Sold for Sex

By bjjl

Published on Dec 16, 2022


Now that time has past it is much easier to look back and recount what happened. It was in the turbulent eighties. I was a 37 year old single man at the time working as a missionary in South America. There was much unrest in a lot of the country, one dictator overthrowing another dictator. The armies and the rebels fighting each other for their own causes. Most of the time the rebels were supported by the drug dealers in return for safe passage of their goods. It was also easy to capture foreigners for the ransom money they could get.

Most of the time ransoms were paid and everyone involved went on about their way. However not everyone got ransomed and this a story about one such time. I had been taken prisoner along with nine other people who worked around an industrial area which I will leave unnamed. We were taken to a warehouse somewhere in the town. We were all placed in a room where we were stripped, bound and gagged.

There were five of us men and four women. We were all taken to a room and interrogated to find out who we worked for and how much money we were worth. When they finished with me I could see there was not much interest.

"Who the fuck is going to pay anything for him?" The officer asked the other soldiers. "Missionaries are worth nothing!"

I feared the worst was in store for me until one of the soldiers spoke up. "I know a man in town that might buy him. He would give us something."

"Why the hell would he buy him?"

The soldier shrugged his shoulders. "He likes men. You know. To have sex with."

The officer waved his hand to the soldier. "OK. Do it!"

That evening I met Dario, a gay man that lived in the city. I don't know how much money changed hands but when it was over I became his property.

Dario was a handsome Latin man I guessed to be in his early to mid twenties. He was muscular, very neat, clean and well dressed. Still bound and naked, I was shoved into the back seat of his car then we sped off into the night. I was taken to his home a large place in the country. Some men took me inside to a room with fitness equipment.

There was a bar over the top of this weight bench. I was hung by my arms from the bar with my feet just able to touch the ground.

"When I am finished you will understand the meaning of whipping," Dario said taking a position behind me.

He whipped my ass cheeks, my back and my thighs until tears rand down my face. Pain is a strange thing because during all that I had the hardest erection I ever had.

Dario spun me around and grabbed my hard cock. "If you refuse to do what you are told. I will whip you on this side. And that will include your cock and balls!"

He quickly grabbed my balls tightly. "Do you understand this Puto?"

I quickly nodded my head in agreement.

I recognized the leather clad incline and decline workout bench I was strapped to. My arms were tied behind me to the bench rail behind the seat. My legs were spread and tied to the metal bars at the far end of the bench. I didn't know it at the time but the metal bars were detachable. They could be raised and attached to the larger bar that was above the bench.

Dario reached over and removed the ball gag that was still in my mouth. He placed a white pill in my mouth then forced some water in my mouth to wash it down.

"Tonight you will be the entertainment," he said smiling. "The pill will help you get a stiff cock and keep it for a time."

It was not long before the room was filled with men. Some were dressed in expensive suits, some covered with tattoos and others half to almost completely naked. I was helpless to anything but lay there and take it. Dozens of cocks were ejaculated in my mouth and down my throat. Men ejaculated on my face, in my hair, on my chest and on my stomach.

My cock was sucked off and jerked off I don't remember how many times. I do remember thinking the pill worked. On a few occasions the removable bar with my feet attached was raised up in the air. I felt several different things things being shoved in and out of my ass but I don't know what they were.

I was untied, drug to a large open marble shower and told to clean myself. Dario sat on a stool and watched as I showered.

"Puto!" He shouted. "Come here!"

I slowly walked over to where he was seated. "Get down and suck my cock!"

I quickly did as he said, unzipping his pants and taking his huge uncut cock into my mouth.

He held my head while he fucked my face with powerful strokes. Then suddenly, I felt my mouth fill with his semen as the huge cock erupted. He shoved me backward and I fell on the floor. He motioned to the other two men that were standing there.

"I don't like his body hair. Shave him clean! Everything except his head."

The men lathered me up and with straight razors, they shaved every strand of hair on my body. I was more impressed that they never cut me even once. Dario inspected me completely, running his hands over every inch of my body feeling for some missed hair. I was strapped into a bed with special made cuffs and a blanket tossed over me for the night.

The next morning I was brought to Dario and made to eat breakfast out of a dog bowl. He gave me another pill then I was taken to the equipment room and hung by my arms again. He had a smaller leather whip this time with many smaller shards of leather attached. He whipped my inner thighs and ass then finished with several whacks on my crotch. He smiled, "I whip you because I like too."

It seemed like I hung there for several hours before I heard someone come in. I could see it was three young boys they were pointing and laughing. I knew what they were pointing at because my cock was standing out like a flag pole. They stepped up up for a closer look, poking my hard cock with their fingers. They were speaking in Spanish so I didn't understand a word they said.

They poked and prodded my testicles then one of them grabbed my cock in his small fist and began stroking it. I felt this burning sensation in my testicles I assumed that was the effect of the pill. Suddenly I was overcome with that fabulous sensation and my cock squirted out its juice. My hips were humping the air and my legs were jerking and my head shaking. His young hand was sliding back and forth over my sensitive cock head. He didn't realize the shock waves he was sending through my body.

Finally they stopped stepping back and staring at my slowly shrinking cock. I thought they were finished but I was wrong. One of them found a leather riding crop on the table and decided to use it on my ass. He decided it would be more fun to use it directly on my sphincter. His aim was quite good because he gave me several good whacks dead on the hole. The other boy was getting a thrill slapping my cock around and watching it bounce from side to side. One time he missed and he caught me on the testicle. He was surprised by the reaction that got. It was amusing enough for him to try it a few more times.

My legs snapped open and closed quickly, my ass retracted and my chest heaved forward. Not to mention the yelp I tried to give through the ball gag. The third boy noticed my hard nipples on my hairless chest and couldn't resist giving them a pinch and a twist. The pain shot through my nipples and straight to my groin. Within several seconds my cock was beginning to swell again. Then he quit pinching my nipples and began pinching the head of my cock.

