Sometimes Surprised

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jun 20, 2006


Look you said you wanted to talk so talk

I didn't say want I believe I specified NEED..




Because I can't hate you but I won't like you either

Now that that is cleared up you should be going

Fine, oh and if you ever talk to me the way you did in the locker room again you'll regret it

So I looked him directly in the eye and said..

Your mom squealed like a pig when I fucked her brains out, then your dad begged me to let him suck my dick and a mouth is a mouth so I obliged

Then he took a swing and I tackled him and pinned him and told him

I can take you as well as you can take me, maybe better so if YOU don't watch YOUR self then YOU will have major problems

Then he kissed me.... __________________________________________________________________________

First of all i know what you're thinking "wait a sec aren't you gay??" and the answer is yes, but when you're in the closet and a school bully is in your face you don't exactly want to come out _______________________________ Now for the good stuff

What the fuck?!?

I thought you wanted me to...

Why would i want you to kiss me you haven't exactly been my favorite person since oh i don't know MIDDLE school

Look i..

Thought what oh Joe's gay so maybe if i kiss and fuck he'll feel better??

Not so morbid but in general

Are you gay?


I asked if you are gay.

NO, yes, maybe I DON'T KNOW

Look whatever the answer it won't matter to me.

Are you gay? he looked so innocent how could i lie

Yes i am

Look Joe all i know is that i like you, more than i ever thought i would, especially since you're a guy

Yeah its news to me too, but Matt you can't just march in here after so long and proclaim yourself gay and expect me to somehow melt into your arms..

I don't know why i even did this..

Ok buddy heres the deal we are going to go our separate ways, but we are going to try and reconnect, the way we used to, and then we are going to form a relationship, i'm not promising you that i will be with you in any form of a sexual way, but i'm telling you i will see where time takes us, but listen good, you better try and try hard because if you hurt me the way you have in the past there will be something so much worse than hell to pay do you understand??

Yes, and i want you to know that i am going to try..

Okay be on you're way then my friends will shoot fire from their eyes if you're here when they get here


don't laugh, i'm hardly kidding, they hate you

What about you?

At the moment i'm indifferent, as long as you keep to your word

Door closes and immediately i say "yeah right"

Meanwhile on the opposite side of the door, Matt flips open his phone and dials a number from the phone book Matt The plan is in motion, i don't know why i never thought of this before

You think he'll bite

Have you seen me?? of course he'll bite

Well Matt i always knew the kid was a fag i just never knew he was stupid too

We shouldn't underestimate him though

We just need to cover our tracks well and he won't suspect a thing Phone closes

thought I kinda liked it though

Matt gets into his mustang and drives the short 3 house distance


Something has to be up i mean how many people that hate you miraculously show up at your house to proclaim love to you

Door Bell**

Hey guys what up, and Ladies always a pleasure

Hey buddy

Hey baby hows it goin?

Fine but lets go to the living room, a shiny new development just occurred

What did hell freeze over?

Actually Ryan it's funny you should say that, guess who juist left here??

Ally spoke up right away "NO he couldn't have"

Eric looked confused "how does she do that??"

Ryan just plainly told him "well the only person that would have that kind of reaction from Malibu barbie over there is..WHA HUH HUH!!!???

Eric again was confused "ok what am i missing.."

Oh right you're new to the group Stacy why don't you field this one since a teacher falling down a flight of stairs couldn't make you laugh

"The only person who could get this type of reaction from all of them is HUUUUUHHH MATT WAS HERE?!?"

Wait you didn't realize thats what i was gonna say

"as you said so lovingly it takes a lot to move me, what did he want"

Oh he wanted me

It was Ryan's turn to look confused "wanted you, how, the way i want you, in the talking and friendly sense, or in the way Ally shamelessly wants you in the bang my brains out type way"

A little bit of both i think..

Everyone's face changed there was not one face unsurprised

Oh it gets better my loving group of friends, he kissed me

"WHAT???!?!!!" Everyone said it at the same time

Yeah full on kiss oh that was after he tried to hit me and i pinned him to the floor

Eric spoke first "Well what happened then?" everyone looked at me expectantly

Ok guys this is where i need you all to be with me


and just so you know all the talking at the same time is really freaking me out, guys I'm gay.

Ally spoke "what gay as in GAY?"

Ryan "gay as in like hot pants and tank tops?"

Stacy "gay like you're not going to take me to homecoming?"

