Sometimes Surprised

By Joseph Foster

Published on Aug 27, 2007


Sometimes Surprised

Chapter 14






You were raped...

Joe's Alarm blasted the awful buzzing sound everyone knows and loves, he awoke, covered in sweat and throat raw from the screams, his mother and father were in his doorway. His mother rushed to his side,

"Honey what's wrong, you were screaming so loud the neighbors must have heard cause all of them have been calling over to see that everything's ok, is everything ok?" She asked her terrified son

Don't tell her she doesn't need to know "Um.. nightmare, rape, Eric, Matt, you, doctors dad, mix that and make is seem like it's all happening again that's how bad^Å" Joe said the truth

"But you haven't had problems with those dreams since the conviction." Melinda comforted her son with a hug

"I know, but, um events of yesterday have stirred them up again." Joe skated the issue

"What happened, who do I have to kill?" Jake spoke up for the first time cracking his knuckles

"Easy killer, nobody did anything, but I came to a decision, I'm going to see Eric in prison." Joe said and his father fumed

"Why would you put yourself through that, just the mention of that boy's name is enough to make you shake like a leaf, and now you wanna prance into some jail and have a cup of tea with him??" Jake asked yelling

"I need closure, I won't live like this, I can't be afraid to talk to people with the name Eric, I can't be afraid to walk down an alley, I can't be afraid to shake the hand of a stranger, or trust my boyfriend enough to let him kiss me for longer that a few seconds, Eric rules that portion of my life, and that stops, today." Joe said confidently

"Well, now that I know your reason, I'm proud of you son, you've made the right choice, show that punk what your made of, oh and by the way it's noon, so get your ass up." Jake said and whacked his son's backside

Joe sprung out of bed, realizing he only had an hour to get ready, but he stopped wonderng, "what does one where to visit their ex-boyfriend/rapist in prison?"

Do you dress nice, or sexy to shove it in their face to show them exactly what they cannot have?

"I'm gonna show that ass hole who he's dealing with." Joe said and grabbed his clothes from the closet and headed to the shower


Yeah so I'm supposed to pick up Joe in about 10 minutes, I'll be early by 5 of course cause I live right here, I'm so afraid for him I don't wanna see him hurt, he is my one and only, and I have to drive him to see that douche bag that put him like this in the first place, he says it's for closure but I don't know if he's ready for the shock therapy this is gonna be

"Bye mom." He called out

"Give Joey my love baby!" Fiona Stone called after her son

"Will do, love YOU!"

"You too^Å" She called back

She always does that, she always says you too, she never actually says when she loves someone, not that I can blame her for being that way, but I AM her son.

I pulled up to Joe's house and as soon as I saw the front door open I was in love 3 times all over again, I know I must have been drooling too, he looked hot, like better than a sweaty Brad Pitt hot, he was like someone God wouldn't have created cause at that moment he put all 6 billion people on earth to shame.

He was wearing custom fitted low-rise jeans and a shamelessly tight cerulean button up un-done 3 buttons, that barely reached the top of his jeans, and a brown leather belt, with some sleek running shoes and the necklace I got him as a get well present, he dropped his cell phone and when he bent down to pick it up his shirt lifted and I could see he was wearing a thong, that little devil! He always had perfect silky blonde hair, but today he had it sexily side swept to the left side of his face and it was just falling into his eyes, again I say perfect.

"WOW!" I exclaimed

"Thanks, that's what I was going for." Joe kissed me lightly


Well following Matt's obvious drool session over my choice of outfits I applauded myself, and rested my hand on his for the ride

When we arrive at the state prison, and the gate opened for us, I have to admit I was a bit scared, but this is something I have to do. I walked up to the bullet proof glass and say I'm there to see Eric Davis, they take my name, pat me down, and give me detailed instructions on everything I'm not allowed to do (killing him wasn't one of them)


Laying here in this cell day after day, getting passed around for cigarettes and other contraband by my larger cellmate, being used and abuse day after day, because as soon as I was brought in the warden made sure every last inmate knew what I was in for, they may as well have branded "Rapist" on my forehead, once they found that out I have been brutalized everyday, and for what giving Little Joey what he deserved for screwing me over, I mean in all the time I've been here I haven't even had a^Å..

