Something Close to Life

Published on Apr 14, 2012


This story is a work of fiction. The events in this story are fictional. The characters in this story do not exist and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Any use of celebrity or other real persons is entirely fictional and in no way reflects upon their actual sexual orientation. This story contains erotic and/or sexually explicit activities between consenting adults. If you are under age, find this type of work offensive, or it is illegal for you to view this, do not read it.

Something Close to Life -- Part 3 By tmabare Copyright 2012

      • From Part 2 * * *

He watched as the women walked towards the security checkpoint. He then felt a tap on his shoulder. `What the hell? Am I a damn information kiosk?' He turned around and about passed out.

"Hey, Mikey!" Before Mike could react, Alex wrapped in a bear hug and picked him up off the ground.

Mike's nostrils were full of Alex and he couldn't get over how good he smelled. Even for being on a flight for so long, he smelled just like Mike remembered. Mike realized that there were tears flowing down his face. Alex was talking quietly into his ear. "I've missed you so much. I thought I would never see you again and I'm never letting you go. I love you, I always have and I always will. Will you forgive me for being so stupid eight years ago?"

When Alex was done talking, he placed Mike back on the ground. Mike's face was bright with a smile, even with the tears flowing down his face. He looked into Alex's deep brown eyes, "I love you too. There isn't a day that's gone by that I didn't want you back in my life and dream about what could have been. Now, Staff Sergeant, let's get your bags."

"Aye, aye, SIR."

      • Part 3 * * *

"Alex, don't start calling me that, please..."

Alex smiled, "Sorry, I couldn't resist. I don't have any other bags, I was able to get most of it in this one. There is some other stuff that will be coming home when my unit does."

"Oh, let's get out of here."

Walking towards the parking garage Mike noticed how much Alex looked the same as he did in high school, just more muscular. His usually short haircut had been replaced by an even shorter high and tight, much like Mike's own. As he had to move behind Alex to avoid a family pushing a stroller, he noticed the bottom of a tattoo poking out from the sleeve of Alex's cammie blouse. While he was back there, Mike also couldn't resist looking at Alex's butt.

Looking over his shoulder, Alex smiled, "Mikey, are you checking out my ass?"

Mike felt himself blush deeply, he wanted to protest but he knew he'd been cold busted. His only response was, "You wish."

Alex was laughing quietly. "It's ok, you can admit it."

Mike blushed again, "Shut it." They both laughed at the comment. Mike could feel himself actually start to relax, just being around Alex was like a drug to him. It was easy to revert to old habits with him.

When he was able to move next to Alex again, Mike noticed his friend moved closer so their arms were touching as they walked through the airport. Whenever Mike was forced to change his pace or direction, Alex quickly reacted so they were still touching. Stopping to wait for an elevator, they stood beside each other quietly.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, they waited for a couple to exit and then stepped on and selected their floor. As the doors shut, Alex reached over and pulled Mike into another hug. This time Mike hugged him back. They just stood there holding each other until they felt the elevator come to a stop.

Mike pushed himself away from Alex just as the doors opened. "Do you want to get something to eat?"

"Yeah, I'm starving. Can we just stop along the way though? I really want to see the kids."

A smile came to Mike's face, "Sounds like a great idea. I know they can't wait to see you."

When they were away from everyone else, Alex leaned closer to Mike. "Not to mention, I can't wait to be alone with you, we need to talk."

"We have about four hours in front of us. That should be plenty of time, don't you think?"

When they reached Mike's truck, Alex just stood there for a minute. "Man, this thing is great! How long have you had it?"

"I got it last year, when I sold my grandmother's place." Mike was sure Alex knew about her death.

"Bro, I'm so sorry about that. I tried to contact you, but I didn't know how. I called Baz and asked him to let you know I called."

Mike paused for a second as he was walking. "I got your message and it meant a lot to me, but... I wasn't at a point in my life where I was ready to talk to you. The pain of losing her was... I wouldn't have survived if I'd talked to you too." Mike could almost feel himself starting to tear up.

"I'm really sorry. I should have been there for you. You know how much I loved her." Alex reached over and put his hand on Mike's shoulder.

"Yeah I do. That was one of my biggest regrets... I knew I was taking you away from my family and them from you. I don't think any of them ever understood or accepted that you were gone from my life."