Ok i just realized all of you have very different reactions, and by the way where's Bree

Ally again "oh she had to work, but GAY?? why haven't you told me?"

I guess i was looking for the right time and today was going to be the day no matter what happened with Matt

Ryan just got up and walked out onto the terrace

Stacy got up "it's cool with me, as long as you're still my homecoming date, but i better go talk to him." Stacy and Ryan are like me and Ally


How could he be gay how could he not tell me, how could he be gay and not tell me, this is just too much for me to handle first its Matt then its a kiss then its he wants to kiss guys.

I saw Stacy coming through the glass door

Hey Ry what's up.

Apparently not the honesty level in our nice little group

Look we have no clue what is going through Joe's mind right now, he could be just as nerve wrecked about this as we are confused he didn't not tell us to hurt us he did it to protect himself

Look he should have told us

It's not that simple, me, you, Bree, and Ally have no clue what it's like to be gay, or worse it the closet, so before we go and say that he should have told us we need to consider all the reasons he couldn't.

You're right Stace, oh god what he must think of me for just walking out

You should still stay out here a while who knows whats going to happen in there, i mean Eric has only been friendly with him a few hours who knows what his reaction will be...

Eric Thoughts** "Stay calm just because he's gay doesn't mean he'll want you, but come on say something..anything to break the ice, do it now while everyone else is out of the room."

I almost shouted it

Gay huh??

Yep, gay is right, that's me..

Are you ok??

Yeah i'm fine why would you ask that?

Well it can't be easy to come out to a room full of people

It was hard, now i just need to find someone

O-oh w-well that shouldn't be too hard f-for you anyway get yourself under control

Too bad you or Ry isn't available then i wouldn't have to deal with meeting someone too

** DO IT NOW HE JUST GAVE YOU AN OPENING ** Yeah that's too bad

What makes you say that it's too bad, are you interested?

OH GOD THAT SMILE Well who wouldn't be you're easy on the eyes and from what i can tell you have a great personality..

Are you trying to hit on me?

YES! That depends on if you like it..

Well that hinges on what you say next..

** HE IS LOOKING YOU RIGHT IN THE EYES SAY SOMETHING SMOOTH!! ** Um.. uhh, will you go out with me sometime?



Yes Eric i will go out with you


Yeah and if all goes well maybe we'll do it again and again.

He's eyeing you all over the place kiss him, nothing big just a quick kiss I move my head in towards those perfect lips, he just giggles a little bit SO cute, and the instant our lips touch a wave of pleasure just grabs you by the brain and starts shaking you, soon we are full on making out, when the others walk in

Ryan's reaction was i guess we'll say priceless " AHH OH MA GAWD THEY'RE MAKING OUT, on the couch where i was sitting" the Stacy smacks his head

Ally was carrying a tray with snacks and drinks luckily no breakables since she dropped all of it and Stacy said "Told ya he's be fine with it"

Joe climbed off my lap and we wiped our faces, and we all talked into the night.


Oh my god, Bree it was so amazing, i mean two days ago i was in the closet with no guys even looking at me, and now i'm out to my best friends and have two guys chasing me, one of which i can actually see myself with.

Yeah Joe that's pretty great of course you had to steal probably the third hottest guy in the school from the women population

Do i get a plaque or should it just be the pride of a job well done

Please tell me you haven't given any jobs..

Well i haven't but i want to and i think Eric is a good choice for practice.

You're such a slut, anyway i have to go to work, have fun on your date with Eric.

Bye babe, call me when you get off

same for you ho bag

Hanging up the phone i thought about how nice it was to finally talk to my friends about well anything that was on my mind

Hmmm what should i wear.

I go to my closet and pick out some leather flip flops some Abercrombie Cargos, and a Striped Polo to match and hopped in the shower connected to my bedroom, and while i enjoyed the steam and the cascading water i could help but just get so excited about my date tonight, my first date with a guy. I got dressed gelled my hair so a few pieces fell to my eyes put on my contacts and checked myself out, and i have to say if i was Eric i would just want to throw me down and have my way with me.

Then the door bell rang


I couldn't help but be really nervous, i was wearing a striped polo and some linen pants that were good in the heat and shoes that hurt like a bitch but looked so hot i had to wear them for the date, i hoped Joe didn't look gorgeous because i'd like to be able to sit through dinner and a movie without have to readjust every five minutes.. God dates with girls when your just trying to stay in the closet is easy but a real date thats tough shit

As i pulled into the driveway of Joe's more mansion like house i walked up to the door and rang the bell i was shaking a little, and when Joe opened the door and i saw him i think my knees almost gave out he looked amazing, i've seen guys wear outfits like this but they never looked this good, i think my heart stopped for a second and then i finally spoke

Wow! You look amazing you're so gorgeous

Thank you, if you're trying to get in my pants you might be in luck if th talk keeps on like this

Heh he

You ready to go?

