Sometimes That's All There Is

By Justin Balancier

Published on Nov 16, 2010


The following story is a gay-straight relationship between two young men that goes nowhere; Happiness does not exist between them as a couple and not even as friends. All that matter to them is their sexual attraction for each other?or is that all?

Sometimes That's All There Is?

By Justin Balancier

At one time there was a luncheonette in New York called the Grill Pit. It is no longer in business as far as I know. They served the best sirloin steak sandwiches on a hard roll at a reasonable price, and so the place was popular. I use to stop there often. The crowd was mixed with lots of single guys and gals who would hang out there. They had older style stools that swiveled completely around at the lunch counter. I often sat at the counter.

There was one guy in particular that I would see there a lot. He had a nice body and was good looking. He was a younger than me and had a nice build. I was twenty-three and he had just turned twenty-one. He had smooth looking muscular arms. His hair was jet black and somewhat wavy which peeked out from under his cap sometimes he wore a cowboy type hat. - Piercing green eyes and a killer smile. I use to sneak a look every chance I got. Girls hung around him and he acted cool. One day he sat next to me at the counter. There were no girls around. We exchanged a few words. He was friendly but on the quiet side. At one point, he swiveled around on his stool to face me. He was wearing tight jeans and a tank top that showed off his muscular arms and pecks. I glanced towards his leg and a packed bulge was outlined in his jeans. He made me nervous.

There was this obvious gay acting dude by the name of Chucky Ray who uses to hang around the Grill Pit. He would strike up conversations with straight dudes with hopes of getting in their pants. And it often worked because he did just that. His father owned a neighborhood tavern and he would pour guys free drinks when he was behind the bar and his old man wasn't around. Before long Chucky stopped working at his father's bar and was drinking around town in other places. So something must have happened. Yeah, something happened all right. It's called "gotcha."

There was plenty of cruising activity all along the Boulevard, a street that ran through a portion of the city. A gay crowd of aging "starlets" would gather at a tavern called "Clancy's" bar. One day on my way home I stopped at the bar for a brew. I knew a few people but not many. I recognized Chucky Ray drinking with a small group of guys. Standing next to him was the stud from the Grill Pit. They were "horsing around" and laughing. I asked the bar tender if he knew the good-looking dude hanging with Chucky. He said, "All I know is that his name is Tom - he has a big cock, a killer butt and he's straight - sorry Justin." I said, "why the hell is he hanging with Chucky?" He turned and blurted out as he walked away, "don't tell me you're that stupid" and went back to pouring drinks.

What I knew about Chucky told me that something had to be going on. Chucky never had much money after his ole man threw him out, so I figured that wasn't it. There was some heavy pot and drugs around...perhaps that was the attraction. Maybe Tom was using Chucky for sex - I thought that couldn't be it because this dude could get anybody he wanted. I couldn't figure it out. I knew if only I could talk to Tom when he was by himself maybe something would click. Ah, to hell with it 'cause it's not going to happen. Anyway "that was that" - so I thought.

My roommate Brian came into the bar and set on the stool next to me. "Get a load of Chucky drinking with that hot looking guy over there" Brian commented. I know - I wonder what that's all about"? I answered. "Beats me Justin, it's money, drugs or sex 'cause chucky isn't no beauty. Said Brian.

Occasionally, I would see Tom walking alone down the street in shorts and a tank top and I would think to myself - "OMG - he is something"?sigh.

I was on my way to work one morning and driving up the Boulevard when I saw Tom hitching a ride. I passed by him and then went around the block again. It was Tom all right. This time I stopped at the light and he got in. I remembered that his name was Tom but he didn't realize that I knew it. I thought to myself - "Justin, this is your one and probably only chance so don't screw it up" I drove about a half block still looking at him. Not knowing what was going to happen - I came right out and asked him if he wanted a great blowjob. He stared straight ahead. I thought to myself - this is not a good sign. I said, "charge whatever you want. I don't care" He turned to me - "I'm not looking for cash - how great is great? "Do you mean right now? He asked - I said, "yes right now -" He said, " my name is Tom - okay man you can blow me" - "I'm Justin, I told him" I live only a couple of blocks away." We went to my apartment.

