Sometimes Surprised

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jun 23, 2006


I rolled us over and decided to take control (I've never been one to just lay there) as I lifted myself up and down and side to side on my boyfriends ever stiffened cock I looked at his handsome face all screwed up tight with his mouth open slightly, I knew what was coming so i increased the speed of my ass and clamped the muscles and that's when he went crazy and started screaming and moaning like a fiend, I grabbed a hold of my cock and started jerking for the life of me, and as he began to shoot into my de-virginized ass as I came all over us and on his face, in his mouth, and instead of wiping it away I just kissed his lips and licked the excess off his face

I love you

I love you too..

To be continued.....

Is it love or lust or a bit of both find out next chapter _______________________________________________


Why was he with him, what was he doing, what are they doing together????

God get yourself together, why do you even care, you liked the kiss and you get that much, but I can't be gay it's just not an option.

If he thinks I'm interested why is he with Eric, does he like me..WHY DO I CARE SO MUCH!?! He's nobody to me and hasn't been for years why do I all of a sudden want him in my life.

I have to tell him the truth, and let him know about the set up and stop it from happening, I need to get to his house.

I run the three houses to Joe's house and find the hidden key behind the loose piece of siding, and quietly incase people are asleep make my way into the house.

That's odd, his mother is a neat freak there's no way she would let all these clothes just, be scattered like this, I better pick them up, I toss them on the step and quietly make my way upstairs, even odder his bedroom door is open, I'll just go surprise him.

HUH WHA HUH?!? HE SLEPT WITH HIM, THAT LITTLE PRICK AFTER I CONFESSED EVERYTHING, he can't know I was here, wanting to cry I run down the stairs and throw the clothes around

Phone Opens:



"It's Matt"

"Dude you sound like your fucking dog just died what's up?"

" I just wanted to let you know that the plan is so definetly in motion and the little boy bitch won't know what hit him"

"Alright Dude see ya tonight and we'll make the boy howl"

I'll show Joe Bennett what it means to cross Matt Stone


I awoke the next morning with an odd sensation, I felt grimy, and smelled of well, there's no good way to put it, sex. That's when I felt to the opposite side of the bed and much to my satisfaction I felt a body next to me. I turned to be face to face with Eric, and damn I must say he is hot when he's awake but he is so adorable when he's asleep, as I watched his chest rise and fall ever so steadily I remembered the events of the previous night, now I know what you're thinking, you're thinking it was rushed and I shouldn't be doing this but I must say that it was a bit out of character for me to sleep with a guy I'd only known for a few days, but if you had felt the things I felt when he looked at me or smiled at me, or especially when he kissed me, you would have done it too. Then I saw that he was starting to wake up..

Not knowing what to say I came up with "Hey there"


"Sleep well?"

"Well?... I slept better than I have in weeks, probably because I was sleeping next to you"

"Well I'm pretty sure neither one of us is exactly minty fresh so we should start getting ready for the day ahead of us"

We started getting ready, and let me tell you when my feet hit that floor and I started to feel the effects of the previous night, after a nice hot steamy shower, and a little encore, we felt much better and decided to go out to breakfast to take on the day.

As I ventured downstairs to find my keys and wallet, "huh I don't remember our clothes flying so scattered"

After I found everything we headed out to the local diner for some breakfast

As the waitress approached, she seemed vaguely familiar, and then I realized I knew this pretty girl, I DATED this pretty girl, SHIT!

"Hello I'm Tracy, and I'll be your server today, what can I get for you boys?"

Eric just sort of looked at me questioningly but proceeded to order "Well I would like a short stack with two pieces of bacon and sausage, and my buddy over there will have Belgian waffles topped with fresh strawberries, and for the table we will take a pitcher of orange juice."

I just sat there trying not to make eye contact

"I think that can all be arranged," she said all the while shamelessly checking Eric out

"I think she likes you," I said with a little more spite than I expected

"Well in case you didn't get the memo that I delivered to you TWICE last night then maybe this breakfast should end a little sooner than planned." Boy did I press a button

"Look I'm sorry, I just feel a little off, after what we did last night I think I'm entitled to be a little skittish if some tramp is checking out my boyfriend."

"I'm sorry too, I overreacted I shouldn't have yelled, you're right, you gave yourself to me in the most emotional way possible and I just threw it back at you like it meant nothing, and I don't EVER want you to feel like you mean nothing to me or that you're just another step on my ladder."

"Here we go.." Tracy said as she put the O.J on the table "Is everything ok we heard a commotion and you two are the only people over here that could possibly speak that loudly," she managed with a slight laugh as we all looked around and saw many old people, and families that seemed almost too perfect.

"Yeah everything is fine we just had a little argument." I said making eye contact and immediately kicked myself for doing it

"Oh my god JOEY! You look amazing wow I didn't even recognize you."

I decided to play it cool "Um.. I'm sorry, um OH MY GOD hey TRACY CUMMINGS HOW ARE YOU?!"

"About 30 pounds lighter." She remarked striking a pose

"Wow, I didn't even know that was you, how long have you worked here?"

"About 2 years, I don't think they could manage without me, and I love it, well I should let you guys get back to your meal, and since I know you, I think I should let you know, neither one of you is fooling anyone, it's obvious that you're a couple." With that she walked away

We just sat there a little dumbfounded that we were so obvious

"How do you think they figured it out."

"I dunno probably somewhere between our arrival and the little lovers' quarrel we had since I was getting checked out by some chick who just so happened to be you ex girlfriend^Å Wanna explain that one to me or do you wanna just let it be?"