Yeah, where are we going?

I dunno where would you like to go, well we could go to the movie first so we're hungry afterwards

Okay what haven't you seen

I'd like to see "The Break-up"

Are you sure you wanna see a movie about breaking up when we are just getting together?

Well its a movie and this is life so As his lips covered mine i just felt so comfortable i was wax

Ok so "The Break-up" it is

Joe Ok i admit seeing this particular movie sounded like a good idea but when we got there, there were way too many people we knew going to see it so we saw X-Men 3 instead and Hugh Jackman YUM is always worth my money

We ended up making out through most of it (bless the movies and the dark lighting)

After the movie i decided i wasn't gonna put him out for something extragaant and decided to settle for Hal's the local neighborhood diner.

We did the usual stuff you'd see from people on a date, of course being that we were in public we were containing ourselves

Then i caught something out of the corner of my eye, i saw Matt watching me, i couldn't make the expression on his face, it was almost angry but amused at the same time, but what the hell do i know, back to the date.

He is so sweet i just can't wait to do this all over again, so we decide it's about that time, and we pay the bill and take off to my house.

As we pull into the driveway he looks me in the eye, and says "I have a confession to make" oh god i don't like the sound of where this is going In the locker room when we first officially met, i lied to you, i did know who you were, and truth be told i have wanted you since we had english together freshman year, i just didn't know how to tell you or if you even liked guys.

Well that's not what i was expecting, while we're being honest, since i started liking guys, and the first moment i spoke to you i have thought about only you in a physical way.

Wow there's something about hearing yourself say these things that makes you realize, just how much you really mean it

Just shut up and kiss me

As Eric's tongue gently forced its way into my mouth and i reciprocated his efforts i realized how much i wanted him (maybe i am a slut) but i realized i had never felt this close to him and well my parents were out of town...

Would you like to come inside?

I would like that

As soon as we were inside he grabbed me a shoved me against the wall and forced his tongue into my mouth with a passion i had never thought could exist in reality

He lifted me up and pinned me to the wall with his muscular body i wrapped my legs around him while he started nuzzling kissing and sucking on my neck, i knew there would be marks but i didn't care.

After he let me down i led him up the stairs, into my bedrom and without even closing the door began to take off my shirt, then in the whirlwind there was more making out and sudden;y we were both naked and i somehow ended up on my back, (not that i'm complaining) then Eric just starts to kiss me all over and suck on everything there is to suck on, soon he reached my dick and by now my balls are aching for a little male attention, and he envelopes me whole while i cry out and hear my voice echo off the walls of my bedroom, he works his way so gingerly from head to base and doesn't even have to come up for air.

Soon he is licking in the space between the scrotum and the ass hole and is not giving any mercy, i've always been once for romance but all thats going through my mind is "when do i get fucked"

As he begins his rimming session on my defenseles sphincter he begins using fingers, and my god who would know that such pain could be so goddamned pleasurable, and the anticipation of the upcoming just made it better

As soon as he was sure i could handle it, he asked me so caringly if i was ready

God yes, i've been ready..(did that sound ungrateful)

As his rock hard tool split open my hole i cried out and the echo filled my ears and made me so hot, it hurt so bad but at the same time i felt so amazing to be doing this with someone who meant so much to me, he pulled out some and then prodded his way back in the friction was so awe inspiring i couldn't help but moan, and not fake i wanna make my guy feel better moaning i was screaming out because i was really loving it, i was on top of the world, or better yet...

I rolled us over and decided to take control ( i've never been one to just lay there) as i lifted my self up and down and side to side on my boyfriends ever stiffened cock i looked at his handsome face all screwed up tight with his mouth open slightly, i knew what was coming so i increased the speed of my ass and clamped the muscles and thats when he went crazy and started screaming and moaning like a fiend, i grabbed ahold of my cock and started jerking for the life of me, and as he began to shoot into my de-virginized ass a came all over us and on his face in his mouth, and instead of wiping it away i just kissed his lips and licked the excess off his face

I love you

I love you too..

To be continued.....

Is it love or lust or a bit of both find out next chapter

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Next: Chapter 3

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