The place was empty and my roommate Brian was working. My heart was thumping and I was a little scared. Excited as hell but still a little scared. I didn't know what to expect and I really didn't care. All I cared about was touching this dude and I was bringing him home with me. Nothing else mattered.

Once we were inside the living room and comfortable. He let me unbuckle his jeans and gently fondle him. His dick began to grow in my hand and I licked it into my mouth. He never objected. With the groans he was making I figured he discovered what great meant. I still get excited thinking about it. I was all over him like a dog in heat. Everything that morning was perfect. Damn I was pleased with myself. I thought I had landed in Oz. It was so hot.

The summer soon filled with sex for both of us and eventually got hotter far beyond anything I thought would happen. But it managed to do just that. I understood why the ladies wanted to get laid by this man. His cock was long and perfect. He smelled so clean and delicious. Justin I thought - "What a slut you are" - and it didn't bother me one bit thinking that way. I played hard when it came to pleasing Tommy."

The first time that I picked up Tom hitch-hiking he wanted a blowjob and I wanted to do it. I gave him my number and he tucked it in his pocket - "I'll call you" I knew that would never happen. Hot looking guys never call they don't need to. I wasn't stupid but I pretended that it was a good idea. About a week later he called me. " Want me to stop by? " I acted cool about it. " Sure I guess that would be alright." Actually I was excited as hell but didn't want to show it. He came over and we got undressed. We played around a little, jerked off together and did mostly rubbing and touching. He left. Hum I thought - "not great but it was okay"

It was barely a few days later when he called again. "Want me to stop by " I said, "sure" This time we sat on the couch our legs touched and neither of us moved. He said, "Justin you are a sexy looking dude," I told him if he wanted to see hot go look in the mirror 'cause he could make "hot"- sizzle. I think he liked hearing that. He put his hand on my knee, squeezed a little and then told me to stand up. I stood in front of him and he unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock. The pants dropped to the floor and he wrapped his arms around the back of my legs and pulled me in closer to him. OMG this dude was sucking my dick. He whispered, " Tell me when you're getting close". I slid to the floor stretched out - I was about to cum. He took his mouth off and finished jerking me with his hand. He ran his fingers thru the cum on my chest and then wiped it off with a tissue. He got dressed and left. I thought to myself - " what the hell was all that about "

We began to see each other often. I spent much of the time sucking his dick. Tom would ask me, " did I cum a lot?" "Yes, pretty good," I would say. The next time he asked me that same question " did I cum a lot?" He wanted to look and touch it. So he began coming on my chest. He was intrigued with cum. Often we jerked off together. He would put cum it in his hand and rub it on my face. Sometimes he would lie on top of me. His chest was warm and muscular. I began to look forward to doing this with him. His build was spectacular. He liked to lie on top of me and I would look up at his thick lips and those killer green eyes. It was awesome.

Having sex with Tom was hotter than hot. It usually ended with one of us standing and the other sitting or lying down. The exception was during a fuck session when legs and feet could be anywhere.

Tom began getting more comfortable around me. One time I had his cock in my mouth. He would call his cum "food" and tell me that my lunch was coming and to get ready to eat. Talk about a turn on - I loved hearing him say it. He was getting close one time when he told me to hold it. He jumped to his feet and shot into his hand. He didn't miss a drop. He motioned me back down. I thought here comes another sticky chest rub - no, not this time. He showed me his cum filled hand and brought it to my mouth. I sat upright and he told me to taste it. So I did. I'm going to feed you buddy He said," get it all dude" and put his wet fingers in my mouth so I could lick them until all the cum was gone. I wiped my hand across my mouth, "Christ, that was a lot of cum". Tommy flashed a huge smile. I knew he was pleased with what I had just told him. A-ha, I had discovered his weakness I could sense it - so I thought. I started to cum myself but stopped in time. He asked me if I had shot off yet and I mumbled " no, not yet" I stopped in time.

