
By Andy Somethin

Published on Jan 1, 2003


Alright usual warnings goes along with the story, this ismy first attemtp at writing any sort of sex scene I just hope I didn't fuck up to bad.... I tried. If ya wanna contact me e-mail me at be kind please :) Umm ok so read my story please.


Chapter 8

New Coast New Life

Three days later the five friends arrived in Santa Cruz California. The drive their from Pennsylvania did the kids a lot of good and they gradually began to feel very comfortable in all the `adults' presence's. Once they arrived they got two rooms next to each other at a Motel 6 then started the next day by going to a realtor and looking for houses. When they first walked in the realtor thought it was a joke but Travis assured her that he would be paying and they needed a house because he had gotten transferred to a job here. The realtor was a nice older motherly like woman, who happily pulled out a book of houses and began showing them their choices. The guys couldn't help but smile as she helped them pick out their new home. As she thumbed through a notebook of pictures of local the guys new at once which house they wanted. It was a semi modern house that made both Travis and Sky say, "ohhhh" when they saw it. Jen being more reasonable at the moment asked how much it would cost. The woman said the price wasn't to bad as far as houses go, only 300,000 dollars. Sky nearly fainted when he heard the price, after choosing a few more houses they would like to look at they followed the realtor in their car tot he first location. They looked at their second, third, and fourth choices first and after looking around they all decided against the places. One house reminded Jen to much of her old home and the others just weren't the dream home they all wanted.

The last house they toured, had a unanimous vote. They gave the realtor a check for a deposit on the house right there. The family who use to live their was already moved out so they were free to move in as soon as they wanted. Sky and Travis left Jen and the kids at the house while they went back to the motel to pick up the stuff that was there and check out. Along the way Sky started talking...

"What do you think about moving in with Jen and the two kids? I mean really you barely even know them and you're paying for our house..."

"Don't worry about it babe, I'm cool with the arrangement, as long as I get first dibs on the rooms when we get back," Said Travis grinning at Sky then leaning over to kiss him.

"oh... I just assumed we were going to sleep in the master bedroom..." said Sky looking a little upset at the prospect of sleeping in one of the smaller bedrooms.

"I was joking, we are going to babe don't worry you're pretty little head about it. Come on we are here now, lets go get the stuff," said Travis light heartedly while getting out of his car. "Ok now let go gather the stuff and hurry back before those three ruin the house we just bought."

Travis and Sky hurriedly packed all the suitcases and duffel bags that they found in the room. They were finished in about 10 minutes since they didn't bother to figure out who's stuff was who's and just tossed it all into random bags then threw them into the back seat. Sky waited in the car while Travis quickly ran in and checked out of the motel. He came jogging out of the office and hopped into the car next to Sky and started the engine. In about 20 minutes they were pulling into the driveway of their new home. Before Travis had the chance to shut off the engine Laura and Thomas came bounding out of the house with grins on their faces. Once Travis stepped out of the car Thomas jumped in his arms while Laura ran around the car and jumped onto Sky. "Well, well to what do I owe the pleasure of having a cute girl in my arms for," asked Sky joyfully as he hugged Laura.

"I love the house thank you so much. This is going to be way better then living at my parents house. You guys are so sweet," with that she jumped out of Sky's arms and went to hug Travis. As soon as she ran off Thomas was tugging on the bottom of Sky's shirt and asking to be picked up. Sky happily complied leaning against the hood of the car while he hugged Thomas to him.

To his surprise Thomas looked up at him and asked, "Does this mean you're my new daddy Sky. That's very cool if you are... but what does that make Travis is he my daddy too?? You guys are gonna be sharing a room Jen told me so."

"Wow, little man I dunno I guess officially I am sort of you're new dad.... but I'd rather just be you're friend, or brother, or something like that. I don't know if I am cut out for being a dad." Smiling he said, "How about we make Travis you're dad, go over and tell him the good news little man," said Sky lowering Thomas to the ground where he took off running back to Travis. Wow, thought Sky I can't believe that kid wants me as a role model... damn well I better start moving the gear in from the car so that we can go furniture shopping at least we all need beds. Well except for me I guess :) I can sleep in Travis's.

