Sometimes Surprised

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jun 19, 2006


It seems like everyday I and everyone around me are forced to endure their own personal hell, for some that could be a bad hair day, or a failed exam, but for me I have Matt Stone, yeah that's right my own personal torturer, or course he wasn't always that, but we'll get there later

I'm Joe Bennett and I attend Graystone Miller High School in a town that is so boring your lucky if you can even find a movie theatre within 10 miles, ok I'm so kidding its not that bad, but there sure isn't a lot to do. Back to myself, I'm about 6'1 and 175 lbs with deep brown eyes and naturally tanned skin; I'm not particularly muscular but slightly toned, and dark blonde hair that I highlight with bleach streaks. Okay now that you have my mental image of how I look I'll tell you a little more about my situation, Matt and I used to be best friends, we did everything together we swam together, we got our first pets together, basically if you asked our other friends who is the best pair of your group they'd say MattNJoe that's what they called us since we were more like one person.

Matt was an early bloomer, in middle school he got his first girlfriend and started working out, he started to develop into a very mature looking middle schooler, I on the other hand was at that awkward stage of being too tall for your frame during puberty so I was all over the map, having been blessed with skin from hell I had the early onset of acne, complemented with a mother's horrible choice in glasses (yeah all that's missing is braces, don't worry it gets worse) I was always a good student but while I was becoming a real life depiction of one of those nerds ripped from a comic, I was miserable and so were my grades. Matt was always smart so naturally while I did worse he only got better, further distancing us on the social scale, and while my face cleared up and I got contacts, my grade began to steadily climb, but he had sports, where his new body had come from was beyond me, and he was in everything, baseball, soccer, football, and basketball. With the sports, came popularity, and then he was gone. I was once again at the top of my class, behind just one person, can you guess, yes Matt was number one and as always I was number two. Now you probably think that through this I had no friends and was some social outcast, well that's half accurate, but I had a steady medium sized group with an even more concentrated group of "better" friends, Stacy, Ryan, Alycia, and Bree my closest buddies that I tell everything, well not everything but if I told someone it would surely be them especially Alycia, we've known each other for longer than I've known Matt, she is a bombshell, with a body that just screams for you to touch it and a head of hair celebrities would kill for. At this point in my life boys are hardly on my mind and well neither are girls and at this age if you don't have a girl or a guy you are outcaste. I didn't care since I had never actually been in I didn't even know if I was out.

One day I ran into Matt in the hallway and he said we needed to talk and to come to his house that night. Being that I hadn't seen him in a while I decided what's the harm. That night I went to his house, which is 3 houses away from mine, when I rang the doorbell he answered the door wearing only pajama bottoms, but holding a shirt, I had a gut wrenching feeling when I saw him there in almost all his glory it was a fluttery feeling almost like I was floating, he snapped me out of it by saying let's walk, he didn't sound like he used to he sounded almost harsh in his tone, with an element of hatred even. So we started our trip around the block, and we stopped when we reached the park and we sat on the swings like we always used to do whenever something big needed to be talked about. He started, I know we aren't close anymore and I know its mostly my fault, he cut me off when I was about to respond, I don't think I want to know you anymore, I was beside myself, and all of a sudden I felt as though I had left my body and was now just watching this brutal scene come into play before my very eyes. You and me are from two different worlds funny here I thought we grew up together I have a lot of new friends and when I mention your name they don't even know who you are of course they don't and I realized if I want to succeed in middle school I need to distance myself from the nobodies I'll show you a nobody and you are the biggest nobody I know and if I stop hanging around with you first I know it should be smooth sailing from there this emotionless son of a bitch Don't think that this isn't gonna hurt me too pssh maybe not at first but just wait a while and then I did something that I will never forget doing because it was so not me, I stood up for myself.

You wanna know something Matthew you were my best friend for years and suddenly you meet some shallow new assholes and sluts and suddenly I'm a nobody, big deal I don't think that much of myself either thanks for your vote of confidence, you are such a hypocritical asshole, and you know what I haven't talked to you in so long I really didn't give a shit if I ever talked to your dumb ass again, I always knew you were too good to be true, too sensitive to what I wanted and too cool to be my friend now I see you for the manipulative petty piece of shit you really are, take your pity with you I don't need or want it so just take your phony feelings and fake emotions and SHOVE THE UP YOUR ASS!! And then I saw it tears forming in his blue eyes, and a little quivering of his lip

Look I'm sor..

