Something Close to Life

Published on Apr 1, 2012


This story is a work of fiction. The events in this story are fictional. The characters in this story do not exist and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Any use of celebrity or other real persons is entirely fictional and in no way reflects upon their actual sexual orientation. This story contains erotic and/or sexually explicit activities between consenting adults. If you are under age, find this type of work offensive, or it is illegal for you to view this, do not read it.

Something Close to Life -- Part 1 By tmabare ©2012

      • Part 1 * * *

-Somewhere over the North Atlantic-

The constant sound of the engines was making it hard to sleep. It was either the noise or more likely it was the thoughts running through his mind. This mission had been a nightmare and he was glad it was over. He'd seen death before, but this time it was different. This time they were all people he'd known closely. They were his men and he blamed himself. But, it was the last death that bothered him the most. They hadn't known each other long, but it was still someone he'd cared for. He hadn't been in love with him, but he definitely loved him all the same.

As he sat there, 1st Lieutenant Michael James Williams tried to remind himself why he loved his job. At the moment, he wasn't loving it and wasn't sure why he ever did. The Marine Corps was his life since the time he graduated from high school. He had immersed himself in the lifestyle and made his military career the primary factor in his existence. Everything he'd done was with this single goal in mind. It had left him very little time for friendships or relationships outside of work. As he sat there this night it was eating away at him. He was obsessing with what was missing from his life and he couldn't resolve why it wasn't him that died.

They had been sitting together when the sniper's bullet found its mark. The young Marine had just finished talking about his parents and how glad he was going to be to see them, when... The blood stains were still visible on Williams' cammie blouse. It was a serious wake up call to all of them, but for him most of all.

He was trying to decide if this is really all he wanted out of his life. Had he chosen this life because it was what he wanted? Or, was he running away from something? He'd always told himself it was a choice and the right one. The fact that he had lost the only person he'd ever loved to another, that hadn't affected his choice. Had it? That part of his life was over now. He'd put that part of himself behind him, he'd given up sex and love when he joined the Corps. So now he wanted to know, why was he thinking about it after all this time? Why was it all he could think about?

He looked over at the other members of his team, most of whom were sound asleep. The only person he knew was awake was his most senior NCO. The man was older and had seen more combat than anyone else in the unit, Gunny Jones.

As Williams was watching him, Jones made his way over and sat down, "You doing ok, sir?"

"I'm ok, Gunny." Mike had tried to smile, but couldn't quite make himself do it.

The older man looked skeptically at the young Lieutenant. Gunnery Sergeant Dwayne Jones had been around too long and seen too much to believe it. Against his better judgment he'd always liked this man and had come to truly respect him. Unlike many of his previous platoon commanders, Mike Williams was more worried about his men and their welfare than he was his own personal interests. "Permission to speak candidly, sir?"

Williams looked around to make sure no one was listening, "Always Gunny, you know that."

"With all respect sir... bull... shit."

Mike started to protest, but he couldn't. He knew that Jones was right and he respected him too much to lie to him again. "I just don't understand. I don't think I ever will. Why him and not me? What the hell am I supposed to say to his parents?"

"Tell them the truth. Tell them he died for what he believed in... He died doing what he loved... Hell, tell them he died so you could live. Because, we both know if it hadn't been him, it would've been you."

"Damn, Gunny. That wasn't very comforting."

"It wasn't meant to be, trying to give you some perspective, sir."

Williams couldn't help but laugh a little. "Thanks... I think."

"That's not all there is, is it?"

"No, it's not... I'm sitting here questioning everything. Why I joined the Corps mainly. I guess I'm trying to figure out if I joined for the right reasons... trying to decide if I really belong here."

Jones looked thoughtfully at his young lieutenant. He'd seen this man in the best times and the worst times. But, never had he seen him ever question himself like this. He had known there was something else going on besides just losing men on this mission. This was something deeper, something very personal. He was sure he knew what it was, but he didn't want to embarrass or offend his boss. He trusted Mike Williams with his life and he knew he could trust him with more if need be.

"Mike, let me tell you something about myself. Something I've never told anyone else." Jones sat closer to Williams and took another look around to make sure no one was listening. "When I was in high school, I was in love with someone who I thought loved me. When in reality they didn't love me enough. In the end they left me for someone else. It destroyed me... So, what did I do? I joined the Marines. I became the best Marine I could. Eventually, I moved on emotionally and found my wife. We have three beautiful kids and I tell myself that I wouldn't give them up for anyone or anything, but... I still question if I made the right choice. If that person came back into my life, what would I do? Would I give up everything to be with them or would I hold true to what I have?"

Williams could only sit there and stare at the older man. It was as if he had read his mind, the story of Dwayne Jones life could have been so very similar to his own. The only difference was that Jones had married and had children. Mike found it very telling that Dwayne hadn't said she' only them,' he wondered if that was on purpose to let Mike know he knew, or if...

"Thank you, for sharing that with me. Looks like you actually know EXACTLY what I was thinking about. Tell me this though, how did you move on? Better yet, how the hell do I move on? I still feel empty inside, like the best part of me is missing."

"I can only tell you what worked for me... time. You're still young. Don't let this destroy you. You're too good of a man and Marine for that. Take some time before you make any decisions."

"Thank you, I will."

"Well, I'm going to try to get some shut eye. You should do the same." He moved back where he had been sitting and leaned his head against the bulkhead and closed his eyes.

Williams leaned against the pallet and tried to sleep. Every time he thought he was about to doze off, he remembered the shot.

  • Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, NC -

The next few days were a blur. His meeting with the young Corporal's parents had gone much better than he expected. Mike was convinced they provided him with more comfort than he did them. The father had been a Marine for years and the mother, while devastated, knew her son's beliefs and his dedication. Still, Williams was an emotional wreck on the inside.

The funeral was local, as the entire family was from the Jacksonville and Sneads Ferry area. Mike's platoon served as the honor guard and he had the duty of handing the flag to the family. After the funeral was over, he treated his entire platoon to drinks at a local bar. He knew it wasn't exactly prohibited, but he knew it was frown upon. For once he didn't care, his men came first to him and they all deserved it. He didn't drink with them, but ducked out as soon as the drinks arrived.

