Sometimes Surprised

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jun 29, 2006


Author's note/WARNING...

This is a titled two part segment, it will be uploaded as one, Part one of this story contains scenes of violence and, though the trial is more prominent you should be warned, if this type of work will offend you, I recommend not reading this chapter, you will see the end of it in the next one as always.. I won't say enjoy because this is a very serious chapter


Part 1


After our little conversation with my friends we decided to call it a night, Matt dropped me off at my house, and as I was getting out of the car he gave me a quick kiss and said..

"Look I know you want to see other people, but I only want you."

"Matt, I know this and I promise you we will be together, just not so close to my bad choices, ok?"


A much longer kiss goodnight, then he drove the whopping three house distance (lazy ass) and waved good bye

As I walked to the side of the house there was someone waiting for me on the deck

I saw that it was Eric

"What are you doing here it's like 10 o'clock?"

"I wanted to talk to you in person, I couldn't just leave it like that on the phone"

"Really?? Because as I remember we worked through anything that could have possibly needed work.."

"Ok so I wanted to see you, it's not like I hate you or something"

"Good because you have no fucking reason to hate me, if anything I get to hate you"

"Can we go inside and talk, it's kinda chilly"

"Dude it's like 60 degrees, you're such a pansy, let's go"

We each took a seat on the couch with one seat separating us

"What is it?"


"There must be a reason you are at house at this hour."

"I had to see if it was true."

"If what was true"

"That you had found someone else two fucking seconds after I dumped you."

"Key words jackass, you dumped me, and I'm allowed to do what or who ever I feel like"

"Ok I get it your still pissed at me, but come on can you honestly say that you wouldn't have reacted the exact same way I did??"

"Yes I can honestly say that I wouldn't because unlike you I like to have just a little bit of faith in the people that I am closest to"

"I'm sorry that I didn't have any faith in you or your word"

"I'm sorry too, but this changes nothing, I am involved with Matt now, and I am free to see other people"

"WHAT?! After everything he put you through you went to him and what went down on him or something"

"ACTUALLY I learned from past mistakes and didn't fuck someone too damned early in a relationship"

Then Eric snapped and pinned me to the couch, punches me in the face, "A MISTAKE IS THAT ALL I WAS TO YOU, I'LL SHOW YOU A MISTAKE!!!"

With that he started to grope me with one hand while using a bone cracking amount of force to hold me down

"What are you doing Eric?!? STOP NOW!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!!

"If I'm such a MISTAKE then maybe I should make it so NOBODY even WANTS YOU ANYMORE, I'M GONNA RUIN YOU FOR ANYBODY"

"Please don't Eric, you weren't a mistake, you were perfect, too perfect"

With that Eric loosened his grip just enough for me to make my move

I twisted my entire body and threw all my weight into a hit in his gut with my one free hand and nut crunched him with my other now free hand, and I picked up the phone to call the cops, I had only just hit the nine when I was knocked over the head with a vase of flowers.

When I woke up I felt a familiar presence but then I felt surging pains as I realized that I was being entered very roughly and I could feel that the person doing this was not wearing anything. I cried and cried and repeatedly said stop, and screamed at the top of my lungs NO! It was all in vain because I was under the person on my back and my legs were being forcibly held over my head, I could feel that it was only one person doing it all because they were fumbling. Then the thing covering my face fell aside and I realized that my tormentor was the one person I had opened up to and allowed close to me since my fights with Matt, it was Eric, and I cried even harder as I was forced to endure more pain, not just physically but emotionally as well, this was somebody I had given myself to willingly on one occasion and now they were raping me, and there was nothing I could do to stop them. I fell unconscious again

I can still hear I hear thuds and crashes and sirens, everything is gone, where am I, it's so bright, I can see a light, and people, they want me to come to them, I don't know what to do I can't move, I can't go back but I can't go forward, I feel myself being pulled in both directions, CLEAR, I feel my body being lifted, CLEAR, I feel peaceful, CLEAR, I feel heavy, I feel light.

Joe's Parents

"Tell us what happened Matt!"

