laughing then says "Boy Pete Ben definantly has you by the short hairs. By the way everyone Ben is back and in the Med Bay undoing what he did to the Professor, but by the look on his face, the Professor might be better off trapped in his own head!"

When the X-men and Pearl walk into the Med Bay Ben is standing over the Professor with his hands on either side of the Pro's head. Ben senses their arrival then says "Know one say anything, because I make one wrong move and the Professor could end up dead. I trapped him in the deepest area of his mind. So everyone be quiet and I'll be done in a moment!" Everyone listened and stayed quiet. After about ten minutes the Professor opened his eyes and took in a deep breathe. Once Ben moves away from the Professor Scott starts in. "Who the hell do you think you are? You never use your pwers on another mutant in this school! Especially the Professor! You could have killed him! As far as I'm concerned your not fit to be a junior X-man!" Everyone looks at Scott in shock, then they look at Ben and he's got a look of calm about him. Ben finally speaks "You don't know everything Scott. You don't what the Professor has done. He seperated my Mamaw from her mutant powers and removed any memories of them. He wiped everone's minds of an incident were I used my powers from inside my Mother's womb. When he found that the Inner Circle kidnapped Pearl he told Magneto. He was afraid of there being another extremely powerful mutant child around. Magneto said he would take of Pearl as in kill her, but he lied. He retrieved Pearl from the Inner Circle and gave her to a mutant family that he new. He helped train her. She refused join the Brotherhood and retrieved the knoledge of were she was from with her telepathy. And you know what happened when she got to Phoenix. The Professor has been lying, keeping secrets, and using his power on all of you. I have contacted the different Organiztion that help with funding for the school and they agree that the Professor is no longer fit to run it or the X-men. They said that the funding will stop imediately. It will remain that way as long as the Professor is in charge! They know and I know that the school as well as the X-men can't do with out that funding!"

The Professor looks at Ben then says "Thinks to you I've seen and felt all of the pain that I've over the years. I thought I was making the right choices for the beter, but I see that I was wrong! I truely regret what I have done! I'm sorry Ben, Pearl, and Jean for everything I've done to you! I also apoligize X-men for I've done to you as well! I figure you were put in charge to make sure I no longer run the school and the x-men?!" Ben looks at the Professor and says "I forgive you, because God would want me too. And yes I'm to make sure your no longer in charge." The Professor sighs then says "I understand and for the sake of the school and the X-men I stand down. All that I ask is that I'm aloud to remain living here." Ben thinks about it for a few minutes then replies "Yes, you may continue living here, but you will no longer have access to Cerebro, the War room or anything else that has to do with the X-men. You may continue to teach, but I have been told to choose a new Headmaster for the school. I have thought and have chosen. There will two Headmistress' instead of a Headmaster. I choose Aunt Jean and Aunt Ororo. Together I think they will do wonders for the school. Now if you don't mind I need to go shower and get ready for the Junior team meeting in an hour because I have some things to discuss with the team. The regular X-men and Pearl free to join us."

With that Ben left the Med bay and headed for his room. Pearl decided to leave aswell, leaving the X-men alone with the Professor. After a few minutes of silence Scott says "I took up for you Professor. I went against everyone and defended you. Ben may have forigven you for everything, but I can't just yet." After saying his peace Scott leaves the Med Bay. Everyone else follows him out the door leaving just Jean and the Professor. Jean looks at the Professor then says "You brought this on yourself. I knew what you did to me, but everything else you've is just as bad. I hope for your sake that nothing else comes out that pisses Ben off about your past. I'll talk to later Professor." An with that Jean leaves the Professor setting in the Med Bay alone.

