Something in the Fire

By james mason

Published on Nov 8, 2009


"Show me what man? And why are you naked?" Rob asked.

"Just follow me man, it'll all come to you in a second." I say calmly.

I walked over by the fire first and sat down and waited for him join me.

"Dude, I don't know.... Are you okay? You sound.... different." Rob said.

"Rob I'm cool man just relax. Sit over here, I really gotta show you this." I say.

He walked over slowly then sat down staring at me with a strange face.

"Do you smell that?" I ask.

"Yeah. I thought that was your brother putting on cologne. It smells pretty damn good, but... I would never tell him that." He said.

"Guess what it really is." I ask.

His eyebrow arched in puzzlement, then I pointed at the fire.

"Huh?... Dude... now your really scaring me. I think we should go back to sleep cuz obviously you arent getting any."

"Wait! Just sit here for a second." I say holding on to his arm. "I'm telling you this is not a joke. Just stare at the fire... you will feel something.... amazing."

Rob gave me the same look again but shrugged his shoulders and stared at the fire. It didnt take long for him to go into that odd trance and feel what I had felt. His pupils expanded and a smile appeared on his face.

"See that dude? How does it feel?" I ask getting happy at his response.

"Whoa. This feels.... fucking awesome!... I don't know how to explain it!" He said in excitement.

I say, "I don't know either but all I know was that I feel really good inside, especially down..."

"Whoa! Dude look at my dick!" he say cutting me off. I got up off the floor and his dick was rock hard in his pants. It looked like his dick was trying to bust of them.

"Damn man, I didn't know you were so hung!" I say.

"I'm not! I'm like six inches. It literally just grew like three more inches!" He shouted.

Suddenly, I felt that odd cologne smell waft up my nose and enter cover my brain like before. My whole body felt tingling all over and my senses were strong. An Idea appeared in my mind.

"Rob, you see my brother and Jordan over there sleeping like babies?" I say my tone noticeably changing.

"Yeah... I think we should wake them up." He said.

I guess that smell got to him to because he was thinking exactly what I was thinking.

We crept over to them, me standing by Jason and Rob by Jordan and we stared them down. I had my brother's body for so long, just to touch the skin because he was so sexy. I already seen how so many girls had that chance at him and now it was mine turn.

In no time, I jumped on top of him and start ripping off his clothes wildly, Rob mimicked me waking both of them up.

"Dude What the FUCK!.... What the hell are doing asshole!" Jason shouted.

"Get the hell off me you fuckin' faggot!" Jordan yelled.

Our responses were hard punches in there faces. I felt the excitement take over in my body knowing that

"You shut the fuck up... And Take my fuckin' dick bitch!" I yell .

Rob and I simutameously jammed our cocks inside Jason and Jordan making them both scream out loud. Our big dicks railed in and out of them quick and hard, basically raping them. They cried and cursed and begged for mercy but we didn't stop.... we couldnt stop. I watched his tough guy attitude disintegrate and his whole body submitted to me completely.

I looked over at Jordan he looked like he had passed out, but Rob kept going wild on him. Rob yelled out loud and shouted that he was going to shoot. I thought he was going to shoot in his ass, but he quickly pulled out and sprayed an AMAZING load all over Jordan's dark face and body.

I looked in awe watching his face get literally plastered in his asian cream until you couldnt see Jordan's beautiful face anymore. Watching that only got me hotter and the next thing I knew I was cumming inside of my own brother's hot ass. I pulled out of him and shot the rest of my load all over his muscled body and he was just as shocked as I was at the amount that was still cumming out.

Rob and I stood back and looked at the two guys covered in cum. Jason was still staring at the both of us like we committed the worst crime in history, but you could still see the fear on his face.

Suddenly, it felt like the "spell" we were under was slowly shedding off of us and our dicks were slowly growing small again.

"What's happening? Why is my dick going back to normal?!" Rob shouted in surprise.