Alex looked at the truck again and then at Mike, "I slept on the flight, you want me to drive for a while?"

"Sure." Mike threw the keys to Alex, who unlocked the doors with the remote. Alex put his bag in the back seat and then climbed behind the driver's seat, starting the truck. Mike was trying not to stare, so he willed himself to look straight out the windshield.

Alex looked over and realized Mike was fighting with himself. "Mikey, you ok?"

He finally looked over at Alex, "Yeah, man. Sorry, just trying to adjust to having you back in my life. I never thought I'd be this close to you again. I'm sitting here wanting to stare at you, touch you... kiss you... but, I'm scared at the same time."

"Why scared?"


"Of course, we need to be completely honest with each other."

Mike thought to himself for a minute, "I'm scared shitless that I'm going to let you back into my life and then you're going to leave me again. I don't think I could survive that Alex, I very nearly didn't survive the last time I lost you. Before you say anything, YES, I know that was just as much my choice to push you out, but we both knew what would have happened."

After taking a deep breath, Mike continued. "Alex, I've been alone since that day. I haven't been with anyone or even wanted to be since you. I dedicated myself to work and it's all I've had for almost eight years. I've been absolutely miserable, in case you wanted to know. When Elaina showed up on my doorstep, I wanted to slam the door in her face. I had to put my feelings behind me and suck it all up. I'm glad I did, or I wouldn't have gotten to know your kids. So, that's where I'm at right now."

It didn't take Alex any time to respond to what he'd heard so far. "I know you said it at the airport, but I need to make sure. Mikey, do you still love me?"

The question made Mike laugh, "You're serious... do I still love you? That's why I've never dated anyone else. As much as I wanted to move on and get you out of my mind, there was no way I could do it. It would have been like cheating on you. You're my first and only. I love you with every fiber of my being and I wasn't sure it was possible, but I think at this very moment I love you more than I ever have."

A wide smile formed on Alex's face when Mike finished talking. "I can't tell you how happy you've just made me. I've been waiting for this minute for the past eight years. The moment I could tell you that... I love you more than anyone or anything on this planet. That includes Michael and Maria. Don't get me wrong... I love my kids, but they're going to grow up and move on. I know that my love for you is more, because, if I don't fuck up again you'll never leave me."

"Are you gonna fuck up again?" It slipped out faster than Mike could will himself to shut his mouth. He tried to figure out what it was about Alex that always made him so unable to control the things he said.

"No, I'm not. I've been completely miserable since the night I walked out of your house. As much as you were alone, so was I. I didn't love Elaina, whatever I may have felt for her before that weekend was gone. I'm never sure it was ever love at all. I think it was just... hell, I don't even know, but it sure as hell wasn't love. After you were gone, whenever I looked at her, all I could see is the person who took you away from me. I wanted to leave her every day until Michael was born. By the time he came along I knew that you weren't coming back, so I did what you told me to do. I poured myself into being the best father I could be. I couldn't believe it when she got pregnant with Maria."

"Were you happy about Maria?"

"I wasn't at the time, but I love her... she's my little princess."

"She's something else, that's for sure."

"Not to change the subject, but Elaina told me she left a letter for me."

Mike knew the letter was over the visor, part of him didn't want to be around when Alex read it. "Yes, I brought it with me, so you could read it."

"Maybe when we switch drivers."

"Sounds good, let me know when you're tired of driving." There were so many questions that Mike had for Alex, so many missing years to fill in. "So, I have to ask, why the Marine Corps?"

Alex laughed, "Well, for a couple reasons actually. All the things you had told me about it made it a very attractive idea. It filled in a lot of the empty places I had after... you know. I remembered what you said that weekend, and it all rang true for me too. And... God, please don't laugh... but, it made me feel closer to you."

Through everything that had happened, Mike had never realized the pain Alex was in. Mike had always made Alex out to be the villain, when he was equally the one who had forced Alex out. He'd only ever thought about his own feelings, always ignoring what Alex may have been going through. Part of him just assumed Alex would be happy with Elaina, and he never allowed himself to think otherwise. "I guess I can understand that."

The truck started down an exit ramp and Mike figured Alex's stomach had finally demanded to be fed. They pulled into a Subway just off the interstate and went inside. They didn't say much as they were in line. Mike made sure he went first and Alex was a little upset when Mike bought their food.

