Somali Encounter in London

By PeterUK

Published on Aug 30, 2005


Part 1 - the accident

I loved my new job, and the best part was getting to walk through London's Covent Garden every morning, seeing all the deliveries and shop workers and breathing the aroma of fresh coffee from all the cafes. But best of all was that every morning at about 9am he would walk past me in Monmouth Street, and almost always outside Box, the gay cafe. He was maybe late twenties, dark skin, goatee beard, slim build and eyes so dark you could see the night in them.

Every morning I would look intently at him and he would glance at me then cast those fascinating eyes down to the pavement, then up again, then down. Just enough to steal a glance but not enough - damn it -to hold attention. Day after day this went on and I couldn't decide if he was interested or just embarrassed. But he didn't change his route, so I began to hope. I tried smiling at him, then winking and then wondered how far I could go before I did something illegal.

Anyway, that Monday morning, anticipating our meeting, I decided to throw caution to the wind. He was crossing the road as I was, so as we passed, I said "Good Morning" and what an effect. He was so startled that he turned and gave me a long look, smiling and not looking where he was going. Just at that moment a delivery van pulled round the corner and hit him, sending him crashing onto the pavement, unconscious. "What the fuck was that about?" said the deliveryman, "he walked straight into me." Oh my God, I thought, I've killed him. I called the ambulance on my mobile and within minutes he was on board and I was too.

The ambulance crew was obviously gay, as they usually are in central London, and they just assumed I was his boyfriend. I'd just had time to see from a staff pass on him that his name was Abdul, and so off we raced, siren blaring, with the ambulance man assuring me that he'd live, and me getting the chance to hold his hand and stroke his face.

After what seemed like hours in casualty, they put him in a ward with one other guy and told me to come back that evening, when he'd probably be conscious again, and after they'd done all the tests. I'd no idea where he lived, so I gave his home address as mine and would explain everything that evening.

Of course I was nervous as hell when I went up to see him that night. I brought him some grapes - corny, I know, but everyone likes grapes - and found him propped up in bed, bare-chested, but wrapped in bandages. The other bed was empty. When he smiled at me, I could have rushed up and kissed him, but with a huge effort I just smiled back.

"What happened to me?" he asked. "How did I get here."

"It's my fault Abdul", I said miserably, "I'm afraid I distracted you just as the van hit you. Are you badly hurt?"

"I broke a couple of ribs and my wrist, and they're checking the other bits, but I think I'm alright otherwise. But how do you know my name?"

"I picked up your wallet and saw a staff card with your name on it. I hope you're not too angry with me. I'm Joe, by the way"

"No", he replied" I've seen you so often and was dying for you to say something so we could meet. I didn't dare to and I'm so glad you did."

Suddenly I felt like I'd just been let out of jail, so I squeezed his arm and he let out a yelp of pain. God, how stupid can I be. I took his arm and saw it was all bruised, with a plaster on his wrist. I got closer to the bed and asked him if I could get him anything, or alert anyone, but he said he lived in a bedsit in south London and nobody would notice his absence. Did he need some pyjamas or a change of clothes? I could go and fetch them for him. He gave me his address and keys and I promised I'd be back tomorrow evening with some fresh underpants, and gave him a quick kiss, just as the male nurse came in the room.

"Alright, boys," he said "this is a hospital and hanky-panky is not on the menu, understood?" Abdul and I both giggled. It would be if I had my way.

Part 2 - Abdul's bedsit

Next day I made my way to bedsit land and soon found his dingy room in an endless street of dreary Victorian terraces. It was full of rusty cars and poorly dressed people, typical of this run down bit of south London. I got to Abdul's place and opened the door. Coming out of one of the ground floor rooms was a cute black guy. I asked him if he knew which room was Abdul's. He offered to show me and we climbed to the top of the house. Inside the room was pretty bare, with just a single bed and wardrobe, and a bedside table with a bottle of lube on it, but also one whole wall filled with photos of naked men, obviously cut out of the free gay magazines available all over London. Abdul wanted some clean pants and his toiletries. The black guy watched me getting the stuff from his wardrobe.

"So you Abdul's mate then?" he asked, "like his boyfriend?"

He wandered over to the photos. "He sure likes guys, don't he? Are you one too?"

"You mean gay? Sure I am, and so is Abdul" I said, for my sake.

"So what do you gays do then, eh? Does he take it up the arse then, or do you?" he leered at me.

"It depends" I said, hesitantly. This guy lives here and God only knows what I'm letting Abdul in for, but I was passing myself off as Abdul's boyfriend, so I'd better live the part.

"On what, then? Do you like them big? Do you like this?"

He had dropped his trousers and was stroking eight inches of growing cock. He started to come towards me. "Like this, do ya? Fancy this up your arse?"

