Something About Steve

By Cody Samuels

Published on Dec 21, 2012


Something about Steve

Cody Samuels

Introduction: Hey guys! Sorry for the seemingly long delay in releasing the 5th chapter of Something about Steve. But I've finally gotten back to it, I just didn't get a chance to work on this story since I get sidetracked often. Mostly with University I guess! Right well here we go! What is Steve going to do now?

About myself: So I've mentioned that I'm never in one place at any given time, probably because I'm always at University one day and then another day, just whisked off somewhere, like at a photography studio, or a workshop, or back in a computer lab. This might give you a couple of guesses as to what my big hobby might be.

WARNING: May Contain Scenes of a sexual nature. But you already knew that didn't you? Stay safe- really... Use a condom

Something about Steve - 5

Shit... I could feel my chest swelling thirty times. And whilst it pumped to other major organs, I felt light headed as I tried to stop myself from being overly emotional. I felt the water droplets cloud my sight and the next thing I knew, They fell freely down my face.. They came and got me from the Library...

I had to stop the crying. If I sniffed, It could mean waking them up.

I didn't want to bother the guys who could potentially be replacing my Father as the two most important men in my life.

I grabbed a washcloth, draped it over my face and yawned. It made me feel at peace, now that I realized they hadn't set a trap for me. Or anything else for that matter. Maybe I had over reacted, slightly, well OK, a little more than that... but then again, when guys establish a rapport like that, and are sportsmen- it kind of makes someone worry...

But I guess these two were different. It made me wonder- were they different in the same way that I was different? Perhaps...

No, I shouldn't even begin to entertain that idea. I started to stretch, and arched my back, only to have Steve nuzzle hard into me. My morning wood, still standing at attention, hard and stiff as it was earlier, no doubt due to the sleeping lump that was Steve.

Steve... Steve Calla-fucking-han... if only he was gay...

"Ugh... Dude, stop trying to give me a blow job through my boxers" I said hoarsely...

"Why?" Steve said, sounding almost like he'd been up all night... My cock jumped...

"Afraid you'd like it?"

I looked at him and blinked, trying to process what he had just said. Did Steve just say what I think he just said? I felt my face heat up. I didn't feel especially sharp today, and my mind playing tricks on me was the last thing I needed whilst I was in a bed with two of the closest guys I'd ever been with.

Steve tapped my leg to get my attention, in my distraction I hadn't heard him the first time round. I was probably still in wonderland, wondering when I would wake up from this dream.. And then I heard him clearer-

"Jake, c'mon buddy you awake there?"

He shook my hip and I felt the heat on my face radiate like the sun. "I'm awake."

"Good! 'cause I've been waiting for this lug to get off my colon. I feel like my bladder will explode any minute" Lucas harped. The innocent remarks made me laugh. I guess the warmth in my chest wasn't just love and affection, but a soft thawing of the ice that had covered it. We shuffled around to allow Steve off Lucas, and as I sat up, I looked at the window, and then at the boxes, shoes, and other paraphernalia that Steve had under his bed.

I turned and looked to see him curling up slightly with his hands between his legs, covering his raging happiness. I had to look at myself tented and then chuckled. I wondered when I'd suddenly become fearless about my abnormalities. If I hid, then I would never be able to be as close to Steve as I was now. Somehow, I had to break. Steven knew it. He had to wait for me to break myself, exhaust myself so that when I finally couldn't control my barriers, he would swoop in to my rescue. That thought made me hot in the face and melt at the same time.

And there was Lucas, whom despite all my efforts to try to get to Steve, had been there to catch me at my lowest point. Most notably when I would fall and look stupid, like at the Evening Philosophy lecture I tried to take. It wasn't fun feeling that low. However when Lucas got up to leave, I looked at him -the colossal man with a cheerfulness beaming through his eyes. My mind could only wonder what was up with that. I heard him pissing like a war horse for a while. I tried not to look back at Steve, but I gave into the temptation, and peeked over my shoulder. He was still sound asleep, his arms tucked between his legs. I wanted to grab him then and there before I heard Lucas flush the toilet.

