Something Weird

By The Writer

Published on May 15, 2009


Legal Stuff: Don't read if you're not suppose too. You should know if you're not suppose too... I mean really...if you're not 18 (or 21 in some places) or if its entirely illegal in your area, don't read it or go to jail. Ya know? Oh yeah. And don't redistribute this story without explicit permission. Thanks! Now to the story! (Character list to be included after this chapter. I want it to be a surprise!)

Chapter One: The Domino Effect


When do you realize that things in life are not planned? Really, who knows if you are going to be able to make it to school on time? Will your car break down? Will there be a wreck on the way to the school? Will you even wake up from going to sleep last night? I really need to stop asking random questions, but that's just because I'm stalling...I don't really want to go to school today. Its not that I don't have friends, I mean I'm student body president, captain of the soccer team, a state champion on the varsity swim team and only a sophomore. The only problem is that I'm gay...I really don't like that like at all. What teenage boy that had everything going his way WANTS to be gay? I tried ignoring it, I tried dating girls, I even was going to have sex with one to see if that would change anything...but nope I couldn't get passed kissing, and that was doing absolutely nothing for me. I felt like I was making out with a shoe....sprayed with perfume...lots of perfume. So, I've wasted enough time thinking about all of this, on to school...great 7 hours of my great acting, acting like I wouldn't jump the bones of ANY guy at that school (literally its like you are walking into an Abercrombie & Fitch magazine but its high school), acting like I give a damn about girls, acting like they don't make me want to vomit every time they touch me, acting like I don't want to announce to the entire school that I'm gay, acting...God I'm being such a drama queen.

I just turned 16 and my parents bought me a car, I love it! It's a candy apple red Nissan 350Z. Hell, I worked hard enough for it...2 years of saving every dime that I earned, and the humiliation of begging my father that I'll get straight A's on everything I do until after college if he'll cover the rest of the money, but its mine, no car payment, no nothing. 16 years old and I own my first car. Amazing. I thought I was going to crap my pants when he agreed. Crap am I really stalling this much? School is never bad...just highly annoying. I can't wait until practice...I just realized something. I never did introduce myself, I've just been bitching to you nonstop how rude of me? My name is Thorton Reynold Eutriptus the Third. Hahaha. Just kidding. It's Ryan Lane Harvey. I guess you would say I'm...well off. My parent's certainly weren't the ones who were suffering during the Recession...and if it really came down too it, I didn't really need to work for my car...It's just that I felt like I should. I don't really like being given things just because my parents are rich. I don't want to become one of those self-centered assholes who think that they will never have to work a day in their miserable lives and make the less fortunate feel like crap...just not my style. I'm no better than anyone else.

Before School:

So now back off to going to my great school...yay...I'm here 10 minutes before the warning bell rings, just enough time to get to my locker and not have to completely rush to homeroom. My friends walk up to me, and start talking about what they did over the weekend and how wonderful it was and how I should of been at their great party, but honestly I just don't want to be. I felt so much better tanning on the boat. I might go next never know...Actually yeah I do, I'm definitely not going to some dumb rich poor I looked at them and smiled, "I would of went. I'm SO sorry that I missed it James. Its just...." Crap think of an excuse..., " parents really wanted me to spend time with them the whole weekend so I couldn't."

James smiled, "It's fine Ry. We know! But really this one was crazy! You won't believe what happened!!!"

I smiled again, the annoyance hopefully not showing, "Marki danced naked...again?"

"Hahaha. When doesn't that happen? But that's not the point. We got Taylor drunk and you won't believe it! He's gay! He told us all!"

I'm actually surprised, this guy is like the straightest of them all, "That's crazy man!"

"I know. I didn't see that coming. We were just trying to get him to fuck Marki."

"You're not mad at him? I mean, not at all? I thought you're families were all like homophobic?"

"Yeah, they are but I have my own thoughts, man!" I was stunned. I couldn't speak. I thought all these people would have a riot if they found out if one of their were gay, but one of the richest of rich finds that being gay is tolerable? Maybe school isn't so bad after all... "Anyways, I'm gay too, so why would I care?" WHAT?! No. No way! That's impossible. Really?

