Sometimes Surprised

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jun 28, 2006


Author's note: Thanks for all the Praise, this one was pretty long so I made it two chapters enjoy. Includes sex between a man and woman, I know none of us are here looking for that so I focused the scene on the man ;) ENJOY


Why hasn't he come over, or even called it's been over an hour, why did I have to go to that party I just had to go against his wishes, why though, I turned out to be right, but I was still wrong, because Matt has good intentions, oh god I'm not making any sense at all, ok I need to call some one, Al, Bree, Ry, and Stace are at the movies til' six, No I couldn't, can I?

Opens Phone


"Sniffle Matt?"

"Yeah who's calling?"

"It's sniff me Joe"

"Oh god boy what's wrong, please tell me?"

how could I not when you sound so perfect "No not on the phone please come over, just let yourself in you know where my room is."

"Ok I'm on my way"

In what seemed like 5 seconds my bedroom door was opening and Matt was standing before me

"What happened Joey?"

Pet names? "Oh nothing just my whole life imploding before my eyes"


"If I tell you, you have to promise me that you are going to keep your word."

"Scout's honor"

"I tried to be honest with Eric about what happened last night and I told him everything including the tape, I smudged the truth just a little and he said that the whole thing was a cheap lie."

Oh he looks pissed

"Well Joey, I should say that everything will be fine, but I'm going to be honest, I think that this just proves that you two aren't right for each other, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this so you'll get with me or something I'm telling you that if a screwed up truth is enough for him to break up with you over then screw him"

"Maybe that's just what I did wrong, maybe I screwed him way to early" shit I shouldn't have mentioned that

"So you two have slept together?"

Damn it I lost him "Yes I did, on our first date, ok go ahead and tell me what a whore I am and that I'm dead to you, I know that you want to"

Matt kisses Joe on the head "Nothing you could do would make me hate you, and apparently nothing I do can make you hate me so how about this, if you promise that I am your friend again, I will never bring up your apparent lack of judgment for one night"

"What do you mean lack of judgment?"

"I mean that it wasn't the best thing in the world for you to sleep with someone you'd known all of 3 days and had one date with."

"If it had been you what would you have done??"

"First of all, I would have had the inhibitions to stop myself before I go too far, how do you think I've managed to stay in the closet for so long, I go just far enough to satisfy the girls I date, but to this day I am a virgin and I'm proud of it, and you know, that just makes them want me more."

"And if I break it off with Eric, you're not going to jump my bones the minute I'm free?"

"No I'm not, because sex isn't what I'm looking for, I'm looking for love and I have that with you but it's not the kind of love that keeps you warm at night it's the kind that keeps you comfortable in the daytime, I don't know what you have with Eric, but can you honestly say that if you had it to do over again you wouldn't change a few things."

"I admit I rushed the whole thing, I knew nothing about him, it was almost like I allowed his looks to guide me, the day I came out to all my friends he was there because he sits with us and I had to include him, and I was worried of what he might say or do and we just ended up making out and then everyone walked in and I guess I just fell in lust, and then last night I never should have gone to your party, then we would be fine."

"Look I'll tell you this, last night you didn't do anything you should regret, the tape proved that, and if he doesn't see you for what you are then the only mistake you've ever made was dating that asshole"

Phone Rings "I can't handle phone calls right now, can you take it in the other room please?"

"Yeah I'll take care of it"

Opens Phone "Joe Bennett's phone.."

"Whom am I speaking to?"

"This is Matt, Joe's friend who's this, you called us after all?"

"This is Eric Joe's.. Friend."

"It's ok Davis I know everything, you're boyfriend has spent the afternoon and evening crying over you're sorry ass because he thinks he screwed up, and I have spent hours try to convince him that the only thing he did wrong was get with you in the first place."