"I don't know...Maybe..." I glanced over to the fireplace and the fire was slowly dissipating and the room started to get dark again.

"No! Turn it back on!" Rob yelled. "We gotta turn it back on!"

Like a crazed lunatic, Rob grabbed his sleeping bag and threw it in the fire and the fire caught on to it.

"NO! Rob what the fuck are you doing!!!" I yelled. I watched as the sleeping bag was completely engulfed in the flames and the carpet caught on fire spread quickly around the room.

"Oh My GOD!!! We gotta get out here!" I yelled. I grabbed my clothes and quickly put on what I could put on before the flames got to me. Rob did the same and we watched fire spread over to were Chase was lying on the sofa.

"NO! We gotta save Chase! Wake up Chase there's a FIRE!" Rob yelled. Rob couldnt go over to save him because the fire was surrounding him, but Rob didnt know that Chase was already dead. I couldnt tell him that.

"We cant save him Rob! We gotta get..." It was then when I realized my brother was still in the bed trying his best to get out of the bed.

I ran over to him and tried to pull him out of the bed, shockingly our cum had dried quickly, the cum covering him was hard as rock and was sticking him in the bed like cocoon casing.

"Come on Rob help me get him out of here!" I shout. Rob ran over to try and help me. We tried just about everything we could to get him out but the cum was just too hard to break through. The fire quickly ran closer to us surrounding and trapping us in the room.


I sat by the side of the bed next to Jason and I couldnt even cry. I glanced at Jason and tears were coming down his face too.

"I'm so sorry Jason! I love you!" I shouted.

Then Rob who was frantically trying to escape the fire tripped and fell in the fire flames. The fire took no time at all to cook him alive. His screaming and hollering was intense in dead serious and I couldnt watch or listen to his horrifying cries for help.

I looked up and grabbed Jason's free arm moving towards me and I. The fire soon crawled over to me and I my grip on Jason grew tighter

"I love you so much Jason! I don't wanna die! I dont wanna DIE!" I shout again.

I glanced at Jason and saw his lips mouthing something. I moved closer to him to hear him clearly and unexpectedly I hear him say, "Wake Up fucker!"

I jumped up from my bed hearing the loud voice go off in my room. My breathing was intense and sweat pour off my body like I just took a shower.

"Dude what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I looked up and Jason was staring at me with just his boxers on.

"I...I...I... I... I think I was..."

"Dude shut the fuck up! I'm trying to get some sleep... and stop calling out my fucking name like you want me, that's fucking sick you faggot!" Jason barked.

I sat there and tried to catch my breath. "I'm sorry... I was having a bad dream... a REALLY bad dream." I say calming down.

"It had to be, you were calling out my name and telling me not to kill you... or whatever some fucked up thing you said... What kinda perverted sex dreams are you having?!" He said in disgust.

"No! No its not like that Jason!" I shouted. "What happened was me, you, Josh, Bryan, Chase, and Rob going on this trip to Norton Mansion to do this crazy experiment to see who going to come out alive from some paranormal activity experiment we were going to get on tape and...."

"....And we end up seeing some fucked up things in the mansion?!" Jason said interrupting me. I noticed his attitude had changed and he didnt seem at all upset.

".....Yes.... and a few other things..." I say not really knowing how to respond to his change of attitude.

"Dude! I guess that means tomorrow is not gonna be a bullshit trip then!" he shouted.

"Huh?! What?!" I say.

"Damn you really are a dumbass... you forgot that we are going there today at three?" Jason said.

"What? No... We can't go!... We will die!" I shout.

Jason started laughing and then began to walk out of the room.

"Your funny... we are leaving tomorrow whether you like it or not."

"I'm not going!" I say.

"Tell that to my fucking fist asshole! Your coming and that's final!" He shouted from down the hall.

He slammed the door and I just sat there pissed off that I had an asshole brother like him to run my life. I laid back down on my bed and suddenly a thought came to mind. If things happened the way it did.... there was no way in hell I was saving his ass....


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