He relaxed and drifted back with his legs spread. He asked me to rub his chest and touch his ass. His body was smooth and hard. Tom had a small line of black hair leading towards his crotch. It was so sexy looking. Sometimes I would nibble on it and rub my tongue over it "Touch me Justin - just touch me" he would say.

My hand worked its way around to his butt, which was smooth. Nothing was soft. He was solid, round and firm. Dressed in his clothes he looked great. Without them he looked incredible. He rolled on his stomach and I kissed his thighs and licked some sweat off his back. I parted his ass cheeks. Everything was tempting so I put my tongue and face everywhere on his body. I rubbed a finger over his butt - " Put it in" he muttered. - I did with the help of a little spit. He wiggled a little, " try two" I did that also. He flipped around sat up and looked at me. " Grab the lube, Justy I want to get fucked - I know you want it" don't question me man - just do it please!" I said - "Really, I can fuck you?" - Tom was correct. - I did want it. I wanted it all. The lube went on my dick and I gently eased my cock inside him. He was warm and tight. It didn't take long before I exploded and filled his ass with cum. It was incredible. Later he took a long shower and left. That was Tom's way - Have sex and leave. I was too satisfied to think anything negative about it. That was okay with me -go home Tommy - leave. I didn't care.

I received a phone call at work the following week. It was Tom wondering if I could do him a favor. I said, that depends. He was at Golds gym and just finished a workout and needed a ride. Tom had a driver's license but no car. He told me he would borrow Chucky Ray's car to pick up chicks but wasn't hanging out with Chucky any longer so now the car was gone. Hum I thought - "Now I know how Chucky held Tom's interest when I saw them drinking together" It made perfect sense. Now days Tommy was getting around town on a bike or he used his thumb to catch rides. Looking the way he did he never waited very long for a ride.

I told him that I couldn't get away from work. He spoke softly into the phone, "I have a present for you, so please pick me up" - "what kind of present I asked. He didn't answer. "Come on Justy, do me a favor you know I always take care of you, don't I?" The words were right on and I like how he said it. I began to get warm and my dick twitched in my pants. He uses to call me Justy sometimes. At first I didn't like it because it sounded childish until I learned that was his way of being close without being tender or romantic. It was okay. I liked it.

I went to pick him up. When I met him outside the gym he was caring a brown paper bag. He got into the car , "here this is for you I opened the bag and peeked in. It was a marijuana plant that didn't look too healthy. I stared at him - "are you nuts, why would I want this?" I didn't smoke pot but I knew that he did. He was growing this plant at home in his closet under lights and it wasn't doing well. He wanted me to keep it and nurse it back to health. THEN give it back to him. "Okay Tom, for you I'll do it but I really don't like it"- Be cool Justin, "that's not your real present. Your present is between my legs and I want you a little horny. Can we get out of here? C'mon buddy let's go parking " - I asked, "what's so special dude, it's not like I haven't seen it before". Tom answered -" just drive".

I drove back along the Hudson River on the outskirts of the city and pulled into a deserted rest area. We sat in the car and he pulled down his shorts and his cock flipped out. He took my head and pushed it down to his crotch "smell it dude - c'mon man smell it". I didn't shower after my workout and I saved my sweaty balls for you. "smell it, how does that smell?" I begin to get aroused. "Smells good, I replied and I wasn't lying it was good". The smell of Tom's cock and sweat was erotic. He asked what it smelled like to me and I said "muscle and sweat. I knew he heard the words that he was waiting for. I thought, "yum maybe this is lunch". I was going down on him when he stopped me. I did manage to get one little lick. He began to get hard "come on" he said and pulled up his shorts and got out of the car. We walked the bike path, which ran along side the river and came to a clump of trees and bushes. He took my hand and headed for the bushes. We got inside and he backed me gently against a tree and put his hand down the front of my pants. He fondled my cock and held it for a minute, unzipped everything and pulled my jeans down to my ankles. Still hanging on to my dick Tom said, "A buddy has to take care of his buddy, right Justin?" He dropped to his knees and sucked in my dick to the back of his throat. My cock begun to get harder and harder. I held on to his hair as he choked and wrapped his arms around my legs, pulled me in closer and kept me there. He stayed deep throating my cock and holding me tight. His eyes began to water as my cock went deeper into his throat. I came on his lips and he wiped the cum off me with his finger licked it and then raised his fingers to my mouth so I could lick it. It was awesome - totally awesome. It wasn't exactly what I thought was going to happen but I loved every minute of it. I said to him -"who taught you that trick? He said,"Porn man porn - don't you have any movies at your place." I thought, "Porn hell - you learned that from experience" I wasn't stupid but I was willing to play his silly game. I didn't say another word. After a blowjob like that, I was too weak to say anything so we left.