"Shut it, Staff Sergeant." Mike just smiled as he said it.

"Aye, aye... SIR." Alex had to admit that he liked the changes in his friend that had been brought on by the Marine Corps. While Mike had always been masculine, he was now even more so.

Grabbing their food they made way to a booth to eat. Alex set right into his sub and in what seemed like no time it was gone. Mike had to laugh, he had not even finished half of his yet. He wasn't really hungry to begin with, so when Alex was done he suggested they get going.

As they were walking out, Mike turned to Alex. "Why don't I go ahead and drive?"

"Ok, I can read Elaina's letter."

They climbed in the truck and Mike headed for the gas station next to the restaurant. After filling up, they both walked inside and got some drinks with Alex also getting some snacks for the road. Getting back onto the interstate, Mike merged into traffic and then tried to get comfortable.

After they had been on the road for awhile, Alex reached up to the visor and removed the letter from its envelope. He unfolded it and started reading. He had no idea how hard this was going to be, until he started.

Dearest Alex,

If you are reading this it means I have lost my fight with the cancer. Don't mourn for me, I deserved this fate because of the horrible things I've done in my life. Things, if given the chance to change, I would have. If only I had known the pain it would have caused us all. Only now, at the end, have I come to realize the mistakes I've made. I hope that, with my death, I will atone for them and you may finally be happy.

I have told most all of this to Mike and now I will tell you. I`ve always known you were in love with each other. I could see it in the ways you looked at him, the ways you never looked at me. I could see it in the way he treated you, even when you couldn't. I always wanted you to love me like that, to have what the two of you had, and I had hoped one day we would have. The weekend after graduation, when I went away, I've guessed what happened. I knew you had to have finally acted on your love for each other.

What I didn't know was what happened to end your friendship and the biggest regret of my life has been that you lost each other completely. All I wanted was your love, not to take you away from each other. Alex, I have to tell you now, as I have told Mike, I became pregnant on purpose. I knew it was the only way you would marry me and for me to have any chance at your love. While I would never regret having Michael, here at the end I do regret what my actions have caused.

Now that I am gone, my last hope is for you to find love with Mike. I am planning to ask him to raise our children with you. I know he will love them as if they were his own, I've already seen it. He is a good loving man and I know he will care for them and you. He still loves you, I can see it in the pain he still carries. I also know that you love him and for that I'm thankful. I hope, now that I'm gone, you will once again be able to love each other and finally be together, the way it should have been.

Please forgive me for what I've done, Alex. I hope my death allows you both to finally be happy. Please remind Michael and Maria that their mother will always love them, even though I am separated from them. Love Mike and never let anything come between you again. You are a wonderful man, Alex, and I want you to be happy.


After looking at Mike for a second, Alex turned his head back to watching traffic. He wasn't sure what he was feeling at the moment. He wanted to scream and yell at what Elaina had done. But, he knew it wouldn't solve anything. There was no way to get the lost years of their lives back. After reading the letter a second time, his anger slowly ebbed and he folded it, placing it back in the envelope.

They rode in silence, until Alex finally knew he had to make the first move. Turning in his seat, so he could look at Mike, he started. "Let me ask you something. You said you still love me, does that mean you'd think about us being together?"

Tears were forming in Mike's eyes, "More than anything, but it's not that easy. You just lost your wife and I don't want to be just a rebound relationship for you. Then there is work to worry about. The whole gay thing aside, we can't be seen in public together even just hanging out. We couldn't go to the store together, out to eat, anything. Thankfully, we have a relationship that pre-dates our time in the military, but that will only get us so much leeway."

"First off, you would never be a rebound relationship for me. Don't you understand? Mikey, you were always first in my heart. I was too blind to realize it before and I had it set in my head that Michael needed to come first. Second, what if I wasn't in the Corps?"

Mike sat there thinking, "If you weren't in, that would deal with the fraternization issue. But, you know that we'd still have to deal with Don't Ask Don't Tell. No matter if we are both in the Corps or only one of us, we still have to worry about being outed. I think that by the end of the year we'll be able to be open and serve, but... Are you willing to live that life until then?"