"I don't know exactly but I'm pretty sure that Eric did something horrible to him, I don't know


"I put him in his place, he has a broken nose and a couple fractured ribs, but that won't be payment enough, I should have killed him!"

"Don't say that now sweetie, you did the right thing by calling the police now maybe our boy can see some justice for this terrible act."

"Mr. And Mrs. Bennett?!"


"I'm Dr. Sage, I'm the one handling your son's case, I am obligated to divulge to you that your son, regrettably was not able to completely pull through."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"That means that though he has not suffered any brain damage from his to put it nicely flat lining, he is in a coma, and we are not going to be able to gage when he will come out of it."

"How is he physically?"

"Physically, he is in critical condition, we were able to repair the damage to his rectum, and he has bruises and cuts from a struggle we are assuming, until a forensic analyst sees him we won't know for sure, but you should know your son did not just allow this creep to brutalize him, he fought, and fought so hard, he may have actually put himself in the coma."

"How is that possible?"

"When a person undergoes such a trauma, it is possible that they can withdraw themselves from reality so as to not experience the trauma fully, in some people this can result in psychological issues in the future, or for some they can lapse into a coma, or for a select few, both."

"How is he going to be treated?"

"He is going to be treated as though he were making all his own decisions although you will actually be making them, we need your consent for feeding tubes among other things."

"Mam, I'm sorry for exploding earlier, it's just that our boy has been through so much that this is just one of so many things we have had to be here for, Do ANYTHING you have to do money is no object"

"I assure you your son is getting the very best treatment possible, and as for the exploding part, I'm used to it, I have a son about your son's age, and if anything like this had happened to him, I would be so much worse than you have been to anyone so far.."

"Mr. And Mrs. Bennett, and Matthew Stone??"

"Yes we're over here"

"I'm Detective Sloane, and this is my partner Detective Williams, we are the officers assigned to your son's case."

"Yes it's very good to meet you, has the perpetrator been arrested yet?"

"As soon as he is bandaged we will be transporting him to lock-up, first and foremost I would like to express our deepest sympathies, I lost a child I know what you're going through"

"I have been in this type of situation as well I assure you justice will be served for your son, how is he"

"He's lapsed into a coma"

"Well we need to get the testimonies of everyone who witnessed anything, we'll start with Mr. Stone."


I saw Eric's car outside but I figured he and Joe were just talking, then I heard lots of loud noises, and I assumed they were fighting, they had recently broken up, I didn't think much of it, even when I heard the crash, which I can only assume was a vase meant for Joe, because it was the only thing broken when I got in there, that's getting ahead of myself though, so even though I heard the crash I thought nothing of it but just in case I stayed on the deck, it was quiet so I assumed they were back to talking, but then I heard the slightest screams and crying and my adrenaline started and I broke through the front door I wasn't sure where to look so I checked everywhere and then when I got to the living room I saw Joe curled into a ball and Eric zipping up his pants and adjusting himself, Joe was naked and there was blood and semen all over the place so it was obvious what had happened, if this was consensual there would not have been so much blood, and I lost it and I broke Eric's nose and kicked him in the ribs a couple times and called the police and an ambulance, and made sure that Eric couldn't get away, then the ambulance got there and once we were at the hospital I realized that Jake and Melinda were on the town with friends so I called them and we were at the hospital, and we found out that Joe almost died, well in reality, he died, then they shocked his heart back before any brain damage could occur and then we found out he is in a coma and they don't know when he'll wake up, Matt breaks down sobbing

"Your witness"

"No questions at this time your honor"

"Does the defense have any witnesses they would like to call at this time?"

"The defense call Eric Davis to the stand your honor"

After he is sworn in the questioning starts

"Do you know Joe Bennett?"

"Yes, I dated him for a while, then we broke up"

"Did you resent Joe for any reason?"


"Did you hate him?"


"Did you rape him?"

"I don't know, I can't remember"

"OBJECTION your honor, the witness entered a plea of not guilty the answer should be obvious!"