I dropped him off at the corner of Hamilton Place. He said, "take care of my plant dude" I answered, "I better not get in trouble" He stuck his finger at me like a pointed gun and walked away. He turned back just once and flashed that confident smile he was famous for. I drove away thinking about that awesome blowjob. I had a marijuana plant sitting on the floor of my car growing in a paper bag and my balls were empty. It felt good.

Tom and I spent time role-playing. The things he would say got dirty at times but it never bothered me. In fact, I liked it. The first time I watched him at the Grill Pit - I wanted him. I wanted to devour him but not keep him. Most of the time, but not always, I would make the first move. Admiration fed his ego. There was a reason behind his desire for gay sex. Tom worked out regularly at the gym. He was muscular and his bod was in great shape. His arms bulge with muscles, his pecs were handsome and his stomach was flat and hard. He was an alpha male around girls and with his gym buddies. Alpha males have hungry egos which need feeding. To his buddies at the gym he was just another dude. Girls used him for dates, sex and popularity. They failed however to tell him how desirable and hot he was the way he wanted to hear it. But I did. I told him every time we were together and he needed me for that reason. An alpha male thrives on worship. It can be something as simple as smelling or tasting. When I discovered that secret about him, we clicked. With the right moves and the right words, I could go anyplace and do anything to him...Except - kiss. He told me. "Hold on there guy, I'm straight Justin and I only kiss women. I live with a girl and we fuck. She sucks okay but not as good as you". I told him that guys know how it should feel and girls just slide and slobber - he agreed. He was turned off when it came to kissing men "that is queer shit" and he wasn't into guys. I answered, " yeah, so I noticed". Kissing Tom was not what I wanted to do anyway. There was so much of everything else that was so great, kissing came in last. We never said another word about kissing after that.

Except for getting each other off we had very little in common. When he was telling me something he would call me dude. When he wanted something he would call me Justy. I knew the difference. When I rubbed his back, butt, legs, or feet I could lick or kiss anything and I did just that. His charisma ruled his thinking. He looked good and he knew it. Tom liked drawing attention to himself while pretending to be humble and cute. Always the hot dude who seldom looked for sex - .It found him. He could find sex faster than most guys - straight or gay.

It didn't take me long to realize that a guy like this was looking for worship. I don't believe he thought of it as worship. Tom didn't recognize what pleased him by name but I did. I was more aware of what he wanted than he was. It was something I could tell about him. Women couldn't do that. He was searching for someone to play by the feelings that his body demanded. That's where I came in.

He chilled with his straight buddies and with girls for pussy. There were a few gay dudes from the bar who knew him by name. They would brag about having sex with him but no one really believed it. Tom worried about his image around town and he didn't trust anyone. He did trust me.- It took a while but he did trust me. When we were alone his moves were clear and the heat intense. At the time, I never thought of these moves as anything "Hot" I thought we were just a couple of horny guys. We were both very young and we liked having sex together. Now when I think about it I realize that it was "hot" unbelievably hot. We would lie together naked fondling each other. Tom wanted to be touched and I knew that. I told him what he wanted to hear. I licked, touched, kissed his butt and feet. It wasn't difficult, it was delicious and I liked doing it. Sometimes he would slide his cock down my throat. Sometimes he would sit on top of me. When he was about to cum he would stand up and fill his hand where he could look at it and I could handle or taste it. Tom was a big shooter of cum and he liked feeding it to me. It pleased him, so it pleased me. He would ask - "did I cum a lot?" He liked hearing about it. "Yeah dude, you came a lot". Saying it turned us both on.

