Something Weird

By The Writer

Published on May 23, 2009


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Chapter Two: The Aftermath

Character List In Relation To Ryan::


Fourth Mod--Chemistry I:

"Ryan. If it weren't for my hangover, I'd write you up." Ms. Goff stated, then went back to holding her temples.

"Sorry m'am, but I had to go make an emergency phone call."

My friends started walking towards me, and Shane asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, guys I have an announcement," They all looked at me, "I'm gay."


Fourth Mod--Chemistry I continued:

"Well. Finally he comes out." Shane smiled.

"You knew?"

"We ALL knew. Taylor's coming out made us realize that just because someone is different, in our case gay, doesn't mean that they should be treated any differently." Rob stated. Deep, huh?

"So. I don't understand...Are you all gay? Or was it just a ploy to get me to come out of my big comfy, obviously not deep, closet?"

"The funny thing is, is that we are; but we have been lying to you."

"Huh?" Confused....a little. Lot.

Shane took over, "We technically told you that we JUST started going out with our respective boyfriends. Truth is that we've been going out for about 3-6 months."

"What the hell?"

"Funny huh? And you been worrying that people wouldn't like you for being gay. Little ol' Lane didn't know that most of the guys at this school are gay."


"The rest are bi."

The others start laughing. I'm confused again. I really do need to go to some of the parties..."Why are you laughing?"

Paul trying to catch his breath says, "You should know by now. There is no such thing as bisexual!"

"Oh. Right." I started laughing too.

"So what about the girls? Are they like lesbians?"

"I dunno. Who cares?" I laughed at that too.

"So, do you guys know if Austin is gay?"

"Sorry. Ry. James made us swear to never tell you. Ever."

"Fuck. I hate you guys."

The bell rings. What will I do when I see Austin. I need to tell him about me.

After School(Before Soccer Practice):

Austin comes walking up to me smiling, "So you coming over now?"

"Huh? No..."

His smile immediately drops, "Why not!"

"I have practice. Wanna watch me?!"

He blushes, "Oh right. I forgot you were on the soccer team."

"HEY! I'm captain! I worked my ass off for that title!"

"Sorry. Sorry. Captain."

"Damn right! So you gonna watch me? We can go to your house afterwards?"


Well...I better tell him...I looked at the ground, "That is IF you want me to go..."

Austin looked hurt and he started walking towards me, "Why wouldn't I want you to go? We ARE friends ya know?"

"Yeah, but I don't know if you want to be after I do this..."

"Do what exactly?"

I looked at him and leaned forward and pressed our lips together. He looked at me in shock. "That." My eyes start to tear up. "Look, I understand that you're straight. But I had to do it. I just needed to you to know that we probably shouldn't hang out any more, because every time I'm around you I want to jump your bones and have my way with you."

He was silent for a few moments."But I like hanging out with you."

"But aren't you afraid of me trying to do the unmentionable with you against your will?"

He smiled, "No."

I looked at him tears still in my eyes, "Why not?"

"Cause it wouldn't be against my will." He leaned forward and kissed me, "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that."

"I don't understand..." I'm so confused right now. My brain has taken a vacation.

"We can talk after your practice. Kay?" He grabbed my hand and started holding it.

I'm still so confused, but it doesn't matter right now. I smile and say, "I'd love that."

We walk to the gym holding hands.

Gym Outside of Locker room:

"I need to go change."

"Can I come in?"

I look at him in shock, "NO!"

He whines, "Why not?!"

"Cause if you do then I'll have to spend the night in the locker room and let everyone watch me have sex with you. I don't really want people seeing that, ya know?"

"I guess...I'll be in the stands..."

"No. You'll wait here. Kay?" I give him my best pout look. I hope it works...


In The Locker room:

James looks at me and smiles, "Was that Austin I just saw?"


"Are you guys dating now?"

"No...He's straight."

James's face is a look of complete shock mixed with anger mixed with a look I'm not completely understanding, "He's WHAT?! No...he's ruined it. All my work.

I smile, "I KNEW IT! I knew you set this up. Austin never would of talked to me if it weren't for you interferring!"

James's smiled, "So you are dating."

"No. Not yet. But we kissed. Twice. No tongue."

"Oh...That will do then."

"You better call me tonight."

"I will boy-o, I will."

Gym Outside of Locker room:

I smile when I see him, and then I scream, "AUSTIN!"