After returning to base, he'd been summoned to report to his Commanding Officer. As soon as he was in the door, he was directed into a chair. There was some polite banter and then they got to the real point of the meeting. "Mike, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, sir. It's been a long few weeks."

"I've been sitting here all morning, reading over After Action Reports filed by you and your men. I can't begin to tell you how highly they feel about you. I've known Gunnery Sergeant Jones for many years and I've never seen him talk about a Platoon Leader the way he talks about you. You should be proud of that."

Mike was more than a little stunned, while he knew the men liked him he didn't always understand it. "Thank you for telling me, sir. They're an amazing group of Marines, and I'm honored to serve with them. As for Dwayne Jones, if it was up to me, I'd send him to OCS."

Sitting behind his desk the Lieutenant Colonel laughed, "I've been trying for years, but he won't go." He continued to flip through the pages of the file on top his desk, before he looked up. "I really wanted to talk to you today because it's time you made some decisions about your future."

"My future, sir?"

"As much as I'd love to keep you right here, it's time for you to move onward and upward. Have you given any thought to what you want to do next?"

"No, sir. I had hoped to just stay here and promote. I wasn't sure what options were open for me."

The man looked at Mike with a look of shock on his face. "What's open for you is damn near any billet you want. You're a rising star and I, for one, intend to make sure you're given the opportunity to shine."

"Thank you, sir. I can't tell you what your mentoring and support has meant to me. Can I ask you a personal favor sir?"

"Of course, name it."

"Will you help me make the best choice? I would greatly appreciate your advice, sir. I'll do whatever you say is best."

Marcus Adams looked across his desk at the young officer sitting there and he liked what he saw. He'd been monitoring Williams since he came to the unit. He had grown to think of this young man as a son. His performance had been exemplary and there was something else about him. Something he couldn't put his finger on. Then there was his dedication to the men, while some officers could talk to talk to the Marines in their command, few would walk the walk. This was one of the few that could do both.

"I can do that. I had the feeling you'd say that and I took the liberty of making some plans and getting some orders drawn up for you."

Mike couldn't help but laugh, "You know me too well, sir."

Adams laughed and flipped some more pages. "I made some calls and talked to some friend in Headquarters. The best way to fast track your career is for you to take on some high profile assignments. The best of the options open is to be a Series Commander in one of the Recruit Training Regiments."

"Recruit Training... as in Parris Island?" Mike couldn't believe it. He never thought of himself going to one of the Recruit Training Depots.

"That's right... it's the best thing for your future. Spend some time on the Island and you'll be ready for promotion."

Mike still couldn't believe it, "Sir, I just never thought of myself as the right person for that."

"Come on, you have a perfect record and your Performance Evaluations have all been far above the average. Not to mention, you're one of the top in this entire command in physical fitness. You've earned the respect of the Marines under your command and also of the officers. You're the friggin poster child for what they're looking for."

It only took a few seconds for Mike to decide. "Ok... I'll do it. When do I report?"

"Here are your orders. I would recommend you take some leave, you've got a bunch coming."

"Thank you, sir."

Adams stood and Mike rose at the same time. The older man came around his desk and extended his hand. "It has been an honor serving with you Mike."

"The honor has been mine, sir. I hope I have the privilege of serving under you again."

With orders in hand, Mike Williams walked out of the office and on to the next phase of his life.

As he walked out of the building, Mike grabbed his cell phone. He dialed a number and stood there waiting for an answer. He needed to call Basil Peters, a friend from high school. Baz, as he was known, had gone through NROTC with Mike, but went into the Navy instead of the Marines. He had helped put Mike back together after...

"Lieutenant Commander Peters."

"Baz, its Mike."

"Hello there, my friend. How the hell are you doing?"

"I'm good, Baz. How are you and the family?"

"Great, great. The kids are getting big and Allison is the same as always. What are you up to? The last I heard from you, you were in Afghanistan."

"I'm back and just got orders for Parris Island."

"Oh wow, why don't you use the house in Beaufort?"

"Are you sure?"

"Man, we never go there. Of course I'm sure."

"That's great, I can't tell you how happy that makes me. I wasn't looking forward to living on post."

"Are you kidding me, I'd have to have your head examined if you did. You still have the key, right?"

"Yeah, Baz, I have it."

"Great!" When Baz stopped talking, Mike knew something was up. "Mike, I talked to Alex the other day."

Mike felt his breathing stop and his blood went cold at the mere mention of the name. He had tried to avoid even thinking that name since he talked with Gunny Jones on the flight home. So many memories flooding back, along with such pain.

"Mike, are you there?"

He had to swallow hard to get the lump out of his throat before he could speak. "Yeah, I'm here Baz. How is he?"

"Good, he and Elaina are living in Beaufort and he's assigned to MCAS Beaufort. His unit is actually deployed right now. He was trying to get me to give him your number or how he could get ahold of you. Before you say anything, I didn't do it."

"Thanks, Baz. I'm not ready to talk to him. I'm not sure I ever will be."

"You will be one day."

Mike couldn't think past the fact that Alex was living in Beaufort. The thought of running into him around town scared him to death. He hadn't seen him since the weekend after their high school graduation. The weekend Mike had left that part of his life behind.

"Mike? Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'll be ok. Do me a favor... kiss Allison and the kids for me. I'll call you when I get to Beaufort and get settled in."

"Ok, man. Be careful, we love you."

Mike didn't say anything else before he hung up the phone. He walked back to his room at the Bachelor Officer Quarters (BOQ). Walking in he didn't even turn the light on, he just sat on his rack. All he could think of was Alex. The pain in his gut returned, it was the same pain he'd had for the past seven years.

They had known each for what seemed to be their whole lives. Their families lived on the same street and they'd been best friends since kindergarten. Over the years they'd grown to be more like brothers than friends. Each had been an only child when they met, but Alex's parents had another son when the boys were in the fourth grade.