Suddenly, I heard a shout it was Dario. He said something in Spanish to the boys and they ran from the room.

"I hope they didn't hurt you much. They are at that age of sexual discovery. They like to masturbate but not sure why. Outside themselves, you are the first man they ever explored." Dario turned and walked away.

The next meal I was down on my hands and knees eating from the dog bowl again. I was given another pill. After lunch I was taken to Dario. I was forced to my kneel in front of him.

"The boys seem to like you. Its time they learn things about man sex and woman sex. They are lots of questions they need answered. I have decided to make you their Guinea Pig. You will begin this afternoon."

I was taken down a hallway to a room at the end. There was a small wooden stage like at the front of the room. There were a half dozen desks in line down the center with a walkway in between. "Here you are. Explain the male anatomy to them and what it's for. I'm sure they'll have many questions. I'm am sure you will be glad to demonstrate for them. Antony outside the door."

I just stood there a little dumbfounded. The boys filed into the room there were four of them now. They took their seats at their desks then stared at me. I was a little embarrassed standing there naked in front of them.

I swallowed hard and began. "I have been chosen to teach you about the male body.

The first boy raised his hand and asked, "por qué es su pene tan grande?"

I just stared because I didn't know what he said. The other boys laughed then one of the said. "He ask why you cock is so big?"

"por qué no hacen usted tiene cualquier pelo?" The boys laughed again.

"He asked why you don't have any hair."

I took a deep breath. "The size of your penis will be different from man to man. Your's will grow bigger as you get older. Normally I would have pubic hair around my genitals but it was shaved off."

Another boy translated what I said bask to the class.

"por qué es su pene no con fuerza!" The boy said and everyone laughed out loud again.

"He asks why your cock is not hard."

I took another deep breath. "It doesn't stay hard all the time. Only when you are sexually aroused. I am sure you all know that it gets hard sometimes when you don't want it."

The older boy worked as my translator, telling them what all I said.

"haga el jugo salir de su pene!"

"How you say?" The older boy thought for a moment. "He wants you to make the white juice come out from your cock."

"Quiero verlo ahora!" Everyone laughed again.

"He wants to see it now!"

I swallowed hard. "Tell him it's not that easy to just ejaculate. I need to be hard first."

"Su no fácil exclamar rápido. Tiene que ser con fuerza primero."

I told him what you said.

"Vaya lo hacen ahora!" Everyone laughed.

"He wants you to do it now!"

I knew what the consequences would be if I didn't do it so I grabbed my hairless cock and began pulling up and down. I just had imagined how humiliation it was to stand there and masturbate in front of everyone. That did the trick. I always like to be on my knees when I masturbated so I dropped down, opened my legs and stroked away. The boys were talking loudly among themselves but I kept my concentration.

I felt that tingling sensation in my genitals. The same one I felt after taking the pill. "Here it comes!" I shouted to them. My back arched, my hips shot froward, and my head shot back. Several streams of semen shot out and landed on the floor next to my knee. They were all fascinated with my masturbation show. I stood up and caught my breath. I realized the pill was in effect because my cock didn't shrink it was still semi hard. All the boys came up front to look at the small pools of semen on the floor.

The door swung open and it was Dario. He said something to the boys in Spanish and they gathered their things and ran out of the room.

"I have friend that wants to meet you." My hands were cuffed behind my back and I was led through the house to another room. There was a large black man standing by the window.

Dario shoved me closer. "Puto will be glad to service your cock or what ever you like."

The black man smiled, rubbing his hands over my hairless body and around my genitals.

"That's wonderful. He feels so nice and smooth. Nice set of balls too. I think you'll like mine."

He unfastened his pants and this huge uncut cock plopped out into the open. He had a couple of testicles in his sac that looked like large eggs. The only thought I had was how was that thick cock going to fit in my mouth?

"My friend is going over some papers to sign," Dario said. "He likes to have his cock sucked as he reads. You see to it that he enjoys it!" He untied my hands.

The black man sat down behind the desk with his papers. I got down on the floor between his legs which were now open wide. He leaded back in the chair and shoved his crotch forward. I gently cradled his balls in my hands at the same time taking he head of his cock into my mouth. I felt it begin to swell almost immediately. The foreskin rolled back enough for my tongue to encircle the large head. I continued to play with his balls while sliding my mouth up and down on his large cock.

His cock was still hard. I had been sucking on it for a long time. I was expecting it to erupt anytime but it just stayed hard in my mouth. Then I decided to massage his large testicles with my fingers. I rolled them around, rubbing under the sac and rolling them around. That did the trick. I heard him groan and I felt his pelvis rock forward. Suddenly my mouth was flooded with sperm, one large squirt after another. I imagined each ejaculation was bigger than the last. I held onto his cock so it didn't slip out.

"You did very well," he said, rolling back in the chair. "I see your cock is nice and hard now."

He was right it was standing out just like the flag pole. "Stand back against the desk. Spread your legs open. I like to suck white cock! But if you tell anyone I will cut your balls off!"

With that statement he knelt down and began licking my cock and balls with his huge black tongue. He took all of my cock into his mouth and sucked it like a vacuum. His hand grabbed my balls and jerked them firmly down. Once again I felt that tingling and then the powerful orgasm that followed. Within a few seconds it was all over and the black man stood up.

"You taste so good. I love that taste of a white mans cock."

He put his pants back on and walked out of the room. Dario and his two body guards returned. They cuffed my hands, strapped a ball gag in my mouth and fastened a leather collar around my neck. Dario held a leash in his had which he snapped to a ring on the front of the collar.


Next: Chapter 2

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