Something in the Fire

By james mason

Published on Oct 31, 2009


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. So I just had to do a porn/scary short story for you. There is some blood... and yes it might be a little fucked up and unrealistic... but what horror flick isnt??? (Supernatural, Interracial, Some Gore, hardcore rape, and violence.)

Something In the Fire Part 1

It was Halloween Night and my friends and I were on our way to stay at the Norton Mansion. This mansion was 70 years old and had been vacant for just about 50 years. From what I heard from haunt sites people reported to hear strange sounds coming from it and apparently furniture moving around. I even heard a really strange one where spirits seduced a person and made that person sleep with his best friend's girlfriend... this I completely felt was false.

The mansion had been through a lot over the years with many deaths occurring when people lived at the house, and that is why the seven of us decided to make a bet on who could last the longest in the house for two days without freaking out. The winner would get a spot on Television with the "paranormal activity" showing all on camera.

My brother Jason was the one who came up with this "smart" idea and I of course was dragged along to to do this stupid experiment. The four of his friends were down with the idea and bragged about it so much that I wouldnt hear the end of it the whole week. I had called my best friend Rob and made him go with me.

Now here we were standing outside of the mansion taking in all of the bad scenery in front of us. Trees were all over the place and there wasn't a house a close enough to run too if we were in trouble. The perfect setting for a really bad horror movie. Seven guys stay two nights in a haunted mansion.

"Damn guys, this place is awesome!" Jason yelled in excitement. I stared at Jason giving him an evil look. He was five years older then me, but you would never tell that with his immaturity. He was a hot headed, jock, asshole, jerk..... basically everything I despised in a guy, but he was soooo hot! Just like most sexy selfish jocks, he had the sexy jock friends that were a reflection of him.

There was his sexy black friend Jordan who looked like that looked like a beefier Pharrell Williams. The made for television, model looking twins Josh and Bryan, and my favorite of the bunch Chase.

I've had the biggest crush on Chase since I was a freshmen and four years later, he still never fails to turn me on. He looked exactly like Brad Pitt back in the 80s except with more muscle from playing football. He always showed me respect compared to my brother's other friends who constantly dissed and taunted me.

His cousin is actually my best friend Rob who I grew up with but you would never know that. Rob was asian and adopted. Rob and I weren't exactly the popular ones back in school... more in the nerdy catergory but we weren't ugly just..... too smart.

"Hey bitch, grab our stuff out of the car." Jason yelled waking me out of my stupor. I just gave him another evil look and rolled my eyes.

"You heard me motherfucker, get our shit outta the fuckin' car!" He yelled. I never had the heart to retaliate because he was way bigger then me and I knew how hard his punches were.

Then his little crew had to back him up like they were his bitches really making me feel useless, "Yeah listen to him dumb ass." Josh said and then Bryan says, "I will fuckin' beat your ass if you dont do it."

"Dont worry dude, I'll help you." Rob said.

"Thanks man." I say quietly. I looked over and saw them walking towards the entrance of the run down mansion except for Chase. He walked over and said, "Don't worry man I got my bag." Then flashed me his amazing smile. I smiled back and covered my hard on with my backpack. He walked away and Rob handed me the bags and we walked to the front door.

"So your rooming with me right?" Rob asked.

"Dude you know it. Its bad enough I'm sleeping right down the hallway with Jason, why would I want to be rooming with his clones?" I say.

"Man, I was just kidding." He said laughing. "I'm trying to make a little light in this bad situation."

Rob followed me up the stairs and suddenly I felt this creepy vibe crawl under my skin.

"Yeah Rob, I totally feel like this is wrong. I really have a bad feeling about this." I say.

The door was wide open and we could see the guys standing in the foyer looking around like they found a treasure. All I saw was a bunch of corroding walls, plastic covered furniture and an odd stench coming from the rooms.

"Well I got this room." Josh said opening the door looking inside.

"Don't you think it would be better if we all stayed in one room together?" Chase asked stopping Josh. Jason looked at him like he had lost his mind and said, "Dude I'm not staying the same room with those two fags." He pointed at me and Rob.

"Fuck you Jason!" I yelled.