Until their senior year of high school they'd spent practically every minute of their evenings, weekends, and breaks together. They'd done everything together, well practically everything. That changed when Alex started dating Elaina Gomez, who he met at the beginning of their senior year. As the year went on she had occupied more and more of his time, leaving less time for Mike. While Mike was happy for his friend, at the same time he was miserable. As much as he had tried over the years not to, he'd fallen in love with Alex. So, not only was he feeling the loss of a friend, he was also experiencing the loss of his first love.

Throughout their friendship, they told each other everything. They had no secrets from each other, with one glaring exception. Mike had never come out and told Alex he was gay, not until the last time he'd seen him.

Their graduation was on Thursday night, and they were spending the entire next day at the beach. Elaina had gone with her mother to a family reunion for the weekend, so they were alone. For Mike and Alex this was the first time in what seemed like months to Mike, they were by themselves for any length of time. While they were on the beach, Mike took every opportunity to watch Alex he could get. The way Alex's muscles rippled while he was sweating had Mike constantly on the verge. As much as he tried to not get caught perving on his friend, he was caught a few times. Alex just smiled back at him, never reacting negatively.

Alexander Rueben Lopez, Jr. was of Cuban descent, his parents coming to the U.S. when he was just three years old. Over the years he'd grown into a gorgeous man. While Mike was watching his 6'3" tanned friend on the beach that day, he couldn't get over how incredible Alex looked. While they had both worked out since junior high together, Alex had always been bigger. With Alex wearing tight trunks that day, Mike was greatly appreciating all the time they had spent killing themselves in the gym. Alex had incredible muscle definition and a very hot eight pack as opposed to Mike's six pack. Mike's own body wasn't too shabby, but he always liked Alex's more. While Mike's 6' frame wasn't as big, it was very well defined. Where Alex had light brown hair and practically no body hair, Mike had black hair along with a dusting of hair on his arms, legs, and chest. Mike had always been fascinated by the differences in their bodies, ever since they were children.

The two friends had talked all day about their families, school, and the times they had spent together in the past. Little had been said of Mike's leaving for the military the following week. He had enrolled in college and joined the NROTC. He would be leaving for a summer program the following Wednesday and be gone most of the summer. They had made plans to get together when he came back, so this would be the last time they could hang out until the end of the summer. It was going to be the longest the two had ever been apart.

When they weren't talking, they spent the rest of the time sunning, playing in the water, and playing catch with a football on the beach before they finally decided to head home. As they packed up, Mike noticed that Alex had become unusually quiet. Alex was the least quiet person Mike knew and always seemed to have something to say. So the fact he wasn't talking meant there was something wrong.

It wasn't until they were on the road and almost home that Alex spoke. "Mike... Elaina is pregnant."

Mike suddenly felt as if someone kicked him in the stomach. Even though Alex and Elaina had been dating, Alex had always sworn that marriage was not in his future. This had given Mike the hope that he still had a chance, as slim as it was. Now, that was suddenly all over. He knew Alex's thoughts on children and marriage, Mike knew Alex would be marrying Elaina. Mike had grown to love Elaina as a person, but a part of him would never accept her with Alex.

"Wow, man. Congratulations, you'll make a great father." It was a completely true and sincere statement, even if his voice was cracking as he said it. Mike knew Alex would make the perfect dad, he'd shown it with his little brother. Both of their fathers had been far from the best, too say the least. Both had drinking problems and had been neglectful to their sons. That was yet another reason the two had become so close over the years.

When Alex responded it didn't sound like he was very happy. "Thanks."

Mike could tell instantly his friend was having a hard time with this. Suddenly, Mike wondered how long Alex had been keeping this from him. Before he could even stop himself, he had blurted it out. "How long have you known?"

Alex couldn't look at Mike's face, he knew his answer was going hurt his friend. "About a month."

Turning his head to look out the window, Mike felt betrayed. Those feelings didn't make any sense to him, but he felt them none the less. They had shared everything and yet Alex hadn't shared something this important. He wasn't sure if he wanted to scream or cry. Only the thought of crying in front of his best friend was stopping him from doing it.

When Mike turned his head away, Alex felt like he wanted to die. He knew what Mike was thinking and what he was feeling. They'd always been there for each other, no matter what, and now he had purposely shut him out of the most important thing in his life. He felt like a complete asshole.

"Mike, listen to me. Please..." He had to take a breath before he went on, "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to be ashamed of me. You'd know that I screwed up and was so irresponsible. After all that we've talk about I didn't want you to know I'd made such a huge mistake."

Alex was watching for any reaction out of his friend, his brother. So far, Mike was still sitting there staring out the window. "You know I didn't want to get married, but I have to for the child's sake. I don't want my child raised without a mother and a father. So, I asked Elaina to marry me and she said yes."

Without even having to look at his own face in the reflection on the window, Mike knew there were now tears flowing. He kept thinking about how stupid he'd been. How he had fallen in love with Alex and now it was all over. There was so much he wanted to say, to do, but he couldn't do anything but just sit there and cry.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before now, but I don't want you to hate me..."

Mike head snapped around and before he could stop, it happened. "I could NEVER hate you! I'm in love with you..." Mike could feel every last drop of blood drain from his face. He'd just made the biggest mistake of his life.

Alex shut the car off. Mike hadn't even noticed they were in his driveway. Alex was looking over at him, "What did you just say?"

The look on his face was one that Mike had never seen before. He wasn't sure what Alex was thinking, but suddenly he also didn't care. All Mike could think was his life had just ended. He had just outed himself to his `brother,' even worse the man he loved. Mike opened his door and jumped out of the car, grabbing his bad as he went and started almost running towards the house. Before he knew what happened, Alex grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.

"Oh fuck no! Don't you dare tell me you're in love with me and then fucking walk away!"

Mike had never seen him like this before and it scared him. In his entire life, he'd never been scared of Alex before, but right now he didn't know what was coming.

He could barely get his response out through the tears, "I'm sorry..."

