
By Andy Somethin

Published on Dec 30, 2002


I'm very proud of myself becuase this story actually got posted.. Email me and tell me what yall think and if you have plot suggestions for me at This is all from my imagination, so none of the people are real as much as I wish they were.... Ok go read it now


Chapter 4- New Light is Shed

"Where is that useless bitch of a daughter!" Jen's father Jake screamed at her brother and sister.

"I don't know where she went she never mentioned it to me please don't hurt me," Laura sobbed from a prone position on the floor as she felt her father drawing closer. While he was walking towards Laura, Thomas snuck away to hide so that he wouldn't get hurt, leaving his sister to take the beating.

"I'll do whatever I want girl! You will not tell me what I will and will not do!" He yelled while kicking the prone girl with the tip of his old cowboy boots. "Get up here and face me like a man wench! Come on tell me where you're sister went!"

"I don't know please stop it," she mumbled between sobs as her brother hid behind the closet door hoping he wouldn't be seen by his dad.

Meanwhile in Pennsylvania-three days after their encounter Jason and Travis- Sky was holding Jen in an attempt to keep her warm that night when she started fighting someone in her dream. Sky let go to prevent getting himself injured and moved to sit on a dirty park bench a few feet away and watched. He was trying to understand what was happening, but all he could catch was bits and pieces of what she was saying. The few words annunciated made him wonder more about her past life then what she had let on to.

" Dad... No don't touch me..... I'm to tired... Go away...Laura.... Laura?! Please.... Laura.." All of a sudden she sat straight up wide awake, I need to go get my sister and brother they need my help. My dad will kill them if I don't I have to go!!! Sky walks over in an attempt to comfort her and get her to fall back asleep.

"Shhhhh.. Shhh calm down please Jen what's wrong with your brother and sister," as Sky spoke to her he pulled her close to him and rubbed her back till she was sleeping again. The next morning she was up and packed before he woke up.

"I need to go home."

"Come on Jen you know you can't we have been walking for a week straight you're at least 100 miles from home."

"I don't care I need to go I'm going to hitch hike back please please come with me??? I need your help Sky."

"I don't know Jen, I really don't want you to go home, I don't want to see you get hurt..."

"I have to do this now you can either come along or you can stay here with your new boy... But I have to go," said Jen as she started to walk towards the highway.

"Wait, Jen, Give me your home address let me go talk to Travis real quickly maybe he will drive us now please wait here and don't do anything stupid please!" On that note Sky went running off towards his new friends house. When he found the right apartment he stood their ringing the doorbell over and over again until a very tired looking Travis opened his front door. When he saw who was harassing him at this hour of the morning he cheered up a small amount and gave him and hug and a kiss. While he went to get dressed Sky followed discussing the reason for his frantic arrival at the apartment. After hearing the story he agreed to drive them out tonight then rent a motel room and drive back hopefully the next afternoon. The two headed off in his car to pick up a crying Jen.

Chapter 5

On the Road Again

As the group drove off towards New York City, Jen lay in the back seat crying in her sleep while Travis drove and talked to Sky. They were driving well over the speed limit but neither cared enough to stop or slow down.

Travis was singing along to the radio as Sky watched him with envy, after listening for a half an hour he looked Travis in the eye and asked him, "Do you know how beautiful you are."

"Wahhh... What did you say," asked Travis lowering the volume on the radio.

"I uh said you were beautiful," he repeated blushing and looking down towards the floor of Travis's small Saturn.

"That's what i thought you said, thanks that's really sweet. So what kind of music are you into?? I obviously dig some alternative a little pop and a lot of rock and heavy metal."

"Hmmm I guess about the same I like techno remixes of music, and alternative. Metallica is still my favorite though. Where are we?"

"That's cool, last time I read the road signs we were right outside of northern NJ so we should be getting to the Lincoln Tunnel soon if we don't hit traffic, I started seeing signs for it about an hour back." Stated Travis with authority in his voice.

"Excellent, we should probably wake up Jen so that she can give us directions to her house," said Sky, turning to face Jen in the back seat, "Jen come on, wake-up. We are heading into the queue for the tunnel, you have to get up now we need directions to your house."

"Please, I'm so tired can't you ever just let me sleep... I need to sleep..." Mumbled Jen tiredly keeping her eyes closed tightly.

"Travis and I will pull over and tickle you if you don't wake up," states Sky grinning at her.

"Jeez I'm awake you two gay boys happy now! A girl just can't get her beauty sleep around here anymore. So we are in the tunnel now right?"

"Wow she's very observant once she wakes up," comments Travis sarcastically, "Alright we are almost out so as long as their isn't any traffic we will be in your neighborhood in about ten minutes, now would someone care to explain the game plan to me. Like is their going to be a psycho chasing us trying to kill us all?"

"Umm.. Well I guess my plan was to take you two big strong handsome guys with me to my old house and we are going to go talk to my dad. Hopefully he will agree to grant me custody of the kids, if he doesn't I'm going to report him to child protection people."

"Wow I wish someone had told me this before I drove all the way to NYC I know a guy in Pennsylvania who would have been interested in helping us. After we talk to your dad if he doesn't agree I'll give him a call his names Tom he's good about helping me out." Travis told everybody as they pulled onto Jen old street.

"Damn girl you lived in a nice neighborhood..." Both the guy's whistle as they look at the expensive houses surrounding them. "All right which number am I looking for."

