Son of Firewitch

By Deb Jones

Published on Jun 16, 2011


The X-men and other well-known superheroes are the property of Marvel and DC. This story takes after the 3rd X-men movie, but Jean has been resurrected by her powers and in the process Phoenix has been integrated into Jean making her a whole person again. Thanks to Dr. Moira MacTaggert and Forge the Professor and Scott are alive again as well. I'm new at this so everyone please keep that in mind when u read this story. If you like the story and want to comment or give some ideas for it please e-mail me at: Thank You! I hope u enjoy the story!

Son of Firewitch by: DJ

Chapter one

Hi, my name is Benjamin James Starcher aka Ben. I'm 16 years old and I live in Phoenix West Virginia. I'm also 5' 10" with shoulder length dark-brown hair and goldish-green cat like eyes. My body is thin, well defined with a nice six pack and a big 9 inch dick. But enough about my great looks an on with the story of my life.

My life has been pretty hard so far what with losing my Grandma when I was 3 then at 5 I realized I was gay and never knowing who my biological Father is. Then when I was 11 I became a mutant. I started freaking out because I was already gay, but now I was a mutant on top of it. One day I decided to skip school because I couldn't handle being there with my powers. Which by the way my powers at the time were just telepathy, empathy, telekinesis, and I could levitate. Well I thought my Mom had left the house, but I was wrong.

I walked back through the front door and there she was sitting on the couch. I was shocked and terrified. My Mom was one of only two people in the world I was afraid of, the other was my Grandpa. I looked at her expecting the worst, but she just smiled at me and told me to go sit by her. I stood there for a few debating in my head whether to go over an sit, but I finally did. Once I sat down she reached over and took my hand, looked me in the eyes and said "I know you're a mutant and that you're gay." I looked at her shocked I mean how in the hell could she possibly know. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. Then she said "The reason I know is because I am a mutant to and so wasn't your Great Grandma on my Mother's side. Your Great Grandma was empathic and telekinetic, now I'm telepathic, pyrokinetic, and I have slight telekinetic ability. An before you say anything I haven't been using my telepathy on you, it's just that you have been projecting your thoughts. My abilities all but my telekinesis are class 4."

Well for the next couple years Mom worked on teaching me how to fully use and control my powers, but when I was 13 my Step Grandmother pissed me off and everything around me started bursting into flames. When I noticed I was shocked and scared my Mom then used her power to put the fire out, but it was too late the damage was already done. My Nanny who by the way is what I call my Step Grandmother, starting freaking out and calling me names and everything else. So Mom used her telepathy to wipe my Nanny's mind of the incident, but she let my Papaw remember. She explained everything to him and he was cool with it all.

Life was pretty good after that until the end of November beginning of December. I got badly sick with pneumonia. I stopped breathing one night and Mom got me breathing again, but I was rushed to the hospital. At the hospital it happened again, but this time my heart stopped. The doctors and nurses tried for a half hour to bring me back, but then they called time of death which was December 23rd at 11:59AM. Mom was losing it and having major problems keeping her powers under control cause of her emotional state. The doctor covered my body and was about leave the room so the nurses could unhook everything. Then when he was about to the door the heart monitor started beeping.