"What do you mean you're sorry? Sorry for what? Sorry you never told me you were gay? Sorry you lied to me all these years? Just what are you fucking sorry about?" There was real anger and pain in Alex's voice. When Mike looked at him he noticed that there were also tears in Alex's eyes.


"Yes, what? Mikey, talk to me!"

`Mikey,' he hadn't heard that from him since Alex had started dating Elaina. Mike had to force himself to swallow several times so he could speak. "Yes, I'm sorry I never told you. Yes, I'm sorry I lied to you about who I was all these years. But, I was fucking scared of you. I didn't want YOU to hate ME. The thought of losing you was more than I could take."

The look on Alex's face softened immediately. "You would never lose me you dork, no matter what... So, how long?"

"How long have I known I was gay or how long have I..."

After he looked around at the other houses, Alex face broke a smile. "Let's go inside, before the neighbors start to wonder what's going on. And... both."

After locking his car, Alex and Mike walked inside the house. Thankfully Mike's parents had left to take his grandmother home that morning and wouldn't be home until Sunday night. He didn't want to have this conversation with his parents any more than he wanted to be talking to Alex about it.

When they were inside, Mike pulled drinks out of the fridge and handed one to Alex. They were standing in the kitchen when they finally started talking again.

"Let's see... I've known I was `different' since I was about eleven. I've known I was in love with you since I was about... eleven."

Alex couldn't do anything but stand there and look at Mike. "Eleven? You've known that long and you waited until now to tell me? Un-fucking-believable!"

"What? What's so unbelievable?"

"Why are you going in the Marines then? I don't understand."

"When you started dating Elaina and we were spending less and less time together, I realized I was losing you. One way or the other I was gonna end up alone and I needed to get as far away from you as I could. I figured I needed to do something for myself, by myself. It's something I've always wanted to do, you know that. Especially now, today I realized I've truly lost you..."

He couldn't finish his sentence before Alex leaned over and kissed his lips. It wasn't a timid kiss, but one full of love and passion. Mike responded to the kiss by placing his hand on the back of Alex's neck and holding him there. They slowly opened their mouths and Alex began to explore the inside of Mike's mouth with his tongue.

This was Mike's first real kiss, but it certainly wasn't Alex's. This kiss was everything Mike had been dreaming it would be. The softness of Alex's lips, the velvetiness of his tongue. The taste of the man he had loved for so long. It was all making Mike intoxicated and scared. When Alex finally pulled back, Mike was wide-eyed looking at him.

"I don't understand..."

"What's not to understand? I've wanted to kiss you for years. I'm just sorry we waited so damn long to do it. There is so much more I want to do with you..." He leaned in and kissed Mike again. This time as his tongue slipped past Mike's lips, he was rewarded by a loud moan.

Without even thinking, Mike was sucking on Alex's tongue and moaning. Alex had one hand on Mike's head and the other had moved onto Mike's ass. Mike could feel the heat coming from Alex's hands, and noticed that his own hands were on Alex's back and ass. He'd never actually touched Alex's ass before, except when they were playing around in the pool. As he was gently massaging it, he was thinking about how great it was.

As the kissing grew more passionate, Mike realized he could feel Alex's cock trying to break free of his swim trunks. This was about the same time he realized his own cock was just as hard. Without consciously knowing he did it, Mike moved his hand so that it was positioned over Alex's hard-on. He could feel it pulsing within the shorts, in rhythm with Alex's heartbeat. Apart from a few times when they were changing, he hadn't seen it since they were younger.

"Wow, I knew you were big, but never knew it was that big." Mike was betrayed by a nervous laughter.

"Just wait until you see it..."

"Fuck that, I want to feel it..." Mike blushed deeply as he said it and cursed at himself for not having self-control when he was with Alex.

Mike moved both hands the waistband of Alex's swim trunks and slowly pushed them down. As he did, he looked down and Alex took a small step back so that Mike could get a better view. What he saw made Mike take a quick breath. While his own cock was a good seven and a half inches and of good thickness, what he was looking at now had to be well over an inch longer and was thicker. He had known that Alex was uncut, but his friend so was excited that that skin was fully pulled back. Mike wanted to touch it so badly, but he was scared to.

Alex knew Mike needed a little help with the next step. He reached over and grasped Mike's wrist and pulled his hand down until it was touching his cock. That was all it took for Mike, he wrapped his hand around Alex's shaft and slowly started to stroke. For Alex the feeling of Mike's hand on him was indescribable. It was strong and warm, and the skin of Mike's hands was soft. As he was stroked a moan escaped his mouth.

This was the first cock Mike had touched that wasn't his own. He couldn't get over the feeling of touching Alex in this way. Alex's cock was covered with soft smooth skin, but he could feel the steel hardness beneath that skin. For it to be so soft, yet so hard at the same time was interesting to Mike. He couldn't understand how it could feel so different from his own.

Alex voice was low, "Mikey, if you keep jacking it, I'm gonna cum."

Mike immediately stopped stroking Alex's cock, "Sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, it feels incredible. You don't know how long I've waited for you to do that."

"Why didn't you ever say anything?"

Alex laughed, "Duh... you're asking me that? Remember how you just told me you felt? I felt the same way, just not for as long. I didn't realize I was in love with you until we got to high school."

"Why did you start da... Never mind, I don't want to know."

"No, I owe you that much and more." Alex was looking into Mike's eyes, "I never imagined you'd feel the same way about me that I felt about you. You were the only guy I had feelings for and when I thought I couldn't have you... I decided I would have to find someone that could love me."

"All of this could have been avoided if either one of us had just manned up." Mike wanted to kick himself, as he just shook his head.

Alex leaned over and kissed Mike, "I love you."

"I love you, too." Mike couldn't wait any longer, "Alex, will you make love to me?"

"Baby, I want that more than anything else in this world. I just don't want to hurt you."

`Baby... he just called me baby...' Mike was speechless as he looked into Alex's eyes. "You won't, and I know that for two reasons. The first is I know you would never hurt me and the second is... I've been practicing."

"You fucker!"

Mike was more than a little embarrassed, "Well, I was always thinking about you fucking me when I did it."

Alex laughed also, "I can't tell you how many loads I've blown picturing you."