Instinct took over - after all, I wasn't yet Abdul's boyfriend - and I reached out and stroked it. It was thick and warm and inviting. "Yeah" he groaned "do me". I didn't need any more encouragement. I dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth, slobbering over his tasty meat, which was now leaking pre-cum. He took off his shirt and managed to wriggle out of his trousers and pants and was soon naked.

"Get naked" he said, "I wanna fuck you". He pushed me onto the bed and pulled off my trousers while I struggled to get off my T-shirt. He pulled off my pants and grabbed my arse. "Very fuckable" he said" real juicy. Turn over."

I rolled onto my stomach while he climbed between my legs, pushing them apart with his knees. He grabbed the lube from the bedside and squeezed some onto his cock and fingers and began to finger-fuck me. It had been a while since I was fucked, so I was real hungry for it and pushed back against him. He pushed harder and faster and I lifted my bum up to meet his strokes.

He pulled out his finger and filled the space with his stiff, glistening cock. I let out a low moan and he laughed. He pushed in until his short curly pubes were scraping my arse, leaned forward and began to suck on my ear. "Get ready for a joy ride, whitey."

He pulled out and plunged back in, all the time nibbling my ear and driving me crazy with lust. "Oh, yeah, man, fuck me, man, fuck me." He didn't need any more encouragement. He picked up pace and began to slam into me. I pushed back to meet each thrust and grunted with satisfaction each time he ploughed in.

He bit me hard on the neck and his panting grew louder. "Here it comes, whitey" he gasped, "it's all yours." I could feel him erupting inside me and I began to milk him with my arse muscles, getting every last drop out of him.

He eased out of me, and the whole room smelled of sweat and cum and must. We both got dressed in silence. "So" he said " does Abdul fuck as good as me? Those Somalis have nice dicks, but we Jamaicans, we know how to fuck".

I smiled at him. "You sure do, you sure do." He adjusted his cock in his trousers. "Say hello to Abdul from Leroy. Tell him I like his mate. Feel free to look me up again, whitey, whenever you want some real fucking."

I left the building with Abdul's things, hobbling a little from the pounding I'd got. So now I knew - Abdul was Somali, and gay. Things were looking up.

Part 3 - the hospital

That evening I went back to the hospital and found Abdul a bit down. They'd told him he would have to rest for three months, but he didn't know how he could afford that. He owed a month's rent on the bedsit already. He would also lose his job. He was working "in the black" as officially he was a student, and so he wouldn't get any social security either. I told him not to worry, I'd think of something. With that, he perked up a lot.

I told him I'd got his things, without mentioning Leroy. He still couldn't move easily without grimacing, and he couldn't change by himself.

"Don't worry" I said "I'll soon get you changed". He started to protest but I just put my hands under the blanket and tugged at his pants. He lifted his bum so that I could take them off and I asked him if he wanted to be washed first. He nodded and so I got out his flannel and wetted it and lifted the cover for my first good look at the family jewels. He looked embarrassed as I carefully washed his cock, balls and arse, and then carefully dried him. He began to get hard. I rolled his balls around in the towel. This really made him hard, and now he had a real nice boner. I began slowly to stroke him. I noticed he had some Vaseline by the bed and I reached out and smeared some on his cock.

"Lie back, Abdul. You'll sleep much better after this."

He said nothing, but shut his eyes and opened his legs. The door to his room was shut and no one was about, so I pulled back the cover and began to wank his greasy pole. His black cock stood out from his body, full and straining. Like all Muslims, he was cut, but with the Vaseline my hand slipped back and forth over his glistening knob. He was leaking pre-cum and his balls were pulled up tight. I kept up a steady pace, while he began to moan softly. I slipped my other hand between his legs and began to stroke his hole. He pulled his legs further apart until they hung over the sides of the bed. Now I had full access and I started to probe, running my finger round his sensitive arse lips. I pushed in further until I found his prostate. A small jet of cum spurted out of him. He moaned louder and began to breath heavily, so I quickened my pace on his cock and jabbed at his prostate. Suddenly he gasped, and he shot six or seven thick streams of cum. The first two hit his face, and the rest went over the chest bandages. I slipped my finger out of his arse and quickly wiped the bandages with the towel. I leaned over the bed and licked the cum from his face.

"Abdul" I whispered" you taste as good as you look." He giggled at this. I noticed his cock was still leaking cum, so I leaned across and cleaned him up with my tongue.

"At least you won't stain the sheets this way" I said, laughing. He giggled some more. I kissed him full on the lips this time, slipping my tongue into his mouth. He sucked at my tongue, tasting his own cum and kissed me hard back. I took the clean pants and eased them onto him.

"Will you come back tomorrow Joe?" he asked.

"Of course" I said " you have to change your pants every day, you know, and I want to be the one who changes yours."

