Some Adventure And Some Bondage

By Josh Emo

Published on Apr 29, 2013



If you have any comments or suggestions for part two or if anyone wants to make this a reality for me!, please email me at

--- Some Adventure And Some Bondage - Part 1 ---

I sent the email and my phone rang almost instantly. I wasn't surprised really, we'd been sending each other notes back and forth for a while. The first was three days ago but this evening we'd both logged on at the same time and started a sort of live correspondance.

Like I said I wasn't surprised at the phone call but I was nervous, I answered in a shaky voice, "Hello."

"Hi Josh."

"Hi there!"

"First things first," he said in a controlled tone, "you call me Sir from now on, understand boy?"

"Yes sir."


"So you say, you're not gay right?"


"But you want some adventure and some bondage?"


"But no sex?"

"Yes, sir."

"I can do that," he laughed in a way that made me feel like a freak for only wanting bondage. His laugh said such a thing was impossible.

"Ok, well I'm not interested in talking anymore. We should meet in a public place. There's a services off the motorway, you know it? We meet there in one hour, that's 7PM, if you don't turn up don't bother emailing me again. I will block you."

"I'll be there sir."

"Good boy."

The phone went dead.

Of course I knew what I was doing was stupid. Meeting a gay master for bondage but what I could do, the urge inside me was desperate, all through my teens, all through college and now at the age of 23 I couldn't wait any longer. I reminded myself that it was a public place, that almost put me off. The safety was good but what if I met somebody I knew? How would I explain my "new friend"?

Dressed in a t-shirt and jeans I parked my car in the big spacious services car park, I looked around at the other cars almost suspiciously. Was there anyone I knew there? Which car was his?

He'd sent me a text message which I read just as I turned off the engine -- SIT IN THE CAFE. I WILL COME TO YOU.

This was the moment. I swallowed hard and walked accross the car park and into the cafe. There weren't too many people around and thankfully nobody I knew. I sat at a two- seater table by the window and waited staring off into the distance. Suddenly, I was snapped back to reality as I became aware of a presence. Somebody' else's energy. There he was sitting opposite me.

He was 30 and just looked his age, he looked more or less as his online pictures. He looked strong and fit, he wasn't particularly big but he was taller and broader than me. He somehow made me feel small.


I nodded.

"You're even cuter than you're pictures." This made me feel comfortable and I shrank slightly, looking around to see if anyone was in earshot.

"Thank you, sir" I said awkwardly with the sir coming out only as a whisper.

"There's not much point in going over everything again. I know what you want and neither of us are here to talk about our feelings..."

I nodded again. My mouth was dry. My cock was hardening slightly in my jeans.

He placed a small bag on the table.

"If you want to do this take this bag into the toilet and put on everything that's in there. Bring the bag back to me with your car keys, phone, wallet and underwear. If you don't want to play this game just leave."

I was still to nerous to speak. I just picked up the bag and headed for the toilets. I couldn't help feel that this looked suspicious to everyone else in the cafe but I doubt anyone noticed or cared particularly.

Eager to see what was inside I entered one of the stalls which game me resonable privacy. I opened the bag. It contained, a plastic chastity device with a small padlock and a key in it, a pair of frilly girls panties and a small, well greased, black butt plug. I gulped. The sight of these items told me that this was all a stupid idea, they also made my cock even harder. I had dreamed about this and now that I had the opportunity I had to go with it.

I slid off my jeans and boxers and hung them on the back of the toilet door. I thought it was best to start with the chastity device. I unlocked it and opened the parts. I slid my cock into the penis shaped clear plastic tube, my semi-erection meant it could barely fit. I then put the ring part around the back of my balls. The two parts clicked together, I locked them with the padlock. Suddenly I got exicted and hard, straining in the device. I had always wanted to experiences this.

Next was the butt plug. that was more daunting, as a rule I'd never wanted anything up my ass. It was a bit... gay. Also I was afraid of doing some damage or it getting stuck and having to go to the hospital like that. But I thought, here goes, I want this. I grabbed the round disc bas and manouvered the small tip until I found my asshole. I tried to relax completely and push it up there. It took several attempts but once in there it gave me a nice full kind of feeling, even though it was small. I clenched to keep it in. Over the plug and the device I pulled on the frilly pink undies and then my jeans. I put my own boxers in the bag and along with my wallet, phone and car keys.

I took a deep breath and exited the cubicle, by instinct stopping to wash my hands. As I bent over to the sink all the new contraptions strained and moved slightly. It was a strange but kinky feeling.

I walked back to his table. He'd got himself a coffe and was drinking it.

"How do you feel he asked?"

the butt plug pressed into me as I sat down. I smiled.

"Kinky sir"

He laughed, "Good, you've got something for me?"

I handed over the bag.

"You put what I asked in there?"

"Yes sir."

"Good." He had a drawn out, condescending way of saying "good".

"Now for part two."

He reached into his pocket and counted out a few coins and gave them to me. He also handed me a piece of paper.

"If you want your stuff back, my address is on that piece of paper and that's your bus fare. A bus leaves here in about thirty minutes and will get you to about a mile from my house. I want you out in public with that gear on as much as possible."

I was taken aback but again excited. His house? A public bus? A mile walk with this up my ass.

"Ok" I couldn'y say much else.

"Good, now go out and wait in the bus shelter. I want you rubbing shoulders with as many people as possible while that plug rubs up your little cunt. I will wait here to make sure the bus comes"

His words made me even stiffer.

"Yes sir," I exited the cafe and very self consciously walked accross to the bus shelter. It was early summer and not too cold as I sat in the little glass shelter, waiting and waiting. The public sense of humilation added to my excitement even though I was the only one who knew I was wearing girl's knickers with a plug up my ass and my cock caged in plastic.

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