They both leaned in and started kissing again. Every alarm in Mike's brain was going off at the same time, but he ignored them all. The only thing that mattered was the touch of Alex's lips against his own and the feeling of Alex's cock in his hand.

While they were kissing, Alex moved his hands around and pushed down Mike's trunks. Mike let out a moan as Alex wrapped his hand around Mike's cock. It was the first time someone else had touched it and he was in heaven.

"Let's go to take a shower."

Alex just smiled, "Okay."

Climbing into the shower the two men stood looking into each other's eyes. The water was flowing over both of them from the rainfall head. Alex smiled as he pulled Mike into a hug. Their naked bodies were touching from head to toe. Mike placed his head on Alex's shoulder.

"Mike, I can't believe this. I've been dreaming about this for so long."

"I know what you mean."

Alex reached over and filled his palm with shower gel. He moved so they were not under the water and started to soap Mike up. He had always loved when Mike went without a shirt and now he was able to touch the body he'd wanted for so long. The hair on Mike's chest was so different from Alex's own smooth chest. His friend always was dell defined and this was the first time Alex was able to touch every part of Mike. He was enjoying the sensations of his hands gliding over every part of Mike's body.

As soon as his hands reached Mike's crotch, he spent extra time washing his cock and balls. He had wondered for years how big Mike's cock was when it was hard. Now looking at it in his hand, he was pleased. His friend was well endowed and his balls were just as good. Alex kneeled down so that he could reach Mike's legs. When he was done with both of his feet, he had Mike turn around and Alex found himself looking right at Mike's ass.

He couldn't even count the number of times he'd dreamt of sinking his uncut cock into the ass that was now in front of his eyes. When they worked out, the top of Mike's ass somehow always seemed to show itself and was always such a distraction for Alex. It was looking at Mike's ass that finally made Alex realize he was sexually attracted to his best friend.

Trying to not rush things, Alex started with the back of Mike's legs making his way higher. He smiled as he decided to skip over Mike's muscular ass until the end. Washing Mike's back, Alex took the time to massage the muscles. Mike was moaning at the incredible work Alex was doing on his back. After a few minutes, Alex decided that it was time. He lathered his hands again, and went right for the prize he wanted more than he had wanted anything else in his life. He started massaging Mike's incredible ass cheeks and then slid one hand between them.

When his fingers slid over Mike's opening, Alex heard his friend take a quick breath. Instead of trying to pull himself away from the probing fingers, Mike was pushing his ass back at Alex. A small chuckle escaped from Alex's mouth.

"What's so funny?"

"You... you slut..." Alex couldn't help but laugh.

Mike blushed when he realized Alex had caught him. "Sorry, I've wanted you for so long. Now that we're here, guess I'm not hiding my desire for you very well."

"Bro, you have nothing to be sorry for." Alex stood and his cock brushed between the cheeks of Mike's ass. "I think that tells you how big my desire is for you."

When it was his time, Mike was hoping he could do as good a job as Alex had. The thought of being able to touch the body he had drooled over for years was almost more than he could take. Starting at the top of Alex's head, he slowly started his way down Alex's back. The muscles in Alex's back formed a great "V" down to the waist. He couldn't get over how smooth Alex's skin was and how hard the muscles below that skin were.

He didn't skip over Alex's ass, it was one of the favorite parts of his friend's body and he wanted to touch it badly. When he was touching the cheeks, Alex tightened it up several times, making two large dimples form. This was heaven for Mike, but as much as he could have kept on touching Alex's ass, he knew there were better things to come.

Mike finished Alex's backside and then turned his friend around. Since he was knelt down, Alex's erect cock brushed against Mike's cheek. It made them both go wide-eyed. Mike started at Alex's feet and worked his way up. He avoided Alex's crotch as he moved over it to his chest. The definition in Alex's chest brought a smile to Mike's face. Staring at the eight pack and highly defined iliac furrows, Mike was in lust. All of the dirty terms for them came quickly to his mind... cum gutters... dick muscles... It made him laugh.

"You've always like them haven't you?"

"Yeah, I wish mine were as defined as yours."

Alex kissed Mike, "Baby, I love yours just the way they are. In fact, I love everything about you just the way it is." He kissed Mike again, "Wanna finish up and go in the other room?"

Mike nodded quickly and finished lathering up Alex's well defined chest. There wasn't anything about his friend's body that didn't make Mike hot and bothered. When that was done, he went right for Alex's crotch. As he lathered it and made sure it was all clean, Alex was moaning. He finally had to pull Mike's hand away.

"Mikey, what do you think about me getting a tattoo?"

Mike's breath caught in his throat. "I think that would be fucking hot!"

Alex laughed, "I take it you've thought about this before?"

"Dreamed is more like it." Mike blushed as he thought about the dreams he'd had of Alex over the years.

After seeing the look on Mike's face, he had to know. "Well, spill it dude!"

"I dreamed you had a tribal on your shoulder and Lopez across your back."

Alex didn't say anything for a minute, "Wow, that's kinda scary. I was thinking of both of those." Alex couldn't stand it any longer, "Come on let's get out of here before everything we have shrivels up."

They got out of the shower and dried each other off. It was the perfect way to continue exploring their bodies. Mike grabbed a dry towel as they walked back to his bedroom.

When they walked into the bedroom, Alex grabbed Mike's arm and pulled him into another kiss. As they kissed, their cocks were rubbing against each other. Mike couldn't get over the power that seemed to emanate from every inch of Alex.

Alex slowly pulled back and looked deeply into Mike's blue eyes, "Mikey, are you sure about this?"

Mike raised his hand and ran his fingers along Alex's cheek, "I've never been more certain about anything in my life." He took a step backwards towards the bed and pulled Alex with him. Mike was on his back, pulling Alex down on top of him. They kissed for what seemed like forever to Mike, but his urge for something else finally made him stop.

Alex felt himself being pushed onto his back. He didn't resist, he wanted to find out what Mike wanted to do next. His own mind was full of desires, not the least of which being he wanted to fuck his best friend. Alex knew he needed to let Mike take this at his own pace. Deep inside, Alex was furious at himself for not making this happen years ago. `How much could be different?'

