Sold and Nappied

By Diaper Lad

Published on Aug 22, 2013


This story is fiction and should not be viewed by any person not over the legal age relevant to their country of residence.

Sold and Nappied - Part 1

It finally happened I was 18, and could legally go to pubs and clubs and happily show my ID knowing that I would get in. So there I was queuing to get into the night club I'd been reading about on line for ages. I'd tried to get in a few times before but always had been stopped and turned away. You'd think that they would want cute looking 5' 10" lads in there given it was a gay club but only if your 18.

So there I was in the nightclub at last drinking my 4th beer when a guy maybe in his 30s comes over and offers me a fresh pint, I guess now I know I shouldn't accept drinks from strangers but at the time it didn't cross my mind especially as I knew I didn't have enough money left in my pocket for another drink. So I agreed and he returned a few minutes later with a fresh pint for me and a bottle of something for himself, and we chatted for a bit I told him that I was Tom and that I turned 18 today and he told me that he was Mike and was 31 and a teacher.

I was almost at the end of my pint when I started to feel odd maybe sick I got up to run to the toilets thinking I was going to throw up. But as soon as I stood up my legs seemed to give way and I really needed to be sick.

Mike said "are you ok? do you need to be sick?"

I nodded and Mike stood up and helped me out of the club, as soon as we got out of the club I blacked out.

When I woke up my head was pounding, I went to get up but realised that I couldn't move, that made me open my eyes and I froze this wasn't my room... where was I what happened. I looked down at myself and I was naked worse than naked I had been shaved my patch of chest hair, my pubes were gone. I realised I wasn't in a bed I was in a sling my arms and legs were raised above my body and held in place there was a collar around my neck and straps over my chest and waist holding me down. For a moment I didn't know what to do... but then instinct kicked in and I started shouting, screaming for someone to help me.

I was there for what seemed like ages when screaming at the top of my voice, when the door suddenly opened and a group of 10 guys walked in all talking and laughing, I recognised Mike from last night and I shouted to him "what are you doing, what did you do to me?" they all ignored me. They formed a semicircle around me Mike came over and stood next to me but still didnt even acknowledge me or my plees. I stopped shouting feeling very intimidated by these guys, and looked at Mike.

When everyone had stopped talking Mike broke the silence and said to the guys assembled, "Here is Tom hes 18, well he was 18 yesterday, hes told me that hes never been with a guy but he knows he is gay, so we have for you an 18 year old virgin shall we start the bidding at £100"

I was stunned what were they bidding for, what was going to happen to me.

The bidding continued and guy after guy added more money to their offer I looked up as much as I could to see them, the guys were a mix of middle aged guys like Mike to 1 guy who was old, there body shape also varied from stick thin to fat.

The bidding had got up to £3000 when Mike said "is there no more bidders, going once, twice"

I had missed who put the last bid in, who was going to win and what would they do, I was starting to panic.

"SOLD" said Mike as he slapped his hand down onto my stomach. Making me jump as much as I my restraints could. I looked over and saw one of the middle aged looking guys stepping forward he was about 45 dark hair and on the large side I could see his belly pushing on his t-shirt.

He walked over to Mike shook his hand and moved right next to me. After a brief conversation with Mike which I couldn't make out Mike moved away and the Guy who won me looked right into my eyes and said "we are going to have a lot of fun with you, if you behave you won't suffer too much am sure you will perform well once you're trained, but for now you will always call me Sir, got that?".

He stared at me and when I didn't respond straight away I just looked shocked at him, he reached down found my balls and slapped them hard, I almost shot straight out of the sling and screamed, he we went to do it again and I flinched shouting "Yes Sir".

He put his hand down onto my cock and started to fondle me while saying "that better boi, now you make sure you do exactly what you're told", with that he turned away from me to the other guys and said, "I am happy to share my new purchase with you tonight before I take him home and begin his training but I am first"

The other guys made noises of approval and moved closers some were already starting to remove their clothes, Sir turned back to me and removed his trousers and t-shirt to reveal his black boxers with a massive bulge in the front, his bulging belly with thick dark hair, he walked right up to my face pulled something from behind my head which allowed my head to drop down so I was looking behind me upside down.