"Huh? Wha-?" He was sitting against the wall and napping.


"Well I wouldn't of fallen asleep if YOU wouldn't of taken so long!" He stuck his tongue out.

"Sorry. I had stuff to talk about."


"Tell ya later. Come on."

"Ouu fun. I get to watch a hot soccer player work his ass off."

"Nope. You get to get worked by that hot soccer player cause you are practicing with me!"



"I don't..."

"Nope. No. You are playing with a less erotic way."

"Ugh. Fine."

"YAY! I love winning."


Soccer Field:

I walk up to the circle of players and announce, "Okay boys. We have districts in less than a month! We will have to work our asses off if we plan to win. We were great last year. We won state, but with our old seniors gone we will have to double our efforts and make it worthwile for our big boys. Just cause this isn't MY last competition doesn't mean I'm going to try any less hard." The circle of hard muscled teenagers cheered. "We are going to start out easy today and work up. How about a two mile run? If I catch anyone joggin they will run 20 laps after practice and trust me boys, you are not gonna want to run after practice." They all looked at and nodded. "Well, let's line up!"

Austin walks towards me, "Dang. You're like a friggin' drill sergeant out there! Two mile sprint? You call that easy?"

"No. But my boys know better than to back talk me or complain. I wasn't chosen to be captain because of my ability to make them feel good. They know that I can make them the best they can be, and I'll push myself just as hard as they have too. Do you honestly think I want to sprint two miles? Just cause I'm the captain doesn't mean I don't have to do the workouts OR recieve the punishments."

"Wow. Okay. So they're all lined up. Wait punishment. If I jog I don't have to run the laps right?"

"Well, how about don't jog! READY! SET"

"Asshole." He smiled.


We started on the sprint. Two miles? What the hell was I thinking. Ughh...I manage to get to the front and Austin is right with me. "I'm on track remember? I should be running anyway. Thanks for the workout, babe?"

"It's what I'm here for."

"Yeah, whatever. Nazi." He starts laughing. One lap down.


Two laps down.


A mile down (5 minutes 20 seconds)

"Getting tired." Austin jokes.

"Hell no. This is a warm up."

He looks at me like I lost my mind, "Warm up?"

"Yeah. Duh. They didn't even stretch before this. They don't need too. They run that much with me."

"Wow. Tough, huh? Okay. Captain. Let's race."

"Now you are talking!"

We are running our hearts out and we manage to do the second mile in a 4 minutes and 48 seconds.

"So. Aussie. Tired?"

"Not even close." He smiles.

I scream at them, "BABES! HURRY UP! I CAN'T WAIT ALL DAY FOR YA!" To be honest they were like 10-20 seconds behind me. I didn't have to wait much at all.

"So, you letting them get water?"

"Nah, they don't need it yet. After E1 maybe."


"Exercise number 1 of 5: they have to take the ball and sprint up and down the field."

"How many times?"

"Until they can't go anymore."


"Gotta be."

"And that's E1? What's E5?"

"Wait and see." I start screaming, "BOYS! YOU KNOW THE DRILL! E1! MOVE IT! MOVE IT!"

The time passes, and its already 5:10.

"Come on boys. Go do the cool down then you can leave."

"Cool down?"

"Yeah just a 3 mile jog."

"Oh cool....finally."

"I can't believe you kept up with us."

"I'm just that good."

"No that means I have to work them that much harder."

"WHAT? You'll kill them!"

"I'm joking. Maybe you should join the team. You are a natural!!!"


More time passes. Cool down finished.

Austin smiles at me, "So. You aren't allowed to go back to the locker room."


"And? So do I! And you made me this way. So you are coming home with me and you are going to take a shower at my house."

"Ughh.. Fine. I'll follow you to your house."

"Umm. Still no. You can leave your car, and you can ride with me."

"How about hell no! And how the hell am I suppose to get home? Or to school?"

"I'll drop you off and pick you up. You can drive it home tomorrow."

"Fine." I leaned forward, and kissed him a little delicate kiss then we walked to his car.

"Ry?" He stops walking.


"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

I look at him and smile, and jump into his arms, and smash my lips against his, "I thought you'd never ask."

Author's Note: I know this is really short. But the next chapter will be longer, and will cover more subjects. Email me any questions you have about the story or if you are confused about anything, and I'll work the answers into the next couple chapters. Email me at

Next: Chapter 3

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