After he had carried everything inside and woken Jen up. He sat down on the floor next to her and explained the plan to go get some furniture and she said sure. "Hey you mean I get to go on a decorating spree with two gay guys..." asked Jen.

"Ummm yup I guess you do, but I warn you I have absolutely no taste when it comes to home decorating," said Sky shyly before grabbing her hand and pulling her up off the floor. "Well come on lets go detach the kids from Travis and load them into the car. When the walked outside Jen smiled to see Travis rolling around on the lawn wrestling with her brother and sister.

When he saw them walking towards him he got off the ground and ran over, "This is going to be great you're brother and sister are awesome!" he told her excitedly. Then ran back and picked up both Laura and Thomas and carried them to the car tossing them in the backseat then climbing in next to them. He then did something that surprised Laura and pulled Thomas onto his lap and Laura leaned against his other shoulder.

"Wow they are like one happy family already mused Jen as she slid into her seat and me into the drivers seat, after prying the car keys out of Travis's hand. Off we went to the nearest furniture store where we proceeded to let the kids run amuck which annoyed all the clerks in the store. Oh well we finally got all necessary furniture and arranged for delivery tomorrow, then headed off to a mattress store. They were very nice to us... maybe because we just spent a couple hundred dollars buying 3 mattresses and 3 box springs along with a water bed, which i just raised my eye at when Travis picked it out. They agreed to follow us home with our purchases so we gave them the address and headed off. They arrived 15 minutes after us and then brought all of our purchases inside.

"Alright big boy lets carry this crap upstairs," said Travis to me. Oh well I guess if I want to live with him I need to work with him I thought smiling. The movers did however put our water bed upstairs already they said those were tricky to move... We carried the twin bed mattresses up first to Laura and Thomas's room then on our third trip carried Jen's large mattress up the stairs. We nearly killed ourselves from exhaustion by the time that was in place.

Chapter 9

Making a house our home

We both yelled our goodnights down the stairs to Jen, Thomas and Laura who said they would be going to bed soon also. Then we retreated to our new bedroom with our own personal water bed. I smiled at the thought of sleeping in Travis's arms tonight. He's so hot I love his eyes. I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and he followed me and started to piss in the toilet of our own personal bathroom. When I was finished brushing we switched, I had to take a shit and was kind-of embarrassed and told Travis so. He just smiled an impish sort of grin at me and said, "Why? We all do it," then he leaned over and stroked my head. After that I began to feel more at ease with him. When I was finished doing my business I walked back in to our room to see he had a few candles burning on the floor and had already put sheets on the new water bed and was laying down on it with his hands linked behind his head, he looked so damn sexy there.

I laid down next to his naked body and lightly kissed his mouth. "Everything is so beautiful thank you," I told to him as i caressed his face. He didn't respond just smiled sweetly at me and kissed me again with a little more integrity this time. After a few minutes of French kissing each other he finally spoke, "I love you, you know that right," He said kind of shakily to me as if he was nervous. "Yes of course I know you love me. I love you too," With that I leaned down and kissed him while he began to work my t-shirt that I was wearing off of me. Once my shirt was off I moved so that my lean body was laying directly on top of his hard muscled form. As I rubbed his chest I could feel his dick start to grow between us. I stood up and freed myself of my shorts before laying back down. Our now hard cocks rubbing together as we ground our pelvises into each other. This was so hot, I couldn't resist anymore, I reached down to touch his dick. He was so hard it felt like it was pulsing in my hand as the blood rushed into it from the rest of his body. When I did this he made a sort of clicking sounds with his tongue and told me to just lay back and enjoy myself. With that he flipped us over so that I was laying on my back him on top of me. Then he began stroking my chest while he sucked on my left nipple.

