Son Of A Preacher Man

By Ruben Rodriguez

Published on Mar 31, 2019



Son Of A Preacher Man

Joining Scouting at the age of 16 didn't leave me much time to be a Scout. It wasn't long before two years quickly passed and I joined the adult leaders as an Assistant Scoutmaster. My Scoutmaster urged me to become as an assistant since I got along well with all the scouts in the troop.

My being an assistant helped the other adults as I was always going on the hikes as the adult in charge as well as other more physical activities that the older adults had trouble doing.

On some of the activities some of the scouts would share my tent. I had no trouble finding a tent partner as several of the scouts were always wanting to share my tent. I never tempted to engage a younger scout in sex even if I was attracted to them. If I did I wanted to be sure they made the first move.

I became good friends with one 15 year old scout. His father was a minister at a church near our family business. I got to see Fernando outside of scouting as he would often drop by the shop to visit me. At one of his visits, I was alone and he brought a Hustler magazine with him. We were looking through the magazine and from my vantage point a could clearly see the bulge in his jeans grow.

Fernando was about 5ft 6inches tall, slim build, weighing about 110lbs, with a 6.5 inch cut cock. He was quite a handsome latino boy with dark curly hair and a light coffee colored skin.

Seeing the bulge in his jeans grow of course brought my own 19 year old cock to rigid attention. I had been attracted to Fernando and now with his growing bulge I was attracted to him even more so. Like Fernando's, it was quite easy to see my own straining cock in my tight levis.

Fernando finally glanced up from his magazine and caught me trying to adjust my hard cock to a more comfortable position in my jeans.

"Looks like we both have hard dicks." He laughed. "Except you have a BIGGER problem than I do."

"Yeah, I guess I do." I laughed in return. "Although your bulge looks pretty nice too."

Fernando smiled at me and shoved his magazine into his book bag.

"I need to be getting home Ruben. " I'll catch you later." He said as he walked out the door heading home which was two blocks from our business.

As he was leaving he flashed his beautiful smile at me and waved. I waved back at him as I watched him cross the street and head towards his home.

A couple of weeks later we had a campout. Fernando was hoping to share my tent on that weekend but someone else asked me first and I had agreed. We spent the day doing things that boy scouts do on normal campouts. We worked on the Scouts' advancement. Stuff like Knot tying, compass work, first aid and other skills. The day went pretty quickly and before you know we had eaten supper and had gathered for the evening campfire.

We did skits, sang songs, told jokes and stories. Once the campfire was over we had some free time to play night games. That campout we decided on capture the flag. The dark night would make for alot of fun. Fernando and I ended up on the same team and when we scattered out into the darkness he was right there with me. We found some bushes to hide behind as we waited for the starting signal. Then just out of the blue I hear Fernando say.

"Damn, I'm so horny." He said in a low whisper

His matter of fact statement caught me off guard.

"What did you say??" I whispered back creduously.

"I'm fucking horny." He again whispered. "I didn't get to jerkoff today so I'm really hard and horny."

"Quit joking Fernando." I replied back.

"I'm serious." He said as he took one of my hands and placed it on his stiff cock.

"You sure are." Was all I could say as I tugged at his jean covered erection.

"Lets jerk off." He said.

"We can't jerk off here. What if someone catches us out here in the open." I replied.

"So lets sneak into your tent." He suggested

"Oh right, smack dab in the middle of camp where the adults can hear us." I said. "But I have an idea, follow me."

The capture the flag game had already started, so I led Fernando through the dark along the furthest edges of our campsite to where the vehicles we used to get everyone out to the campout were parked. We snuck through the vehicles and since they were not too close to the campsite the other adults were nowhere close. I looked around and made sure none of the other scouts were around the vehicles. Satisfied that it was just me and Fernando I opened the door to my car and we climbed into the back seat.

"We should be good here. Its dark and as long as we don't make noise to attract attention." I said.

"Great, Let's get to it." He replied.