Don't even fucking finish that sentence but I'll tell you something you are sorry you are a sorry excuse for a decent human bein... and then he did it the first and not last time he would do it, he gut punched me

Shut up! I AM DONE! Leave me alone fag and don't ever come anywhere near me again

**I swear he was saying all that through tears but at that moment I could give less of a shit **

and I did something that would be the first of many times I'd have to do it, I fought back

I took one good swift swing straight to his left eye and ran all the way home while he writhed on the ground

And I cried, for the first time since I discovered hamsters can't fly I wept into the night through the night and into the morning

After that incident I began working out and my dad (the only one I told) started teaching me to box, I developed pretty quickly for the timing being so near puberty. I kept with it and put on a little weight but never changed my act at all, I never started fights, but I always finished them with the usual bullies, but the usual bullies went for fists first insults after, Matt went for insults first and foremost, and only resorted to violence for the nobodies he really couldn't stand, namely me. But for some reason all throughout middle school he left me to myself, so I never had to use my new training on him.

As time progressed everything on my body grew to proportion including the part of me that you're reading this story for (both of them) I had always been blessed in both departments, not that anyone saw them, except the guys in the locker room and I was sure none of them were looking.

Of course time flies and so do the years so three years later in my sophomore year I met the first person I would share anything with, but first

Of course being that I have such wonderful luck I have my nemesis in my gym class, and sometimes he thinks its funny to make it seem like I'm watching people or something, by telling people that the fag it looking at their packages

Attention locker room people fag face over there is probably trying to check out what you've got so if you don't want some guy drooling for your cock you might wanna cover up

That's when I heard it my knight in shining armor

Give it a rest Stone, we ALL know that you're more the one to be checking us out since your girlfriend doesn't actually put out, maybe you asked who you call fag face to let you use it and he rejected you, how bout that

Davis you got balls I'll give you that

You wanna suck em or shut the fuck up


I ain't getting spended for anybody

And while you're at it study on English

After gym I seeked out my knight

And as I suspected it was Eric, the guy from my Bio class

Hey Eric what's up?

Do I know you?

Oh maybe not Joe Bennett A.K.A Fag face

Oh right you're in my Bio class next hour

Yeah I am look thanks for sticking up for me

Well, I just hate Stone but now that I know who you are maybe I'll stick up for you more often

Thanks so much

AWWW look at the happy couple

What Stone you just made cuz he wouldn't have you

No dude I don't want im who knows where hes been

Then I piped up, Your mom for one oh and your sister was screaming out too


Matt got a look on his face I haven't seen since that night 10 months ago, pure hatred

Let's go dude we gotta book to make it to class

Later buddy as I used my childhood pet name for Matt

After Bio I had lunch and surprisingly today I wasn't just with my buddies but I had a guest too, Hey gu..

What's up Bro?

Nothing Eric, I didn't know you had lunch this hour

Yeah I do and I spotted Stace and Ally over there and knew you were tight with them so I sat down at this table today.

Cool with me, careful though Ryan is territorial over his best bud

Take him, I have no more use for him

Cute buddy real cute, I said as I smacked him upside the head

Then I saw it my old friend glaring at me from the doorway, looking almost awe struck, I put my back to him and straddled my chair resting my head on my hands.

He's staring at me again isn't he

Ally started caressing my arm and said of course he is baby that's what he does

He's trying to make you feel bad about anything he can

The thing is I do feel kind of bad, I mean here I am living my life but every time I try to stand up to him it drains me and I feel helpless

People like him do that to people like us, hey at least you've got us what does he have, friends that would leave him if he breathed too deeply and girls that want him just to be Matt Stone's girlfriend, come on you've got reality and he's got fantasy

You have us and now I guess Eric is here too and we want to be there for you

Okay then thanks, alright we're all going to my house after school, there's something I want to say but I won't say it here

Bell Rings..

The hall is clear and I'm on my way out the door since I have an early release, I pass the guard and she asks for my ID I show it and she checks me off, once I'm outside and getting into my Silverado, I hear an engine roar and the white mustang with blue stripes I have to see everyday 3 houses down pulls up next to my pick up.

Nice ride, Boy

Oh you called me "Boy," have you been reminiscing about the times when I cared about what you had to say

I got into my indigo truck and peeled out of the parking lot

When I got home I saw the mustang coming up behind me and stopping in my driveway

Well, at least you have brains enough to remember where I live

Yeah yeah cut the shit, we need to talk

No we don't actually we do and we need to talk now

Fine come inside

Once inside Matt made himself comfortable

I have friends coming over in about an hour so make it fast

Oh friends I didn't know you had any

Yeah they're those people you are always staring at whenever you watch me during lunch, yeah don't think I don't see you

Ok fine

Look you said you wanted to talk so talk

I didn't say want I believe I specified NEED..




Because I can't hate you but I won't like you either

Now that that is cleared up you should be going

Fine, oh and if you ever talk to me the way you did in the locker room again you'll regret it

So I looked him directly in the eye and said..

Your mom squealed like a pig when I fucked her brains out, then your dad begged me to let him suck my dick and a mouth is a mouth so I obliged

Then he took a swing and I tackled him and pinned him and told him

I can take you as well as you can take me, maybe better so if YOU don't watch YOUR self then YOU will have major problems

Then he kissed me....

To Be Continued...

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Next: Chapter 2

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