Something About Steve

By Cody Samuels

Published on Feb 24, 2011


Something about Steve

Cody Samuels

Introduction: Hey guys! I'm really psyched about the response I've been getting and it's spurning me on! So any scenarios you'd like to see suggest or to envision, let me know! I do like a good ol' spanner in the works to cock things up! As with always we now get a little complicated with poor old Jacob. Will he be able to handle Steve AND Lucas?

About myself: So I happen to travel often and never stay in one area for more than a year. Well that's unless of course I'm back with my mom. And you know what they say: Home is where the heart is. And whilst I'm always at home with myself, I always miss the earthly feeling of "Mom's food" whenever I come to see her. Don't you think?

WARNING: May Contain Scenes of a sexual nature. But you already knew that didn't you? Stay safe- really... Use a condom

Something about Steve - 4

""Hey guys! What cha' all doing?"

I think I must have jumped for dear life. I felt my testicles fly out of my mouth, then come back down only for them to get stuck somewhere in my tract. Not a cool feeling. It had me constantly feeling hot under the collar and with Lucas around, it could only be fuel for two things: passion or punching. Either one I didn't want to be sharing with.

"Hey aren'tcha that Lucas Thompson guy from the Lacrosse team?" damn! Steve was fast! He was already getting stuck into the introductions even though I- never mind. I think, I think too much into things, because in that space, I had thought and analysed the two and their movements. They were already sharing quips and funnies with one another, and I felt like the outcast instantly. I just wanted to sink back, and walk away from this potentially messy scene. I swallowed the last of what I had, a plain nasty old sandwich with chicken mayo crap in it. The sandwich tasted like crap, because I felt like crap. I was almost out of my seat, ready to go, when I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Lucas.

"Dude you're going already?" concern written on his face.

"Yeah I've got stuff to do. That and you're getting on great with my room-mate so I figured-"

"Dude! He's your roommate?!" Lucas just seemed to light up at that point. I nodded, trying to pry him from my arm by pulling myself slyly away.

"Yeah I'm roomies with this nerd-boy here, but don't worry he's all good. Right Jakey?" Damn it! Damn it!" I gave Steve a hard stare, and I didn't know what was fuelling this. Was it the fact that I wanted to escape, or was it the fact that the guy I've had a crush on since the beginning of the semester and one of my newest and coolest friends, knew each other and were getting on better than an house on fire?

"Yeah..." I said gingerly. The heat was causing my eyes to sting at this point, and it definitely wasn't the weather.

"Dude, stay around a little longer, you still didn't answer my question!" Lucas tugged at my arm, coaxing me gently to sit down. I shook my head in protest and tried to pry myself from him, yet again. "I... don't want to answer that question because you know I'm not that kind of person."

Lucas shot a brow up. "Really?" and then laughed. I dreaded what was going to happen instantly and wanted to get out as quickly as possible. So I wrenched myself free from his grasp where he yelled back, "Jacob! Wait!"

I didn't want to give him time. I wanted to get the fuck out of the canteen, into the darkest part of the library, and hide my face into Jane Austen's buxom for dear mercy. Then again, the thought of Socrates was also appealing, as well. Besides that, I was looking for a quick escape.

I managed to evade Lucas until after 6, before I decided to creep up to my room. And then a thought occurred to me. What if he had told Steve that he thought I was gay? What would Steve think of me then!? I could feel it all now. The vicious cycle of "Chinese Whispers" more affectionately known as "telephone" to the Americans... Maybe they had a nasty prank waiting for me in my room?... or maybe they had more friends waiting with them to gang on me and do those nasty things I've heard of on the net about "hazing" ... My cock stirred at the idea, but just the thought of exposure made me ill to the core.

At one point I stood near the toilets on the level of my dorms, shaking and sweating in fear. I genuinely didn't know what was awaiting me in my room. I didn't want to take the chance. So I turned myself back to the Library. I stayed until I fell asleep with lecture notes, essays and Tennessee Williams on my desk and drool to lubricate my studies...

I had vivid dreams at the most. Lucas laughing whilst Steve tied me up naked to the flag pole, I was hard and erect, and scores of faceless people were laughing at me. Others involved being tied to a bed and forcibly raped repeatedly by both Steve and Lucas. They would take turns, and it went on and on...

That was the worst and most vivid of the dreams. I had broken into a sweat and felt a heat on my ear as I realised someone was tapping on my shoulder. I could feel heat on my ear. "Come on buddy... let's get you to bed..."

I woke up about 9 from an alarm. I was back in my bed, and in my boxer shorts, clinging to a blanket. I didn't know how I'd gotten there, but something told me I must have had help getting all the way back to my room and not remembering any of it. A shiver ran through my body. Nothing happened last night, I would have known... And I know that was only a dream at the library...

I took a breath in and smelled my sheets again. The smell of jasmine and soap, the stuff my best friend Lily had used to wash my junk as a farewell. It made my heart ache when I thought of her. She made me feel safe from the homophobes.

Now I had just my potentially nasty roommate and his knew "buddy" to deal with. I felt a breath across my leg and wetness on my shoulder. I turned slowly, forcing my eyelids open. It was a flannel... a wash cloth.

And the breath on my leg... some blonde, his face angelic and creased, with one hand on my leg.

Damn it, he was so handsome. My normal morning wood seemed much harder than normal and it was difficult to have it not point directly at him.

And then it clicked, somehow. In some stupid manner, I was slow in the morning. Now most people are usually good to go after sleep. They could just get up and go, and do whatever they needed to do-, like Steve. But me, well I was as stupid as it got when it came to the mornings. Today seemed to be an exception though. On my lap was Steve, and a faint snoring on the other side, was Lucas.

Shit... I could feel my chest swelling thirty times. And whilst it pumped to other major organs, I felt light headed and tried to stop myself from being all emotional. I felt the water cloud my sight and then next thing I knew, I was crying freely. They came and got me from the Library...

I had to stop the crying. If I sniffed, It could mean waking them up.

I didn't want to bother the guys who could potentially be replacing my father as the most important men in my life.

I grabbed the washcloth, draped it over my face and yawned. It made me feel good now that I realised they didn't set a trap for me. Or do anything else for that matter. Maybe I had over reacted, slightly, well OK, a little more than that... but then again, when guys establish a rapport like that, and are sportsmen- it kind of makes you worry...

But I guess these two were different. It made me wonder- were they different in the same way that I was different? Perhaps...

No, I shouldn't even begin to entertain that idea. I started to stretch, and arched my back, only to have Steve nuzzle hard into me. My morning wood, still as hard and stiff as it was earlier, was in no doubt due to Steve. Steve... Steve Calla-fucking-han... if only he was gay...

"Ugh... Dude, stop trying to give me a blow job through my boxers" I said hoarsely...

"Why?" Steve said, sounding almost like he'd been up all night... My cock jumped...

"Afraid you'd like it?"

Thanks for reading this folks!! Any comments feel free to email me at! Thank you to J and Doug for their awesome help. Doug Especially! =D

Next: Chapter 5

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