When Lucas came back, He sat next to me, draping hand over my shoulder and nuzzling the side of it. "So Jake. How are you feeling?" He asked affectionately nuzzling the side of my jaw. The hairs on my neck stood on end and I felt a little light headed. But I still managed to get out a response. "I'm feeling better now, thanks Luke."

He laughed and I looked at him oddly. "No one's called me that in a while." Lucas laughed and explained to me how he prided himself on being called by his full name rather than an abbreviation, because he felt it would make him seem more intelligent amongst people rather than appearing as a dumb jock.

"No I don't think you look like a jock to be honest. I think you look like you could suffocate people just by hugging them into that big chest of yours". Steve laughed and we both joined in. A comfortable silence fell amongst us and I felt comfortable for once on a Saturday. That was, until Lucas broke out the question I was trying to avoid in the first place. I felt my stomach crunch before he'd even taken the breath to say the first word. I panicked and Steve quickly shot up and put a firmly planted a halting hand on my shoulder.

I could feel my face burn as Lucas softened his tone. "So. Jacob Hawes, you didn't answer my question before during lunch."

I scratched my head and felt the panic set in all over again. I didn't want to say anything, and the boys could tell it was having an effect on me. "Jake, its ok. We won't hurt you. Promise" Steve said, poking his pinky out and hooking it. The pinky promise, the most scared of promises before the oath you take at the alter and the oath you swear to the law. I saw it waving dangerously in the air, reluctantly some compulsion within me reached out with my own to lock it into place.

"Ok" confirmation within my heart and my mind that I would be giving my trust to him like a mother would hand her newborn child to the midwife. I reached out, put my pinky on his and hooked it. Sealing the promise, Lucas reached over and touched my shoulder once more, and then looked me squarely in the eyes, "Would you like to answer that question?"

I felt his eyes boring through my very soul, the heat coming from within was intense. I felt safe with him, there wasn't anything else he could possibly do to make me feel any safer. "I don't really know how else to put it" my voice stammering from the nervousness that crippled my body. My nerves were shot, and fear of outing myself kept getting to me reaching out, tampering with nightmares I shouldn't be tampering with. They could see I was having difficulty trying to say something about it. In an instant my vocabulary couldn't form anything more to say than 'ugh' and `well'.

In the end Steve stopped me by putting his finger on my lips and hushing me. "I know..., Lucas knows..., And I think you know we are too..." I felt a sigh of relief before I did a double take, nearly succumbing to a heart attack. . "Wait, what did you just say?" I said as I turned to look at him with an expression of utter shock. I lost my breath.

Steve beamed at me with a warm, sincere expression. . Fuck that smile of his. It seemed to break any form of fear I had coalescing over my shoulders. The mental image of the weight of the world on Atlas' shoulders appeared within my mind. "Yeah you heard me. Me and Lucas bat for the same team... If you know what I mean."

Lucas laughed as he punched Steve's arm in jest. Steve in turn rubbed his arm feigning pain. "Yeah I get that you both play for the same team as me. I get that but what does this have to do with me?" They looked quizzically at one another before they got the hint that I didn't know anything. They were right, I was completely clueless about what was going on. I thought that since the beginning of the semester, that Steve was the "Big Man on Campus" with all his jock friends, --even though he had said he wasn't that kind of person and that he studied his way into the scholarship-- and that Lucas was of the same breed as well. Because of this stereotype that I had so wrongly put both of them in: I thought that they were straight.

From then on, when I saw all the signs that lead that to be the case, I let a part of myself that was the young, naive and romantic Jacob Hawes die. Any chance of even entertaining a possible bloom in friendship and even more died with him. But with the recent events that had been going on, the sleepless nights where myself or Steve would be inadvertently be in each other's sexual dreams, to not seeing each other for the entire day had made me wonder. If anything at all, my natural instincts were screaming; telling me, "He's avoiding you because he likes you!" However good old trust paranoia had to get in the way and crush that hope. God- I'm my own worst enemy. I'm such an ass to myself.