"Look Stone I just couldn't"

"Couldn't what, believe in the person you claim to love so much, you know what you have hurt him more than I ever have because you were in the position, that he he has never even opened up to ANYONE but you and you fucked him over because it "didn't sound right" You ARE PATHETIC" "I get it but can I please talk to him." "Look, honestly I don't think you're that bad, but if you ever doubt him again I will personally punch your face in for every tear he sheds" "Ok agreed" whisper "It's him, if I gets to be to much just gimme the phone"

"Hello?" Eric I can't do this, I can't be with someone this perfect, I just can't hurt him like this, I'm too insecure in myself to allow myself to have him."

"I am so far beyond sorry, you have no idea, I have spent this entire afternoon wondering about us and then I saw the tape and realized I am too insecure to be in a relationship right now."

"What the fuck are you saying just spit it out you coward?!"

"I'm saying that today proved my fears right, that I am too insecure in myself to keep putting you in harms way at my hands, it isn't you, you're perfect, you're the reason I wake up, I just can't have you when all I will ever do is push you away"

"So in other words, your candy ass isn't ready for a relationship, so you pretended to be interested so you could get your rocks off then decide to be polite about the break up so you wait a week after getting laid then you break it off because you find something small to do it with."

"That's not what I.."

"No I guess it isn't but how does it feel not to be believed when you say something that could so easily be the truth.. HUH HOW THE FUCK DOES IT FEEL ANSWER ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT^Å Do you like what you bring out in me, the worst mistake I ever made was fucking you in the first place, your right we are done, but not because you aren't ready. Because at this moment I hate your fucking guts more than I have ever hated any one person."

through tears "Please don't talk like that, I still care about you, THAT'S THE ONLY REASON I'M DOING THIS!"

** Sympathetic** "Oh give it up, look I'm not saying that we are done in every way, get your shit together, and then we'll talk, but we are going to start over from where we should have in the first place, we are going to be friends, but don't get any ideas about any benefits, because you have a long way to go before we will even hug.. Understood"

"Yes sniffle thank you for not hating me"

"You're right, I don't hate you, I just don't like you much right now, we will always have being each others first so we will always be connected, I will always have some kind of feeling for you so don't give up on me."

"I really do care.."

"STOP!! I get that you care, this is your problem I tell you its all god and you still feel the need to explain yourself, I understand and I feel the same way I was just a little overwhelmed at first."

"Ok no more explaining, bye Joe."

"Bye Eric"

Oh my god what have I done, I just threw away the one person that has ever cared about me __________________________________________________________________________


Hugs Matt

"Thank you for being here for me."

"It's what I'm here for"

"I love you Matt."

"I love you too Joe" Matt kisses Joe on the fore head Joe moves his face up and connects their lips" Let's go get some food"

As they walk down the stairs Matt realizes he left his keys upstairs

"I'll be right back"

"Ok I'll be here cooking dinner"

As Matt comes back downstairs Joe's mom and dad walk in the front door and immediately Joe's dad grabs Matt by the collar, slams him into the wall shattering pictures, a vase, a potted plant, and breaking the wall.


"Jake!! What are you doing"


"What do you mean stop, after what this little shit did to you, you don't wanna see him pay!" Jake gut punches Matt


"You just remember one thing little boy, Joe means the world to me and his mother and if you do anything to harm him in any way you will have to deal directly with me, and as for you son, you come with me, Melinda please take that boy in the other room where he can lay down" Joe's mom took Matt to the family room

"Explain why you stopped me from crushing that little worm while I had him"

"Dad, first thanks for the thought, but you should know that, we are friends it turns out that he loves me the way I love him."

"Oh so he's Q-I mean gay too and you two are like, you know together."

"Yeah in a sense, we both know we have the feelings, but I laid the ground rules for our friendship, and possibly more and he agreed."

"How does Eric feel about this?"

"Me and Eric aren't me and Eric anymore"

"Good I didn't like him anyway"

"Dad you met him for all of 5 minutes."

