Sometimes That's All There Is

By Justin Balancier

Published on Dec 1, 2010


Sometime That's All There Is -- Part 4

By Justin Balancier

I suppose everything that goes around comes around when you stop and think about it. That's how it went with Justin and Kit. Warm thoughts became realistic to Justin and the memory of Tom is resurrected.

Part 4 - Kit the Rent Boy

Before you say anything Justin I can tell by your expression you realize that I am using the doctor for material things.

"Did you say for material things? " I asked.

"That's right buddy it's for sex and anything else he wants. He gives me stuff and I take it. I have to please him so it's really a job I do in order to get paid. It's not the end of the world bud, it's just a job and I don't mind working at it" I make out pretty damn good too." I didn't answer -- I just looked at him.

Kit continued, "You really don't understand," --

"Yeah, actually I do." But it's cool, I said. "If you catch anything the doc can give you a pill"

"Justin! - You're jealous aren't you?" Then he paused - "Just kidding," he laughed, but he didn't stop looking at me. His hand started rubbing the front of my jeans.

"Whatever you're thinking right now Kitty, cut it out." He kept looking at me and said; "Come here, dude,"

"Whoa there pal, I blurted out - remember you're a working girl now and you need to save your talent for the master" --

"Oh stop it" Kit mumbled and kissed me feverishly pushing his body up against mine. He never noticed that I called him a working girl and Kitty instead of Kit -- at least it was never mentioned.

Kit continued - "I know, everything sounds pretty slutty and greedy huh? - But hey dude, after you've work the mid-way of a carnival this is no big deal."

I wanted to understand because it was no big deal to him. I knew that Kit hadn't been prepared to explain his sex life to anyone and there was no need too. Kit was Kit and that's was all there was to it. Just the same I was curious and nosey -- so I asked him what he had to do in order to please the doctor.

He answered, "I'm happy here with how things are going." He reached out to take my hand and said. " So Justin, what do you think?"

"I think you skirted the answer like a professional. I don't know. That's your business. Do you feel like talking about it or shall we skip it -- doesn't matter to me personally. I'm just being nosey".

Kit started: Terry, you met her tonight, well she works at the hospital. She knows Dr. Mac very well and he sometimes meets her and Eva at Dolly's for drinks. It was at Dolly's where Terry introduced me to Dr. Mac. He was married years ago but got divorced. It was something professional folks did back in the 50ties. I heard he had a daughter living out of state who seldom bothers with him. Dr. Mac is getting older and doesn't practice much anymore. He owns this building and keeps the top floor for himself but doesn't actually live here. He has a home uptown. The apartment is his playroom - sort of a get away place for pills and sex -- that's where I come in. He calls the top floor the Winter Palace `cause he has thrown some far out New Years Eve Parties here for friends.

I said -- That's a fierce story -- I love it. What do you do with him in bed? I mean he's seventy years old can he gets it up?

"You bet he can and he's pretty hot too. I think he takes viagra or something because he loves sex. I don't have to do a hell of a lot.

I pose and strip for him and he watches. I have gotten some insane blowjobs -- I mean really wild. He likes me to sit on his chest and jerk off in his mouth. I have to talk to him while I'm doing it. I ask such things as, "are you hungry doc?" And then I tell him that I saved lunch for him and I would feed him. Followed by " do you want to eat my cum doc" -- " tell me how bad you want it?" -- You know, crazy shit like that.

He also likes to eat cum from my hand, lick my armpits and taste my ass. He's wild. He likes to be touched and fondled so I do that also. After he showers and goes home there are a couple of twenties, sometimes three or more left on the counter for spending money. Every week he has groceries sent over and pays the bills. I stay here and take care of him when he stops by and wants it.

My job is to keep him satisfied and I like doing it. Doc is really good to me and sometimes let's me drive his car if he wants us to go someplace. He told me that if I wanted to have a boyfriend here for sex or company to go ahead and do it. BUT ask him not to steal anything -- we laughed a lot about that - he's a hell of a good sport. You Justin are the only dude that I have brought here. You're special.

"That is an awesome story Kit -- almost fairy tale like. If I weren't here in the apartment I would think it was made up. -- I believe you it's real - I now have something to think about, but I probably won't be bothered doing it - I guess."

A weird feeling came over me. I remembered that Tom and I did similar things when we had sex. I didn't know of other guys who did this -- especially licking cum from the hand and the armpit business. It was strange.

"Now that you've seen the joint and heard my slut story, lets drink the Doc's booze and get loaded." Kit said as he popped a couple of pills in his mouth.

"Pills!!! -- are they for "Happy time?" I asked him --

"Naw it's only aspirin" Kit answered. It didn't look like aspirin to me but what did I know.

We began drinking scotch on the rocks and got very horny and very drunk. The sofa was comfortable and quite large. Kit startled my face so I could suck his cock until he was ready to cum and then we reversed roles. Sucking each other this way was hot.

We staggered to the large bay window that overlooked the park and lay down on the padded window bench and stared at the stars in the dark sky. Kit pulled my jeans the rest of the way off and threw them on the floor. He got naked and the two of us kissed, sucked and fucked for what seemed like hours but was probably only minutes. I fell asleep not knowing exactly what we were doing.

I woke up still laying on the window seat. The sun was shining through the half open blinds. I don't know how long we had slept in the window. My mind struggled to adjust. Kit was curled beside me like a sleeping cat and not looking very comfortable. We were both still naked. With the two of us laying in the sunlight, it was a horrible sight and not one that I care to think about. My head ached, my back ached and trying to remember how we carried on in the window the night before was just making it worse. My eyes were awful, and the pounding headache lingered. Kit stirred and rose up off the bench so he could stand. He took the towel and wrapped it around his waist and with two poached eggs for eyes he looked at me.

"Mornin sunshine -- you look like crap -- pretty sexy lookin crap but you look okay to me," he said

"Well I feel like horseshit" --

"Ya that about covers it" and kissed my forehead.

There was a short knock at the door followed by the sound of a key in the lock. Kit went into the vestibule to check. He turned and leaned his neck back around the doorframe and whispered -

"Put your pants on babe -- this looks like show and tell."

Dr. Mac - Part - 5 Continues...

Next: Chapter 5

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