Sold for Sex

By bjjl

Published on Dec 24, 2022


The next day I was driven into town where I was taken into a bar or nightclub place. There were several other naked men like me with collars and leashes. I was take in the back and placed into a square box. There was a pad on the floor of the box for me to kneel on.

"You see these holes in the side of the box?" Dario asked me.

I nodded, "yes, sir."

"Someone will come and stick their cock trough the hole. You will immediately start sucking it. You will do so until he finishes shooting. If you have two or three cocks in the holes. You better be fast and make them cum quickly."

With that bit of advice he closed the door and locked from the outside. The box was no bigger than about two foot square if even that. I only had room to turn my head and move my arms a little bit.

While I was trying to adjust to my claustrophobic box, a hard cock slid its way through one of the holes in the box. I quickly took it in my mouth and began slicking and sucking while fondling the balls as best I could in that cramped box. He shot his load of semen and pulled back out of the hole. Then another cock arrived at another hole just as stiff as the last one.

I lost count at somewhere around fifteen or eighteen. All these big hard cocks kept coming through the holes for me to suck. Some were cut some were uncut, some black, some brown and some white. I never knew there were so man different heads on cocks. Most of them were like mushrooms but some were pointed and some were small. My legs were starting to cramp when Dario unlocked the door and his bodyguards yanked me out.

Dario nodded to his bodyguards. "Clean him up. He's filthy!"

The took me in back to and old shower stall without any coverings.

One guard shoved me inside and tossed me a bar of soap. When I finished I was taken back to Dario. He was seated at a table upstairs so he could look out over the nightclub. I had to kneel on the floor next to the table. I glanced down a saw my cock was still hard and dripping a little precum.

Two men dressed up like women came by the table and handed Dario some money that was rolled up.

"Assez baiser votre puto?"

Dario yanked on my leash. "Go with them!"

They took me down a hallway to a room. I was tied down over a massage bench.

Abruptly fingers went up my ass. One of the men stepped in front me, lifted his dress and rammed his hard cock into my mouth. The other man behind me rammed his hard cock into my ass and that brought tears to my eyes. He raped me pretty hard then the man in who I was sucking pulled away. He went around behind and raped me too. Needless to say my ass was sore.

The next morning Dario gave me the pill then pointed to the dog bowl on the floor. The pill was working great on me because I had a full erection before I even finished eating. I was taken to the play room, gagged and hung up by my arms once again. My legs were tied wide open to the bottom bars of the weight bench. Dario came over with his whip in hand. He gave my ass, thighs and chest a nice red color. He also gave my cock several whacks.

"One of the women last night said you were not as courteous as she liked. That is why you got the whipping." He grabbed my testicles and held them tight. "Next time thank them when they fuck you!"

In the evening I was taken back to the club and sold to different tables. Dario lead me around on a leash then guys would put money on the edge of the table. If Dario took the money I had to crawl under the table and service the cock or cocks of the men that sat there. We spent three to four hours a night at the club. Dario told me one night I did thirty eight cocks.

Sometimes the men would ask to see my pussy. I had to bend over in front of them and spread my ass cheeks open. If they paid to fuck me, I was taken to one of the many rooms in back. Sometimes I would get raped as many as nine or ten times in the course of the evening. Then we would go home and do it all over the next night.

At Dario's home I spent the days and every day I was taken to the workout room and required to exercise using the equipment that was there. Dario required me to be in perfect health, always trim and muscular. So twice every day, I would spend an hour or more working out. I also developed a good relationship with the interpreter boy. He had this attraction with masturbation or you could call it an obsession. Everyday he would come to the workout room when I was there.

The fact I was always naked didn't help much to curb his enthusiasm for wanting to masturbate me, nor did my erect penis. Then he told me it was my turn to masturbate him. This would go on every day twice a day when I was in the room. There was never any real sexual contact between apart from our hands touching each others penises. When he was finished he put his clothes on and disappeared from the room until the next visit.

This went on for about three months then one night at the club the police stormed the place and arrested everyone. When they found out who I was they called the American consulate. When I got there they told me the authorities had arrested a man several weeks ago for trying to use my passport. After many interviews and statements I was flown home.

I never told anyone what actually happened to me in those three months. I just said we were captured by rebels and kept in a warehouse in the city until the police rescued us. I don't know why but I always look back on that time as when I was really free.


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