"VISITOR!...DAVIS^Å Unlock Cell b5"

Well that's a new one, I wonder who it is, probably my lawyer, oh well let's get this over with

They dragged me to the visiting area, and I had always imagined it as the prison phone area, but they said this particular visitor wanted no glass separation, so we were going to the family area,, where the kids meet with their parents that are imprisoned.

When we got there my heart about stopped I saw my worst fear, the half smiling cocky face of the person who put me here.

"Do have a seat, Eric." Joe said


Ok so now I was nervous, I had asked for no barrier when we were to meet, and they agreed, even though it wasn't technically allowed my parents do practically own this city, and the name Bennett, can get you a lot.

As I sat there waiting for them to bring in Eric, I twirled my hair and messed with my nails, then I heard the sound of what had to be someone in cuffs being policed around, knowing it must be Eric I had to be prepared for what was to come, and what I would see, and when the door to the medium sized room opened and I saw him, he was not hot anymore, I'm sure it was there somewhere, under the thin layer of grime covering his sun blasted skin, but I certainly wasn't interested in his looks anymore, but from the look on his face my look was doing it for him, they brought him over and left his standing by the chair they'd put out, I allowed them to take off his cuffs

"Do have a seat, Eric." I said trying to be as confident as possible

He sat still not saying a word, so I decided to patronize him

"Oh what, you don't have any kind words for old friends?" I tried to sound insulting, but it just came off cold and angry

"When you see one, give them my regards." He said curtly

"Well.. that's better, at least the ugly beast speaks, too bad prince charming is long gone."

"Whadya' want Bennett, I've got nothing to say." He said sounding rather pathetic

"You never were very smart, this isn't about you Einstein, and I have plenty to say so your ugly ass is gonna sit there and listen to every word, got it!?" I said scarily surprised at how much force and confidence came out

"Fine." He said, I could tell in his eyes he feared me

"You know, after everything you put me through and everything I had to overcome because of what you did, I never felt sorry for me, no, not for me, always for you, because it was just so damned cowardly, first just to be able to take me hand to hand you had to use a vase of flowers like a bitch, is that why you raped me, thought since you fight like a girl you should fuck like a man? Real men like it when their partners are conscious and consenting, or the 2 C's as I like to call them, you are the farthest thing from a real man.

"Now you ju---."

"No I won't you will listen to every word I have to say, then you won't have a chance to talk, get it.. Never you mind that was a rhetorical question, Now where was I, oh yes, we were at the night when you put that excuse for a penis in me without my consent, ah and the part about you fighting like a girl^Å I moved on, I'm with Matt and have been since the day I broke up with your sorry ass, so let's see that puts us at our 6 month anniversary on Christmas Day, how fitting is that, and oooh dear, that's your 6 month prison anniversary a week later, don't worry, I'll send you a gift, maybe some condoms so you can protect yourself from those homies on the cell block, oh now that was racist, so give the hombres and honkies a shot at that ass too, or maybe you like the diseases, so I won't do you any favors, I just wanted to come by and tell you, you don't win, you're a loser and you always will be, and the fact that you raped me, doesn't even factor into my life anymore, and never will again, I just needed to see you pathetic face again to close out that chapter of my life and now that I've seen it, if that's what you would have looked like in 6 months, I'm sure glad we're not together anymore. Toodles." I got up and started to walk out when I heard him

"I'm sorry." He said it pretty quietly

"No you aren't, but you will be if you ever get paroled before your 50 years are up." I said and again turned to walk but I felt him coming up behind me, and grabbed my arm, not threatening but I still turned and threw him to the floor

"DO NOT, EVER touch me, you filthy pig." I snarled at him

"I have something to say."