"Well" Steve said, gingerly scratching his head as he said this. His arms seemed to magnify double in the morning light and I felt my heart burn. His face, his smile- Dammit for making him so handsome.

"You see... I think I owe you an explanation as to why I've not been around the entire time." And at that instance, Lucas' phone had started to Vibrate and he went to pick it up. Lucas immediately got his jogging bottoms on and his hoodie. "Look guys, I have to go- Turns out there's an emergency meeting with the Lacrosse team about Wednesday's match and they want their vice-captain there." And once he put on the last shoe, he came over, kissed my hand and touched my cheek and then ruffled my hair. "You'll be ok handsome, alright?" He winked and dashed off through our doors, closing them behind him. I still hadn't gotten used to the faces, and it was immense hearing or seeing it come out of someone like Lucas' mouth. He called me gorgeous. I think I nearly passed out.

Even whilst I sat there, dazed at what happened, I felt comfortable, relaxed almost. I'd lost myself in the moment so much that I'd forgotten that Steve was there, almost. "I... ugh sorry about that Steve" I said, looking towards him and feeling slightly guilty for acting that way. He didn't seem to be bothered, but he had already begun to look away. Which I thought was already a bad thing. I mean I'd liked my roommate since I'd first set foot in this room, and those feelings had slowly gotten stronger and stronger. But to see this man look ... almost dejected at my reaction to Lucas made me feel so... guilty. It made me feel like I had gasoline burning in my heart.

The silence was awkward and I looked at his leg for what seemed like ages, I couldn't quite shake the guilt on my face until he touched my hand. I felt the heat of him flush through my arms as if I'd reacted to a rash. He pulled my face up with his other hand and looked at me, crystal blue eyes shining in the light. It was almost too romantic and too much for me to bear.

"I'm sorry" I said looking away... "You don't have to explain yourself. I get it. I'm a basket case and I must be crashing your mood as a nerd when you're the quarter-back for the football team." I pulled my hand almost half out of his grasp before he pulled my hand into his grip. I lost my balance, nearly falling off the bed and instead, as he pulled, landed on his lap.

"No you're not. you've been anything but a basket case" he said somber and serious. I could smell his sweet scent, and it was mixed in with the smell of his skin on his thighs and a strong scent that made me want him more... It was good thing I faced into his thigh or I would never be able to see with all the heat on my face. He stroked my hair and pulled me up by my hand. As he did, I felt his other hand pull me up and looking at him, I was now on my knees as he still sat down. It didn't matter that I was still hard from him touching me, that you could see my boxers tented and pitched in his direction. When I looked at him, I was in rapture. I couldn't control myself. And he didn't let me. He reached up,

pressed his lips against mine, and kissed me. With his right hand reaching over and running his fingers through my hair. It made my dick rock hard, to the point of aching, and it flowed freely with pre-cum. I'd never felt a kiss like this in my entire life. I'd never felt my heart beat so close to my throat, or my skin flush with heat and goosebumps at the same time. I had never felt like taking him into my arms and kissing him all day. I have never ever... felt like this before.

I grabbed his face and continued kissing him, my lips over his, my tongue reaching in feverishly and shyly whilst his reciprocated in the same fashion, our tongues dancing at each other's tips before our lips enveloped one another again. I lost my breathe as I continued, causing me to pull away from him. We both gasped and for a moment I looked at him and he looked at me. And at that moment, my mind clicked. And seeing that realization, he nodded and my face and jaw dropped.

"You're gay!?" I swore a little too loudly. He hushed me down and put a finger on my lips and then nodded.

"Yeah ...I'm definitely gay. And you're the reason why I've been avoiding my room." He removed his finger from my lips, and pulled me in for one last kiss. "And I've liked you ever since you came into my life.

Thanks for waiting so patiently, I will try to make sure that I churn out another one before Christmas. Once again thank you, keep the comments coming in –

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