He looked back at it and was shocked, because it was picking up a very low pulse. Then the pulse started to rise and everything in the room started to shake, move and levitate. Mom came running in to the room and stop dead in her tracks at the sight of me. I was still covered with the sheet, but I was floating in the air. Then all of a sudden the sheet covering me burst into flames and disintegrated. The doctors and nurses ran for it then and started trying to evacuate the hospital because my surging powers were starting to affect everything and everyone in the place. My Mom was at this time trying to keep my surging pyrokinesis from burning the place down while using her telepathy to try an block my telepathic and empathic surges from killing anyone. Even with her being a class 4 mutant it wasn't doing much good against my surging powers. Then after an hour of my powers constantly surging and my Mom feeling like she was about to pass out or die my power surge started to dissipate. After a few more minutes my powers finally stopped surging and I landed on the bed. Then my eyes popped open and I sat straight up and took a huge deep breath. I looked around the room and it looked like a tornado had been through it. Then I looked over at Mom and asked "Mom, what's going on? What happened here?" She ran up and hugged me then she looked me in the eye and explained everything to me. I was terrified at the fact that I died and that my powers surged while resurrecting me and caused all the damage to the hospital. I mean it almost destroyed it. Mom also explained that I wasn't a class 4 mutant like we thought I was and that I'm a class 5. Mom then decided to tell me what she knows about class 5 mutants. "A class 5 mutant is very rare. Besides you there is only one other and that's my best friend from New York. She is a class 5 telekinetic and a class 4 telepath. Being a class 5 means your potential is practically limitless. You are actually more powerful then my friend Jean Grey, because were her class 5 potential just affects her telekinesis yours affects all of your powers but two. The two powers not affected is your levitation that is now a class 4 ability meaning you can fly now, and the new power that just awakened and brought you back to life. This new power is a class 3 ability and it's a self-healing ability. Which means you will never really get old or half to worry about dying."

After we talked Mom got me out of the hospital and we went home. When we got there I went straight to the bathroom and took a long hot bath. When I was done I got out got dressed and went into the living room. When I walked in there were two people I never met before. One was a bald guy in a wheelchair the other was a beautiful red-headed woman. My Mom looked over at me an said "Hey sweetie, this is my friend Jean Grey and this is Professor Charles Xavier." Then Jean said smiling "Hey Ben, I haven't saw you since you were a baby. You're a very handsome young man." I looked at her and blushed then said "Thank you Jean you're very beautiful yourself." Jean looked at me smiling with a blushing look and said "Thank you and please call me Aunt Jean. Your Mom and I are like sisters. I'm also one of your Godmothers."

Through all this the Professor just sat there not saying a word, but with my empathy I could since that he was worried about something. So I decided to brake his silent and said "Hello Professor you look worried about something what's wrong?" He looked me mildly shocked and said "hello, I'm just concerned about your powers and whether or not you can handle them. I mean will you control your powers or let them control you?" I was shocked, annoyed, and pissed. I mean who the hell does this guy think he is?! Well I wasn't going to take this shit so I looked him right in the eye and said "Who in the hell do you think you are coming in here thinking you have some authority? Yes I can most definently handle my powers. If I couldn't I would have done disintegrated your bald ass. My Mom is a great teacher and has been teaching me how to control my powers since I was 11 years old. So don't be coming here in our house and acting all high an mighty cause you have no right." Jean looked shocked and the professor looked affended, but Mom was smiling. She then looked at the Professor and said "Professor, you and I have a long history together and you have done a lot for me, but I won't let you act like that to my son. He was born with this power and he can handle it. I won't let you do what you're thinking about doing. Now if you want to help us take care of the stuff that happened at the hospital then we'll forget this and everything will be fine. You were always like a second Father to me so please make the right decision. What would my Mother and Grandma say to you in regards to their grandson?" The Professor looked deep in thought, then a couple of tears slid down his face and he said "I'm sorry Ben. I didn't mean to affend you it's just that I have known mutants whose power has went to their heads. Debbi, I am sorry and I will be more than happy to help dill with what happened at the hospital."

Later Mom and the Professor talked in private about something, but I have no clue what it was about. Two days later they left, but the Professor offered me a place at his school in New York. I told him thanks and that I was fine were I was for now. Then less than a year later when I was 14 my Mom died. Aunt Jean came to the funeral aswell as the Professor and a few others from his school that new Mom. A few days after the funeral they left, but not before offering once again a place at the school. I of course declined. About a year and a half later in January my Pappaw died. Which left me alone with my Nanny. After the funeral I decided to leave. So I packed my stuff and headed to New York.

Next: Chapter 2

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