"May I remind the witness that you are pleading not guilty not insanity, answer the question"

"No. I did not rape him"

Court murmurs


"I'm obligated to remind you Eric that you are under oath"

"Yes I am aware of that."

"No further questions."

"After you broke up with Joe, were you still on good terms?"

"Yeah as much as you can be when somebody brings out all your insecurities."

" A simple yes or no will suffice"

"Yes we were"

"Why were you at his house on the night on June 27, 2006"

"I wanted to speak to him"

"Did you?"

"Yes I did"

"Where did you speak to him?"

"At first on the porch, then in the living room."

"Please let the record show that the witness does admit to being at the crime scene on the night of said crime"

"Did you and Joe get physical?"

"In what way?"


"Yes I punched him, he hit me in the testicles, and punches me in the stomach, and then I broke a vase over his head."

"Please let the record show that the eyewitness's testimony has just been corroborated, by the witness"

"Did you get physical in a sexual manner?"

"I was groping him and he asked me to stop and I did, but then he made his move and we had sex."

"So you say that the sex was consensual?"


"That's convenient since the only person that could say otherwise is in a coma"


"Sustained watch it counselor"

"Sorry your honor."

"If the sex was consensual, why was there so much blood?"

"Because it was the first time for us."

"No further questions"

"Your honor due to recent enlightenment by this witness, I have about 5 extra witnesses plus one eyewitness that has been proved legitimate, that would be testifying to hearsay, but that were told by the victim that the witness Eric Davis and he had sex on one prior occasion before the date of the crime, disproving the witness's testimony"

"Under normal circumstance I would call these witnesses but due to the condition of the victim, I will allow the testimony of one hearsay witness"

"In that case you honor the prosecution re-calls Matthew Stone"

"Objection your honor, we have heard all this witness has to offer and this is highly unorthodox!"

"But your honor this witness will be saying something that would be heard by the victim if he were allowed to be here for himself, regrettably he cannot be so this is all he has for justice."

"I agree with prosecution, the witness will be heard." Matt is sworn in again

"Matt please tell the court in detail the conversation you had with Joe Bennett three days ago "Hello?" "Sniffle Matt?" "Yeah who's calling?" "It's sniff me Joe" "Oh god boy what's wrong, please tell me?" "No not on the phone please come over, just let yourself in you know where my room is." "Ok I'm on my way" "What happened Joey?" "Oh nothing just my whole life imploding before my eyes"


"If I tell you, you have to promise me that you are going to keep your word."

"Scout's honor"

"I tried to be honest with Eric about what happened last night and I told him everything including the tape, I smudged the truth just a little and he said that the whole thing was a cheap lie.

"Well Joey, I should say that everything will be fine, but I'm going to be honest, I think that this just proves that you two aren't right for each other, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this so you'll get with me or something I'm telling you that if a screwed up truth is enough for him to break up with you over then screw him"

"Maybe that's just what I did wrong, maybe I screwed him way to early"

"So you two have slept together?"

"Yes I did, on our first date, ok go ahead and tell me what a whore I am and that I'm dead to you, I know that you want to"

"Nothing you could do would make me hate you, and apparently nothing I do can make you hate me so how about this, if you promise that I am your friend again, I will never bring up your apparent lack of judgment for one night"

"Thank you for your cooperation you have been most helpful"

"I should also mention, that at a later time he told me that if he had it to redo he would not have rushed into it, perhaps he confessed this and Eric couldn't take it

"Thank you Matt you may step down"

"Does the defense have anymore witnesses?"

"The defense rests"


"The people rest as well"

"Very good, I will hear closing arguments tomorrow morning at 9am ADJOURNED"

Part 2

That night everyone gathered at Matt's house

Bree "I can't believe the last thing I said to him was ripping into him over Matt"

Ally "You think that's bad, I'm supposed to be his best friend but I pushed him into the whole Eric thing, and then Eric turns around and does this"

Ryan "I swear if that douche bag walks I'll kill him myself"

Stacy "I just pray that Joe makes it out of this alive, we should have been more supportive, if he's ok I am going to support him so much he wont ever need a cup"

Matt "Watch it lady those are MY balls you're trying to protect"

Everyone manages to chuckle just a little

Ally "I don't know about you guys but I just can't see life without him"

Ryan "You know he has always been the strong one, and now without him I feel like I can't handle anything"

Stacy "I know right I mean he was our protector and our best friend, and now here we are forced to go on with semi-normal lives because of that prick.

