Son of Firewitch

By Deb Jones

Published on Sep 20, 2011


The X-men and other well-known superheroes are the property of Marvel and DC. This story takes after the 3\super rd\nosupersub X-men movie, but Jean has been resurrected by her powers and in the process Phoenix has been integrated into Jean making her a whole person again. Thanks to Dr. Moira MacTaggert and Forge the Professor and Scott are alive again as well. I'm new at this so everyone please keep that in mind when u read this story. If you like the story and want to comment or give some ideas for it please e-mail me at: Thank You! I hope u enjoy the story! You can also follow me on Twitter:!/ghettodeb

These symbols are for telepathic conversations. [ ] Visions are { }

Son of Firewitch By: DJ

Chapter Four:

It has been three weeks since the danger room incident and here I am laying in the Med Bay unconscious. Pete and Logan are sitting on either side of my bed. Neither of them have left my side since I've been here. After what happen in the danger room Aunt Jean has ssince found out that my vision was right Logan is my Father and she has told him. Even though I'm not in my body I can still here everything thats goes on around my body. I don't know were I am the only thing I do know is that I'm on different plain. My surroundings look like mine and my Mom's old apartment.

I look around and I see all of mine and my Mom's things. I sit down on the couch and then the TV turns on. I look at the TV and I see myself as a baby at the school. Then it switches and I see my six year old self at the school using my telekinesis. On the screen I'm by the lake and water is rising up into the air and everything around me is start to float. Then I see Mom and Aunt Jean come over to me and I look at them then everything stops floating and falls. Then the switches to the Professors office and him and my mom are arguing about me. I watch and listen, I mean I can't believe what seeing and hearing. The Professor wanted to do to me what he did to Aunt Jean. Which is to seperate me from my powers. Ole my God I have never seen my Mom so angry. Holy my Mom is using her powers against the Professor and the X-men. The only person she's not trying to torch is Aunt Jean. I see Mom leave with me and the damage she caused to the school was unbelieveable. She almost complete demolished it. Mom stops and looks at the school and then a blinding light shines out of the TV and consumes me.

A few minutes later I open my eyes and I'm in the Med Bay and back in my body. I look around and I see Pete asleep in the chair to my right, but not Logan. "Hey Petey, You can wake up now." He doesn't even budge. So I decide to have a little fun. I sit up then get out of bed. Then I go over, sit his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck then use my tk to wrap his arms around me. I place my lips on his then I use my telepathy enter his mind to see what he's dreaming about. Once I'm in his mind I see him and myself outside of a gorgeous house playing with these three little kids. I see wedding bands on our fingers. I look over and holler at him. He looks at me and I say "Petey, It's time to wake up!" I pull out of his mind and he wakes up. As soon as he opens his eyes our eyes meet. All of a sudden I get overwelmed with love, happiness, and compation. He kisses me and I get lost in our emotions.

We stop kissing and Pete lifts me up and set me on the edge of the hospital bed and we continue to makeout. I use my tk to take off all of his clothes, then I take off mine. we stop making out and I look down to his colossal 12 inch cock. I lay back on the bed and use my tk to take suliva from my mouth and lube my ass. Then he starts sticking his cock in slowly. The pain and the pleasure are so overwelming. Once he finally gets it all the way in I say "I love you so much Petey! Now fuck me like I've never been fucked before!!" He then does exactly what I say and pown me good. It feel so great! We continue making love for two hours. Him and I have already cummed once, but we just keep going. All of a sudden the doors open and Logan and Aunt Jean walk in.

When they walk in their freeze at the site of Pete and I having sex. I since their emotions as soon as they enter the room. Aunt Jean is slitely turned on, but Logan is furious. I could since Logan was about to seconds away from attacking Pete. So I did what I sub consciously did in the danger room. Using a combination of powers on a moleculor level I teleport us to my bedroom and on to my bed. We hurry up and finish. I look at Pete and say "You better go. Daddyis very angry and on his way here. I love you! I better teleport you!" "I love you and I'm going to let you face him alone. I know how logan is." I smile at Pete then say " You don't have a choice, Sweetie!" Then I teleport him to his bedroom. As soon as teleport Pete out my door bursts open and there stands Logan.

Logan looks around and says "Were the hell is Pete?" "I teleported him out of here Dad! Don't look me like that! Yes I know everything that went on while I was unconscious! You didn't seem to mind Pete being by bedside for the past three weeks! So why are you so angry cause we made love?! I'm gay and I love Pete and he loves me! And if try to hurt him or me choose between the two of you, I will choose him! And your self healing factor won't be able to save you from me! Is that understuod Daddy?!" The shock of evererything that I just said was clearly visable on his face. After a few minutes he says "I'm sorry Ben, but when I found out that I'm your Dad I become very protective of you. I'm sorry I went off like that! It's just that when I walked in and saw the two you of having sex was a shock to me and just like two hour before I saw you still unconsciuos. So I snapped. Can you please forgive me son?" I walk over give him and say "Yes, I forgive you Dad! But you don't half to worry about Pete hurting me. Plus if he does hurt me there is nobody or nothing on this earth that will be able to protect him from me."

For the next to weeks everything was going great for me. I spent time with my Dad and with Pete. I have learned to control my powers alot better too. So here it is Friday night and I'm getting ready for my date with Pete. As soon I'm done getting ready I recieve a telepathic message from the Professor. [Ben, meet me in the war room amediately!] I don't why, but it must be inportant. So I leave my room and head down to the war room. When I get there I see Aunt Jean, Logan, Storm, and Scott. I walk in and ask "What's going on Pro?" "I need you to go on a mission to your hometown. There is two kids your age there using some major power." I look at him and say "Okay Pro, I'll be glad too." So me and the X-men go and get in the Blackbird and head tords Pheonix, WV.

Next: Chapter 5

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