I looked at him completely loss for words, but somehow found them and they came out in stutters, "Y-you're j-ust not messing wwith me, righht??"

James smiled, "No? Why would I? You don't have a problem do you?"

I stared mouth still open oh wait got to respond, "NO! Of course not!" The bell rang. Thank God! This conversation just got extremely awkward...I still don't want to come out of the closet. It's so cozy.

"Good. So we still going out for lunch today?" He asked while walking to his class.

I started walking in the opposite direction and yelled, "Yeah just find me after math." Sad... I don't have any classes with James until tomorrow...(A/B schedule four 90-minute mods per day and an hour lunch)


I'm still shocked from both of today's surprises...I can't wait until I lunch so I can tell James about me...I hope he doesn't like me. I have a certain interest in another boy...Ok...Really need to listen to for my name..."Joseph Crews."

"Present." Nope not me yet. Wait Crews? I'm Black. Fuck missed my name. I started to get worried, I couldn't get another tardy for zoning out and not telling the fucking teacher that I'm here.

"Yes Mister Harvey. I've marked you here." Good. Thank God. My parents would kill me...Okay completely bored now. 20 more minutes of homeroom. Tyler turned towards me, and kicked my leg.

I turned towards him, "Dude. Ouch. What the heck?! Just say my name!"

"Yeah, but that's not nearly as fun. You hear about what happened at James's party?"

"Yeah! I can't believe it! Taylor's gay..."

"I know. He's pretty hot!"

"Wait. You're gay too?"

"Yep." What the heck?! Today is getting weird...

"Cool. Are you going to ask him out?"

"Yeah, I want his tight ass for myself...Mhmmm. Can you imagine the possibilities?

"Dude, this is not something I want to hear! TMI!" He started laughing and barely choked out the word, 'Sorry.' I continued, "Anyways! Aren't you afraid of anyone finding out your gay?!"

"Nah. They already know. They don't care, either." Fuck today is completely weird. What the fuck is going on? These are the stuck up people I've grown up with. The people that have actually disowned their own friends for wearing the wrong shoes, yet they don't care that one...sorry what are we up too now? THREE of their own are gay??? This is so confusing I need to talk to someone...wait I am talking to someone...but I don't want to tell him. No...I think I'll tell...yeah. I'll tell James...maybe he can understand...

"They know?! And they don't care? That's amazing!" I truly am is no longer my hated place...

"Yeah. Why would they care? We're not a bunch of poor people that just sit around and talk bad about people that had no choice in something."

"Are we talking about the same school? Remember freshman year? Greg Frakes?"

"Yeah. And he CHOSE to wear nasty tattered shoes. I didn't choose to be gay...and they understand that, but really there isn't anything to understand. They don't care that I'm gay. I'm still the same Tyler that you've always known."

"Nah dude I don't care. It's just odd that THEY don't care."

"Who are THEY?" Yep...conversation is over. Tyler went back to being a dip-shit...

" one. It was a movie."

"Oh right. Did you see that new one in theatres?"

"Hell yeah! Saw it 3 times already!!!"

So that was homeroom, minus some mindless chatter between me and Tyler...but surprises are everywhere today....Please be the last one for today. I can't stand anymore... Between Homeroom and English class:

Great...Today definitely isn't bad. But what the fuck am I suppose to do with this information? Do they want me to come out? Do they already know? That doesn't make sense...I've never looked at a boy for too long. I made sure of that...How would they know? Ughh...whatever. I need to get my English book....

In the middle of my internal debate I run smack into an open locker...Why the fuck wasn't I looking? Mhhmmm. Isn't it sleepy time already...Goodnight people. I hear something but I can't really understand anything before I pass out.

Somewhere I have no idea...oh wait probably the nurse's office:

My eyes are still closed, but I hear someone talking. I think its the nurse, "He should be waking up soon, but that's going to bruise." Creepy that she knew I was awake...I opened my eyes, and I was right, "Hello sweetie, how are you feeling. That's a nasty bump on your head. Do you remember what happened?" I shook my head, fuck what happened why am I here... "You seemed to of not been paying attention to where you were walking and walked right into Mister Chamber's locker, that's right Mister Chamber's isn't it?" She gave him a unsure look...