"As long as we're together, I'm willing to live whatever life I have to. I know what it means and I know what's at stake. We can make it work. I know you're really worried about the fraternization issue, but I'll be discharged soon, so that won't be a concern anymore. That only leaves..."

"You're really leaving the Marine Corps?" Mike couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Yes, I'd already decided to leave Elaina and the Marine Corps. Now with her gone this just confirms my choice to leave the Corps."

Mike couldn't believe his ears, "Wha... You were leaving her?"

"Yeah, as soon as I got home from this deployment, I was gone. I couldn't take it anymore, so I was going to leave her. For a long time now I've been in love with someone else and I knew I had to follow my heart. "

Mike felt his blood pressure rise dramatically, there was someone else. When he spoke, he was trying to control the anger he was feeling. "Let me get this straight, a second ago you're talking about us being together and now you're telling me you were leaving Elaina for someone else." It took everything in his power to not pull over and throw Alex out. He could feel tears starting to form in his eyes.

"I know it's been a very long time, but do you really think that little of me?" Alex's face was showing the hurt he was feeling. "Not that you'll believe this, but it's the God's honest truth. I was going to leaving her for you, Michael. When I got back from Afghanistan, I was going to do whatever it took to find you! I was planning on showing up on your doorstep and begging you to let me back into your life. I decided I couldn't go on without you, I was tired of living a lie."

All Mike could do was sit there. He remembered Elaina telling him she was convinced Alex was going to leave her. Now it all made perfect sense, he had been planning it. It also explained the phone calls Alex had made to Baz, basically begging him for a way to contact Mike. As much as he was searching for a reason to not trust Alex, to not believe him, there wasn't any. Alex had never lied to him, the worst he'd done is keep the pregnancy from him all those years ago.

"I'm sorry. I do believe you." Mike took a swallow from his drink, "Alex, please forgive me. I've been without you for so long I think I'm trying to find a way to force you out again. I'm scared to let you in and then..."

A single tear ran down Mike's cheek. Alex reached up and wiped the tear with his fingers. "I know, and I do understand. I'm so sorry I've put you through this and I promise I'll make it up to you... somehow."

Alex looked over and noticed something he hadn't before. He reached his left hand over and pulled a necklace from beneath Mike's shirt. When he did, he instantly recognized it. It was the one he left for him that last night, and on it was his high school ring.

"You still have them?" He was completely shocked that Mike was wearing it.

Mike couldn't help but smile, "Of course, I do. I've been wearing it every day since I got back from Afghanistan. For some reason it made me feel better."

"I figured you would have..."

"No! As much as I wanted you out of my life, I still felt close to you while I had it. Crazy aren't I? I said I wanted to move on with my life, yet I live in the past especially by wearing it."

Alex just laughed, "No dude, not crazy... hopeless, yes... crazy, no..."

Mike was able to smile at his friend's jab, "I like hopeful... Shut it."

As Mike replayed everything that had been said, Alex had given him all the hope he needed. "Alex, I'm willing to give this a try, if that's what you want. I know I'll do anything to be with you... and the kids. I can't tell you how bad I feel though, you just lost Elaina and here we are planning a future together."

"Mikey, you don't know how long I've waited for you to say that. I want nothing more than to be with you for the rest of our lives." He paused and thought about what Elaina had written in her letter. "We have to remember, this is what she wanted us to do. In her letter, she told me her last hope was that we would be together."

Mike reached over and held Alex's hand. They both just sat there without talking and enjoyed the feeling of the contact with each other.

"Mike, I'm not going to lie. I may not have loved Elaina, but I am still upset by her death. We'd been together for so long that I know I'll mourn her. "

"I wouldn't expect anything less."

"Hey, can we stop when we get some place? I need to hit the head."

Mike just nodded and started looking for a place to stop. A sign showed there was a rest area not far ahead so he pulled in when they there. Alex started to jump out, "When I get back you want me to drive again?"

"Sure dude." Mike got out to stretch his legs. He walked up and down the sidewalk and then walked around to the passenger side and got in.

A minute later Alex was behind the wheel, and they were back on the road.

"Alex, how are you going to tell the kids?"

"Well, WE will just play it by ear. I don't think either one of them will be too upset about it. They've been raised to be accepting and open minded."