Matt "I don't know what I'll do without him, he's always been there, even when I was an asshole to him he always smiled and never uttered a bad word till he would beat the shit outta me, I just wanna know how the fuck Eric Davis fought him off when even I couldn't."

Ryan "It's pretty hard to fight when you're unconscious and being raped by somebody double your size"

Ally "guys cool it remember what Joe would want, all of us together for him, getting along.

Matt "Did you guys see the jury, it's like this case doesn't even matter to them because it was a guy being raped, if this was some girl, the women would be sobbing, and the men would be vengeful"

Ally "You are so right its one of those things where it's so unfair that you want to just scream at those morons this is someone's life we are talking about here."

Matt "We should get to sleep, closings are in like 6 hours"


This court is now in session the honorable judge Marcus Bloom presiding

All rise

Be seated

"I will now hear closing arguments"

"Defense please proceed"

"I have two very important words for the jury, reasonable doubt, that is something that the prosecution has given you plenty of, the facts of the case are as we have presented, this boy Eric Davis, has never had any problems, and his only mistake was getting violent with an ex-boyfriend, he admits to this, so this is what he should be punished for, but rape, there is no proof of rape, just intercourse, blood that can be explained by a lack of proper lubrication, or as the defense reported that it was the first time for both boys, return the verdict you know you must, not guilty for the count of rape and not guilty for sexual assault, thank you"

"Prosecution please give your argument"

Prosecutor walks to the jury

"We have seen it in your faces throughout the trial, most of you here do not believe that this case is significant or as important as other rape trials, why, because the victim is male, and not just male, but a gay male, something that has no place influencing your decision in the court room, rape is rape and it does not change from person to person, no means no, no matter what a victims sexual preference, some of you may even be thinking, "Well he was gay he probably liked it" Wrong so very wrong, this boy was violated, he was robbed of any chances of a normal teenaged life, IF he recovers, he will spend the majority of his teenaged years wondering what all women wonder after they are raped, was it my fault, did I do something wrong, the answer is no, just because he is a gay male this means nothing, he does not have the ability to come face to face with you today so with the permission of the court I have been authorized to show you these photographs, this is the victims face after he was punched and cut with shards of glass, this is the victims legs after they were held behind his head while he was penetrated in a way we can only imagine, and this is the extent of the damage done to his posterior because of the brutality of this crime, now that you have seen these pictures, I want you to see them as though they were a young woman or as though they were your own children, and I want that image embedded in your mind while you make the verdict of guilty on all counts, because what you feel when imagining your children in this situation, is not half as bad as what HIS parents are feeling right now, they are living the horror that you are just imagining, return the guilty verdict and help Joe Bennett and his mother and father have some justice, they have already been deprived from so much. "The prosecution rests once again"

"People of the jury you are dismissed"

Not one jury member got up without looking at the crying parents of Joe Bennett.



Jury's In!

"People of the jury have you reached a verdict"

"We have your honor"

"On the count of assault in the first degree how do you find?"

"We find the defendant guilty"

"On the count of sexual assault how do you find?"

"We find the defendant guilty"

"On the count of rape in the first degree how do you find?"

"We find the defendant..."


"Sentencing will be determined tonight. ADJOURNED"

Cell Phone rings

Melinda "Melinda Bennett!" "Mrs. Bennett you and you husband need to get to the hospital quick its Joe, he's waking up!!!"

"Oh MY GOD!! He's waking up OUR BOY IS WAKING UP!"

At the hospital

"Joe, hey Joe it's me Matt, I've been here all day, can you hear me?"


"Do you need anything?"


"Eric, he hurt you badly, try not to move."


"You were raped Joe, you were raped."

His eyes close and a single tear falls.


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Next: Chapter 7

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