"Yeah, but dude I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to get you hurt or anything..."

"I'll leave you two alone to talk. First mod should be ending in about twenty minutes. I expect you guys to attend your next mod." She walked out before us confirming that. I loved Miss Becky. She's awesome. Oh wait. Brain's still not working, did she say Chambers? As in Austin Chambers? No fuck.

I looked at him and smiled but he cut me off before I could do anything, "Really I'm sorry. I should of been looking out for you..."

"It's alright. Wait, you should of been looking out for me? I shoulda of been looking out for you. Or anybody else. It's just today is so weird."

"How so?" He seemed to be feeling less guilty...and a lot more hot. But then again he looked really hot when he looked like he cared for me, but he's probably just a nice guy...He'd do that for anyone, I bet.

"Three of my friend's have came out to me. Well, two actually and one I was told about, and that was all before homeroom even ended!"

"Yeah, I know. Like half of my group has already told me they were gay too. I don't understand it..."

Fuck what does that mean? I bet that means he's straight...damn it. "I don't really care that they are gay, its just why are there so many coming out today?"

"Yeah me too. I know why my friends were telling me, but I don't know if its the same reason as yours..."


"I just never asked before, and someone came out at a party and now everyone is asking about it, and now everyone is telling everyone that they are lesbians yet...How odd...."

"Wait Taylor started this?!"

"I don't know his name, but if that's the guy at the sophomore party then yeah. It was him."

"This is crazy...So how many people have come out that you know of?"

"Well, counting the three that you mentioned...I'm now up to about around thirty-six guys."

"WHAT THE HELL?! Thirty-six. Thirty-six? Thirty friggin' six guys have told you that they were gay, before first mod?"

He stated laughing, "No...They were calling me all weekend talking about that Taylor kid and then they told me!"

"Oh." I started laughing too, and I was about to tell him I was gay when the bell rang. Fuck. That sucks. I wanted to tell him...God damn it. When am I ever going to get another perfect chance like that?

"Look, I know that we don't know each other, but I was hoping that you would come to my parent's beach house with me and some of my friends this weekend?"

"Really?" Crap that sounds needy. "Umm. Sure." Better. I should of acted like I didn't have time. Play hard to get ya know? Damn.

"Awesome. Well you coming? We do have classes we need to get to."

Break after First Mod:

Austin is still walking with me I wondered why since he's a junior..."So, uhhh....Here's your class. I'll see you this weekend?" He mumbled something under his breath.

"Yeah, of course! Here give you my number and you can text me sometime." I hurriedly ripped off a piece of paper and wrote down my numbers, house, and cell, and gave it to him. He looked happy when I gave it to him. I smiled, and walked in class, saying, "Bye." Wait, he just walked me to class, his class is on the next floor. What the hell?

Second Mod--Algebra II:

The teacher walks into class, and gives us the 'if you want to make it to finals, you ARE going to pay attention to this lesson and shut the eff up' look, and walks to the white board. She opens her mouth and begins to speak, "I am severely disappointed with your grades on the midterm..."

She got interrupted by the class's teacher's pet when he asked, "Gee golly Mrs. Smith! Did I get a good grade on it?!" Hahahha! Just kidding. But it was something like that, just less nerdish. I wasn't really paying attention, until she walked up to me and slammed her hands down on my desk. "RYAN HARVEY! You will pay attention in my class! I do not care that you have an A in my class, or that you are captain of the soccer team. Do not daydream in my class!"

"Sorry Mrs. Smith. I just didn't find it necessary to listen to you rant about how horrible our grades are..." Bitch.

"Mister Harvey, the next out burst like that will result in disciplinary action."

"Sorry Mrs. S" Overreacting whore.

"I'm dearly sorry class..." Like anyone actually cares what you are 'sorry' for... " we will be studying logarithms. Hopefully THIS concept will actually make sense to you all." Hopefully, you'll quit.