Sir stood behind me looking down at my body and pulled out his cock, it was massive 8 or 9 inch and thick, before I could do or say anything he pushed his cock into my mouth. Grabbing hold of my head he began to push his cock deeper into my mouth and down my throat, I started to gag but he ignored me and kept going. All the time saying things like "your going to make such a beautiful whore". Once he had pushed his cock ¾ in he began pulling it out and then back in again, he got faster and faster pushing further and further into my throat, making me gag. Each time I gagged it was met with cheers from the other guys who had now stripped of their clothes and encircled me.

As Sir got faster and faster I knew what it meant and sure enough he shot his load down my throat pushing all of his cock in as he did, he pulled out just enough to shoot his second jet into my mouth so I could taste it. Before pulling all the way out and wiping his cock onto my face.

As soon as Sir moved from my head another guy replaced him and without saying a word pushed his cock into mouth and began to face fuck me again.

While this second guy was face fucking me Sir moved around to the other side of me and started inserting a finger into my ass, I had fingered myself before while wanking, well will only one finger so Sirs finger was able to enter my ass easily. He pushed his finger in deep all the time feeling around, before adding his second, then third making me want to scream but with the cock in my mouth I was helpless.

Then Sir pulled out his fingers and moved up close behind my ass and I felt the head of his hard cock push at my hole at first he pushed his cock in gently I could feel my ass stretch to accommodate his thick cock, his head was fully in now and my ass was hurting a lot.

The guy face fucking me was ready to cum and he went twice as hard on my mouth as he shot Sir rammed his cock into my ass as far as it could go I tried to scream but was struggling to swallow the second load of cum tonight at the same time. Sir just held his cock still in me while the guy fucking my face swapped place with another guy.

As this guy started to fuck my face Sir started to move his cock out before ramming it back into me with such force that I swallowed the cock in my mouth right down into my throat. Sir fucked me without any mercy laughing as tears of pain rolled down my face, Sir kept going as each of the guys took a turn fucking my face.

Only as the 10th guy shot his load into my throat did Sir announce he was gonna cum and with that he pushed right up in me and shot his second load of the night in me, Sir pulled his cock out of my very sore ass slapped it hard. Saying "now you be good boy and I will be back in a bit to collect you"

I hadn't realised until then but I needed a wee, so I shouted to him as started to walk away "please let me go, I won't say anything... please I really need to pee".

He turned back to me with a evil smile, "you're going no were my boy, your my little whore now... but if you need to pee, I can't have you making a mess of Mike's floor can I"

Without another word he turned back round and they all disappeared, a moment later Sir returned holding something white, I looked but couldn't make out what he was holding. He walked right up behind me, as he unwrapped the white object I relised it was a massive nappy. He slid the nappy under my sore ass and proceeded to fasten it tightly around me. Once he was happy it was on securely he slapped my now padded ass and walked away leaving me tied to the sling and helpless and in a nappy.

It wasn't long before I couldn't hold it any longer I had to pee, so i just let loose into the nappy Sir had put on me soaking it, I felt my piss run around my cock and balls and soak the back of my nappy.

I was left there for what seemed like hours, I started to fall asleep from boredom when Sir and Mike walked in. My restraints were undone one by one but as each was unfastened it was refastened to my collar and a bar to stop me being able to move much. I was then lifted out of the sling and stood up my legs were weak and I struggled to stand, Sir just laughed at me for wetting my nappy.

Sir attached a metal lead to my collar and as I went to protest again Mike reached round from behind me and pushed a gag into my mouth and quickly fastened it behind my head. I was then pulled by my lead by Sir out of the room down a dark corridor and out into a car park. Sir pulled me over to his car opened the boot and made me get in.

Hi I hope that you have liked the story so far, please feel free to email me your thoughts and suggestions for the following parts.

Diaper Lad

Next: Chapter 2

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