In the beginning Tom would top me and he was good at it. I wasn't much into getting screwed but when Tom put his cock inside of me I liked it. It wasn't long however before the roll got reversed and Tom turned into a bottom. I was getting inside him regularly and loving every minute of it. I asked him why he preferred to bottom and he told me that he loved the feeling he got from being fucked. He said, "Women can't satisfy a guy that way but another dude could" He liked it.

So there we were top or bottom it didn't make any difference to either of us but Tommy preferred to bottom.

I was driving up the boulevard one night on my way to a gay bar uptown. I stopped at a biker bar called "The Harley" that was popular. I went in and it was crowded but I found a spot at the bar. There were leather guys and some tough looking girls in the back drinking, shooting pool and screwing around. They were all together in a group I spotted someone who looked like Tom. It could have been him but it didn't matter. It was dark, smoky, and loud music was playing one song after another. I was about to get out of there when someone set a bottle of beer in front of me and said, "It's on me" It was Tom. I said "I thought that was you shooting pool" - he looked straight ahead - "You checking on me?" He had been drinking and a little surly. I said, "that's bullshit -Check on you!!! I don't even know your name, you're probably an asshole anyway" He broke a grin - "you might be Justin" I answered, "sorry wrong again dude, my name is Sam. He walked a little tipsy back to his friends. His girlfriend was with him in the group. A few minutes later he half stumbled back and whispered, "Let's get out of here" I answered, "Are you crazy, I'm not leaving with you"- ah, c'mon Justin, "I want to get off" - " Not now Tommy, your girlfriend is over there and she will take care of you later" - to which he slurred "Who, that bitch" I thought, oops there's trouble in paradise.

I left the bar and was almost to my pick up truck when Tom reached for the passenger door. "c'mon Justy aren't we friends?" - " Not really we are only sex buddies" I must have said the right words because he brighten up and got in the truck. That's how it was with Tom. The right words would work miracles. Dude I said, - "your girlfriend is going to miss you". He told me that she thought he was going to pick up some weed. "Say, buddy, did you call me an asshole." - "Yep I did." - he smiled.

"Drive man - you got me hot" - "I haven't done anything" to which he answered "well not yet anyway but you will" I headed up the boulevard and pulled into a parking lot of a closed furniture store. Everything was dark except for a few lights on the building. Tommy, unzipped his pants, took my hand and put it inside his jeans. He was hard. "this is for you man - take it, come on dude, take it" I had a terrible time trying to maneuver around in the front seat and things were not going well. I said, "how about later, this is not comfortable" He touched my face with his hand, "Hold on man, I'll do it" and started to jerk his cock while I licked and told him how good he smelled. He somehow managed to get his feet to the dashboard and when he came he kicked. I thought his feet were going through my windshield. He said, "got to clean me baby" He had never- ever used the word "baby" before so I knew it was the booze talking. I told him that he was okay and most of the cum was gone. "No Justy - the fingers, get the fingers clean" He wanted me to lick and swallow it all. His girlfriend would look him over for cum stains when he got home. He pulled his jock down to his knees because she even checked his underwear. It was difficult to believe he would allow her to do that BUT it was his choice. Chicks - I never would put up with that crap but his personal straight life was none of my business. He cleaned up well and I felt good doing it for him. I said, "Tommy ole bud, you sure came a lot". He expected it. It pleased him so it pleased me. He always smelled and tasted good and he needed to hear that. I dropped him off outside Harley's bar and headed uptown. I was almost there when I took a side street and turned around. Tom's power was still with me and there was nothing I wanted to see or do. I was feeling that good. I went home.

