Sometimes That's All There Is

By Justin Balancier

Published on Nov 29, 2010


Sometime That's All There Is -- Part 3

By Justin Balancier

When it came to sex and affection, Justin found himself once again sharing intimate moments with a stranger named Kit. Time had a way of bringing memories into perspective with an overture of lust between them...only this time the perspective included a third person -- Dr. Mac.

Part 3 -- Kit returns:

Horticulture classes had ended for the year and I was finally trudging through the working world. Only I had a terrible time finding a full time job. Everything I had in my portfolio was on paper with no "hands on" experience when it came to landscaping. Everywhere I went the answer was the same --

"Get some experience kid and then come back and see me"

I wondered how I could do that if no one was willing to give me that first job. My friend Danny came into the house waving a piece of paper in his hand.

"Hey Danny, what are you suppose to be -- a cheerleader?"

"No tiger, Danny said -- I heard of a nursery in Albany who needs a landscape assistant AND I filled out the application for you. So read it and sign it. I'm on my way to mail it. We'll get that ass of yours working in no time."

I looked it over and it was pretty good. I thanked Danny and he was off to the post office. He was a screwball at times but we got along fine together. A week later I was asked to come to the nursery for an interview and started my job the following day. Getting a regular paycheck would made things a whole lot better. Danny and I decided to share an apartment to cut expenses and we moved into together. We were back in downtown Albany where the action, lights, liquor and weed was all around us.

Dolly was behind the service counter the night I went into the bar. The joint was a small close-knit lesbian bar. Dolly owned the place and served salads and sandwiches at the service bar. The inside larger room had a horseshoe shaped bar where a tough looking lesbian served alcohol and kept the drinks and the music flowing.

Dolly was an older very sweet Italian Lady in her sixties who reminded me of my grandmother. She wasn't gay but catered to the girls and watched over them. In return they looked out for Dolly's interest and helped her with things around the bar. They would lug freight, stack bottles, clean the bar, fix the plumbing and even painted the dinning room. It was one big family and Dolly was the Godmother. Many of the guys went there also. Dolly's bar was always mixed with gay people. There was music, dancing, cruising and lots of fun.

Dolly said to me as I settled in at the food counter. No booze served out here honey but I can get you a sandwich if you like - How `bout a ham and Swiss if you have it Dolly - I asked as she wiped the counter in front of me. "You got it hon -- want a coffee? No, I'm going inside for a beer - I answered.

The sandwich was great. Dolly made it with fresh Italian bread and lots of ham. When I finished eating I went into the horseshoe bar for a drink. The room was not terribly crowded and there were empty places at the bar. Several people, mostly girls, were sitting at tables and some were slow dancing clinging to each other with Patsy Cline singing "Crazy" in the background.

I knew the bar tender by name, "how's it going Colleen? "I asked.

She replied, " not bad for a slow night." A few minutes later she said to me, "Justin - Kitty over there wants to buy you a drink, what are you having?"

I only knew a few of the girls by name but I didn't know a lesbian called Kitty - I said, "a beer would be fine and who is Kitty," she pointed to 3 people sitting at a table. I didn't recognize any of them. I sat there sipping my beer and watching a weeping lesbian peeling the label off a bottle of beer and listening to Patsy Cline singing, "I fall to Pieces" She had seen her girlfriend making out with another gal and she was crying in her beer. How silly I thought to myself. You wouldn't catch me acting like that.

Someone sat down at the only empty spot left at the bar. I looked at him through the mirror and turned to face him. He said to me -- "Hey, Justin, imagine running into you again after all this time"

He gently touched my knee and I stared at him not sure who he was. Then in a flash I said, "OMG Kit -- is that you? What are you doing in Albany? The last I knew you were quitting the carnival and moving to Florida"

"I did quit the carnival. I've been in town for a couple of months. My friends over - see those two girls, well they talked me into hanging around for awhile, c'mon on I want you to meet Eva and Terry"

He slid off the bar stool and we walked to a table where a couple of girls were sitting. He introduced me to Eva and Terry as an ole lost friend. Terry was sweet and quite feminine but her partner Eva was a jackhammer and a powerhouse.

Eva said to me, "Well sit the fuck down. So you're Justin!! - Where did you get that name? Justin" I think I'll call you Justine."

I answered, "I think you won't." Eva took a swig of her beer -- "hey Kitty, I like this kid where ya find him? He's got balls." I turned to Kit -- "what did she call you? Did she call you Kitty?"

Kit answered, "Ya she did, she says I'm a pussy so she started calling me Kitty instead of Kit and it stuck. I don't care, she's good people"

"You're still Kit to me" I said, and Kit replied "and you're still Justin."

Kit had changed dramatically. He was nicely dressed and his clothes looked expensive. His hair was shinny clean and cut short. He was beautifully tanned by the sun and his shirt was unbuttoned, He smelled like Irish spring soap. He smiled a lot and looked handsome. Kit was a sexy looking bastard when I met him on the mid way. In my minds eye I could still see the sweaty chest and the torn jeans. Man was he hot. There was no forgetting the night we spent together in his trailer, especially when he said to me - "swallow - good boy"

We had a couple more drinks and Kit and I left the bar together. We didn't go to my apartment but instead went to where he was staying. Kit wanted to show me the place and meet the guy he was staying with. I asked if it was his friend George from the carnival.

"Hell no, said Kit -- George is in Florida probably chasing alligators"

I said, "sure. that's fine let's go."

When we got to the apartment no one was home. Kit unlocked the door and we went inside. The vestibule was fairly dark but there were lamps lit in the living room. This was a classy looking apartment and a far cry from what I shared with Danny.

Kit said it belonged to an older man in his seventies who was a retired gay doctor from the Medical Center. He met him thru Terry who worked at the hospital and they became friends right off.

"Ya, I'm sure of that," I said.

Kit wasn't working so he had no steady income and didn't pay rent; although he had nice clothes and plenty of cash in his pocket... humm, I wasn't stupid...I began to think - Pretty soon the pieces of the puzzle fit together.

Kit's time was available to the Doctor in exchange for either sex or drugs -- maybe both. - I wasn't exactly sure but I was about to find out...

Kit the Rent Boy - Part 4 - Continues ...

Next: Chapter 4

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