"Funny I have something to tune out."

"I was really messed, up, I was obsessed with my insecurities and you shined a huge beacon right on them so I took out every frustration I ever had on you and I never would have done anything to hurt you, I loved you." I was not buying that for a second

"You think I'm gonna buy that prison psychiatrist bullshit, I have better things to do than listen to whiny bastards cry about wetting themselves as children, and I certainly have someone way better than you waiting for me outside, you don't even know what love is." I said and called for the guard, who immediately cuffed Eric and let me leave

As I walked out the prison gates I felt instantly re-energized and more free than I had felt in months, Matt must have spotted me cause I saw his car pulling out of the lot and drive to the area where I was, what a great boyfriend

"Hey sugar, you lookin' for a date?" I asked him jokingly

"How much?" He asked playing along

"That all depends on how much I enjoy myself."

"In that case, I'm gettin' a freebie tonight!" He said and got out of the car

"I didn't even notice the yard was right by the entrance like this, great here come some inmates, let's see what they want^Å"

When the inmates stopped at the line drawn which I assumed if they crossed they risked getting shot

"Wassup cutie pie?" One asked me

"You here for something conjugal?" another asked

"How about a ride on my pogo stick, the best in town baby."

This was getting funnier as the pickup lines swarmed, so I chatted for a bit

"Do you guys know a guy `round here named Eric Davis?"

"You mean the B5 guy?" bachelor 1 asked

"Oh Big John's bitch, the rapist." Number 2 spit as he said rapist

"Yeah that's the one, came in a pretty boy now looks like a used abuse street side whore on crack^Å"

The inmates laughed at that, "Yeah we know candy boy, how you know him?" number 3 asked

"I'm the one he raped^Å" I said

"But your such a pretty little thing, how could he hurt you like that?" Another asked

"He's that pathetic, now if you guys want me to come visit you every once in a while so maybe you have something new to jack off to every now and then, I just need a little favor."

"Anything to visit with a face like yours." Number 1 said

"Here's the deal, I want you guys to rough him up, and maybe give him more of what Big John gives him, and in exchange, I will bring you porn mags and cigs for your efforts."

"You got yourself a deal cutie pie, but we'll kill him for you, if we get something conjugal^Å" number 1 replied and others agreed

"See guys you're all great looking, and I'm sure in great shape under those horrid jumpsuits, and I'm sure you'd be amazing fucks, but I'm taken." Joe said indicating Matt who was now standing at the car again

"He's a lucky boy." Number 1 said

"So what're you guys in for anyway?" Joe asked

"Possession." Said 1

"Illegal sale" Said 2

"Possession with intent to sell." Said 3

"But we're all on our third strike so we're in for the long haul." Said 2


"Chad Rizzo." Said number 1

"Elliot Nash." Said number 2

"Deke Ramirez" Said number 3

"All good names, I'll catch you guys later^Å" Joe decided to give them something to jack off to that night, "oops," and he dropped his phone, and bent over to pick it

I heard them say their various lewd comments turned back and winked and said "Remember porn and cigs if you do as I asked."

"You got it baby." Chad yelled and grabbed his crotch

"What was all that about?" Matt asked

"Just making a few friends." I told him

"Ok nobody makes friends with inmates, what did you do?" Matt asked

"I may have promised them porn and cigarettes to beat and rape a rapist^Å" I replied innocently

"That all?" Matt asked unfazed

"Yeah, well they offered to kill him, but the price for that was more than I'm willing to pay." I said

"Oh yeah, how much you need?" Matt offered

"Oh what they want only I have and you are the last person tha wants me to give that."

"OH!... I see, so if you had sex with them they'd kill him for you?" Matt asked

"That's what they said, and I would do it in a flat second if I wasn't a with the perfect man, just because that would be a small price to pay to see that douche bag buried."