We both dropped our jeans to our knees and started to jerk our stiff cocks in unison. Me with my 8.5 inches and Fernando with his 6.5 inches. Even though it was dark we could still make out each other. Both of us stroking our cocks in a slow enjoyable pace. Fernando was beautiful looking there in the dark, the faint light from the night and eyes adjusted to the dark. Our jeans now down to our ankles, I couldn't take my eyes off of Fernando.

After a couple of minutes of stroking our cocks, Fernando looked at me.

"Want to suck it?" he quietly asked.

His question broke my reverie. I looked at him and then without hesistation reached out for his cock. It felt so nice in my hand. So hard, and the heat from his body was exciting me beyond belief. I hesistated just a bit longer before my desire for his cock overcame me. As I brought my mouth to his cock my lips parted and my tongue came forth to swirl over the head. The taste of his precum was intoxicating. My lips wrapped around his stiff teenage cock and as I took it down to his soft patch of pubes. In the darkness I could hear Fernando sigh softly.

My mouth sliding up and down on his steely hard cock, Fernando put one of his hands on the back of my head.

"Suck it Ruben, fuck, it feels so good." He said

I could only moan in pleasure in response. I didn't want his hot teenage cock to slip from my mouth. My mouth slid up and down on his stiff shaft, it glistened in the faint light from the wetness of my mouth. Occassionally I would release it and would run my lips and tongue all along the shaft of his cock. Fernando gently thrust his hips to meet my sucking mouth, face fucking me in a slow and steady rhythmn. My hands would roam over his sleek trim body, over his tight abs.

It seemed like an eternity, I was enjoying sucking his cock so much, but all too soon I heard his breathing become more ragged. His chest began to heave and he squirmed in the back seat of my car. I knew Fernando was getting ready to shoot his teenage load. With one final plunge I slid my lips down all the way to his pubes. Wrapping them tightly around Fernando's young cock.

Fernando's cock stiffened, twitched and exploded with spurts of his hot young cum. I felt his cum filling my mouth. I swallowed every drop of his precious load. I milked his cock of it's precious seed until it became too sensitive. Letting it slip from my mouth I leaned back against the seat and gave my own cock several quick strokes and it exploded in a torrent of cum. Splashing my stomach and chest. A random drop of cum hitting my chin.

Grabbing a towel I had laying about I wiped myself clean. Fernando and I got ourselves dressed, slip from the car into the darkness. The sounds of the Capture the Flag game filling the air, we stealthly joined in the fun.

My own schedule and Fernando's high school activities didn't allow us much time to visit over the next few weeks. Even at the scout meetings there were so many activities going on we hardly had a chance to visit. But then we had our monthly troop campot.

This month's campout was the Spring Camporee. All the troops from our district came together for some friendly competition and fun. I couldn't join in the competition but I still enjoyed myself. It was fun rooting for our scouts on during the different activities.

The competition came to an end, a long day of showing off their scouting skills was over. Evening finally rolled around and it was time for the troop to head out to the awards campfire. An adult leader stays in camp and looks after the campsite and the troop gear. I was the "lucky" one on this campout. So while everyone was out at the evening campfire, I was back at camp alone. I didn't realize how lucky I was going to be.

I was sitting on a camp stool beside one of our cooking fires that was slowly dying down. The remaining small flame flickered and danced among the red hot coals. I stirred the coals with a long stick, thinking maybe I should put another long on the fire.

Just as I was about to get up and grab a small log to add to the dying embers when I heard steps approaching the campsite. One of the other leaders must have forgotten something was the thought that crossed my mind. I could make out a dark figure heading towards our camp. The figure finally stepped into the light of our campfire.

"Fernando!! What are you doing back at camp??" I asked with much surprise.

"I snuck away from the troop before we got to the campfire." He responded. "I want a blow job, I want your mouth on my hard cock."

"Let's go to my tent." I replied with excitement and lust.

