Sometimes Surprised

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jul 4, 2006


Author's note: Join my yahoo group for advanced chapters... ______________________________________________________________________________

"Whoa dude wow, I haven't thought about that for a while, how is he?"

"He's better and glad to be walking again. And we finally are able to be close, in ways. you know the ways I mean"

Right then Joe came bounding up to them

"Is it true?"


"Did you just come out during the attendance of first period, everyone is talking about it?"

At that moment it seemed like the entire junior class was surrounding them to ask if it was true

Matt just looked at Joe and they both shrugged

And in front of their entire class they kissed...

Dr. Janz

"So here we are again, it's been a week since we last met, tell me Joe, what's new in your life?"

"Well, I have finally let down the wall that wasn't allowing me to be close to Matt."

"That's great news, I'm very happy for you, so how is your sex life with him?"

"Well first I think you should know that he isn't putting ANY pressure on me what so ever."

"It's good that you have someone so supportive, and well patient I should say."

"Yeah, I guess I am, he's great, we kiss but I have to say I try my best to hide it, but when he touches me sometimes I flash back to the day when it all happened, and I withdraw."

"Well Joe it is a miracle you can be touches at all, most people that go through what you have been through have damage that lasts for years, and you have overcome it in a few short months."

"Well it helps that I have Matt, and my mom and dad of course have been great, and my dad finally accepts Matt being in my life, and mom is just, well she's more of a mother than ever."

"It sounds like with everything you've been through things are really looking up for you."

"I guess they are, what should I do though, I wouldn't feel right discussing the flashes with any of them, they are all so happy, it would just bring everything back for them and I love the m the way they are now..."

"Well Joe there is one option you have, since I obviously haven't been through this before I can't offer you any personal experience, but if you were to begin attending group therapy, with boys approximately your age, that have gone through this sort of thing, you would be able to put yourself out there, and get some personal advice from people who have been where you are, or are where you are now. Would that be something you would be willing to do?"

"To tell you the truth Dr. Janz, I would try anything."

"Great, I'll make the arrangements for a meeting this evening, and the meeting will always be on Tuesday at 7:30 until 9:00."

"Thank you Dr. Janz"

"Please, we are going to be seeing a lot of each other still for a while, call me Dave."

"Ok Dave, thanks so much"


Where is he his appointment was supposed to be over a half hour ago.

Phone rings


"Yeah babe its me my appointment ran about a half hour late because I had to get some info on a group therapy thing my doc wants me to do"

"Oh when is it I'll go with you"

"Oh you don't have to do that, I'll be fine."

"I know you will but I want to be there for you."

"Please baby I really have to get through this on my own, there isn't always gonna be someone there to hold my hand I have enough problems, I don't need you to handle all of them for me."

"Ok that's fine I understand Group will be your thing, I promise, when is it?"

"Tonight at 7:30 till 9:00"

"Ok well at least we didn't have any plans for tonight or I might have to cry"

"Oh baby don't do that, I can only handle one crier at a time, and I think I've deserved a good cry so I'll see you later this place I have to be isn't close so I have to book, I'll call you around ten"

"I'll look forward to it"

"I love you Matt"

"I love you too, bye"

"You two are so good for each other"

"Dear god mom you scared me, how long have you been standing there?!"

"Long enough"

"Ok so I guess I'm busted."

"You bet your ass I am, spill it baby who's the lucky boy"

"Wait, you know, how do you know?"

"A mother always knows her child my dear... That and your dad saw some tell tale porn on your hard drive, came to me and I was all like yeah baby I knew it all along"

"So your cool with this?"

"Honey, how could I not be, you're my son and if you being gay could change that, then I wouldn't be a very good mother would i."

"You're a great mom, and I don't think I say it enough but I love you mommy." I haven't called her mommy since I was like 10

"So you never answered my question, who is the lucky guy?"

"Ok mom don't flip out or anything, it's Joe"

"Oh my dear, that poor boy has been through so much, a lot of it was at your hands, are you sure that getting involved with him will be good for him?"

"I don't know mom, all I know is how I feel, I love him and I think he feels the same way, but ever since the attack he seems so pulled back, I mean we kiss but I think he just does it to make it seem like he's ok, but I don't think he is, an I wish he would tell me" I started crying, and mom just held me

"Honey I can tell you mean what you say, but remember Joe has to come to you in his own time, especially after the attack, he has to know he is going to be able to trust you, trust is the one thing that really builds a relationship."

"What about love?"

"Love is important, but without trust, there can't be a true connection, Joe trusted Eric and that trust was betrayed in the worst way possible, I'm sure he wants to trust you but he isn't able to because the last person in your position brutalized him, and abused his trust."

"I get it now mom, I realize that I was probably pushing him too much and he just adapted for me, I promise now to you him and god that I am going to be supportive, and I am going to see to it that Joe can trust me." ____________________________________________________________________________


As I walked through the door I realized what I was about to do, I was about to walk into a room of strangers that know nothing about me, and spill all my feeling

WHOA! There are so many cute guys here, too bad we're all so fucked up and I'm taken or this would be my holiday

"Hi I'm Nate the group leader, you are?"

"Oh I'm Joe, I'm new."

"Well then you will take the seat next to me, and when we begin I will introduce you, but just know that you are not gonna have to talk. What's your last initial we have another Joe."

"Of course you do, B, my last initial is B, and thanks that's good to know but I am here to talk"

"Good then I think we will commence with someone and then we will here from you second, will that be ok?"

"Yes, yes it will, thank you so much"

"Okay everybody! The group is ready to begin, I am Nate the group leader, and I would like to introduce our newest group member, his name is Joe B., and he will be talking second."

"Hi Joe B." They all look so happy..