"With you for a father, I wouldn't expect anything less." Mike started changing the radio stations, "What about your family?"

"That's another story... Carlos, he'll understand and be cool with it. Momma and Poppa I'm not so sure about. Momma probably has already guessed or suspected. Poppa on the other hand, he's too old school. What we do have going for us is how much they love you."

"Well, I guess that's a bridge we'll cross when we have to." Mike couldn't help but think of his own parents.

"Mike, how do you think your parents will react?"

"That's going to be interesting. I think they already know about me. I tried to talk to them about it a couple times, but could never get down to it. I'm pretty sure the way I acted when... Well, I'm pretty sure they know." Mike just sat there thinking about how he had chickened out while trying to tell his parents.

Mike was brought out of his thoughts when Alex held his hand again. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just tired, exhausted is more like it."

"Well, you can sleep some if you want, while I drive. I know you haven't gotten much sleep the past few days."

It made Mike smile, "I wasn't even planning on you driving. I don't want to be a slug and fall asleep while you do all the driving."

"Mikey, sleep... really."

He didn't need to be told twice and for the first time since he had gotten home from Afghanistan, Mike fell asleep easily. The stress of the last few weeks seemed to disappear with the comfort of having Alex holding his hand.

Mike woke to the feeling of someone touching his face. When he opened his eyes he saw they were in the driveway. "Hey babe, we're here." Alex's voice was quiet, like he didn't want to scare Mike awake.

"Cool." Mike unbelted himself and reached over to touch Alex's arm. "Welcome home."

Alex smiled and then opened his door to get out. Grabbing his bag from the back seat, he closed the door and started towards the house. As soon as they were headed up the walkway, the front door opened and two little ones shot out of the house, like they were fired out of a cannon. Alex dropped his bag and caught them both in mid-air as they jumped into his arms.

Neither of them said anything as Alex hugged them. They were both crying, and Mike noticed there were tears in Alex's eyes. He picked up the bag Alex dropped and headed into the house. Waiting at the door was the sitter.

"Hello, Angela. How were they?"

She was smiling, "They were great, Lieutenant. No problems at all."

"I'm glad." He handed her some more cash, even though he had already paid her when she first arrived. "Here, take this. I can't thank you enough for doing this."

"It was nothing. They really are two angels. If you ever need me to sit with them again, just call. I left my numbers on the counter so you'd have them."

"Thank you Angela. They're going to be staying with me a little longer, so I'll be calling you."

"Great, have a good night Lieutenant." She was out the door and headed to her car before Alex and the kids came into the house.

The kids were busy filling Alex in on what had been happening since the last time they'd talked with him. Most of it involved their night with Angela and how much they liked her. Mike was glad Allison had made such a good choice when he called her.

After about an hour of non-stop talking, both Michael and Maria started to show how tired they were. "Ok, it's time for you two munchkins to go to bed."

There was no arguing. They both knew when their father told them it was time for bed, they'd better get ready. With hugs and kisses for Mike, they were soon off to their rooms.

About twenty minutes later, Alex reappeared in the living room. He was still dressed in his cammies and walked up to Mike wrapping him in a hug. Mike just laid his head on Alex's shoulder. There was music playing softly in the room, and Alex started to move with the music. "Mikey, you don't know how long I've waited for this moment."

"Umm, I think I know exactly how long dude."

Alex chuckled, "Yeah, I guess you do."

While they danced, Alex's hands were rubbing Mike's back. He couldn't get over the feeling of being able to touch Mike after all this time. When he couldn't resist it any longer, Alex lowered his hands until they were resting on Mike's ass.

Mike chuckled, "Watch it cowboy."

Alex moved his hands back to Mike's lower back. "Sorry, I've wanted to do that all night."

"I know what you mean." Mike then lowered his hands so they were resting on Alex's butt. It caused an instant smile on his face, "Wow, just as good as I remember."

"Mikey, can I kiss you?"

All Mike could do was nod his head slowly. Alex leaned in and brushed his lips lightly against Mike's. After a moment, Mike pulled away and looked deeply into Alex's brown eyes. Alex reached his hand around to the back of Mike's head and pulled him into another kiss. This time, as Alex's tongue slipped past Mike's lips, a moan escaped from both of them.