I never telephoned Tom. He preferred it that way because his girlfriend knew his friends and she didn't know me. Tom always contacted me and I like it that way. It was easy.

One afternoon Tom called me and I took a long lunch break from the job. We laid on the bed with our shirts off but our shorts were on. It was a hot summer day and the apartment was warm. The air conditioning was not working well. He cuddled next to me and put his arm around the back of my neck. I just laid there. He glistened in the daylight and was moist with sweat but smelled hot and clean. I put my head on his chest and began licking the sweat off his shoulder. It was electrifying. He tasted so good and I was getting horny just licking him. I ran my hand over his lips and put my finger on his mouth. He smiled and opened his mouth exposing really nice teeth. He licked my finger and got it wet with his spit. Tom then took my finger, touched my face with it and said, "open" He put the same wet finger in my mouth. Now I was swapping spit with him. OMG I wanted to kiss him so badly and put my tongue in his mouth but I knew that was something I was not allowed to do.

He rolled over and his arm went across my face and he left it there. I was face to face with his armpit. I could see bits of black inviting hair under his arm. His biceps were bulging and he was getting aroused so I licked the muscle in his arm. His dick was falling out of his shorts and he began to get hard. He started to get some precum leaking from his dick. He reached down and put some "sicky"on his finger and showed it to me. "Want it?" Tom said, and put his precum on my lips. It was sweet tasting. He raised his arm and laid it across my mouth." Do my pits Justy -lick my armpits and eat me" I thought, "Why the hell not - I've been every place else" I buried my face in his armpit and began licking him. He stood up, raised his arm and leaned against the wall for support. There was no need to tell me again. I knew where to go. He was moist, hot and very clean. It is difficult to describe the pleasure I got from doing it. The licking would repeat itself at another time. I wanted to do it again and Tom knew it. It was awesome.

The city was building neighborhood parking across from my apartment building. Sometimes I would sit on the front steps reading my mail and watched the construction going on. I thought, "Wonder who will get the landscape contract for the new building". I would often think that way when I saw bare property that needed landscaping.

The next time Tom called me was from his job. He told me that he was working construction for the summer months AND he was across the street. I asked, "on the city parking garage" and he answered, "That's it" I wasn't sure if that was a good idea or a bad idea. My roommate Brian was a nosey cocksucker and I didn't want him to find out about him. I knew Brian would gossip at the bar and that was not good for me and certainly not good for Tom.

Behind closed doors we acted like whores sometimes but excited about the things we did together - and that was what counted. We trusted each other. With him working across the street I was uneasy. I had to think.

Tom wanted to stop by the apartment on Friday mornings around 7:00 am for coffee before going to the job. Friday was a good day because Brian was away and Tom knew it. I liked the idea. When he would come by other times we talked mostly about pot or sex - so this seemed a good way to exchange different conversation for a change. I agreed.

When Friday rolled around my doorbell rang at 7:00 am. He stood in the doorway with his hand leaning against the doorframe and a white hard hat tucked under his arm. He stuck the hat on his head and walked towards me. He was wearing tight work jeans and work boots. You could see the bulge of his dick in his pants. Dear God, I thought - "I must be in love" I followed him into the kitchen without taking my eyes off his butt. It was something.

The next few minutes were actually quite normal. This was the first time that we talked like friends, just a couple of guys over a cup of coffee. It didn't last too long before I ran my hand over his knee . He said, "No dude. Coffee remember! We are having coffee." He winked those killer green eyes and smiled. My hand went back to the cup. We liked each other.

Just like clockwork the following Friday I was sleeping naked when the doorbell rang at 7:00 am. I threw on a pair of jeans but no shirt. Tom came in and leaned against the work counter in the kitchen. He was wearing a tight white tee shirt and jeans with a rip at the crotch. I thought to myself. "Be good Justin and behave" I faced him and he touched my bare chest. I said, "coffee dude, remember coffee?" He lifted me on to the work counter and whispered, "fuck the coffee" My jeans came sliding down and he put each leg on his shoulders and just looked at me. I laid there naked on the work counter feeling like a French hooker. "hey dude you should see your balls from this angle" I couldn't stop laughing and slid off the counter and grabbed his hand. Tom - "did you ever see the bedroom in this place" -"Why don't you show me was his answered". A few minutes later we were rubbing cock together and filling Tom's hand with cum. The rest is history. After that morning I didn't hear from him again for several weeks.

