Son of Firewitch

By Deb Jones

Published on Aug 30, 2011


The X-men and other well-known superheroes are the property of Marvel and DC. This story takes after the 3rd X-men movie, but Jean has been resurrected by her powers and in the process Phoenix has been integrated into Jean making her a whole person again. Thanks to Dr. Moira MacTaggert and Forge the Professor and Scott are alive again as well. I'm new at this so everyone please keep that in mind when u read this story. If you like the story and want to comment or give some ideas for it please e-mail me at: Thank You! I hope u enjoy the story! You can also follow me on Twitter:!/ghettodeb

These symbols are for telepathic conversations. [ ] Visions are { }

Son of Firewitch By: DJ

Chapter Three:

I wake up the next morning to the lovely sound of knocking. I open my eyes and look at the clock, OMG it's only 7am. I yell "Who the hell is it?!" From the person on the other side of the door I hear " It's your Aunt Jean! Now open this door!" I reluctly use my tk to open the door. Aunt Jean walks in and says "Come on it's time to get up and better watch your mouth when talking to me. If you don't I will bust your ass!" I look up at her and start laughing my ass off. Aunt Jean puts her hands on her hips and gives me a look that could kill. I finally stop laughing then say " Your funny Aunt Jean. I'm sorry, but why do I have to get up so early?" She looks at me and shakes her head then says "Because you need to go eat breakfast then go see the Professor in his office. Now get up and get ready. I'll see you later I have some things I have to do." She starts to leave the room when I remember my vision then yell "wait!"

Aunt Jean stops and turns around and says "Ben what's wrong?" I use my tk to shut the door then say "I had a vision last night when I shook Logan's hand. In the vision I saw my Mom and Logan having sex then I saw me being born. I was wondering if it means that Logan is my biological Father!" I looked at Aunt Jean she had a shocked look on her face. After a few moments she said "I think it is possible. Are you sure it was you that you saw being born?" I thought about it then said "Yes I'm positive and my visions have never been wrong!" Aunt Jean looks at me and says "Alright I'll talk to the Professor about it, but I don't think we should tell anyone else yet. I will run a DNA test later when we run our usual tests on you. I promise I will make it my number one priority, cause I know how long you've been waiting to find your Father. I also know what this will mean to Logan. Well I better get going see you later." I smile at her and say "Thanks Aunt Jean your the best." With that she left and I got ready then went downstairs for breakfast.

As I walked into the cafeteria this annoyingly cheerful girl runs up to me and says " Hi, I'm Kitty Pryde. You must be Ben the whole school has been talking about you. Why don't you get your food and come sit with my friends and I!" I looked at her and thought [Damn, this bitch is crazier than hell! She needs a chillax pill!] I heard Aunt Jean and a few others in the cafeteria laugh. I all of a sudden realized that the telepathes in the room heard me. I blushed then looked at kitty and said "Sure! That would be nice thanks!" I got my food and went set down with them. I sat down and everyone introduced themselves and told me their powers and codenames. Kitty Pryde aka Shadowcat/phasing, Marie aka Rogue/ubsorbtion, super strength, flight, Bobby aka Iceman/cryokenesis, Jubilee/fireworks from her hands (her words not mine), Ray aka Berserker/Electrokinesis, Piotr Rasputin aka Pete aka Colossus/can transform his body into organic steel granting him superhuman strength, stamina, and durability. I couldn't take my eyes off Pete he is so gorgeous. He is like a yummy giant. He is tall, fabulous eyes, and those muscles! Damn! After a few moments of drooling I say "So Pete why do you have the codename Colossus? Is it because you have a colossal cock hiding in those jeans?" Pete started to choke on his drink and everyone else bursts out laughing. I just sit there and smile at Pete who is about ten different shades of red. Then Ray asks " Ben, are you gay?" Then Jubilee smacks him upside the head while chuckling and says "Duh, isn't it obvious!" After a good laugh at Pete's exspence everyone starts just talking about random stuff. Pete was being very quiet so I decided to talk to him telepathicly. [Hey Petey, are you okay?] He looked at me and said [ I'm fine. You just caught me off guard.] I look into his eyes and say [I'm sorry for embarassing you! I'm just very outspoken. Please forgive me! But do you have a colossal cock hidden in those jeans?] Pete turned red again chuckled and said [I forgive you and to answer your question you'll just have to find out for yourself sometime!] After that Pete was more comfortable and talkative.