Just then the male nurse of last night came in. He asked me to call by before leaving, so I kissed Abdul again and took his dirty pants off with me. They would certainly help me tonight, as I wanked myself to sleep.

Part 3 - Nurse Scott

The ward was very quiet as I approached the desk. The nurse looked up. "Hi, I'm Scott" he said, in a broad Ozzie accent. "It's about your mate Abdul. You see, he ain't got any health insurance and the NHS isn't supposed to treat foreigners for free, ya know.."

"Are you sure, Scott? Abdul's a student and students get free NHS care, even if they are foreign."

"Yea, Abdul was a student, but that was months ago, before his student visa ran out. Right now, I'd say he was an illegal immigrant. So it doesn't look like you'll be giving him any more tongue baths for long" he laughed.

"How do you know all this, Scott?" I asked him.

"Well, I gotta fill in the forms and tick the right boxes, mate, and so I checked him out. Of course, they'll only start to look for him if I don't cross the student box."

"And what would help you not to do that, Scott?"

He grinned at me and scratched his crotch. "Maybe you could give me a tongue bath too, Joe."

So that was it. He'd seen me with Abdul and this was pay back time.

"OK, Scott, where and when?"

"No time like the present, Joe, follow me."

He lead me off to a laundry cupboard that was full of dirty bed linen.

"No one will disturb us here for an hour or so" he leered at me. "Get your clothes off Joe, I like my men naked."

I stripped off and stood before him while he looked me up and down. He got me to turn round and bend over so that he could see my arse. He ran his hands over my cheeks and slapped them a couple of times. "Nice arse, Joe, very fuckable."

I turned round to see him slipping out of his uniform, I had to admit he had a nice body - small but in good shape, with a good 7 inches and getting harder, and a nice full sac.

"Like what you see, Joe? Come over here and get better acquainted."

I stepped over to him and rolled his balls in my hand, and then stroked up his cock, that was now at full stretch and about 8 inches. The red knob stood out against his white body and the light blond fuzz of his cock hair. He sat back on the pile of dirty sheets and motioned me to come into him. I knelt down and took his cock in my mouth. It felt smooth and slippery and I tongued his slit as pre-cum oozed from it. He tasted salty and crisp, as if he had been eating salad and apples. Not bad at all. I began to suck him harder and deeper to get more of the stuff.

He opened his legs wider and I ran my hand under his balls, brushing his hole. This made him ooze out even more pre-cum, so I went back to the spot and lightly flicked over his opening. He responded with a groan and a bigger spurt of pre-cum. This was getting very interesting. I sucked on a finger to lubricate it and pressed it home into him. He reached round into his uniform pocket and got out a tube of KY and shoved it at me. Trust a nurse to be prepared.

I took the tube and squeezed out a good blob and quickly went back to his arse. His muscles sucked in my finger this time, and he began to milk it in time to me sucking. By now I was as hard as steel and looking for somewhere to put it, and where better than his willing hole? I moved forward, greasing up my pole and began to push into him. He threw his head back and sighed with pleasure. I pushed harder and soon I was deep within his guts, feeling his warm pulsating innards while his arse lips gripped my cock. I licked his neck and nibbled his ear, which drove him wild. He grunted and groaned so loudly I was sure we'd have the hospital security bursting in any moment, so I kissed him hard to shut him up. He kissed me back and our tongues explored each other. I began to thrust harder and harder and he hugged me tighter and tighter with his legs wrapped round my back. I couldn't keep this up for very long, so I pressed my tummy down on his cock so that he rubbed against my thrust and soon he was shooting a heavy load onto our stomachs. This was my cue, and I went in and out like a real pro, until I burst inside him and sprayed his guts with my cum.

He just sighed in a lazy, satisfied way and stroked my back. "That was good, Joe. Abdul's a lucky fucker - or should I say fuckee?" he laughed.

I slipped out of him and grabbed one of the sheets to wipe us clean. A bit more cum and shit wouldn't make any difference to this lot.

"So, Scott, you gonna take care of my student mate, Abdul?" "No problem, Joe. And when Abdul gets fed up with you, you can always come here for a free consultation any night."

"Thanks nurse. Any time I need to give a sample, you'll get first take."

He laughed again and kissed me before putting his uniform back on.

"By the way, Joe, Abdul can be discharged as soon as he's got somewhere to go where he'll be looked after for a few months."

Part 4 - the homecoming Next morning I got up early and went down to Abdul's place and emptied it of his few possessions. I left a note for Leroy to tell the landlord that Abdul wouldn't be back. If it didn't work out with Abdul, then he could always find himself another grotty place - south London was full of them.

As soon as visiting hours started in the afternoon, I went to the hospital. The bed next to Abdul's had a new occupant, but I didn't care - I went straight up to him and kissed him.

"So, lover boy, you ready to leave?" I asked him.

