Sometimes That's All There Is

By Justin Balancier

Published on Dec 2, 2010


"Sometime That's All There Is" Part 5 -- Final chapter

By Justin Balancier

Part 5 -- The Party's over...

Doctor Mac was a pretty impressive guy when he came into the apartment. He checked me over standing by the window and looking like horseshit. He said;

"Look's like I missed a celebration -- Hi there I'm Mac."

"Yes I know it wasn't hard to figure out."

"Oh lover boy here has been talking about me huh? Doc said, well set your pretty ass down if it isn't too sore from last night."

"I'm okay - nothing I can't handle and pulled on my shirt and put the shoes back on my feet."

"Holy shit Kit -- what time is it?" -- Kit pointed to the clock and said 8:45."

"Damn it, I have to be to work in 15 minutes -- I can't do it. I'll give my boss a call."

"What are you going to tell him"?

"I don't know, he'll probably blow his head off. I'll have to lie like a muther fucker."

The number rang and Sherry the gal in the office answered. Sherry, I asked, is Jeff around. I have to talk to him. " Hold on Justin he just got here."

"Ya Justin -- what's up?"

" Jeff, I can't make it in today"

"What's the matter pal, are you sick?"

"No, I went out drinking last night and I have the worse hangover that God every created and I feel like shit. I won't be any good to you today so I won't be in to work."

I expected some bad vibes from Jeff but instead he was great. It's slow here today so don't fret about it Justin -- get some sleep and we'll see you tomorrow"

I hung up the phone and Kit said to me --

"That was some lie you told your boss, why the hell did you tell him the truth - I don't know about you Justin. Why didn't you tell him that you got fucked too"

Dr. Mac said, "Stop Kit "He did the right thing. It's called character." Kit answered -- "that's called bullshit."

Dr. Mac poured me a large glass of tomato juice and I sat on the window bench drinking it. There were people walking their dogs along the park and traffic was backed up on State Street.

Kit followed Mac into the bedroom and they were gone about twenty minutes or so. My head was beginning to feel better and I was getting hungry. Mac came out of the bedroom and said to me.

"I have to get running -- nice to have met you Justin. Don't waste the day screwing around -- go out and do something exciting but keep your dick in your pants." He winked at me and closed the door behind him. -- The doctor was okay -- I liked him.

Kit was taking a shower so I joined him. We soaped up and rubbed our cocks together and did some slippery body presses. He ran soap through the crack of my ass but nothing happened and it ended there.

We dressed and Kit asked me if I felt like grabbing some breakfast and then stop by to see Eva and Terry. Everything was in walking distance -- so that's what we did.

The Miss Albany Diner served good food and was only a block from the apartment. After having breakfast we felt human again. Kit insisted on paying the check and pulled out a $50.00 dollar bill for the cashier. He whispered "It's on Dr. Mac"

"My God. You're such a whore," I said.

Kit whispered in my ear, "I'm a working rent boy" and booted me in the ass and out the door. We left the diner.

Eva and Terry shared a basement apartment on Lancaster Street only a few blocks from the diner. Eva came to the door with a bottle of beer in her hand.

I said, "Holy crap Eva it's 10:30 in the morning and you're still drinking"

She replied, "That's right Mary -- I'm getting ready for New Years Eve and I want to beat the rush" so shut up faggot." I didn't say another word -- not a single word.

Terry was acting strange and looked annoyed. She had an argument with Eva and was still brooding. This I could believe. Kit said they fight all the time so I asked him "What's wrong with these dykes -- all they do is drink, argue, swear and fight."

"It's chemistry Justin. They have a strong mind set and look at things differently than most people"

"That's nuts" I replied

"Maybe so but you're not a lesbian"

"The four of us were talking about nothing special -- just talking when Eva turned to me and said, "Why don't you get your finger out of your ass and say something"

I said, "Nice place you have here" Eva laughed and blurted out -- "Fuckin queer"

Whoo -- I tried hard but I didn't like her. Little did I know that down the road she would end up being a close and dear friend.

We hung around for a while and then left. I brought Kit to my apartment. Danny was out someplace. He was always out someplace trolling the bus station looking for cock.

I wanted to lie down to rest and so did Kit. We went into the bedroom and stretched out. He put his arm around my neck and pulled me closer to him. We did some deep kissing and Kit put some spit on his finger and placed it in my mouth. He pulled his shirt off and put his armpit over my face and said, "Lick me Justin, do my pits"

I can't explain the weak feeling that came over me. It was Tom being resurrected and it frightened me a bit and yet I did it. I liked doing it and I wanted to see what else he expected me to do.

