Son of Firewitch

By Deb Jones

Published on Nov 17, 2011


The X-men and other well-known superheroes are the property of Marvel and DC. This story takes after the 3rd X-men movie, but Jean has been resurrected by her powers and in the process Phoenix has been integrated into Jean making her a whole person again. Thanks to Dr. Moira MacTaggert and Forge the Professor and Scott are alive again as well. I'm new at this so everyone please keep that in mind when u read this story. If you like the story and want to comment or give some ideas for it please e-mail me at: . Thank You! I hope u enjoy the story! You can also follow me on Twitter:!/ghettodeb

These symbols are for telepathic conversations. [ ] Visions are { }

Son of Firewitch By: DJ

Chapter Six:

After a couple hours of talking Ben and Pearl decide to go get something to eat from the staff kitchen. As their walking up the stairs Ben recieves a message from the Pro [Ben, I need you to come to the Danger Room imediately! Abby and Matt are freaking out!] Pearl looks over an sees Ben rubbing his temples then says "Are you alright Bubby?" Ben says "I'm fine. The Professor's message was just a little to loud. I have to go to the Danger Room so why don't you go to the cafeteria. I think their still having dinner. We can talk more later." So Ben and Pearl go their seperate ways. Ben gets into the elevator and of course he runs strait into Pete as soon as he gets to the subbasement.

Ben looks at Pete and Pete grabs him and gives him a very passionate kiss. Ben finally pulls away and says "It's nice to see you too! The Pro wants me in the Danger Room so I got to go, but how about you come up to my room later." Pete gives Ben a inocent look then says "Alright I guess I can wait till tonight. I wanted tell you that there's a team meeting in an hour in the War Room. We'll need your codename then." Ben says "Ok, I'll be there Captain! I might be late just so you will have to punish me! Well, I love you and I'll yack at you later, Hunky Bear!" They kiss once more and Ben heads for Danger Room again.

When Ben enters the Danger Room he sees and hears Abby and Matt both having a major bitch fit. There powers are also starting go out of wack. Ben yells verbaly and telepathicly "[ Abby, Matt calm down and shut up! I'm here! Now tell me what hell your guys' problem is!!!!]" After everyone jumps and screams cause Ben scares the hell out of them. Abby starts talking "Ben, thank God your here! These people are trying to kill us! They had these robots, lasers, and several other things attacking us!" Ben starts laughing his ass off. He falls in the floor laughing and starts having trouble breathing. Then Logan, Jean, Hank, Scott, and the Professor starts laughing. Then Abby and Matt start getting angry. Ben senses their anger and stops laughing. He stands up then says "Abby, Matt, their not trying to kill you! Their testing you and trying to find out the level of your abilities. I went through it when I came here. They also want to see what you can handle! I promise this is just a test of your abilities to find out your strengths and weaknesses!" After saying that Ben could sense them get calm. After a few minutes the Professor spoke " Abby, Matt, if the two of you are ready now we're going up to the control room. Once we're up there we'll begin the test again, but we'll start it out on a lower scale. Ben will be in the control room with us."

As Ben watches his friends struggle to fight the Sentinels that he himself once fought in the Danger Room He is reminded of how powerful he is. His friends struggle to defeat them when he did so with ease. Ben also remembers what he saw when he was unconscious. While he's remembering he's hit by an unseen force of psychic energy and sent flying backwards. At that same moment Ben has a vision {Ben's Mom Debbi arguing with the Professor. "I don't give a damn about your concerns, Charles! He is my son and I won't let you do to him what you've done to Jean! The psychic trauma that you did to her by seperating her from her powers caused her to develope the personality of the Phoenix! The mistake you made with Jean will one day come back to bite you in the ass!" The Professor looked at Debbi with a look of pure anger and says "I did what I felt needed to be done! Jean and the rest of us are better off! I contained the Phoenix and she will remain contained! Ben is even more powerful than Jean! No mutant has ever displayed Ben's kind of power at this age! There is no mutant in the history of the world that has every had power at six years old! If we don't contain Ben's power now I fear he'll be the end of this world one day!" Debbi looks at the Professor with major disscust and says "God gave this power to my son for a reason and he will use it for good! God has a purpose for Ben! He has a destiny that I feel is far greater than anything we can conseive! I have said that your not doing anything to my son and I mean it!" Debbi leaves the Professor's office and gets Ben. Then starts to leave the school, but the X-men all except Jean try to stop her. But there's no force greater than a Mother's love. The X-men and Xavier are no match for Debbi. She nearly kills them and nearly burns the Mansion to the ground!