"But where are we going Joe?" he asked, "I owe a month's rent and I haven't got a job any more."

"No worries, Abdul, you're coming to my place until you're able to fend for yourself. I got you into this mess, and I'm going to get you out of it. Grab your things. The car's downstairs."

We slowly made our way to the exit, with Abdul leaning on me, maybe more than he needed to, but it gave me a thrill to hold him in public, my arm wrapped round his shoulder, carrying his small bag. We were soon at my modest flat, with its one bedroom and one living room, but, hell, a whole lot better than his dump in south London.

His eyes lit up when he saw the place and I eased him a chair. I told him I'd bought over all his stuff and told the landlord he'd left.

"Don't worry, Abdul, once your fit again, you can find your own place if you want to, and meanwhile make this your home." His dark eyes flashed gratitude and I could have whisked him off to bed there and then. But he was still in a delicate state, and very tired. So I prepared us something to eat and helped him to the bathroom. I offered to help him wash once he'd used the loo, and he smiled his acceptance.

Once he'd finished with the toilet, I came in and took off his shirt, bent down and took off his shoes and socks, and lowered his trousers. His Calvin Kleins harboured a nice package that seemed to be getting bigger. I slipped them off and kissed his belly button. Slowly I tongued my way up to his left nipple, and by now he was fully erect. His eyes were shut, so I licked up over his chin until I found his mouth and slowly skimmed his lips. He opened his mouth and I pushed in, while he ground his crotch into my jeans.

I pulled away reluctantly and steered him towards the shower. Quickly I stripped off and got into the shower with him. By now he was grinning from ear to ear.

"You got plans for tonight, Joe?" he asked.

"Sure do, Abdul, and they all centre round making you comfortable, and feeling better."

With that, I turned on the shower and began to soap him up, starting with his dark legs and full arse. I went up over his cheeks, easing my hand between them and caressing his hole. He opened his legs wider to give me better access, so I increased the pressure and began to nibble his left arse cheek. By now he was moaning with pleasure, and stiff as a rod. My tongue travelled on up his back and neck and I turned him round to lather his front. He had a few curly chest hairs and a small bush over his jet-black cock, but otherwise he was almost hairless. His knob was a dark purple hue, slightly lighter than his black dick. I carried on down his front, ignoring the pole sticking out from him.

I washed off the suds and carefully dried him & myself before leading him to the bedroom. He lay on the bed and looked at me and I could swear he was blushing.

"OK, Abdul" I said, " I think it's time you had a little massage so that you can sleep soundly. Lie on your stomach on the pillow so your ribs are comfortable."

He rolled onto the pillow and I took out the massage oil I kept in my bedside table. I worked up his dark legs, squeezing and rubbing and stroking him, each time getting closer to his arse. His cock lay under his belly, leaving his balls, which I lightly brushed. As I gently raked his arse, he lifted himself off the bed to meet each stroke. He pushed his legs as wide as he could, so now I had full access to his hole. I sat between his legs and rubbed my fingers over and over the lips of his arse. He was really getting into this. I started to lick him from the base of his balls, over the hole and up the small of his back, each time lingering longer on his hole. Soon I was probing his lips, which clenched on my tongue as it tried to go deeper.

"Oh yea, Joe, that feels great. Ugh, ugh. Don't stop Joe. Ooh, aah."

By now I was as hard as I'd ever be, so I leaned forward and covered his oily arse with my stiff cock, slipping and sliding over him. My cock nestled between his cheeks and started to rub his hole, grinding and probing to open and enter. He rose to meet my strokes and then whispered "Put it in, Joe, put it in, please."

I didn't need a second invitation, and slowly pushed forward into him. He stuck his arse up as high as he could to give a good entry angle, groaning a bit with the pressure on his ribs, but within a couple of minutes I was as far into him as I could go. I propped myself up on my elbows and began to lick his right ear, sucking the lobe, and burrowing my tongue into his ear hole. This drove him wild. I started to thrust my cock in and out of his tight furrow, slowly and steadily. He clamped down on me each time I entered him. I started to grunt with pleasure and managed to kiss him each time I got right inside him.

"Abdul, Abdul, I love you, I love you," I whispered into his ear. He responded by clamping harder onto me and began to milk me. I couldn't hold out any more and burst inside him. He ground his cock into the mattress, grunted loudly and came shortly after me, soaking the sheet with his cum.

I lay beside him, licking his ear and neck and cheek and kissing him as much as I could. He just sighed and sighed with pleasure. I traced my tongue down his back and began to kiss his arse again, catching some of my own cum, mixed with his arse juices. He rolled over and kissed me passionately. I kissed him back with equal passion, tasting his spit and my cum. "Do you like my therapy, Abdul?" I said softly.

"Oh yea, Joe," he sighed, "I'll need some treatment every day from now on".

Next: Chapter 2

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