With Alex on his back, Mike started to lick and kiss his way down Alex's torso. He took extra time with the nipples, which seemed to cause a large amount of pleasure to Alex.

"Damn man, you sure you haven't done this before?"

Mike blushed, "You know damn well you're the first person..."

"I KNOW, bro. I was just teasing you."

Mike smiled and went back to his licking journey. He couldn't stand it any longer and went straight for the prize he wanted most. When he got there, he found Alex's cock standing straight up. He grasped it by the base and stroked it a few times.

Alex was wide-eyed as his best friend played with his cock. This was far better than anything he'd imagined. Before he could warn Mike, his friend opened his mouth and tried to take his entire dick at once.

Even quicker than he had gone down on it, Mike came back off of it gagging and sputtering. Alex sat up and patted Mike on the back, trying not to laugh. "Bro... don't try to take it all at once. I'll love whatever you do, you don't need to deep throat it to make me happy."

Mike heard what Alex had said, but he was on a mission. This was something he wanted, something he had dreamed of for years. He knew he could do it, he just let his nerves get the best of him. He took his hand and pushed Alex back down. "I got this."

Alex just smiled. He couldn't get over Mike's determination and desire.

Mike opened his mouth and started slowly this time. He reminded himself over and over to breathe and relax. Each time he went further down and before he knew it, the head of Alex's dick was hitting the back of his throat and he wasn't gagging. He could taste Alex and was amazed at how good it was.

"Holy shit, Mikey! That's fucking incredible! Your mouth is so fucking hot!"

As much as Mike wanted to say something, he wanted to keep sucking Alex even more. He had read how to do this many times, but this was the time to put it to the test. He waited until the head of Alex's cock was at the back of his throat and he swallowed.

"Ahhhh!! Fuck, bro!" Alex couldn't believe it when his cock slid into Mike's throat. He never imagined his best friend would be so talented. "You're unbelievable Mikey."

Mike picked up his pace, he wanted to make this as memorable for both of them as he could. His hand was massaging Alex's nuts as he was working. He couldn't get over the size of Alex's balls, they were like two huge hen's eggs. They were heavy and Mike could only imagine how full they were.

After a few minutes, Alex knew he wasn't going to last if this went on and there was something else he wanted. "Mikey, if you keep that up I'm going to cum. You want to do something else?"

He was right and Mike knew it. As much as he wanted to make Alex cum by giving him head, he wanted to feel his friend inside him another way, even more. He pulled off of Alex and was rewarded by a tongue probing kiss.

Alex pulled Mike up and placed him on his back. "Do you have any lube?"

"In the top drawer." Mike was pointing to the night stand next to his bed.

"What about a condom?"

Mike was having a dilemma. He knew what he should do, but his heart was telling him something else. He didn't speak, but just shook his head slowly.

As much as he wanted to do it raw, Alex wanted to respect his friend more. "Bro, are you sure? I love you so much and I know you haven't been with anyone else, but..."

"What else haven't you told me?"

"Nothing... I swear on our friendship. I've only ever slept with Elaina." As soon as he said it, he saw the change on Mike's face.

For Alex to say her name while they were here felt like a knife jabbed into Mike's chest. He didn't want to think about her right now. What her pregnancy meant for Alex and his future. Then he just thought about what Alex had said, `I love you so much.'

Mike looked up into Alex's eyes, "I love you more than anything or anyone. I want you, and I want to truly feel you inside me, without anything separating us. Please Alex..."

Alex didn't need to be told again. For him this was yet another of his fantasies come true, the thought of being inside Mike without a condom about made him cum right there. He moved so he was between Mike's legs and propped his friend's knees over his thighs. He opened the lube and put some on his fingers.

When the first of Alex's fingers found its way and rubbed across the opening of his ass, Mike thought he was going to lift right off the bed. Alex gently pushed the first finger into Mike and held it there. When Mike started to wiggle his ass, Alex slipped in another finger. By the time he had three fingers inside Mike's ass, he knew he was ready.

"Alex, I can't stand it anymore. I need you to fuck me. Make my ass yours."

"I'm gonna baby... I've wanted this for so long."

Applying a good amount of lube to his cock, Alex pressed the head against the opening to Mike's ass. As soon as the head popped in, he felt Mike tense. "Relax... Tell me if you want me to stop."

"Fuck no I don't want you to stop. I want you so bad. I can take it, come on."

There was a grin on Alex's face, and Mike knew what it meant. He'd seen it before and he suddenly realized he'd gone and done it now. He'd unleashed the monster. "Oh, you're ready huh?"

Before Mike could answer, Alex thrust his hips forward quickly which rammed his cock as deep as it would go in Mike's ass. A loud moan escaped from Mike's mouth as his eyes rolled back in his head. Alex leaned over and was chest to chest with Mike as he held perfectly still.

"You okay, baby?"

"I'm better than ok. God damn, your dick is so damn big. It hurts..."

"You want me to stop? I don't want to hurt you."

"Did I say I wanted you to stop?" Mike thrust his ass up, until Alex's pubes were against it. As Mike opened his mouth, Alex covered it with his own and buried his tongue as far into Mike as possible.

Mike had one hand on Alex's ass and he could feel the strong muscles at work as Alex started thrusting again. The other was on the back of Alex's head. This was better than any fantasy he had ever had and he quickly realized Alex was made to fuck. The sweat was starting to fall from Alex and mix with Mikes.

For his part, Alex was in heaven. This was by far the best sexual experience of his life. He loved Mike and that, he thought, was making the difference in how great this felt to him. He loved him like no other person he'd ever met. The sensation of his cock ramming in and out of Mike's ass was better than Elaina could ever think of. He quickly pushed the thought of her out of his head, all he wanted to think about was Mikey.

When he couldn't stand that position anymore, Mike pushed up against Alex. "Let's change positions. I want you to make me your bitch. Face down ass up..." As he said it Mike was shocked it came out of his mouth. His eyes widen and he giggled. "I can't believe I just said that."