" Ben, Are you alright? Ben!" Ben opens his eyes and sees Jean's worried face then says as he's getting up " I'm fine, Aunt Jean" Ben looks over at the Professor then starts screaming at him "You self richeous bastard! When I was six you wanted to do to me, what you did to Aunt Jean! It's what you were thinking about doing that day when I was thirteen! Well guess what, I'm not Aunt Jean! If I were to kill you, trust me when I say there will be no coming back to life!!!!!!!" Then with a powerful wave of tk energy Ben sends the Professor flying through the glass window over looking the Danger Room! Before the Professor can hit the Danger Room floor Jean catches him with her tk. Logan grabs Ben and spins him around looks him in the eyes and says " That was uncalled for, Ben! Now I want you to calmly explain what just happened and why you just tried to kill the Professor!" Everyone in the room could feel Ben's anger radiating off of him! Ben's skin starts to get as hot as fire. Making Logan let go instantly and yell from the pain of his hands being burnt. "I had a vision a very powerful vision! So powerful that I flew into the wall! I saw the Professor and my Mom arguing over me! I saw all the X-men except for Aunt Jean try to stop my Mom from leaving here with me! You wasn't apart of the X-men back then Dad! I was only six and the Professor wanted to seperate me from my powers! Just like he did Aunt Jean! He said that he feared that I would one day be the end of the world! I now understand why Magneto said that the Professor and the X-men couldn't be trusted!" Ben looks at everyone with tears running down his face then teleports away!

Jean uses her tk to bring the Professor back up into the control room, when she gets him there they see that he is unconscious. So she takes him to the Med Bay. In the Med Bay all the X-men wait for Hank and Jean to get done examining the Professor. Scott speaks and makes everyone jump. "What the hell did Ben do to the Professor? When I find him I'm going to kick his ass!" Logan runs over and punches Scott in the face! " You won't touch my Son! Ben was angry, because the Professor wanted to hurt him when he was young! And you guys were going to let him!" Storm yells for Logan to stop! He looks at Sotrm and she says " We didn't know what the Professor was going to do! He told us that Debbi threaten his life and that Ben wasn't safe with her! We didn't want to believe it, but with Debbi's families mental history and the fact that we had no reason not to believe the Professor! We regret what happened! We loved Debbi and we love Ben!" Logan somewhat calms down then says "I know Storm! I'm just so angry that the Professor thought about psychicly hurting my Son!" Afew Moments later Jean walks out of the exam room then says "Ben has imprisoned the Professor in a psychic cage that only he can brake. The Professor is reliving his mistakes and more importantly his death. The moment when I, not the Phoenix killed him!"

There's nothing but silence for a few minutes as everyone is in shock. Shocked by the news that the Professor has been imprisoned in his own mind. But even more shocked at Jean's confession that it was her and not the Phoenix that killed the Professor! Finally Scott says " Jean what do you mean it was you and not the Phoenix that killed the Professor? Does this mean you killed me too?!" Tears start running down Jean's face, then she says "No Scott, I didn't kill you! It was the Phoenix! I did however kill the Professor. He kept trying to get into my head and I remembered the trauma of what he did to me! I saw him as a Father figure and he hurt me! I wasn't going to let him do it again! The Phoenix wanted to do to him what he did to me, but I wanted him dead! I knew his death wouldn't last, but that at least it would teach him a lesson!" Jean looks at Logan and asks "Are you okay, Logan?" But before Logan can respond Abby, Matt, and Pearl come running into the Med Bay. "Dad, We can't find Ben! We've searched the entire mansion and the grounds. I also searched the sky! He is no where around! Abby and Matt told me part of what happened in the Danger Room, but what happened in the control room?" Logan looks at Pearl and explains what happened. Abby and Matt look horrorified, but Pearl is pissed! "I knew there was something off about the Professor! I could sense it! After we find Ben, I think we need to deal with the Professor because I'm not staying while he is in control! I would rather live on the streets! Now how in the hell do we find Ben?"

Jean looks at Pearl and says "You don't, I do with Cerebro!" Before anyone can say anything Jean's out of the Med Bay and heading for Cerebro. Wants Jean is connected to Cerebro she reaches out with her mind and finds Ben easily. She connects with his mind to talk to him. [ Ben, Please come home and we can all sit and talk about this. ] Ben replies [ I can't Aunt Jean! I have question that need answers and I think that there's only one man on this Earth that can give them to me! Tell Dad and Pearl that I'm fine and that I'll be back soon! ] Ben brakes the connection and nomatter how much Jean tries she can't create another. She finally gives up and heads out of the Cerebro room. Once outside she runs into Pearl, Logan, Abby, Matt, Pete, and the rest of the X-men. " I've located and made contact with Ben. He is so angry and upset!" Logan says " Come on Jean where is he and what did he say?" Jean sighs then explains "He says that he has questions that need answers. He also says he's fine and that he'll be back soon." Everyone looks at Jean confused then Pearl says " What the hell does that mean? Where is he going to get these answers and from who?" "He's heading to Genosha. He's going to see Magneto. It makes sence. I mean the Professor and Magneto were once best friends and he said that he new Ben's Mom. Magneto also said that the Professor couldn't be trusted. So I can see why Ben wants to talk to him." Logan all of a sudden punches the wall in anger. "Ben isn't in his right mind right now! I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to Genosha and I'm bringing him home wether he likes it or not!" Jean grabs Logan's arm then says "No Logan! You need to give Ben time! He will be fine! He's strong like his Mom! He hates Magneto even more than he does the Professor. Trust me, once he talks to Magneto he'll be back. I think your son has shown Magneto and the Brotherhood that battling him will mean their demise! He'll be fine, his temper is worse than yours or Debbi's! So why we wait for Ben to get back, why don't you go spend somtime with your new daughter and get to know her better. Tell her what you remember about her Mom and I'll do the same later!" Logan does what Jean says and everyone goes to do other things why they wait for Ben.