She continued on insulting us throughout the whole class, and barely teaching, I really do not like this teacher. She is horrible. Thank GOD I'm actually good at math otherwise I'd be failing...I'm about to be bored to death when an announcement occurs over the P.A. system, "Mrs. Smith, please report to the Principal's office."

Smith looked at the class like she was about to kill us all and then she stated firmly, "Do not move, and do not talk loud. You may talk to your neighbors, but class WILL resume whenever I walk through that door. Please be respectful towards the surrounding classes." And with that she left, thank the LORD! I was about to die...

Chase looks over at me, and smiles, but I decided I wanted to lead the conversation, "So today is really weirding me out."

"Why? Taylor's announcement?"

"No it's not that! It's just it's EVERYONE'S announcement."


"I mean...3 people, including Taylor, have come out to me today, and Austin Chambers said that he knows of 36, including the 3 that have come out too me, that have come out to him over the weekend!"


"So, doesn't that seem a little odd?"

"No. Not really? People just never ask. I bet you didn't even know I was gay."

"Fuckkk...Not another one..."

"WHAT?! You aren't homophobic are you!!!???"

I started laughing at the irony, "No! Of course not, I just mean. What the hell...I'm just going to be digging a deeper hole. I'm sorry for not asking, but really that's not something that you normally ask."


"Cause it isn't! You don't go into conversation saying 'Hi. My name is Ryan, are you gay?"

"I know that. But all the time you knew me. You never suspected?"

"No. Not really..."

"Wow. And I thought I put off badly. Did you know I'm going out with Andrew?"

"Alvers? He's gay too?! What the hell?"

"Are you alright, dude?"

"Yeah. Completely. Its just too much to handle. I thought this whole school was stuck up...but now I'm having to reconsider my whole perception of it..."

"No. We are all still stuck up, just tolerating of each other." He started laughing, because I gave him a confused look, "I'm just kidding, dude! We are not that bad. Heck, you are one of the richest here and you aren't stuck up! Why should we be?"

I laughed with him and agreed, and was about to ask him something when the teacher came back into the class seeming completely filled with bliss, which confused me because she usually seems like she got a cucumber shoved in her asshole sideways...without lube. I started laughing to myself, because I just realized how dumb that seemed, if a cucumber was shoved in sideways, lube or not, it would hurt like fuck!

The teacher smiled at the class, and said her news, or explanation of her smile, "Class, I have news, you can decide if its good or not, I really don't give a shit!" Did she frigging curse? What the hell is wrong with today! "I just got reassigned to go work at Fleming Island High School, and my pay has substantially been increased." GREAT! When does the bitch leave? "And to answer the question all of you have in your mind! I start there tomorrow, your new Algebra teacher is going to be someone called Mister Greene. So how about we just call class short and you all can leave? Oh wait. That would be good, but the bell is going too..." RIINNGGGG! We all leave hurriedly. I think I saw the teacher's pet crying in the corner. Not sure...

Break after Second Mod:

I saw Austin walking towards me. He seemed to be smiling, "How was class?"

"GREAT! Smith got reassigned to Fleming Island!"

"Awesome! She was a bitch in my 10th grade year, and she just seems to get worse with every year!"   "So, what are you doing down here?"

"I dunno. Just making sure no more lockers attack you! Can't have you missing another WHOLE period because of someone else's locker, or a spill on the floor..."

I started laughing, "Jerk."

"Just watching out for you."

"Mhmmm. Sure. So you won't believe it! I just found out that TWO more of my friends are gay. This is weird."

"I guess. So I was wondering. Do you want to go with me to lunch?"

Fuck. Fuckity. Fuck. Fuck!!! So I either have to cancel on my best friend, or go to lunch with this hot maybe gay Adonis! Wait. I'm a dumbass..."Umm...I already have plans to go with James, but you can come along too!"

"I dunno. I don't want to intrude."

"Oh come on please!"

He smiled, "Okay. So where are you meeting him?"

I started to look around, "Here actually." James walked up with Kyle Giovanni right beside him. They were holding hands? They walked up beside us and James pulled me to the side.

"Hey Ry, you mind if I bring Ky with me to go to lunch?"