Hesitating for a moment she says, "254 it should be on our left, fairly large house white picket fence blue shutters on the windows the perfect example of a normal American house." What happens insides is far from normal Jen shudders at the memories.

Soon enough they arrive at the house and park across the street in their small Saturn, no one makes any moves to get out of the car and they all stare at the lifeless house on a relatively motionless street. Travis notices how different this neighborhood is from any of the others in New York City that they drove through. After a few uncomfortable minutes Jen chimes in, "Well it's now or never you guys coming with me?"

They two guys nod their head and open their car doors and step out into the warm early summer air. The small entourage of teens made their way to the front door of Jens house all of them incredible nervous. Jen stood in-between the two guys clutching their hands tightly, they hear footsteps moving towards the door as her mom opens it. The first thing she yells is, "What they hell are you doing here and who are they." Stressing the word they.

Courageously Jen looks her mom in the eye and asks "Aren't you being just slightly rude not asking us to come in?"

"Fine come in but your father is not going to be happy about this."

The group follows the petite lady into the living room where the three of them sit down on a sofa and wait for Jen's father to return. While the small group waits on the arrival of her father they guys take a look around. The entire house makes one feel like he is walking through a museum. It has a very cold dry feeling in the air and on all the walls there is what appears to be priceless works of art. More likely they are very precise copies done by other artists to earn a bit money. They had some Monet's and a Picasso hanging on the walls. Neither had the nerve to ask if they were originals however. Once the five of them are sitting down her father is staring at his daughter with hate filling her eyes, after a second he says, "Alright all ready what do you want now, you're wasting my time and I'm not giving you any money if that's what you want!"

"I don't want you're money Jake," she stated using his first name instead of calling him dad. "What I want is my brother and sister, I hear them calling for me at night while you beat and rape the two of them!" Her mother gasps in shock at this small outburst from her daughter.

"What you don't have any kind of proof against me, I neva laid a finger on any of you kids."

Up until this time the two guys had been silent just watching at this point Travis begins to speak up for her. "I have seen the marks on your daughters back from where you hit her, I've seen the medical records from when she has needed to go to the hospital with broken bones(a small lie I hope he won't be able to tell). Why they never thought to look into the chance of child abuse I will never know. I have heard her call out in her sleep while she remembers her `father' raping her. Even though they wouldn't do it I have no problems what so ever in calling in the child welfare department. I think they might be very interested in what such an influential member of society does to his kids in his spare time."

In shock Jake jumps to his feet screaming while his wife sits across the room crying softly into her hands. "Who the hell are you to tell me how to raise my family bastard! Jen, were did you find this chump, you might as well toss him back into the sewer he came out of! You want your damn brother and sister, You can have them but I'll be damned if I'll give you any money for them! They are youre responsibility now deal with them yourself."

"I'm glad you decided to comply with us, this saves us all a trip to the child welfare people. We want to take the two kids now," stated Travis still relatively calm even after the verbal battle he just engaged in.

"Jen go get your siblings they can take whatever they want there stuff is no use to me. Hear me though after today I never want to see any of you in this house ever again."

Jen starts to head up the stairs to where she knew her brother and sisters rooms are, before she gets up to far her dad tosses her a key saying, "You'll need this," cackling wickedly at her. Then she continued her trek up the staircase when she got to their room she unlocked her sister first then her brother and what she saw astonished her they were both tied to their beds with heavy rope and padlocks, they didn't even seem to care. She walked into each room and untied them, this caused them to go running to her and hug her babbling about how much those two missed her.

Her sister looked up into her eyes sadly while hugging her and said, "I've been calling you, I kept hoping you would come back and save us. I am so glad you finally came I was about to give up hope of you ever returning to me."

Jen looked at her and simply said, "I know but we have to hurry we have 10 minutes can you gather your stuff while I help Thomas with his?"

"Sure I'll wait for you here, just let me go get my backpack."

With that Jen took Thomas's hand and led him into his room and began gathering stuff that he would need. The whole time she was helping him he didn't say anything to her just stared at her not quite realizing who she was just knowing he was finally leaving. She packed two bags for him then walked over to her sister's room and packed another bag for her. Purely out of curiosity she took a look into her old room and noticed her father had wrecked almost everything inside. She found a few salvageable items that she could pawn for money slipped them into a separate bag she tossed some of her grandmothers jewelry that was hidden beneath one of the floor boards into her pocket. Before she left she went into her dads closet were she knew he kept a stash of money behind a wall that he had long since forgotten was there. It was easily 400 dollars in cash she took that with her; then they whole group headed downstairs laden with bags so that the kids could meet the two guys who helped save them.

She found the four in the living room still not speaking and not moving just trying to stare each other down. She hugged her mother goodbye and everyone else followed her out the front door to the car. The whole time her mother refused to look up and just kept crying into her hands. She knew that she had just lost all of her children for good, maybe now i should file for a divorce she thought. Maybe then I can see my children again unless Jake dies there is no hope they are long gone. There weren't enough seats in the car so it was agreed that Sky would hold Thomas and Laura would sit in the back with Jen, Jen tossed all the bags into the car and then they left. While Travis pulled out of the ritzy neighborhood he grinned evilly at Sky who was holding the small boy cuddling on his lap. How cute he thought smirking at his friend, to bad he'll never have a kid of his own.

Next: Chapter 4

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