Sold and Nappied

By Diaper Lad

Published on Sep 4, 2013


This story is fiction and should not be viewed by any person not over the legal age relevant to their country of residence.

Sold and Nappied - Part 3

I woke up with a now familiar pain in my ass and moving in a back and forth motion Sir was raping me as my wake up call again. When he realised I was awake he started talking to me as if him fucking me while i'm asleep was the most normal thing in the world "morning my boy, we have a busy day today with lots of people coming over for a party and to see my latest purchase. You are going to shower and put on a fresh nappy and thats how you're going to welcome my guests, if they want to touch you or give you any orders you are to do it without question. Misbehave and you will be tied up whipped and then we will do whatever we want anyway. Got that boy?"

As he finished his sentence he thrust into my ass hard with each word. I whimpered a faint "Yes Sir"

With that he rammed his cock deep in me and pumped me full of his cum, pulled his cock out and came round to my face and made me lick his cock clean. Before unfastening me and ordering me into the shower adding "make sure u clean up there as well"

I was free to stand up from the cage and let my nappy drop down from under me, I quickly moved under the shower and turned it on letting the cold water run all over my body, shuddering at the temperature.

He walked up to me grabbed my hair pulling me off balance and said "make sure your clean and in a fresh nappy by the time I get back, or else"

Sir left the room with me in the shower, I was worried about how long I had before he would come back so I didn't hang around in the shower and was soon dry and nappy on.

I just sat there thinking about the rumbling in my belly I was feeling very hungry, wondering if I would get food, what was going to happen to me today. I was alone with my thoughts for ages.

There were footsteps upstairs I could hear them moving about it sounded like a lot of people, the footsteps and noise from upstairs got louder. Then Sir came in through the door he half looked at me as I instinctively stood up in his presence.

He walked right past me as if I was just another piece of furniture he went into a draw pulled out a collar, lead and leather straps. Still without saying a word to me he walked over put the collar round my neck attached the lead then proceeded to secure the leather straps to my wrists and ankles. Still without saying a word he began to walk toward the door, pulling the lead and me along with him.

I didn't have to walk close to him because the lead was fairly long, but I kept up just incase, he lead me up a flight of dark stairs and then straight into the a well lightroom full of people, the noise levels in the room dropped as I was lead in.

Sir lead me up to the end of a bar running along the ceiling, he fastened my lead to the bar. So I could move up and down the room the length of the bar with the lead I could reach the floor. Once I was secure and he had checked the padlock on my collar was fastened. He spun me round to face the 20 or 30 guys in the room.

Holding me by the collar he said "This is my new Toy, as you can see it is in his nappy and that nappy is to stay on until 10 pm"

I glanced over the the clock he pointed to it was just after 5 o'clock.

"Now if it misbehaves there is a board put a tally on and we will add them up at 10, now until then it's top half is open" he finished pushing me forward into the group of men making me stumble slightly.

All I could see was the group of men, unable to make out who was who, who was pinching my nipples, slapping me belly and chest. Then I felt a surge of power behind my head and I was pushed down to my knees, within seconds a cock was presented to my mouth and I was commanded to open.

It took me a few seconds to hear the command over the din of jeers and names being shouted at me. As soon as I started to open my mouth the cock was shoved in as far down as its owner could get it and the hand on the back of my head began to fuck the guys cock with my mouth holding my hair as a handle.

I tried to lift my hands to take control over the cock pounding my mouth but someone grabbed them pulled them behind my back and fastened the straps together. The owner of the cock in my mouth was onbviously enjoying himself with the volume of pre-cum oozing from his cock it didn't take long till his shot stream after stream of cum in to my mouth, pulling out just as the last jet fired landing straight into my face.

He was soon replaced with another over excited cock and the fucking of my face continued, guy after guy took there turn fucking my sore mouth. At one point I tried to protest that I was sore this was met with tally marks going on the board and a slaps cross my face from Sir.

As the last guy shot his load into my mouth I was released from the hands holding my head and I fell to the floor,I had counted 36 blokes had fucked my mouth I was coved cum and sweat, my belly was feeling full from all the cum I had taken.

I looked up at the tally board and there was more than 30 marks, what had I don't to get that make marks against me, what would they mean.

Laid on the floor face covered in cum, I wet my nappy and tried to stay as still as possible. If I was still then maybe they would leave me along. But that didn't work Sir came over and rolled me onto my back looked at my face and then down to my nappy. His face went from little expression to anger.

"Who said you could piss yourself, did you even ask, no u fucking stupid cunt" be barked as he pulled the lead up so I would be stood up the he clipped it so I could not get back to the floor I had to stay stood up, exposed.

Sir just turned his back on me saying "It is already wet so if you need to piss use its nappy. It can hang around while we eat and have more entertainment before we come back to play later"

Two guys came over and pissed in my nappy both in the back, they followed the rest of the pack out of the door into the next room.

I looked at the clock it was nearly 7 o'clock over the next few hours most of the guys came into the room and pissed in my nappy, it was leaking all down my legs. Not one ever spoke to me just slapping my face or legs a few added extra marks onto the tally while grinning at me.

At 9 o'clock on the dot the door opened and Sir led them all back in towards me, all looking very pleased with themselves, I was soon untied and then put into a sling and raised back up legs spread wide. My nappy was cut both sides allowing it to be removed and then wrapped around my face covering it so I could not see anything, and all I could smell was the piss that was soaked into my nappy.

It didn't take long before I felt a finger pushing at my exposed vulnerable hole, one, then two, then three. It felt like my ass was being pulled apart so many fingers trying to get in my ass. The fingers disappeared but only for a second, replaced with a hard cock which was rammed up into my ass balls deep in one merciless action. I screamed, which was cause cheers from the gathered crowd, the cock pulled out almost all the way before plunging back in.

The cock in my ass got faster and faster, slamming into me as hard as he could. He must have wanted to cause me as much pain as possible and when I did scream or cry the gathered crowd egged him on to go shouting "faster, harder, fuck the slag".

He slammed into my ass one more time pumping my ass with his cum, he pulled out spraying the last shot over me, before I could take a breath another cock plowed into me, and it started again.

The fucking continued guy after guy slamming into my ass with no regard for the pain they were causing me. After about the 10th guy slammed into me and filled my sore and bruised ass with his cum, which was starting to run out of my ass.

I heard someone say, "I am fed up of hearing the bitch moan can we shut it up, knock it out or something".

Sir responded saying "I will stick it with this and then we can carry on, is the video camera running? I want it to see what happens when it comes too"

I heard a murmur of approval which was was followed by a sharp scratch on my arm and I went under. Leaving my naked, tied up, battered body at their mercy without me being aware of what they were doing.

Hi I hope that you have liked the story so far, please feel free to email me your thoughts and suggestions for the following parts.

Diaper Lad

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