"You're just discovering something about yourself, something you didn't know before. Did you always know you wanted to be my bitch? I mean, I always knew you wanted to be my bitch..." Mike knew Alex was trying to provoke and tease him.

"Shut up and fuck me."

Alex pulled himself off of Mike and rolled his friend over onto his stomach. He lowered himself onto Mike's back and after applying more lube he quickly and forcefully thrust himself back into Mike's ass as far and as hard as he could. With his weight holding Mike down, he started to piston himself in and out. He was pulling out until just the head was still in Mike's ass and then rammed himself in until his pubes were brushing against Mike's ass.

Mike was writhing below Alex while he was being fucked. Mike loved the sound of Alex's balls slapping against his ass as he was getting drilled. He couldn't help himself, he was moaning louder the more he was fucked. Nothing else mattered to him right then, the only person in the world other than him was Alex. There was nothing else, except their love for each other.

Alex reached up and pinned Mike's arms to be bed, so he couldn't move them. He moved his mouth next to Mike's ear. "Is this what you wanted? You wanted to be my bitch, right? Huh, isn't that what you wanted?"

"Oh God, yes! That dick is so good. Fuck me papi! I love you, Alex." Mike felt himself blush at what was coming out of his mouth.

"That's right... I am your papi! This ass is mine, don't you ever forget that, bitch." Alex couldn't keep up that talk. As much as he loved the dirty talk with Mike, he needed to be serious. "Mikey... I love you too, more than I could ever tell you. Please don't forget that."

After a while of hard pounding, with Alex hammering his cock in and out of Mike faster and harder, he started to feel his orgasm building. He started licking and biting Mike's shoulders and the back of his neck while he fucked him. Alex was losing himself in Mike and he could no longer make himself talk. He was left with only grunting and groaning as his way to communicate.

Mike could feel Alex's cock swelling, making it even larger and harder. Mike knew they both were going to cum soon and he started meeting each thrust into his ass by pressing back into Alex's thrusts. This was something Mike would never forget.

Finally able to speak again, Alex was quickly reaching his orgasm. "Fuck baby, I could die in your ass."

"Come on Alex, fuck me... I'm so close baby... You're gonna make me cum... Keep fucking me... Oh God!!!" Just as he said it, Mike could feel his orgasm hit. It was the most powerful he'd ever experienced. He wasn't sure how many times his cock shot, but he could tell it was huge.

For Alex, the added stimulation of Mike's ass contracting in rhythm with his orgasm was more than he could stand. With one final deep thrust he unloaded himself deep into Mike's ass. Mike could feel Alex's cock spasm repeatedly and knew that each one was a shot of Alex's hot cum.

The two friends just stayed still as they recovered from their orgasms. After a few minutes, Alex knew he had to move so Mike would be more comfortable. When he pulled himself from Mike's ass, he rolled onto his back next to Mike.

Mike rolled on his side and looked into Alex's eyes. "Do you want to stay the night?"

Alex couldn't find his voice but he did nod his head repeatedly.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat. I'm starving." Mike got up and pulled Alex with him. They both jumped in the shower to wash the sex off of them and then dressed to go out for dinner.

After climbing into Alex's car they were off. "Where do you want to go Mikey?"

"How about La Kasita?"

Alex wanted to laugh, he loved the small family owned restaurant in the next town over. The family who ran it were from Puerto Rico and the food was all made from scratch.

As much as he may have picked on Alex about it, Mike loved the food there also. Not to mention how much he liked the family who owned it. What Mike didn't know was that Alex would only go there with him, no one else.

Neither of them said much during the drive. About halfway to the restaurant, Alex reached over and grasped Mike's hand. He laced his fingers with Mike's and smiled. Mike couldn't get over the feeling of excitement and contentment he had from that simple gesture. He reached his right hand over and placed it on Alex's forearm.

For the rest of the ride, they both had smiles on their faces. When they got to La Kasita, Alex held the restaurant door open for Mike. The place was packed, but as they walked in their favorite waiter saw them and waved them right to an empty table.

"Hey guys, how you two doing?"

"Great, Chacho. How are your parents?" Alex was smiling but was looking more at Mike than the young waiter.

"Good, good... Mami has been asking about you two. She'll be so excited to see you guys." He started to hand them menus when Alex stopped him.

"We'll both have roast pork, yellow rice, black beans, and sweet plantains. We'll have two waters to drink."

Mike just smiled at Alex taking charge, it was the first time he'd done that. Mike was happy to surrender control to Alex and he knew Alex was taking on a natural role in their relationship. While Mike was a masculine guy's guy, part of him had always craved for Alex to take command. Alex had always been the leader in most things they did and this was a natural extension of that.

"Sounds great, I'll be right back."

Chacho was quickly back with the waters, "Hey, you guys look different tonight. You both look like... I'm not sure... happier than usual."

"We are both happy. It's been a great day." Mike was smiling as he said it and almost started laughing.

Alex just looked over at Mike and winked.

There wasn't much talking while they were waiting for their food. They both were listening to the music being played instead of talking with each other. Mike had a need to touch Alex, but he knew he couldn't just reach out and do it. Since they were sitting in the back corner of the room, he took his leg and moved it so it was resting against Alex's. He could feel the heat coming off of Alex's bare skin and the feel of the hair on his friend's leg.

The contact with Mike brought an even wider smile to Alex's face. He was amazed that Mike would take the risk, but at the same time he was happy and didn't care.

When the food came, Mike didn't move his leg before he dug in. There was a little more talking while they ate. Mainly about how much they both enjoyed the food. Before they were finished, Chacho's parents came to the table and were hugged by both of the guys. After a few minutes, they had to get back to the kitchen and wished the two friends a good night.

When the check came, Alex grabbed it before Mike could. "Dude, you don't have to buy. It was my idea to go out to eat."

"Yeah, but I want to do this. Please..."

Mike thought about it for a minute and then shrugged his shoulders. "Ok, this time... but I owe you."