"He seemed squeamish and insecure, not the kind of G-boy I envision for you"

"Look dad I know that my being gay came as a shock to both you and mom but I;m glad that you are both so accommodating it feels good to have such great parents"

"We love you son, we don't care if your gay or straight, so long as you somehow give us a grandchild"

They Hug

"I love you so much Dad"

"I love you too Son, lets go to the family room"

"Look Boy.. Matt you may have my son's trust, but I am a much more difficult person to impress, you better be good to him or so help me you will be my .45's bitch for target practice"

"Yes, sir" For the first time since they arrive Joe's mother spoke in her natural soothing tone "Now boys why don't you clear out of here and let us clean up, here's some cash for what ever you want to do I don't care just give us some time."

"Okay mom"

Melinda smacks Jake upside the head

"Ouch, oh I'm sorry for the scene Matt but you know why I got that way so I'm sorry again" they leave

"and just what is it that had you pinning our son's friend against the wall, I was surprised to say the least that you did that considering I don't know the cost"

"Ok Melly, I have told you that our son told me that in confidence and that I can't tell you why they stopped hanging out, but I will tell you the matter appears to have resolved itself."

"Ok and mind you the only reason I'm stopping is because our son means so much to me and I wouldn't dare have you breech any sort of confidence for my benefit

Here's the scene i warned you about Melinda grabs her husband and kisses his lucscious lips while running her fingers through his thick brown hair, Jake kisses his wife back with so much passion they are both growing sweaty by the moment, he pulls off her cocktail dress in one swift moment and she strips him down to his briefs, while hes wearing nothing but a tie. She leads him to their bedroom and she starts kissing her way down his extemely buffed cut torso, licks the V shape of his waist, and sucks his entire 9 inch cock between her full pouty lips, when neither one of them can stand it anymore she starts riding her husband for the life of her and with each thrust they each moan and groan, Jake rolls his wife onto her back and starts slamming himself into her with all his might, he's getting so close now he shoves her legs over her head and gives one final powerful thrust, and shoots shot after shot of his masculinity into her stretched orifice

All over that wasn't too long was it? _______________________________________________________

Chapter 6

Meanwhile Joe and Matt are sitting on the front porch of Matt's house

"Are you sure you're ok Matt?"

"Yeah I'm fine, i just wasn't ready, i forgot you're dad was into bodybuilding"

"Yeah I didn't expect them home so early otherwise I would have warned you about him"

"Yeah well i deserved everything i got so what do you wanna do?"

"Well i don't know if my mom realizes she handed me a 100 instead of the usual 20 but we could go hang out with my friends they get out of the movie in 20 minutes and it will take us ten to get to the theatre, and I'm sure two teenaged boys can find some way to kill ten minutes"

"Well when you put it like that how can i refuse you"

"Hmm, i guess you can't??" Quick kiss on the lips

"Let's go boy"

"You drive i don't feel like it"

As they drove along in Matt's mustang Joe couldn't help but steal quick glances at his friend

"You know it's ok if you look at me, i do like it"

Joe blushes "How long have you known?"

"Since the first time you looked, you're not very sneaky."

for the rest of the 10 minute drive the two boys held hands

"you know something Matt I think I'm falling for you"

"I've already fallen"

As we're talking one of my favorite songs comes on the radio

"From now on Matt this is our song"

"Does that mean that we are together"

"Yes it does, and i am glad that my favorite song is our song"

"You know something I just realized what we're listening to, this is seriously your favorite??"

"Yeah what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, this is the one song i like from Mariah Carey, normally i just can't sit through a song ny her, but i have thought that this song was too perfect, because of you.."

"Weird, that is so cool"

"Yeah it is"

"It's so weird, I've always kind of thought of her as like a gay guy leader, and here i am gay and sharing her song with my gay lover, who would have thought"

"That's pretty funny I've never really thought of it that way but HAHAHAHAHAHHAA!! That's great!!!"

After Joe's laughing fit came to a halt they were arriving at the movies

"You ready to go wait?"

"Yeah hopefully we see some of your friends so that they see their plan didn't work."

Just as they walked up to the entrance a couple of Matt's friends walked up to Matt

"HEY buddy what are you doin' here with the fa.."

Before he could even finish his sentence Matt punches him in the face

"What the fuck dude?"