Jordan went on to say, "But we can see who wussed out first, besides we don't have six cameras to keep an eye on everybody."

Jason thought about it for a second then bobbed his head up and down, "Alright, but you fuckers are sleepin' on the floor." he said to me.

"Whatever.... asshole." Rob said then turning to me, "Why does your brother have to be such a jerk all the damn time."

"Ask him yourself. I really don't feel like hearing another smart ass comment from him." We followed them down the hallway looking in rooms to see if there were any rooms big enough to fit all of us in.

"Found one!" Bryan said. It was near the back of the house next to the kitchen. That scared me. The thought of one these guys getting possessed by some evil spirit and them coming after me with a rusty old knife scared me more then anything.

We walked into the room noticing the two beds next to each other and the furniture covered in plastic sheets. The odd stench seemed to be stronger in this room.

Jason quickly ran over to the bed and jumped on it letting the dust fly off it. "Me and Jordan's got this bed, you twins can have this bed and Chase can have the sofa." Jason called out.

I watched as they agreed with arrangement except for me and Rob. It was good thing we packed our sleeping bags. Since it was already getting dark outside we decided to eat a few snacks we had packed. Chase saw that there were logs already in the fireplace and he lit the fire with his lighter. It almost felt like a camping trip and for a minute I was actually getting really comfortable.

Jordan put the camera on top of the fireplace and pointed it at us. "There, I'll turn it on when were about to go to sleep." he said.

Out of the blue, Josh decides to break our quiet moment with a derogatory comment, "Hey faggots, I better not catch you trying to suck me off while I'm tryna sleep. All that shits gonna be on camera and I'll take it up to the school and show it to everyone at the school."

The whole room erupted in laughter except for me, Rob and Chase... he was pissed. "Come on Josh, can't we have one night without your stupid comments?" Chase said trying to defend us.

"Dude, why the fuck are you defending them?" Josh asked.

"Cause your a fuckin' immature asshole and its not cool." Chase said.

"Fuck you man, Nobody's fuckin' talkin to you so shut your fuckin' hole." Josh said.

"Alrightttt... cool it down fellas!" Jordan said. "Listen, we got two nights to spend here, we can't be at each other's throats for that time."

Chase and Josh shut there mouths and went back to staring at the fire. I kept my eyes locked on Chase who looked sexy as ever irritated. If only he knew how much I loved and respected him!

The rest of the night was quiet and I was starting to get sleepy. We didn't hear or see anything strange the whole time which really made me relaxed. I wondered if this trip was even worth it.

I looked over to Rob and he had his head down and I checked out the rest of the room and noticed everyone was asleep. I didnt see Chase's head so I assumed he was sleeping. Figuring I was the one to turn on the camera.

I got up and turned it on and noticed the fumes from the fire seemed to have a strange smell coming from it. To my surprise it smelled pretty good. Like a cologne of some type and it was strangely making me feel kinda good.

I turned around and noticed Chase was still awake on the chair staring at me.

"Oh hey, I didn't know you were up." I whispered.

He lifted up from the chair and sat up and said, "I can't sleep... not in this fuckin' ruins."

I smiled from his funny comment and to my surprise he asked me to sit next to him. Suddenly I felt really shy and I almost hesitated to sit next to him. When I did I felt my whole body tense up from being so close to him. The sofa was kind of small so we were close. I looked at his eyes and noticed they were kind of red and his pupils looked bigger. Those were signs of weed smoking but he didn't smell of weed at all.

I decided to break the tension and say, "Thank you for standing up for me, I dont know how you could still be friends with asshole brother after all these years."

"To be honest, I can't stand Jason. I only stayed hung out with him only to be closer to you." he said.

My eyes flipped up hearing that statement, I couldnt believe he had just said that. I looked at him said, "What?"

"You heard me. I know how you want me. It dont take a rocket scientist to see that. Most people want me because I am sexy and that's a turn off, but with you I can tell you want more then that." He said.

I stared at his dark eyes going into an strange trance. Those words he said were the truth and was too blown away to respond.

"Hey why are your eyes red?" Chase asked. Still stuck on his words I say, "I don't know and I don't care... I've been wanting to do this since I was fourteen."

