Sometimes Surprised

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jun 26, 2006



I couldn't do it, I had every intention of having my way with him right then and there, I even said it in the room, but when I said no that I couldn't they decided to do it themselves, thankfully nobody had the balls to do anything to him, and instead of doing anything to him they decided to make him think something had happened.

They gave me a drink and told me to calm down, and I was gone...

I awoke next to someone completely unaware of anything other than a throbbing headache and a boner to kill all, and an arm draped over me, and a leg carelessly tossed as well

I looked next to me and it was Joe,

What did I do to him oh god he's never going to forgive me for this

Little did I know, the video camera caught everything...?

To be continued.........


I awoke with a throbbing pain in my head, I was in a familiar place but wasn't exactly sure where, as I came to I realized that I was in Matt's bedroom, I knew this because the furniture was the same as it was three years ago, the last time I had even been here, my head was buzzing with all kinds of different thoughts, then I heard the shower start and realized I hadn't been alone, my mind was racing...

What am I doing here? I'm naked under here OH MY HEAD What did I do last night? Think Joe think how much did you drink? I don't feel like I had sex, but did I do other things, Oh god I can't take this, find your clothes

I got up from bed and tried to find my clothes, on the clean floor I discovered that my clothes were not the only ones scattered, I couldn't take it anymore I just put on my shorts and started to cry, I felt so ashamed but I didn't even know what had happened, how would Eric take this FUCK HE WARNED ME!

Why didn't I listen!?

As the tears fell I heard the shower turn off I couldn't bee seen like this so I wiped my eyes on my polo and put it on, and went in search of my shoes one was under the bed along with a video tape, it had yesterday's date on it but I just ignored it because I saw it was blocking the view of my other shoe.

"Hey Joe, what're you looking for?"

"Oh sniff hey Matt I was just looking for my shoes."

"Did you find them?"

Damn Matt looks good wet, STOP IT

"Yes they were under the bed."

His face seemed to drain of color when I said that

"Under the bed huh, that's usually where my shoes end up whenever I'm in a hurry to get them off"

OH GOD, WAS I in a hurry to get my clothes off

"Um, Matt, this might sound weird, but did something happen between us last night?"

"Ok Joe sit, we have to talk"

"Now I have feelings for you, you know this I have told you, and until we kissed, or better still, until I kissed you I didn't really believe in them, so I was going to use our reconnection to hurt you"

"Do I have to hear this?, what does this have to do with last night?"

"Joe, last night started out as a set-up, I was going to, well for lack of a better term, I was going to out you"

I could feel my face changing colors

"You were going to, out me, how??"

"I'll get there, so one of my buddies, he drugged your drinks, and we were going to video tape the entire thing."

Oh now I'm pissed

"Now what EXACTLY were you going to video tape?!"

"Sex, but we were going to make it look like you were begging me, and that I needed to get my rocks off so bad that I let you."

That's it!!!

I lunged at Matt and just start wailing on him


Matt is blocking his face and yells "NO, COULDN'T DO IT BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!"

Then I stopped

"Listen Joe you have every reason to hate me, but I told them that I couldn't do it, and they tricked me, they handed me an extra drink that was meant for you, and told me to calm down, and I don't know what happened"

"How long is the tape supposed to have recorded?"


"You were going to video tape, so I can only assume that the tape under your bed is from last night"

"On lowest quality it records twelve hours, I hit record last night around 11, and I turned it off around 8:30 this morning so it should have caught anything that may have happened, nobody else knew about the tape"

"Are you sure nobody else knew?"

"No, I'm sure that they just thought it would be fun to see us squirm and not be able to face each other"

"We have plenty of the day we are going to watch the tape now, I grab the tape from under the bed give me the remote"

As we fast forward through the tape, it is revealed that the only thing that happened was lots of cuddling a few nuzzles, and some morning wood poking me in the ass, but nothing sexual.

"Look Matt, this will sound weird but I'm glad this happened, this means that even in a weakened state you know my position, I am perfectly willing to be your friend again, but this is hardly the way to earn brownie points with me. If you really want to have any chance with a friendship, you are just going to have to try"

"Ok Joe I get that now but I have one more confession."

"Please don't tell me you molested me after you turned off the tape."

"Well there's that.., but I have a reason for what triggered all this"

"Why do I not like where this is taking us?"

"I saw you on your date with Eric, and I didn't like it, at all, I got so jealous it just sent me over the edge, I really thought I had a chance, but when I saw you with him I saw how just him looking at you makes you smile, and I wish that I did that to you"

"Look Matt, I understand jealousy believe me I do, and it's flattering in a creepy way that seeing me happy with someone else makes you so nuts, but if you wanna be my friend you have to accept Eric as my boyfriend, and you REALLY have to accept, Stacy, Ryan, Alycia, and Bree, as my best friends, or we can never be friends or anything else, ever."