"Well I'm glad that you aren't gonna take them up on that offer." Matt said kissing my hand

"Not while I've got my best friend and lover by my side, oh and you too honey." I said jokingly

"I better be both of those things!" Matt said laughing

"You know it." I told him blowing him a kiss, "How about I show you how much better I feel?" I asked seductively

"What do you mean?" Matt asked intrigued

"I mean this." I said and started to rub Matt through his jeans, his pulse quickened and grip on the wheel tightened.

"I don't know about this." Matt said

"Just focus on the driving." I said

3rd person

Joe unzipped Matt's fly and released the hardened beast and began to lick to enlarged head and suckled on the end, he started to suck taking in the sweet sour smell of his boyfriend's musky crotch, once he had the whole thing in his moist mouth he started to contract the muscles in his throat to milk the hard prick, and deep throated the monster, he bobbed his head, and gripped tightly to the base,

"Oh Joey baby suck me so good, oh I'm close baby so close." He whisper, speaking the last part

Joe focused his efforts more and sucked harder and faster going for all the sweet spot, and even after Matt warned him he didn't pull back and allowed the cum to fill his mouth and he swallowed every sweet drop.

"Oh my god, baby, you are so good, I can't believe that's the first time you've ever done that to me." Matt exclaimed

"Well, I wanted to show you how much that visit helped." Joe responded

"Well you know sometimes the things we must do surprise even the most stoic of people. And I mean the visit, not the road head in broad daylight" Matt said

"Where'd you get that load from, a fortune cookie? Cuz I certainly don't remember the last time anything I had to do surprised me." Joe said

"You surprise me all the damn time sweetie." Matt told Joe

"That's what keeps you interested in me, that and my amazing skills in bed, and now that you've experienced my blowjob you will never want to be away from me."

"Not like I could be if I wanted to be, I mean you practically are the boy next door, minus the charm, but you certainly have the looks and confidence."

"Um^Å thanks^Å?" Matt said laughing

"FINALLY!" Joe yelled

He jumped out of the moving car into the grass and rolled around, Matt parked and joined him and rolling turned to wrestling, and wrestling turned to small kisses and tickling and that turned into making out ferociously in the grass

"Let's go see how Dad took mom getting knocked up!" Joe said and practically skipped into the house

"Mother, Father, Scout and I are home for dinner, where's Lassie??" Joe called out

"Welcome home dear, do join father and I for dinner, I still have yet to make the announcement." Joe kissed his mom on the cheek, and she was shocked by the display of affection, she touched her cheek where his lips touched her as though it burned

"Right dinner, we're starved." Matt said and walked the table, choosing the seat across from Mr. Bennett as he was still scared of him

Joe walked in and kissed his father on the cheek as well, his father made the same move his mother had and brought his hand up to his cheek, "What inspired this miraculous turn of events, and the long awaited return of my son?" he asked his son

"The visit really helped, I finally closed out that chapter of my life, at least it didn't take a year or something."

"Yeah, after all of this hopefully nothing's going to be as hard for you ever again." Matt said to Joe grabbing his hand

"Here's the food^Å" Melinda said

"Yum mom, Chicken parmesan, hey isn't this the meal you made for dad when you told him you were pregnant with me." Joe said innocently

"That's right only this time I've added something special, a new bottle of dom." Melinda said

"What's the occasion dear?" Jake asked

"Well honey you'll need it for the same reason you needed it last time, I'm 3 months pregnant with our second child."

"REALLY?!?" Jake asked


"That's fantastic, this is great news, this is the perfect way to start our new beginning, as a family, finally whole again with new additions." Jake said proudly clapping his hand on Matt's back, and rubbing his wife's belly

"So honey, how did the visit with HIM go?" Melinda asked

"Well you know mom, sometimes the things we dare to do bring out our best and surprise us is the most perfect ways."

"It's funny even with that psycho babble I know exactly what you mean, let's have a toast."

"To the future, to the end, to family, to good surprises, Cheers."

The End

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