The finishing touches were going on the parking garage. His summer job had probably ended. On Friday the doorbell rang. It was 7:00 am. I had just awakened and was wearing boxers but no shirt. I opened the door and there he stood - "got any coffee dude?" He asked. "I believe I do - be ready in a minute" I told him. My hunch was correct about the parking garage. This was Tom's last week on the job.

The coffee was bubbling away and I went into the bathroom to splash some water and brush my teeth. I stood in front of the mirror and I could see him behind me. He put his arms around my waist, laid his face against my back and held me for a moment. Then my boxers came down and he was touching my butt. I could feel wet lube in his hand and he push a finger inside me. He bent me over the sink and gently eased his cock inside me. Tom had a pretty big dick and the position he had me in didn't feel so good. I didn't like it - but I took it and didn't complain.

There was not a lot of conversation that morning and things didn't feel the same. After a quick shower he left. He was down the stairs and out the door into a beautiful sunny morning. His hair was still wet under the hard hat. I turned off the coffee.

The phone rang. It was my gay neighbor across the hall. His name was Paul a friend of mine. Not a close friend but still a friend. Paul said, Hello, "do I have Justin's whorehouse?" I answered, "okay nosey - what do you want? - "the scoop dolly - the scoop. Who is this 7:00 am wake up stud? I can set my alarm lock by him. I couldn't see his face but he looks hot as hell from behind what an ass." I said, "a friend -he's just a friend and nothing is going on so you can stop anytime." "Oh come on < mon ami> this is Paul you're trying to bullshit." I said, " Well you do know a lot about bullshit. Nice try Paul. I have to get to work". We hung up the phone. I went to work that morning but instead of feeling uplifted like I usually did after being with Tom I felt uncomfortable. Something didn't seem right. The phone calls stopped coming and I didn't see him again after that morning.

Several years passed. Life was good. I had a job in landscaping that I loved and was surrounded with good friends. I was at work one day compiling a list of shrubs for a landscape project. I was expecting a call from the customer with additional information.

The call came and I picked up the phone. It wasn't my customer. Instead a man's voice asked if Justin Balancier was there and I answered, - "this is Justin" - The man said, "this is a voice from your past - do you know who this is?" I said "sure it's Tom Winfield". "Justin - how the hell did you know it was me? I told him that voice was easy to remember. We did a few minutes of nonsense chatter.

He had moved to Mass and if I could get away for lunch he would tell me about it. "Sorry Tom - I'm working on a landscape job and can't get away - maybe tomorrow." Tom said that he was in town only for today with family. He was going back to Mass in the morning. I didn't know what to do. I thought for a minute and my dick began to swell talking to him. I Said, "Where do you want to go for lunch? He answered, "Let me surprise you". The way he used words brought back memories. I liked hearing them and I wanted to hear them again.

I went to the office mgr and told her that I cracked a tooth that morning. I called the dentist and he wanted to look at it this afternoon in case it was something serious. She was so sweet - "You go ahead Justin and get it taken care of" I felt like a sneak making up that story - I really did. However I still did it.

I was no longer living at the apartment. I had moved to the suburbs just outside of Albany. I gave Tom the address. See you in about an hour was the last thing he said before hanging up. I left work and drove home.

When I got home there was a car parked in the driveway. Tom had beat me to the house and was waiting. He got out of his car and walked toward me. His appearance had changed and it was for the better. His hair was cut short almost shaved to his head and he was nicely dressed. The jeans, the cowboy hat, tank top and boots were gone. He looked slightly older and more mature. He was so good looking. There was no doubt about it. He shook my hand and said, "dude it's good to see you again. You haven't changed a bit - you're still a sexy little Frenchmen." I said, trying to act unconcerned - "why thank you bud and to you too." I told him he looked cool, no better than that - he looked great. I said, "married life must be agreeing with you". He mumbled - "well sort of"...