They held hands all the way back to Mike's house. Alex called his parents when they got there to let them know he was spending the night. Mike did notice Alex hadn't called Elaina all day, which was strange.

Standing in the living room, Alex was going through the CDs until he found one he wanted. He put it in and then pulled Mike off of the couch.

"What are you doing?" Mike was confused, he just wanted to sit on the couch and make out with Alex.

Alex pulled Mike close to him and smiled. "Dance with me."


"Dance with me... please. I've always wanted to dance with you and it doesn't look like we're going to be able to do it in public anytime soon. So... this will have to do. What do you say?"

When the music started, it was a nice slow song. Mike just leaned his head against Alex's shoulder and let his best friend lead. Mike very quickly loved the sensation of dancing with Alex. He loved the way Alex moved with the music. By the time the second song came on, their dancing had turned into something more akin to grinding. With the next song came a Latin beat and the real fun began.

The two friends made love two more times before the night was over and several more times the next day. By late Saturday night, the two were talking more than fucking. They ended up in the living room on the couch together. Alex was behind Mike, who had his head on Alex's chest. Alex had noticed that Mike had become more distant as the day went on. While he was still affectionate, it was as if he was withdrawing.

"Mike, what are we going to do? Are you still going in the Marine Corps?"

Tears were starting to fall from Mike's eyes, "Yes."

Alex felt like he wanted to just hold Mike and never let him go. "Why? Why are you going to leave me, now that we just found out we love each other?"

"What about Elaina?" By saying her name, Mike had just admitted to himself what was going to happen. He knew Alex too well to think there could be another answer. After Alex didn't answer him, he sat up and saw his friend behind him crying. "Well?"

"We can still..."

Mike suddenly felt nothing but rage. "Don't you fucking say it! Don't you dare do that to me!" Alex's face showed the shock he felt from Mike's reaction. "I'm not going to be your fuck buddy! You don't have any more respect for me than that?"

"I know... I'm so sorry I said that. Why couldn't we have done this a month or two ago? Why?" Alex was crying harder. Mike hadn't seen him cry since they were children and now he'd done it twice in two days. He couldn't stand to see his friend hurting, but he refused to be nothing more than a fuck for anyone, let alone Alex.

"Mikey, what do you want me to do? I can't let my child be raised without a father and I don't want someone else raising my child." He put his head on Mike's shoulder, "I'm such a fucking idiot. I love you so much. You mean everything to me. Aren't you going to ask me to pick one of you?"

Mike had stopped crying, the pain he was feeling in his stomach was too much to let him cry. It felt again as if someone had kicked him in the gut. "Alex, listen to me." He waited for his friend to look up at him. "I have loved you for years and I will always love you, I know that. BUT... I can't waste my life waiting for you. You're child means more than I do, and I accept that. I just... Please remember, that I will always love you, but I can't do this. I can't watch you marry Elaina. I wouldn't ask you to pick between us."

He stood up and looked down at Alex. "You need to leave."

"Mikey, what are you saying?" Alex couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I'm saying... I need you to leave. I need you to get walk of my life and don't come back. If I am ever to find happiness I can't be around you. I've been in pain for months and you didn't see it. I can't be around you and be in love with you when I'm not important enough for you to be with. Do you know what it does to me to see you and... her... together. To know you're fucking her, while you claim to love me. I'm going to be leaving anyways, so we might as well just end it all, right now."

"I... You don't mean it... You can't mean it." There was a pleading in Alex's voice.

It was the most painful thing Mike had ever done. He was lying to Alex, but he had too. If Alex was to find happiness with Elaina and his child, he would have to be free of Mike. "I do mean it. Get out! I hate you for doing this to me! Did you hear me? I fucking hate you!"

Alex stood and walked up to Mike, he wrapped him in a hug and kissed him. He wanted to make it all better and he knew what he had to do. Before he could say anything, Mike pushed him away.

"Get the fuck out of my life! Leave me alone!" Mike ran out of the room and down the hall. The tears streaming down his face made it almost impossible to see.

Alex heard the door to Mike's room slam shut and his friend crying. He wanted to chase after him, but he also knew he'd hurt him more than he could fix. He had thrown their love away for someone else, someone he didn't love.

Two hours later when he finally walked from his room, Mike was truly alone. Walking into the kitchen, he found something he would have never expected. The gold chain that Alex had worn every minute since his fourteenth birthday was there on the table. Alex had been given it by his grandparents and he always said it was one of his favorite things. Hanging from the chain was Alex's high school ring.

There was no note, just the necklace and ring. Mike picked them up and put them around his neck. He walked back to his room and cried himself to sleep. That night was the last time he'd spoken to Alex.

After spending a few days packing all of his belongs, he was completely out of the BOQ and headed to South Carolina. He didn't have much to move so that made this trip very easy. It wasn't that far from Camp Lejeune to Beaufort and on this spring day, it was a beautiful drive. Mike went out of his way so his route would allow him to drive by the main gate to Parris Island. He pulled over and watched traffic flow in and out of the gate for a few minutes before he drove off.

Pulling into the driveway, Mike was glad to see the place hadn't changed at all since his last visit. He walked up the steps and opened the door. Walking inside, he remembered the fun times he and Baz had here in college. It was good to see that someone had obviously been cleaning the house because it was immaculate. Mike wasn't sure how it would be to live, in this large house, by himself. He was used to being alone, but this would make it feel that much worse.

With a little over three weeks until he had to report to Series Commander School, Mike decided he would spend the time relaxing and getting settled in. After a trip to the store to stock up and another to the dry cleaners, he was tired and ready to relax.

Just after he arrived home from the dry cleaners, there was a knock at the door. He wasn't expecting anyone and figured it was someone selling something. When he swung the door open, he was far from prepared for what he found.

"Hi, Mike. It's been a long time."

Standing there was Elaina, although she didn't look like herself. She looked extremely tired and much older than she should.

"Elaina, are you okay?"

"No, Mike. I'm dying."

This is the second story I've posted to Nifty. I hope everyone enjoys it. I always welcome feedback. If you like this story, I'll continue it...


Next: Chapter 2

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