They continued dancing, and kissing, along with the music for a few songs. Finally Mike couldn't stand it anymore, he needed to stop the close contact. "Okay, so what are we going to do about the sleeping arrangements? Do you want to sleep in the guest room?"

"I can sleep in there, if you want..." Mike thought he heard hurt in Alex's voice.

"That's not what I meant. I was thinking about the kids." He wanted to smack Alex, "I want nothing more than to sleep with you."

"Well, are you ready for bed then Lieutenant?" Alex pulled his head back and was smiling after he said it. Alex leaned his head down and lightly pressed his lips against Mike's again.

Mike didn't speak when he finally pulled back from the kiss, he just nodded. There was a mad dash around the living room, turning lights and the stereo off. Once Mike made sure the door was locked, they headed to the master bedroom. When he shut the door behind him, Alex turned to look at Mike standing by the bed.

"Mikey, I need to ask you something. Please don't think this is because I don't want to, because I do more than you would ever know... but... can we hold off on... you know... until after the funeral?"

The relief showed on Mike's face. "Alex, that's perfect. I would feel better if we waited too. But we can cuddle can't we?"

Alex walked over and pulled Mike into another hug, "I'd like to see you try to keep me from it."

"I need a shower, you wanna take one first?"

"Come on... I can control myself if you can..." Alex pulled Mike behind him towards the bathroom.

Once they were in there, Mike reached out and started to unbutton Alex's cammies. As he did, Alex pulled Mike's polo shirt over his head. He looked at the better definition that Mike's time in the Marines had given him.

Mike slid the cammie blouse off of Alex, and was amazed at the male form in front of him. The t-shirt he was wearing was straining to hold back his muscles. From under both sleeves, Mike could see tattoos on his friend's arms. He pulled the t-shirt out of the waist of Alex's pants and lifted it over his head. Mike's breath caught in his throat.

"Dear God." Mike wasn't prepared for what he saw. Alex's chest was more muscular than ever. His pecs were incredible, and his arms were much larger than in high school. On his left arm he had a large tribal tattoo that covered his shoulder, with part of it covering his upper chest, back, and down his arm. It was exactly the kind Mike used to dream Alex had. The other arm had the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor on the upper bicep, with "USMC" as an armband around his bicep.

Mike reached out and was touching the tribal tattoo, tracing its many outlines with his fingers. He couldn't wait anymore so he tuned Alex around and found the one he wanted to see the most. Emblazoned across Alex's back in beautiful lettering was "LOPEZ."

"These are incredible, Alex." He moved his fingers to Alex's back and was feeling the outline of the letters.

"I'm glad you like them." The feeling of Mike's hands on his bare skin was almost more than Alex could handle. "If you keep touching me like that, I might get into trouble."

A smile spread across Mike's face, "Well, we don't want that to happen. I'll stop." As he tried to pull his hand away, Alex stepped back so Mike's bare chest was now touching his back. "Alex?"

"Don't stop touching me, please. I think I can control myself, I just want to be close to you."

"I'll tell you what, I think it might be better if we don't shower together. How about you go ahead and take yours and then I'll take mine?" Mike regretted saying it, but he knew if they were going to wait he couldn't see Alex naked and wet.

As much as he wanted to protest, Alex knew Mike was right. If they were truly going to wait to be intimate, there was no way they could shower together. Alex knew the minute he had his hands on a naked Mike, there would be no turning back. He just nodded at Mike and then grabbed some clothes from his bag, heading into the master bath.

While Alex was in the shower, Mike walked down the hall and checked on the kids. He stood in the doorway watching Maria sleep. His thoughts were of Elaina and how she would never see Maria grow into the woman she would become. He turned and walked to Michael's room and opened the door. When he looked inside, Michael was awake and sitting on the bed. His back was to the door and he was looking out the window.

"Hey, big guy. What's wrong?" Mike sat on the bed beside Michael.

Michael looked up and had tears in his eyes. "I'm just missing mom, Uncle Mike."

"It's ok to miss her and it's ok to cry."

"But, she told me I had to be strong."

"You know, Michael, you can be strong and still cry." Mike picked Michael up and placed him on this lap. Wrapping his arm Michael he just held him. "I cried when your mother died and I know your dad did too."

Michael looked up with his eyes wide, "You and daddy cried?"