No sooner had we entered my tent, Fernando stripped off his shirt. I closed the flaps to the door and sat on my cot. I reached out and brought Fernando to me. I held him close and my lips and tongue were kissing, licking his youthful smooth chest. My tongue licked his dark brown nipples before I sucked on them, making them stand hard and proud. Damn he was gorgeous, his coffee colored skin, so nice and smooth. Trim and tight from his playing tennis in high school.

I kissed my way down his taut stomach to his scout pants which I nearly ripped in my excitement to get to his cock. His hard cock was stretching the material of his briefs, stiff and the head visible from the precum oozing from his cock. I dove on that cloth covered cock and sucked on it through his briefs. Savoring the precum that his cock continued to produce. Fernando threw his head back in ecstacy.

"AH FUCK!! You have the best damn mouth for sucking." he said as I gripped his briefs with my teeth and pulled them down.

Fernando's hard cock caught in the material of his briefs as I tugged them down. When his briefs were pulled down far enough to release his cock it came out with a thwack as it slapped against his stomach.

"Damn I love sucking your cock Fernando."

"Yeah go ahead and suck it Ruben, suck it and drink all my cum."

I took it back into my mouth with a hunger for his hot teenage cock. I took him all the way down my throat. As I bobbed up and down on his cock my hands held him just below the hips. I could feel his ass muscles tighten as he began pumping his cock into my mouth. Fernando moaned in pleasure as I sucked down his cock with wild abandon. Fernando's cock glistened with wetness as it slipped in and out of my lips.

My own cock was straining in my pants and was becoming uncomfortable as it tried to stretch to its full length. I finally had to free it from its confinement. I undid my pants and pulled them and my briefs down to my ankles. Sitting there naked, my own stiff cock was dripping precum as I went back to sucking Fernando's young cock. We both wanted to scream in pleasure but we knew we had to hold down the noise since sound carries in the night.

I slurped and sucked on Fernando's teenage cock, burying my nose in his soft pubes as i took his cock all the way down my throat. Fernando's legs went weak as I held his cock deep down my throat. His legs were trembling and his breathing was quickening and I could tell he was reaching his climax. I eased off on my sucking, I wanted it to last longer.

"Goddamn Ruben!! Don't stop, keeping sucking, I want to cum so bad."

"I want you to cum Fernando, I want to taste your juice."

"Make me cum, make me cum."

I went back down on Fernando's cock and lavished it with my tongue as more precum flowed the head. I lapped up his precum off the head of his cock, savoring the taste. I slid my mouth over the head of his cock and down his hard shaft. Bobbing my head up and down again in a steady rhythmn, Fernando's moaning softly. My own cock throbbed and stiffened more as I sucked on Fernando's cock.

More than anything I wanted it to last so much longer but in the back of my mind I knew the campfire would end soon and the troop would be returning to our campsite. My slow steady sucking on his cock became a bit more faster, a bit more urgent. Fernando again thrust his hips forward pushing his cock deeper into my mouth and his breathing became more ragged. My mouth met the thrust of his hips as I sucked down on his stiff boy cock.

"Fuck Ruben!! I'm fucking going to cum!!

And with that Fernando's cock stiffened and then exploded into my mouth with a torrent of cum. Spurt after spurt filled my mouth as I swallowed his cum as fast as I could. My own cock exploded on its ownshooting my cum up into the air splashing my chest. I grunted as it kept spurting its load and as I continued sucking Fernando's cock.

Fernando fell against me his cock spent. I held onto him as I tried to catch my breath from my orgasm. The moment ended quickly as we realized we needed to get ourselves together before the troop returned. Once Fernando was dressed he left my tent to rejoin the troop before the troop returned to the campsite. I left my tent and sat down on my camp chair by the final dying embers of the fire in our camp.

In the darkness I could hear the voices and laughter of the troop as it was returning to camp. I waited for them as the after taste of Fernando's cum brought a smile to my face.

Fernando and I got together a couple of times again before his father was transferred to another city. The last time we met before they left Fernando gave my ass a good fucking,

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