I leaned over and kissed him, my mind suddenly going into another place I've never experienced before. My tongue slipped in his mouth and I tried my best to reach down his throat. We moaned together and shockingly, I could feel my tongue extend and slowly slide down his throat. He started to choke but I couldn't stop, something was taking over me and I couldnt stop.

I felt Chase trying to push me away with his arms but I still kept my tongue going down his throat. I finally pulled away and my tongue retracted and he pushed me back up against the chair. He leaned over and began coughing out loud.

I watched him coughing and my whole body felt strange. Something was happening to me and I didnt know what it was. I felt my dick hard as a rock in my pants and my heartbeat had began to race.

When finally stopped coughing I pushed him up against the couch and ripped off his shirt and yanked off his pants. I couldn't believe I was able to do that, I felt my arms getting strong, adrenaline was pumping through me and I was excited.

I thought he was going to be mad but when I stared at him his smile had grown wider and his pupils seemed to get bigger.

"Take off your fuckin' clothes." he said. I ripped off my clothes and I was naked, not feeling ashamed at all. I could feel my confidence and my attitude grow more intense and all I could think about was pleasing Chase.

I leaned on top of him and his hard dick was rubbing up against my ass. I could hardly contain myself, totally forgetting I was virgin. I slammed his cock right inside me but instead of shouting in pain it was a long moan escaped my mouth.

"Fuck me..... Fuck me..... Fuck me...... FUCK ME!" I chanted to Chase at his face. We were face to face, eyes locked on each other as he rammed inside of me extremely fast. I stuck out my tongue and the long length licked all over his face and neck. His moans were jut as infectious to me as mine were to him.

"Do it!... Fuck my ass HARDER!... HARDER MOTHER FUCKER!" I yell.

"Like that fuckin' dick up your ass! I'm gonna fuck you till you can't walk bitch! Open that as up for me!" Chase said back.

My ass rode up and down his dick with every intense, rough thrust he gave me. This had to have gone on for an hour or so with him stretching me wide and us talking dirty to each other. He yelled that he was going to shoot up my ass.


He grunted and shouted out loud and I could feel his load shoot deep inside of me. It was so hot, it just burned my insides and it felt like going in my stomach. His grunts were loud and animalistic just like the action.

I looked up and noticed everyone was still sleeping peacefully like nothing just happened. I looked back down at Chase and his pupils slowly went back to normal again, but I still felt energized and I was ready for more. I leaned down and began to kiss him again and my tongue began its journey down his throat.

This time Chase's struggles were more intense and his grunts seemed more agitated and upset, but I couldnt stop. My tongue was lodged all the way down his throat and he couldn't breath. Slowly his struggling slowed down and he collapsed on the sofa. The fire slowly went out from the fireplace leaving me in the dark.

I stopped my throat abuse and pulled away, and I didnt hear any breathing.

"Oh my God, what did I do!" I shouted in my brain.

"Chase please wake up!" I shouted this time.

Since I couldnt see anything I had to turn the fire back on. Thats when I remembered that Chase had the lighter in his jeans pocket. I felt around the floor for his jeans and hen I felt for the lighter, I immediately tried sparking it. After many annoying tries the damn thing still wouldn't spark.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" I froze from hearing the voice from across the room. I knew it was one of the twins but I didnt want to say anything in the fear of getting beat up by them.

"Who put out the fuckin' fire?!" It was Josh. I heard moving off the bed and soon I heard the footsteps, that's when I freaked out.

"Alright its me! I got scared." I said quickly.

"What the fuck...put the fire back on... And scared of what?!?!" He shouted. I'm surprised no one had woken up from his shouting.

"I thought I heard something strange, so I turned the fire off... just in case it comes in here." I say really feeling stupid after telling that bold faced lie.

"You dumb ass. How are we gonna record whatever you heard or saw when you turned off the fire smart one? Dude you really are a fuckin' loser."

"Josh whats up man?" It was his evil twin waking up. Bryan told him my issue and then he added his two cents to Josh's insults, once again feeling worthless by there verbal attacks.