"No. I don't mind! Are you guys dating?!"

"Yeah." He said sheepishly running his hand over the back of his head.

"I got loads of questions, call me tonight!"

"I will, don't worry."

"Okay, but really. This is awesome dude! You mind if Austin comes with us to lunch?"

"Oh yeah, nah. I don't mind. We can go as couples!"

"Wha-? We aren't...Wait. Huh? You know?"

"Know what?"

"God. Are you ever so freaking know that I'm gay?"

"Oh yeah. Duh. I may not be as book smart...or athletic I will beat you one day in one on one by the way. Speaking of that we need to go get supplies for the field at my..."

"JAMES! FOCUS!" I hollered at him.

"Oh right. But I was saying. I'm better at reading people than you are...I've known you were gay for like forever! That's why you had me confused this morning, I thought I had it wrong and you were actually straight!"

"Hahah. Okay. So couples huh? Do you know if Austin is gay?"

"Sorry boy-o gotta find out that one by yourself."


"I know. But come on. Let's go to lunch while we still have time." We went back to our 'dates' well Jame's actually was his date, mine is this confusing thing that I have no idea where I stand...Got to ask him soon....and Austin walked up to me and started walking to my car, his hand bumped into mine a couple times. Weird...

"So what were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing...why?" Please just drop it...

"You had to be talking about something." Damn.

"Uhh...Jame's was talking about how he....has this project due next week...yeah..." Friggin GREAT...That's just a SO believable excuse...

"Why did he make you talk to him alone then?" Why...why can't you be completely hot and stupid...

"I dunno? He's odd sometimes..." Fuck me...

"Look, I'm not dumb...Don't treat me like I am..."

"Fine! Then stop asking questions I don't want to answer." Please don't be mad at me! SORRY!

"Whatever..." He looked kinda sad, crap. Now I feel horrible.

I stopped in my path, "Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out on you. It's just...he and I were talking about some personal stuff, and I just don't think that you'd like me after I told you is all"

"Why wouldn't I like you?"

"It's just...Look. I'll tell you later. We can talk after school. Kay?" I smiled, and he smiled back. Jeez. I don't even know if the kid is gay, and I'm acting like we are already dating what the heck!

Ride in the car/Lunch:

I'm beginning to learn that Austin is a VERY random person, especially when he asked, "So we know very little about each other."

I looked at him confused, "Yeah?"

"So I wondering if you wanted to get to know each other better."

"Like how?"

"Wanna come to my house today?" He was talking really fast, I could barely understand him.


"Awesome." He looked so happy. He's really cute when he smiles. Then again he ALWAYS looks cute.

"That was extremely random."

"I know. But if we are going to be...friends. We need to know each other, right?"

"Yeah. I guess. But why can't it be like kindergarten, and I just claim you as my friend?"

"Well...I guess. But I still want to get to know my friend better."

I started laughing, and I pulled into a little pizza shop off of Main Street. James and Ky were already here, and they looked like they already had a space picked out for us too, and he already got us drinks, and he already got us food...I started laughing harder thinking of how impatient James is.

We walked into the restaurant and I slid to the end of the table and Austin sat close to me. James smiled at me, "Hope you don't mind. I already got your drinks and ordered for ya too."

Austin smiled, "Fine by me. I'm starved."

I smiled too, "Yeah me too."

Lunch was just us talking about random things, and stuff that we planned on doing soon, and so far I already had 3 parties I HAD to go too, a night to spend at Jame's house with him and Kyle, I invited Austin, and he said he had to ask his parents, and we planned our spring break to go the Bahamas. I feel like a completely different person than what I started out with today. By the time we finished eating, we saw we were running kind of late and we had to speed on the ride back to school to make it to third mod on time. Unfortunately nothing happened of extreme importance all the way up to third mod. This time I walked Austin to his class, and walked the long, out of the way, walk back to my third mod.

Third Mod--World History:

Mr. Gongales(pronounced Gong-ah-lees). What the hell kind of name is that? He has to be the most boring person in the whole entire world, and probably the oldest too. He was around way before segregation ended, and he still holds that black people aren't worth a damn. He aggravates me sometimes. He would probably get fired for being a racist, if it weren't for the fact that this school has only like two black kids in here...but still he needs to get with the times...God...get out of the 1920's! Hahha.