"We sure did." Mike felt good as Michael placed his head onto his shoulder. "Do you think that your dad is strong?"

Michael did say anything he just nodded his head.

"Do you think I'm strong?"

Again, Michael nodded his head. "Yes, sir. You are a Marine, just like daddy. You have to be strong to be a Marine."

Mike caught himself before he laughed. "Michael, you're right. You do have to be strong to be a Marine, but you know Marines cry too. It's ok to cry when something bad happens, especially when you lose someone you love."

Michael relaxed in Mike's arms and softly started to sob. Mike just held him and let the young boy cry it out of his system. It wasn't until Michael's breathing changed that Mike realized he had fallen asleep and that they weren't alone. He felt Alex sit on the bed behind him.

Alex placed his hand on Mike's shoulder, "You're amazing with him, you know?" His voice was low and he was looking around Mike at his son.

"Just did what I thought he needed." Mike smiled at Alex, "Tried to imagine what you would do."

"Mikey, you're a natural at this whole parenting thing." Alex reached around and touched Michael's head. "Come on, let's let him sleep."

Mike turned and placed Michael in the center of his bed. Alex covered him up and leaned over and kissed his son on the forehead. They both walked out of the room with Mike closing the door quietly behind them.

"Your turn... get in the shower." Alex pushed Mike towards the bedroom.

Back in the bedroom, Mike finally noticed what Alex was wearing. His friend was in a pair of red Starter trunks. They looked incredible on him and Mike was suddenly the one in danger of losing control. Mike didn't remember Alex's ass looking that incredible when they were growing up. Not to mention the weapon that was being packaged in the front of the trunks.

Mike quickly pulled a pair of boxer briefs from his drawer along with a t-shirt. He headed into the bathroom and started the shower, with the water a little cooler than usual. He stood under the water and tried to make sense of the last few days of his life. Everything he thought he had planned for had now changed. Nothing was a simple as it once was.

While Mike was in the shower, Alex was on the bed. He was staring at the ceiling thinking about the death of his wife. Part of him wanted to mourn for Elaina, but a part of him was still furious for what she had done so many years ago. The fact that she had tricked him into marrying her and that had forced him from Mike. Alex knew that it was just as much his fault though. He had the chance to not walk away from Mike, but he didn't take it. Instead, he had allowed Mike to walk out of his life without a fight. Now he had the opportunity to change all of that and he wasn't going to let it slip by.

By the time Mike had showered and dressed, Alex was waiting for him with the lights down low. As Mike made his way to the bed, he could see Alex watching his every move.

"Is that what you usually wear to bed?" Alex was looking at Mike's t-shirt.


A small smile was on Alex's face, "What do you usually wear, Mikey?"

Mike could feel himself blush slightly, "Just my boxer briefs."

"Then why are you wearing that t-shirt?" Alex reached out and touched the sleeve of Mike's t-shirt as his friend sat on the bed.

Looking into Alex's eyes, Mike wasn't sure why he was wearing it. "I was a little nervous of sleeping with you without a shirt on."

Alex moved his hand and started to rub Mike's back. "Mikey, are you..."

"Yes... I'm scared..."

"Me too..." Alex pulled Mike into a hug. He just held him in his arms and thought about everything they had been through that brought them to this point in their lives.

After a few minutes, Mike slowly lifted his shirt over his head and threw it to the floor. Alex's hand immediately moved to feel the hair on Mike's chest. Mike loved the feeling of Alex's hand on his bare chest.

"Are you ready to go to sleep?"

Alex flipped the sheets back and allowed Mike to crawl inside. Mike was on his right side and smiled When Alex moved behind him. He could feel Alex's bare chest touching his back as he was pulled against it. It only took a few minutes before they both feel asleep.

"Uncle Mike."

Mike thought he heard it, but he wasn't sure. His eyes opened and he stayed still trying to listen. He looked over at the clock and it said 2:17 AM.

"Uncle Mike."

He knew instantly it was Michael, and he was right outside the door. Mike tried to pull himself away from Alex, but as he moved he was held even tighter. He rolled his eyes and laughed quietly.

"Uncle Mike, are you awake?" The door opened and in walked Michael. "Uncle Mike, I can't find dad..."

Next: Chapter 4

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