He lifted my knees to my chest, wet my ass with spit and slid his cock into me. Ever so gently at first pulling back and then sinking deeper. It felt wonderful. When he got ready to cum he pulled out and shot in his hand. I thought. "That cum is going on my chest. I know it -- I just know it. But NO I was wrong. He stood up, put his hand full of cum to my mouth and said, "Lunch time baby" --"take it -- take it all"...good Lord, this was all too familiar.

I still wasn't feeling so good after all the scotch we drank the night before. I got up, dressed and went into the bathroom. Kit followed and asked if I was all right.

"Sure, I said, just still hung over."

Kit left and we were to meet at Dolly's the following night. He never showed. In fact he didn't show the night after that either. About a month went by and still no sign of Kit. We never exchanged telephone numbers. I thought about going to Dr. Mac's apartment but decided against it.

It was a Tuesday afternoon when I stopped at Dolly's for a drink on the way home from work. It was early and the joint was practically deserted. Eva was mopping the floor and helping Dolly with some cleaning.

"Well, look what the fuckin cat dragged in! -- Where the fuck ya been" Eva shouted to me.

"I shouted back -- hey, not bad; how `bout you --" can you say something that doesn't have the word "fuck" in the sentence."

"Fuck yes" -- Holy shit I mean -- "why of course I can precious" -- Are ya happy now fucker?" and she laughed and laughed. It was good to see Eva laugh -- she was always so serious and tough acting. Behind the brawn there was still a real person in Eva; you just had to recognize it. We became friends.

We sat at the same table where Kit introduced me to Eva and Terry months earlier. She told me that she and Terry had broken up and Terry was living back with her ex husband. I didn't even want to go there so I didn't ask any questions. I felt like saying, -- "I'm not surprised - all you did was drink and fight" -- but I kept my mouth shut.

"What do you hear from Kit, I asked her? I haven't seen him around in quite awhile."

"Hey hon, you didn't hear that Dr. Mac kicked his ass out. He got drunk and stole his prescription pad and tried to get codeine with it. It didn't work of course and Mac got him off the hook then dropped him. Last I heard he want to CA. Someone said he was in San Francisco."

"Probably a good place for him". I replied. "Probably so, Eva answered

Eva continued: "Dr. Mac is a strange fucker -- oops, I mean a strange dude. The way he pays these guys and trains them. But I guess it's easy money and he seems to replace them pretty quickly. You never met Tom. Tom was his favorite boy- toy. He was a hot looking dude and you know that I don't go for dudes"

Really Eve --" Can you tell me about him?" Sure, she replied.

"Do you remember that faggot Chucky Ray that use to work the bars downtown? - probably still does -- Well he would pimp for Dr. Mac and find studs for the doc to play with. Chucky took speed, painkillers, codeine crap and God knows what else - Mac kept him supplied with pills in exchange for hook- up's. Straight or gay it didn't matter to Mac as long as they were legal age, had hard bodies, hot to look at and kept their mouths shut.

Chucky found Tom one night shooting pool and they got talking. He offered him some real cash to jerk off an old guy and Tom said he would do it. I guess if the money is right...whatever."

Doc had Kit staying there at the apartment, remember?

" Yeah, I do" "Is that where Tommy lived too?"

"Nope, he lived with some pussy but I never saw her." He probably married the bitch"

Mac brought Tom in Dolly's for drinks a couple of times and told us that Tom was straight. He was a doll and all the queens were cruising him so Mac stopped bringing him. He probably was straight except when it came to making bucks. Kit use to tell me how the doctor liked sex- all this eating cum shit and licking armpits -- yuck --Kit would laugh and say it was on the job training."

"Whatever happened to this guy Tom," I asked.

"Damn if I know -- Doc use to say that Tommy was really bisexual and liked gay sex as well as screwing girls -- but who knows. All I know is Tom was his favorite. He must have had something going for him. Doc heard that he got married and wasn't around Albany any longer." --

"Wow -- that's quite a story," I said.

Eva got up from the table to help Dolly stack beer cases and I left.

On my drive home I could see Tommy sitting beside me in the passenger seat. I could see the marijuana plant sitting on the floor. I could see his feet hitting my windshield. -- I could feel Tom's breath -- and I could feel the one and only kiss. The tears began filling my eyes and I felt empty.

"Yeah dude, you came a lot . Saying it turned us both on. I never saw Tom or Kit again... Sometimes that's all there is...


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