I sat down on the floor and opened the lighter, this time a fire shot up. (I know really) I threw it in the logs not caring if the damn thing blew up and crawled up next to Chase's cold body. I looked at his eyes which were bloodshot and blood leaked from the corners of his mouth. I didnt even realize it but I was crying at the sight of this beautiful man lying there with no soul. I still cant believe I just killed the guy I loved so much!

I turned away and wiped my eyes and stared at the fire again. I was sort of waiting for them to say some more negative things to me but they didn't. There was this long pause, not a sound in the room except for my breathing and the fire crackling. I felt this strange, eerie feeling that something was wrong.

I kept my eyes locked on the fire feeling myself go into another odd trance. I watched the almost sensual waves of the fire whip back and forth in a mix of different speeds. That cologne smell soon filled up my nostrils and that tingling sensation was trailing through my body. I didnt know what was happening all I knew was that it felt good.

I got up and noticed the twins staring at me. When they caught my eye, I was shocked to see them starting to take off there clothes. Oddly enough I didnt feel nervous or disgusted at all. I felt drawn to them like a moth to a flame as they say.

I got up from the floor totally forgetting that I was completely naked myself and walked over to them. I noticed both there pupils were big like Chase's, but my attention was all on the twin I hated the most and that was Josh.

I walked right in front of him and we just stared at each other. My senses and his senses connecting telling him to lay down on the bed. Our eyes were still locked on each other as he did. I stared Josh's hole seeing how tight and impossibly small hole and my seven inches compared to it was perfect.

Suddenly I felt this warm sensation growing down in my groin, I look down to see my dick magically growing even larger then before. When it stopped growing, it was about the size of my arm.

I licked my lips and looked back into his eyes, telling me to fuck him. Grabbing my non lubricated, oversized dick, and roughly jam it up his hole. He didn't scream but his face twisted up in the worst way from the pain. I went wild in his hole letting out all my energy on him. Tears ran down his face and he grunted with every intense thrust I threw at him.

With each thrust I made, I felt his hole sucking and tightening on my dick, the feeling was incredible. The pleasure was so good, I just had to do something that felt even better. While still fucking him roughly, I bawled up my fist and punch Josh in his face.

I did a quick glance at Bryan to see his reaction, and just stood there like a zombie watching the whole thing happening. I punched him again harder this time and saw more tears falling from his eyes, his face turning red.

His hole grabbed tighter on me forcing me to shoot the most powerful orgasm I ever had. I stopped, plunging deep inside of him and my dick kept squirting more and more juice inside of him.

I didnt think I was ever going to stop shooting, but when I did it looked pregnant from all my seed trapped in him. I pulled out of him slowly and my cum rapidly dripped flowed out of his ass like a small stream.

Without any thought, I pushed him off the bed and locked my eyes on his twin forcing him to take the position of him. As he did, I looked over to see Josh coughing up what looked like my cum on the floor.

Using my cum and Josh's juices as lubrication, I slammed my cock deep in his ass just like I did his brothers. Bryan was weaker then his brother and showed all over his face. Tears streamed down his face and grunts seemed feminine. This only made me rape him harder, his ass was so good and tight that it didnt take long for me to shoot once again and breed his ass deep.

Sweat poured off my face, my body trembled as I filled him up with seed. His stomach rose just like his brothers did making him look pregnant, his face turned beat red almost like he was going to explode. I pulled out quickly from seeing that. My load oozed out quickly making another large puddle on the bed.

I glanced down at Josh and I didnt know if he was dead or alive. There was no movement from him and I could see cum mixed with blood coming out of his mouth. Bryan's face was completely flushed and he looked disturbing, so much to the point I couldnt even look at him anymore. I knew I should have felt terrible at what I did but I didn't.... they were assholes that deserved what came to them.

I got up off the bed and stared at Jason and Jordan lying there in the bed. It was like they were in a comma because they didn't hear one thing that was happening.

"Hey dude... what's going on?"

I turned around seeing Rob getting up from the bed without his shirt on. Seeing my sexy Asian friend like only made this odd feeling inside of me get erect. I looked at the tempting fire again urging me to do something I shouldn't have done to my best friend.

"Rob, come here, I gotta show you something...."

To Be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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