"Okay Nic, why don't you kick us off"

As it turned out Nic was abused by his controlling step-father, and had suffered permanent damage to his genitals because of a device his step dad strapped to them. It was so hard to hear it.

"Joe B., we would like to hear your story. Start from the beginning, this day is about the new person as always"

"Ok here goes... I was in the closet and my best friend was attempting to out me in the locker room, and then my white knight came to my rescue, Eric Davis, he was a god to me, he had a perfect body and a killer personality, with a smile to match. Eric stuck up for me when nobody was there for me I was immediately drawn to him, he started hanging out with me and my friends that day, he was perfect, that afternoon, my former best friend/torturer came over and told me he had feelings for me, I didn't really believe him, but I decided to let him win my friendship, however he had to go because that night everyone was invited to spend some time at my house that night, I came out to every one of my friends in case Matt had something up his sleeve, and later that night Eric confessed an interest in me as well, we even kissed and it was magic, when we had our first date, it was perfect and like all good dates it ended with me on my back, willingly at this point in time, he said he loved me, and even though we had just had sex I believed him, and I trusted him so much that I had given him my virginity. A couple weeks later I was invited to a party by the best friend, Eric begged me not to go because he was sure Matt had something up his sleeve, being a stubborn person as I am I went and told Eric I would leave him if he didn't give me space, anyway I ended up naked in Matt's bed, nothing happened a video tape that had been set up for incrimination proved that. Anyway back on subject, I wouldn't lie to Eric so I confessed everything to him when I called him that morning, even though I wasn't really confessing I knew sleeping in another guys bed could be misunderstood especially when you're naked. He didn't believe me, so I gave him the tape, and after he watched it he called me a broke it off because he was too insecure for a real commitment, I was furious, a couple days later I decided to just live a little, with Matt, there was no sex, but there was a couple really good kisses that just so happened to be witnessed by my ex. He was waiting on the deck, and when we were talking I made the mistake of pushing all the wrong buttons. Tears He started to touch me and say things that hurt so bad telling me he was going to r-ruin me for everyone, and I tried to calm him and it worked long enough for me to break free and hit him a couple times, but I wasn't strong enough, he knocked me out, and he pinned my legs and OH GOD!



"JOE! JOE! JOE!! Can you hear me?"

It was Nate

"Yeah my knees buckled and I hit my head, I'm not unconscious" I saw all the panicked tear stained faces, and I knew I had done it, but I'm not done

"Are you ok to go on?"

"Yeah nothing will stop me not even death"

"Ok now for the reason I'm here, Matt has been with me since before the attack, and I still don't feel like I can fully trust him, I love him, but every time I try to get close to him I see Eric, and I freeze, when he touches me I feel the chills of death run down my spine."

A boy I hadn't noticed before raised his hand, he was good looking, in a hot nerd type way, a lean body hidden under layers of clothes, but what do I know..

"Joe would it be okay if Jerod were to give a little advice"

"I'll take what I can get."

Jerod started "I think that you are very brave for even getting as close with Matt as you have, I think that the trust issue is because the last person in the position Matt is in was Eric, so when you think of boyfriend your mind goes to Eric, who in turn shifts into Matt, and it free association between the two of them and boyfriend, and since it seems like you've only had a couple, you have to go by experience and experience is telling you that you can't trust your boyfriend."

As long as that tidbit was I think I understand better

"Thanks Jerod. I think you really helped me."

The boy blushed, what is it with people and blushing whenever I give them props for something

"What can I do to build trust?"

Another boy raised his hand, he was not great looking but was by no means unattractive, and he just gave you a feeling of security or something like that.

"Yeah, what do you have for me?"

"to build trust I think you need to tell your boyfriend everything you just told us, if he handles it and is 100% supportive then you know that he is worthy of your trust and closeness"

"You know that is perfect, thank you so much all of you"

"Guys that's a wrap for today refreshments are available in the lobby see you all next week."

"If you ever need to talk to someone here's my number" I heard that from 3 really hot guys, Chris, Luke, and Drake and the hot nerd Jerod

Of course I have my own really hot guy to talk to now

Phone on line Ringing


"Hey it's me, I just got done with group, and I think we need to talk."

"Good talk or bad talk I need to pick what to wear."

"How do you mean?"

"Good talk it's PJs for comfort since I'll be home, and bad talk it's club wear just incase I need to go trolling for a new man.. So which is it?"

"Good talk, so good you might not need PJs tonight baby boy"

"Well in that case I'll see you soon"

"Bye Matt, I love you so much."

"I love you too Joe, more than you could know."

Hang up..


Maybe this going to group alone was a good idea

Phone Rings.


"Hey its Greg, what you doin'?"

"Waiting for my man to show up how bout you?"

"Same dude, so what's going on with Joe how is he doing?"

"Good, as a matter of fact we are finally going to talk." "Do you know what you're gonna talk about, is it Pjs or is it club wear?"

"I forgot you came up with that one, apparently, its such PJ talk that I may not need any tonight."

"Whoa dude! He said that! You're fucking balls must be so blue right now!!"

"I won't touch my dick either, because I have been saving this load for 4 months, and its ready to bust, I just hope our talk goes well, or 4 months of agony are gonna go unrewarded"

"At least you know he loves you and WANTS to be with you otherwise he wouldn't have bothered, give the load a couple days just in case.."

"You know ever since you came out you've gotten both nicer and smarter."

"Just remember you have you boyfriend to thank for that, if he hadn't been so brave proving to people in our area that not all gays are cock hungry lunatics then we wouldn't be living such a good life."

"But our good life comes with the consequence of a bad time for Joe, and I never want him to have a bad time, ever."

"I know buddy I gotta book though Jeff is here."

"Be safe and have fun"


Dial Tone

Doorbell Rings

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 9: Sometimes Surprised 11 12

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