Once I finished eating I got up and headed to the Professor's office. When I got to his door I started to knock, but before I could I heard [Please come in.] I went in and sitting in one of the chairs infront of the Professor's desk is this big hairy blue dude. I jump and scream. The Professor chuckles and says " Ben, this is Dr. Hank McCoy. He'll be one of your teachers." I look at Hank and say "I'm sorry. Your apearance kind of took me by surprise." Hank looks at me and smiles then says "It is alright. It happens alot. The first time I met your Mom she sent a fireball at me! I was the one who came up with her codename." I gave him a shocked, but confused look then said "I didn't know my Mom had a codename. What was it?" Hank and the Professor look stuned then Hank says " Your Mom's codename was Firewitch. She liked the name cause it reproscented her pyrokenisis and her witch heritage." The Professor makes a low couphing sound getting our attention then says "Now that intruductions have been done. Ben, I need to talk to you about your schedule. We have a few electives for you to choice from, but you need to pick two electives then we can finish your schedule."

After I picked my electives the Professor says "If you don't mind heading down to the Med Bay, Jean is waiting on you." "Sure Pro I can do that. You both have a nice day." I left the Professor's office and head down to the Med Bay. In the elavator I run into Pete of all people. I look at Pete and start to say hi when all of a sudden he grabs me and sarts kissing me. I can feel both of our emotions. I stop the elavator with my tk. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waste. The more we make out the more my powers go out of control. My pk starts to heat it up. The metal in the elevator start pop and warp. All of a sudden I here in my head [Ben, you stop before you destroy the elevator or worse!] I pull myself together and pull away from Pete. He looks at me says "I'm sorry. I don't know why, but what I was already feeling just all of a sudden magnified. And I just had to give in." I look at him and say " It's alright I magnified your emotions by acsendent. I so want you, but until I get a complete control of my powers. I just can't. I hope you understand." Pete looks at me with sympathetic eyes and says "I understand. Until then maybe we can be just friends and get to know eachother better." "I agree." I give him a quick kiss on the lips then use my tk to open the elevator.

I walk down the hall to the Med Bay when I get there Aunt Jean is waiting on me. "Hey Ben, get up here and sit. So it seems like you and Pete are hitting it off." I turn about fifty shades of red and say "Yea we are, but I told him that we can't do anything until I get more control of my powers." Jean looks at me sympatheticly and says "I understand completely. How about after we're done here you go to the danger room and practice. The Professor is wanting to test you in there anyways. So I'll have him meet you there." "Ok Aunt Jean that sounds great." After she was done running tests and doing blood work. I leave and head to the danger room.

When I get there the doors won't open so I figured someone was already using it. I stood thinking how bad I wanted to go in, then all of a sudden I'm engulfed in flames then when they go away I'm in a battle zone. All of a sudden a laser beam comes at me and I barely get a tk shield up. I look up and there is this giant robot. The robot isn't slacking at all on its laser so I focus my tk on a moleculer level and bend the laser beam back at the robot and it works. The robot isn't stopped for long. It starts coming back after me. Okay if this damn robot wants to harm a mutant I'll give it a mutant to harm! I fly into the air above the robot and I lift it into the air with my tk. Then I focus on the molecules that it is made of and start ripping it apart. I smirk as the pieces of the robot fall to ground. I look around and I see Logan, Scott, and Storm battling a shit load of the giant robots. I decide to see how much power I can use until I lose control. I reach out with my tk and start ripping the robots apart. Then I start using my pk as well and other robots start bursting in flames. In my mind I'm struggling to remain in control of my powers. All of a sudden things start going bad. Scott, Logan, and storm are thrown from the battle. Then the robots start exploding and in the city that we are in everything starts floating, bursting into flames, or being ripped apart. I try to pull all of my power back inside of me, but it is to much. I let out a blood curtling scream and a wave of psyonic and pyrokinetic energy shoot out of me. The energy wave completely over loads and destroys the danger room. The energy surge creates such a blinding light, that it's like looking into the heart of the sun!

Next: Chapter 4

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