"ohhhhh man that so good," I moaned while he gently tongued at my tit softly nibbling on it till it stood at full attention and my dick was leaking copious amounts of precum.

He moved to my right nipple while his hand stroked its way down my abs to my dick and started rubbing my precum into the mushroom head. After a few more minutes of nipple sucking, he kissed and liked his way down my chest. Stopping at my belly button to stick his tongue in and out of it as if he was trying to fuck it. Then tracing my treasure trail to my nearly hairless balls and dick he sucked me into his mouth. By then I was writhing beneath him. "Ohh that's good cock sucker do it suck me! Take all my prick deep in your throat yes that's it swallow me oh that's so good." He slowly pulled off me till he was just licking at the head like a lollipop. "Can I fuck you please," he softly asked me returning to nibbling on my lips.

"Go gently I've never done that before," I said staring at him. Flashing me his prefect smile once again he pulled my legs up and began to lick my hole. That was all I could handle. As he pushed his tongue into me I began to cumm. He looked up and just grinned saying that, "I should really learn how to control myself more." Then slurped up all my jizz, before retuning to my hot little pucker.

By this time I was delirious with pleasure, "Yeah that's it suck my hole out right aww do it, get you're tongue in nice and deep fuck me with it. Fuck me please Fuck me now do it put that hard dick into me." With that he put my legs down reaching for a tube of KY I hadn't seen before started putting some on his fingers and working first one then two then finally three fingers into me. Keeping the three fingers in me like a place marker he lubed up his dick. Slowly pulling his fingers out it was quickly replaced by his big hard dick. It felt huge next to my hole (I measured it later to learn that it was 6 inches around and 9.5 inches long). As I said it felt fuckin huge he slowly applied a little pressure. The head popped in and it hurt like hell, my dick went limp momentarily. He held his prick in place and began to pump on my cock till it was at full mast again, once my whore like moaning returned he continued pushing his dick into me. After what felt like an eternity I felt his balls resting against my butt. Slowly he began to pull out and push back in using short, sure strokes. " Awww man come on fuck me fuck me, stop teasing me ohh that's so good come on feed me you're cock. Fuck me harder do it harder you already took my cherry pile drive that big prick of yours." That is exactly what he did to me. Travis let loose and really gave it to me. It felt great suddenly I felt his strokes come quicker and quicker till he started shuddering and grew still in me. His dick felt like it doubled in size and he started yelling, "I'm coming here it comes Sky it's all for you I love you babe." Then he collapsed on top of me. As he relaxed I traced small circles on the muscles in his back.

Once his breathing returned to normal he rolled off me and I spooned against his back. He wrapped his arm tightly around my chest as we lay there. "Thank you so much sweetie, that fuck felt awesome. You can put you're big dick in me anytime you want to." With that I pushed my butt back against him rubbing it against his flaccid cock. He started nuzzling my neck with his face, It felt nice and soon we were both dozing off as the evidence of our love making slowly seeped out of my hole between us.

The next morning came way to early but I was very content to wake up and find out we were in the exact same position as last night except he had his hand wrapped around my morning hard-on and I could feel his poking between my butt cheeks. I turned over and began to kiss him lightly till he woke up and kissed me back. I took his hand and led a very sleepy Travis to the shower where i proceeded to wash his beautiful body tracing the outline of all his muscles. He smiled at me and kissed me hard on the lips when I finished then breaking our kiss said, "I love you so much babe, gonna be here forever right?"

Wrapping my arms around his slim waist I put my head against his chest and said, " As long as you still want me I will always be here," looking up and smiling at him I said while giggling, " I hope the others slept ok, we were pretty damn loud up there last night."

Laughing his hearty laugh he hugged me tighter to himself before turning off the water and drying me off then himself. We went into the bedroom to try to find a pair of clean clothes, (I had to borrow a pair of his bikini brief underwear because I didn't have anymore clean pairs of boxers). After that we walked hand in hand downstairs grinning like the lovers we were to go make breakfast for the little rascals.

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