"Well you know in order to stay in the closet you have to give a little proof that you swing with everyone else."

"Why her though?"

"She was a great friend and actually I started dating her because I mistook a great friendship for love, but I was horribly unfair even after I figured out I was gay I kept dating her, and it just ended pretty abruptly when she caught me with my pants down, almost literally, but she got over it pretty quick because she didn't realize it was a guy on her bed with me.. Good thing she didn't try to pick a cat fight"

"So why were you two so surprised to see each other"

"Well because even though the friendship stayed intact for a while it became a little overwhelming and we sorta lost touch."

Tracy Approaches Arms Full "Here ya go guys, enjoy!"

After breakfast we decided to head for the beach and me being me I always keep a couple swim suits in the bed of my truck

After arriving at the beach we decided to sun it up for a while.

"This is nice, just being here quiet, together with nothing but the sun and water."

"Yeah it's very peaceful and romantic"

Soon the hours were passing and we turned and cooked for a while and fell asleep


I decided that what I needed to clear my head was a nice walk on the beach, that always works for me, because I remember all the times that I walked with Joe over the years, GOD I CANNOT GET HIM OUT OF MY HEAD!!

After hours of aimless walking I tripped over some people because I wasn't paying any attention where I was walking

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see you there."

"That's ok we fell asleep, and should be leaving anyways"

Then what stood before me was a shirtless Joe followed by his dimwitted companion

"Oh Stone, it's you."

"Yeah Davis it's me"

"Hey Eric why don't you take our stuff to the car I need to talk to our buddy Matt"

Oh god, he wants to talk, DO NOT let him sway you

"Alright Joe I can do that for you, I'll wait at the truck"

He turns to me and he looks so good, I don't know how long they were tanning but it worked and the apples of his cheeks were perfectly sun kissed I wanted to kiss him

Then he spoke "Hi, how's it goin'?"

"It's all good, just been hangin' out with the crew"

"Sounds cool, um, listen about what we were talking about, you know, I would really love to spend more time with you so that maybe we can get some of what we had back."

"Yeah Joe, I think that sounds great, and look there's no pressure from me so you just do what you need to do"

"That's what I like to hear" and Joe gives me a quick peck on the lips "See ya later"

"Do you wanna come to a party tonight!" Did that even sound like a question

"Yeah sounds cool"

"Ok see you then."

I watched him walk away and his lower back is so sexy those little dimples and the sleek definition of a strong back is so hot with a tan.

"Damn he's good, but I'm better."

That Night^Å^Å^Å^Å^Å^Å^Å.


"It's just a party!" "Well I don't want you to go."

"Look baby I don't know what you're worried about, but what could possibly happen, he wants to try and have a friendship and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to have one too."

"So you would put our relationship on the line to be friends with someone who ignored you for three years other than to torture you everyday of your life"

"First of all I do not see how my going to this party is going against our relationship in anyway, and just the fact that is sounds like a threat is telling me maybe I should go to this party and say to hell with you if this is how its going to be." (Ain't confidence grand)

"Do you think that I would toss you away because of this?"

"I don't think that, that's just how you made it sound."

"Look I love you Joe, but I have to tell you, I think you are just setting yourself up for disaster."

"Eric I value your opinion, I really do but lemme tell you, if I don't have freedom, you will probably become very aware of every flaw you have, because when I'm bored and confined I tend to get judgmental and that it just not sexy, because trust me there won't be sex, if I suddenly am made some sort of gay trophy for your display."

"Ok I get it, you and free equals us happy, you and confined equals old people have a better sex life than me, go to your party."

"I love that you get it"



When I got to Matt's house it was smoggy and smelled like beer, yep it was a house party alright

While I walked through the front door Matt was dancing with a bunch of people, and as they all saw me walk in they kind of sneered and looked to Matt.

"It's ok he's with me."

After he said that everyone's attitude changed

Suddenly girls were grinding themselves against me, probably trying to get me hard, but with no luck

Then Matt swooped in and put his arm around me, "DUDE, LET'S get a drink and talk upstairs

"WHAT?!" I couldn't hear over the music



I casually went upstairs

Matt who held two plastic glasses in his hands later joined me.

We drank and talked for a little while and we started to loosen up a bit

"Look Joe I have to say this, I like you a lot, I might even love you, what do you say to that"


I heard Matt's question but was a little out of it

I saw him click a couple buttons on a remote and some music started playing, then on another remote but nothing happened he said the battery must be dead and got up to turn on his t.v, but for some reason turned it off.

Then everything became blurry and I was gone, but I could still hear things.

I heard some rustling and then the door opened and I could barely make out some soft laughter

"Did you get it?"


"So what are we gonna do with him"

"Well we are going to prove to everyone once and for all who he really is"

At this point my memory goes blank but I remember feeling horribly unsafe and very scared


I couldn't do it, I had every intention of having my way with him right then and there, I even said it in the room, but when I said no that I couldn't they decided to do it themselves, thankfully nobody had the balls to do anything to him, and instead of doing anything to him they decided to make him think something had happened.

They gave me a drink and told me to calm down, and I was gone^Å

I awoke next to someone completely unaware of anything other than a throbbing headache and a boner to kill all, and an arm draped over me, and a leg carelessly tossed as well

I looked next to me and it was Joe,

what did I do to him oh god he's never going to forgive me for this

Little did I know, the video camera caught everything...

To be continued....

Did something happen while the two boys were drugged or did they just spend the night together

Questions or comments

Next: Chapter 4

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