"Mr. Harvey! Did you hear me?" Gongies asked.


"I thought so. Pay attention!" Whatever. Say something worth me listening too and I will...

"Yes sir!" My hand flew up to my head and gave him a salute. The class starts laughing.

"Ryan Harvey. Principle's office. NOW!"

"Fuckk..." Opps.

"What was that?"


"Yeah. That's what I thought."

Principle's Office:

"So tell me again, Mr. Harvey, why did you disrespect Mr. Gongales?" Dr. Sailor asked in a solemn voice.

"He made me feel embarassed in class, so I wanted to get back at him."

"Revenge, huh?"

"Yep. So...what's going to happen to me? Am I going to go to jail? Please no! I don't think I could handle well. I'm too pretty to go to jail!" I started laughing, and so did she.

"Just stay in here, and make Gongies think I gave you detention. That'll shut him up for a little while."

"Thanks. Love you Auntie Bee." She walked out of the office. I love having an Aunt as the principal.

So, here's a long wait...40-minutes until I can leave here...yay...Boredom beginning in 5-4-3-2-....

"Hey Ry Ry. I got my son's DS wanna play it?" Auntie Bee asked walking back into the office.

"Awesome! Thanks. I thought I was actually going to have to read or something."

"Ooouu. You got a book? Maybe you should read that instead...Heaven knows you need too actually pick up a piece of literature once in awhile. Sports only go so far."

"Yeah. And? Plus I've had straight A's since forever!"

" got me. Genius can go where athletics leaves off."

"Damn right."

"Ryan. Don't curse. Don't make me call your mother!" She stepping forward and shouting in mock anger.

"Ow. God damn it! I stubbed my toe!"

"Hey! Principal Sailor. Watch your mouth or I'll call Grandma!"

"No please! I'll be good." She started laughing harder, "But really, don't call her...I mean it." I gave her a look like I was about to call her. "RYAN!"

"Fine I won't." I started laughing again.

"Okay. I got to go. Principal stuff. Haha. Here's the DS."

So, fun and games through History, no English. The math teacher is getting reassigned, I wonder what last mod has for me. And, I met Austin and now I have loads of plans with him too, and going to his house after school. Yay! Oh and half of the school comes out as gay, the other half...well you never know any more, do you?

Break after Third Mod:

What happens when something unexpected changes your world? Will it be able to be repaired? Or will it be forever lost, completely changed...irrepairable? WHAM! I'm on the floor again. At least I'm not unconcious.

"Who? Wha-?" Ouch. I need to start paying attention.


"Oh hey Austin." I started smiling immediately.

"I really do need to start walking you to classes, don't I?"

"I guess. I just really don't pay attention...sorry."

"You seem to pay attention when I'm with you."

"Maybe you're worth paying attention too."

He smiled. "Well we should be getting you to class. Don't want you losing concentration."

"I guess. I can't wait until after school."

"Yeah me too."

Fourth Mod--Chemistry:

I sit in the back of my fourth mod, I am way too tired to actually pay attention during the last class of the day. I much rather just try and sleep, but unfortunately I can't do that...oh well.

"Today, class, we will be doing absolutely nothing." Wha-? "You may talk to your classmates. Just keep it down. I have a hangover." WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! This school is not suppose to be like this! It is all rules. RULES!

"Hey Ry." Chris started.

"No. No. Let me guess your gay too?" I'm sick of people just telling me this. Why can't I just come out? Am I that much of a coward?

"Hahah. Yeah. I'm going out with Wynston."


Paul, Shane, and Rob walked up to me and sat down on the chemistry table. They all said in perfect unison, "Hey Ryan!" Creepy...

"Gay too?"

"Yep. Paul's going out with Jaime, Shane is with Lee, and I'm well...I'm with the ultra mega hottie, John."

Paul smiles, "He's not THAT hot!"

Rob laughs, "Not that hot? If I remember, you creamed yourself when you first saw him!"