We sat in front of the house on a stonewall with our legs dangling like a couple of teen-agers and talked about everything. He married his girlfriend and they had a six-year-old boy in school and a younger daughter. His girlfriend was from Mass so after they got married she wanted to go back home. Tom's family was still living in New York. He was in Albany to attend a funeral for his uncle who had passed away. I told him about my job and he pretended to be interested but I could tell that he was not.

We talked about some of the things we did when we were younger. "Man, we pulled some crazy junk didn't we Justin?"- " I don't know how crazy it was, I said but I liked it and wild for a country boy - You were a good teacher Tommy" - "Me, He Blurted out. Hey, I was the one who got seduced. Remember dude - hitchhiking" - we were reaching a comfort zone.

Our legs touched the same way they did years ago and neither of us moved. Tom looked directly at me - "do you want to go and do one? One what? - I asked. Dude, don't play dumb with me" said Tom - I answered-"you bet your ass I do - follow me" We hopped off the wall and he followed me into the house. I went into the kitchen and prepared a couple of drinks. We each had a taste for scotch so that worked out fine. We sat on the sofa still talking and getting re-acquainted. I went back to get refills for the drinks. When I returned Tom was lying on the sofa with his shirt off and his hands behind his head. I thought to myself - "Oh no - not that again". But I was wrong this time, he was just getting comfortable.

We continued talking for a while but I couldn't keep my hands to myself any longer. I kneeled on the floor and started touching his chest. I can't explain the excitement that was going through me at the time. "Want too? - He asked"- "Try to get away I said." I led him to the bedroom and for a brief moment we slipped back in time and it felt so right. He sat on top of me and bent down and kissed me. It was nothing passionate it was only a kiss. "What's that for I asked" - "Oh shut up - that's all you're going to get" and flashed the smile that had been missing for so long. The kiss was special. I knew Tom had to search long and hard in order to do that. He rolled beside me and whispered in my ear. "Will you fuck me Justy - please touch me and fuck me." I knew this was the missing link from his marriage.

He made soft noises and moved closer to me accepting every thrust. Tom felt completely at home with eight inches of cock inside him. He was content and looked relaxed lying there under my body. I pulled out and kissed his chest one last time just to taste him once more. He jerked off and it landed on his thigh. I licked him clean like I had done so many times before and told him he had cum a lot. I could tell that he liked hearing it again. In my heart I felt a little sorry for him. I don't know why I felt that way. I just thought he was not a very happy man. Here was a dude who always had everything - maybe he still did. But it was something that I would never know for sure.

The next thing that happened was not a pretty scene. I was in the kitchen and Tom was on the phone talking to his wife. He drank enough scotch to give him courage to call her. He was talking to her about having three-way sex. This must have been something they would do together because she seemed receptive to the idea.

He said "I want us to do it with this guy. Yes, I know him and he's an okay dude - he's gay and you will like him." She seemed okay with the idea UNTIL he told her - " No, don't touch him. I want him to fuck me while I am fucking you." Everything became quiet and Tom hung up the phone. He realized he had just exposed his clandestine life to her. His wife didn't like what she just heard. He left immediately. Tom was gone for good this time. I could feel it.

Last year around the holiday season I was walking through the mall filled with Christmas shoppers. I passed a seating area where folks could stop and rest. On a bench was lady with two small children and a man sitting next to them. As I walked by the man looked at me and our eyes met. He had dark green killer eyes. For a split second I was locked in time. It was Tom. He saw me and quickly turned away and I kept walking. I took the escalator up to the second floor. I wanted to look over the railing and watch them. When I reached the top I peered over the railing to the area below. The bench was empty and they were gone. Riding the escalator back to the ground floor I stared at the empty bench and thought to myself - "I'll always remember you Tommy - and sometimes that's all there is"...


Next: Chapter 2

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