"Ok boy, I can deal with the posse as long as they can handle me."

"And Buddy, first order of business is you are switching to our lunch table as of right now."

"Wha, I can't just"

"Yes you can, because remember now that we know nothing happened, we have to appear as though nothing did, and that things are not weird between us."

"Ok but I'm doing this for you"

"Ok I better go"

"I'll walk you over to your house"

"You don't have to"

"I know, I want to"


We arrived at my front door and I give Matt a quick hug

"Be good"


I could not believe my luck, not only was I off the hook but now I know he really doe care for me, I am gonna be the best damned friend he could ever hope for.

When I woke up this morning I wanted to die because I was sure something had to have happened.

The boy I love doesn't love me back but I'm ok with that...For Now Eric



No that's impossible Joe would never do that to me, no way

Just then I heard my phone going off on my nightstand


"Oh honey did I wake you, you sound so tired and a little scared, did you have a nightmare?"

"mmm, yeah but I'm all better now that I'm hearing you're voice."

"Okay what was it about, if you're this ecstatic to be talking to me it must have had to do with me."

"Never mind my dream, how was the party, pretty uneventful, until I woke up naked in Matt's bed"


"Don't worry the video tape proved nothing happened, we were both hammered and apparently fell asleep naked, while a tape was running that had been going meant for Matt's buddy and his girlfriend, I dunno I guess they wanted to do a play by play and to see how to improve their sex life, but everything's good how are you?"

"Hold on baby, you mean to tell me that you slept in the same bed with another guy, and nothing happened, yeah I don't know about that it seems pretty lengthy, how about the truth."

"EXCUSE ME?!, are you telling me that you don't believe the explanation that I'm giving you, if that's the case then you better fucking hang up because you will NOT want to hear what I have to say"

With that I hung up.. "I can't believe him he slept with another guy and tried to use that lame excuse to cover it up, we are so done."


"Well it's good to know that my boyfriend doesn't trust me, I'll show him"

I run the three house distance and up the stairs to Matt's room "Hey, hey what's going on boy?

"Where's the tape?"

"Still in the VCR I haven't touched it yet"

"I want it now please"


"PLEASE, if you really love me at all you will just hand me the tape no questions asked"

"Ok here"

"Thank you so much I promise I will call you tonight and explain everything"

With that I run back to my house and jump into my truck

I arrive at Eric's house

Banging on the door and ringing the doorbell

"What the hell?, Oh it's you, come in we need to talk."

"Yeah you're right we do, how about I start" and I slam the tape into his chest

"There I think I've said everything, watch it maybe you can learn to trust someone every now and then instead of acting like some jack ass, if after you watch that you still think that what I know you are going to say needs to be said you really are by no means ready for any kind of relationship."

Without even giving him a chance to talk I shut the door behind me, and run to the car

Ok, sure I smudged the story a little but how could I have my boyfriend and my friend co-exist with that hanging over our heads


Ok now I feel like a total ass, here I almost ended the best thing that has ever happened to me, because of a stupid conclusion based on the truth.

I couldn't bring myself to watch it because I feared my own insecurity would come into light

That night, I pop in the tape.

Then I see that the only stuff to happen is stuff that would happen if you were sleeping next to your dog "Oh my god!!! I AM SO STUPID!! Why didn't I just believe him?!"

I pick up my phone and call his cell phone, an unfamiliar voice picks up

"Joe Bennett's phone.."

"Whom am I speaking to"

"This is Matt, Joe's friend who's this, you called us after all?"

"This is Eric Joe's.. Friend."

"It's ok Davis I know everything, you're boyfriend has spent the afternoon and evening crying over you're sorry ass because he thinks he screwed up, and I have spent hours try to convince him that the only thing he did wrong was get with you in the first place."

"Look Stone I just couldn't"

"Couldn't what, believe in the person you claim to love so much, you know what you have hurt him more than I ever have because you were in the position, that he he has never even opened up to ANYONE but you and you fucked him over because it "didn't sound right" You ARE PATHETIC"

"I get it but can I please talk to him."

"Look, honestly I don't think you're that bad but if you ever doubt him again I will personally punch your face in for every tear he sheds"

"Ok agreed"

whisper "It's him, if I gets to be to much just gimme the phone"


To be continued...

Is the relationship damaged beyond repair or will all be forgiven, Chapter 5 will be uploaded soon.

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Next: Chapter 5: Sometimes Surprised 5 6

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