Shane stares at Paul, "You jizzed yourself just by looking at John?"

"Hey! I was 12!!!"

"Hahah okay." I started to smile. All the people turning out to be gay is making me weirded out but hey....its life, but not the one I'm used too! I need to...I need to...

"So, is anyone else finding today...weird?"

"No, why?"

"I don't know. I need to get out of here."

I ran out of class, and went to the principals office.

Principal's Office:

"Dr. Sailor, I need to use your phone."

She closed the door, "Ry. What's wrong?"

"I just....I need to call someone..."

"Okay...just make it quick. You need to get back to your class."

"Okay, fine. Just can I have some privacy?"

"Sure, honey."

Okay. Thank God. I didn't think this was going to go this good. I picked up the phone and dialed the number. It starts ringing. Once...


Three times...

A male's voice "Hello?"

"Thank God! Alex, you picked up!" (He's my best friend who moved during the winter break and hasn't started at his new school yet.)

"Ryan?! Is something wrong?"

"Yes! Everything. I don't understand what is going on!"

"Wait. Ry slow down. What's wrong?"

"Okay. So, I didn't go to some stupid party this weekend..."

"And? You hate that stuff. You finally skipped one?"

"Yeah...but that's not the point! At that party Taylor came out and told everyone he's gay. And that started some wild spree of EVERYONE coming out, and I DO mean EVERYONE! Austin finally started talking to me, and he invited me to go to his house after school, and it turns out that Smith got reassigned to work at Fleming and I got out of two referrals today..."

"Wow. But why don't you understand what is going on?"

"It doesn't make sense! Why is everyone coming out? And why today? And what's with me having extremely good luck?"


"It's too much to be a coincidence..."

"Are you suggesting that something is up?"

"No. I actually think they all are gay. It's funny really. Wait until there families find out..."

"Yeah that'll be hilarious, so have you come out yet?"

"No...but James knows."

"Ry, everyone knows. You aren't exactly the most straight acting guy. Not that you act feminine, but you certainly show absolutely NO interest in females and you get hard EVERYTIME you are in the lockerroom."

"So you think that they are ALL telling me that they are gay, today, because they ALL know I'm gay and they want me to come out?"



"Because they are your friends, and they want you to know that they aren't going to change their opinion of you because you happen to be gay."

"But aren't they gay too?"

"Yes, and they are showing you that they are no better and no worse than you are."

"Right...Thanks Alex. I got to go back to class."

"Ok. Have fun."

I hung up the phone, and walked out of the office. I saw my Aunt, "Bye Dr. Sailor."

"Bye hunny."

Fourth Mod--Chemistry I:

"Ryan. If it weren't for my hangover, I'd write you up." Ms. Goff stated, then went back to holding her temples.

"Sorry m'am, but I had to go make an emergency phone call."

My friends started walking towards me, and Shane asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, guys I have an announcement," They all looked at me, "I'm gay."

Well, that seems like a perfect place to end. It seems that I love cliff hangers. Review people. Review. You may give me suggestions, but this story is mostly already planned out. Email me at

New updates for other stories should be soon, and as I said the character list is at the bottom, for this chapter;) The rest will be at the top.

Character List:: Ryan Lane Harvey---has a love interest with Austin. James Randier---dating Kyle. Taylor Groves(does not have part in story, yet but started 'The Gay Craze of 2009')---dating Tyler Tyler Long---dating Taylor Austin Chambers---status unknown Chase Jennings---dating Andrew Alvers(not in story yet) Kyle Giovanni---dating James Auntie Bee or Dr. Sailor---Principal/Ryan's Aunt. Paul Norris---dating Wynston Bryn Shane Frakes---dating Lee Jordan Rob Morgan---dating John Lambert Alex Hemm---relationship status unknown

Minor Characters:: Teacher Mrs. Smith---evil bitch Algebra teacher transferred to Fleming Island Nurse Becky---kind old nurse who lives to make her students love her Teacher Mr. Gongales---old, boring asshole World History teacher Teacher Mr. Greene---is suppose to replace Mrs. Smith for Algebra

Next: Chapter 2

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