Meanwhile in a fortress high above Genosha Magneto is standing on his balcony looking out over his city. His newest recruit Gemma Starcher a very gifted telepath and power senser walks out on to the balcony. He asks her "What is it Gemma?" "My lord I felt a surge of powerful psychic energy in New York a few moments ago. I think something has happened with my cousin Ben. Only he could of radiated that kind of psychic power." Magneto smiles "I wonder what could of happened? I'll have to check in with Mystique." All of a sudden Gemma lets out a blood curtling scream and falls to the floor clutching her head. "What's wrong Gemma?!" As she's screams she yells "Ben has entered Genosha! Ole my God the power he's radiating! It's to much! I feel like I'm about to explode!" Blood is starting to drain from her nose,eyes, and ears. Magneto looks at Gemma horrified! All of a sudden she's engulfed in flames and disapears. Then from behind Magneto "She was always so weak and pathetic!" Magneto spins around and standing on the edge of the balcony is Ben! He looks at Ben in shock. Ben's dressed in a sexy very revealing leather suit with flame designs going up and around his legs and arms, A Phoenix emblem on his chest and an X on his belt buckle. "Is that fear I'm sensing coming from the great and powerful Magneto? Now you couldn't possibley be afraid of little ole me!"

Ben's mocking seems to give Magneto courage "What are you doing here? And by the way I'm not afraid of you! You are a child, granted a very powerful child but a child none the less!" Ben laughs at Magneto then says "Wether your afraid or not makes no difference to me! I have questions that I need you to answer. I'm not here to fight. I just want answers. So will you give them to me?" Magneto thinks about it for a moment then replies "I'll answer your questions on one condition. I would like you to stay and visit. See and explore Genosha. That is my one and only condition." "Fine! I will stay and check out Genosha. I mean I could definaintly do with a vaca!"

Back in New York Pearl, Abby, Matt, and Logan are at the Mall doing major shopping! Logan who hates shopping and not to mention crowds looks at his daughter and says "Are we done yet? I hate the Mall!" Pearl laughs at him then says "It's alright Dad. Why don't you go look around in the camping supply store? Ben told me that you like camping. We'll be fine by are selves. We're going to Spencers anyways." Logan decides to do as his daughter says. Two hours later after they've finished their shopping and are heading to their car they hear screams. They look in the direction of the screams and see a group of teenagers running and about thirty sentinels chasing after them. Then they notice about ten sentinels flying over top of them tords the teens. Logan says "You guys get this stuff to the jeep I've got this!" But Pearl yells "No Dad! Ben has got the chance to shine. Now it's my turn!" With that she flies into the air and tords the sentinels. "Here bot, bot, bots! If you want to pick on a mutant why don't you pick on me!" She hits the forty sentinels with a huge wave of magnetic energy knocking them away from the group of teens. The teens run tords Logan and he has them get down behind his jeep. Meanwhile Pearl has definaintly got the attention of the sentinels. They fire blast after blast of their optic beams at her, but she creates a magnetic shield around herself that their beams have no affect on.

The X-men show up and go over to Logan. They see Pearl fighting the sentinels and laughing. Scott gives a stern look and says " Is she crazy? She can't take all of those sentinels by herself!" Jean looks at him and rolls her eyes then says "Scott, she's a class 5 mutant and just as powerful as Ben. Right now she's showing off. She hasn't even begun to display her true power yet. So just stand back and watch, because I have a feeling we're about to be amazed!" Pearl is starting to get bored with the sentinels. She uses her magnetism to lift twenty sentinels into the air and crushes them as if the where soda cans. Then her eyes glow white and the sky turns black as night! Lighting streaks across the sky and a huge level 5 twister comes down upon the remaining twenty sentinels. Once their cought in her twister she shoots the most powerful lightening she can muster out of one hand and sends a powerful magnetic pulse out of the other. Both hitting the twister at the sametime completely abliterating the sentinels. As soon as she's finished the twister disapears and the sky goes back to normal. She flies down to the X-men.

Back on Genosha. It has been two days since Ben has arrived. His cousin Gemma is locked in her room recovering from her powers being overloaded when Ben first arrived. Most of the Brotherhood members at Genosha are worried about Ben being there. Magneto is glad, but concerned about Ben's presents. He's glad because he feels that maybe this could help him be able to use Ben as a weapon for his cause one day. But he is worried about the questions that Ben wants answered. If he lies or refuses to answer any of them Ben might destroy him and all of Genosha! He can't help but wonder why Ben hasn't asked his questions yet. He is mainly afraid of what will happen when he answers them!

Next: Chapter 7

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