"That's my friend you're talking about and if you want to keep your limbs you'll think twice about ever calling him anything ever again, and if you don't stop, you'll be my bitch, UNDERSTAND"

Then all his friends walked away

"My hero"

For appearances sake Joe just gave him a quick two pat hug

"Great Show!, let's see how long this little reparte lasts."

"Come on Ry, guys he's fine we have talked a lot, and believe me i can handle myself if he gets out of line."

Ally answered "Hey everyone just cool it obviously Matt has to care some or he wouldn't have almost knocked out his best friend, so we have to at least give him that."

Ry chirped "Yeah i have to say it was pretty awesome to see you layout Greg like he was just some sack of flour or something."

Ally quipped "Flour? FLOUR? That's the best you could come up with god i am dating an idiot."

"Oh my god you guys are dating, why does nobody tell me these things?"

Ry "Well if you weren't busy blowing your boyfriend then maybe you would have time for your friends, speaking of which where is shit for brains i haven't seen him for a while."

Joes face went from happiness to stone cold in about 2 seconds at the mention of Eric

Ryan's smile disappeared "Something i said?"

Matt piped up, "Hey guys why don't you go ahead to the food court and me and Joe will meet you there."

"Ok" all of them happened to say at the same time


Damn it Ryan why the fuck do you have to have such a big mouth?!!??!

"You ok Joe?"

"Yeah i'm fine, it's just thinking about Eric isn't something i wanna do right now, that's the whole reason we came here, i guess we should tell them"

"How much exactly??"

"Well since we aren't official yet i don't see why we should tell anyone, yet"

When nobody was looking Matt snuck a quick kiss in

"That's cool I think everything will get better"

"Matt, you know we aren't only going to be seeing each other right? At least not at first"

"What? I thought, i mean we have a song and everything"

"Oh no, no Matt, we are still going to be together, i just want the option to see other people, i don't want committment so close to a relationship, but i will make you a promise, i will not have sex with anybody as long as you are one of the people i am dating."

"I get where your coming from, and I think i can handle it"

"This is why i love you, you are secure enough in yourself to agree to something like that"

Like hell, the only person you are going to be dating is me!

I can't believe this the little slut

I am so gonna make it so his little candy ass is unwanted by anyone

Dating other people yeah right, he's mine and is so gonna stay that way

What am I saying, he's vowing to only have sex with me, that means he just wants to test the waters a little bit before committing.

Ok but if he so much as gropes another guy his ass is grass, after every promise I've made that is ridiculous


"Hello?? Matt??"

"Yeah Huh What?!"

"You zoned out, we are supposed to go meet my friends"

"Oh ok let's go."

As soon as we entered the food court we spotted our table

"Hey guys what the fuck took you so long"

"Well Ry, Matt was helping make the decision to let you guys in on something that really hurts me to talk about"

"Ok" Everyone always manages to say that kind of stuff at the same time when you want them to listen

"Me and Eric broke up, today"

"Oh baby, are you ok?" Ally asked while she grabbed me and sat me down next to her and started caressing my shoulder

I noticed Matt's eyes darting from her to me, and Ryan was doing the same thing

"Um.. yeah i'm fine" While subtly releasing myself from her warm chest "Besides your boyfriend looks like he's about to have a vein explode, and mine looks like hes about to throttle you to death SHIT I JUST BLURTED IT OUT"

WHAT?!? Everyone at the same time what the hell is with that

Matt snapped back to earth

"You just blurted out that we're together didn't you?"

"How'd you guess?"

"You're dating HIM?"

"The guy that you vowed you would slaughter like a cow before fogiving?"

"The one guy to ever have the chance to beat you up, and first to call you a fag?

Wow you've got to hand it to them they really do listen when I talk

"Yeah I am, un-exclusively but still, yeah dating my former enemy."

"And the one person you've ever hated"

"Hooly Shit Bree where the fuck did you come from"

" I work in the mall dumbass, Ally called me and said to meet you guys in the center of the food court so here i am listening to you never ending wisdom, do explain why the fuck you are dating the person who singe handedly ruined your life and tortured you for 3 years?"

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Next: Chapter 6: Sometimes Surprised 7 8

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