Later after finished taking his shower and got dressed he decided to goto the staff kitchen and get something eat. When he gets there, he sees Scott setting at the table. He walks over to the fridge and gets the stuff out makes a sandwhich and goes an sits at the table by Scott. After a few minutes of silence Scott says "I'm sorry I've been such a dick to you since you got here! I just didn't like how you acted tords the Professor, but I understand now and I'm sorry. Please forgive me!" "I forgive you Scott! I know I didn't make it easy. I can be a major bitch sometimes. I am extremely outspoken, I say whatever pops into my head not thinking about the consequences and if you haven't noticed I'm kinda a spoiled brat. I've always got whatever I wanted most of the time and got things to go my way. So when they don't go my way I tend to get pissed. I hate it when I start feelin selfish and conceided. I wish I wasn't like that!" Scott lays his hand on Ben's and says "Your not selfish! Your a very kind and giving person. Yes, sometimes you make mistakes, but everyone does. Your one of a kind, your special an don't let me or anyone make you feel any different." After they finished eating and talking it was time to head down to the war room for the X team meeting.

When Scott and Ben walked into the war room together laughing, everyone looked them with confused looks. Pearl finally says "When the hell did you become buddies?" Ben rolls his then says "Scott and I ate and talking in the staff kitchen a few minutes ago. We got everything talked out! Now if everyone could have a seat I will say what I have to say." With that everyone took a sat down. Once everyone was seated Ben says "First off I would like to say I'm sorry! I'm sorry for just taking off to Genosha and letting everyone worry! I'm also sorry for being kinda a major bitch for the past few weeks. The night a left and went to Genosha there was a Junior X team meeting. Pete told me that I needed to have a codename by then. I have decided that my codename will be Phoenix." Alot of the Junior's and Senior X-men's mouths dropped open. After a few minutes of silence Jeans says "Are you sure you want to choose that name? I mean that was the name of my altar ego and you know what happened there!" Ben just smiles and says "I know Aunt Jean and yes I'm sure. The name Phoenix didn't really fit you or your powers, but they fit mine. The Phoenix represents great power and fire. When it dies it is reborn from the ashes stronger and more powerful. Which if you remember is pretty much what happened to me when I was 13. The name Phoenix is perfect for me. Mom also used to call me her little Phoenix after I developed my Pyrokinesis." After that they just talked about training schedules and normal X-men stuff.

It's been about a week since Jean and Ororo became co Headmistress' of school and things seem to be going very good. Things have quiet with the Brotherhood, but Ben can't help feeling some big and bad is about to happen. As he sits on his rock at the far end of the lake meditating he is thrown into a vision {He sees a Doctor talking to someone about his Mom. Doc "I promise you she will not leave here alive." Other person "See that she doesn't. You half to make it look natural. If she get suspious or is attacked directly she will disinigrate you. Debbi is a very powerful and skilled mutant, but the thought of never seeing her child again will amplify her power. If she were to attack your mind she could find out about her daughter and attack us. So make sure she doesn't leave there alive!"} Ben comes out of the vision gasping for air. Once Ben catches his breathe he sends out a telepathic message to the X-men, Pearl, Abby, and Matt [This is Ben! Everyone meet me in the War room now!] After sending out the message Ben teleports to the War room.

A few seconds after Ben enters war room everyone shows up. As soon as everyone is in the room Ben says "Thank God you guys got here quickly. I was just outside by the lake meditating and dI had a vision. In the vision saw and heard the Doctor that my Mom saw when she died talking on phone to someone. The Doc promised who ever it was that he would mak sure my Mom didn't leave the Hospital alive." Pearl "So your saying somebody had that Doctor kill our Mom?" Ben "Yes that is exactly what I'm saying! Somebody wanted our Mom dead!" Matt "Ben, who would want your Mom dead. I mean she was the nicest person I think I've ever known. Who would hate so badly that they would have her killed!" Ben "There are several people that come to mind, but a few of them I don't would go that far. I am going to need everyone's help in finding out what happened to Mom. X-men will you all help me? I'm going to ask the Professor to help too!" Ben looks around and he can see confused, angry, sympathetic, and discusted looks on people's faces. Finally Scott goes up to Ben hugs him then says "Of course we'll help!" Ben looks at Scott then says "I'm telling you guys this much, when we find out who had my Mom killed they are dead! I going to find out it's like to feel my wrath, the WRATH OF PHOENIX!!!!!!!"

Next: Chapter 8

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