Soft Hearted Thug

By moc.loa@0096eItUcYN

Published on Sep 5, 2006


Disclaimer: This is a story involves teen boys having sex...if you don't like any of this turn back now...if u enjoy all this sit back enjoy. Most of this story is true/fantasy...but ill leave it for you to figure out what's true or not....REMEMBER THIS IS MY FIRST ATTEMPT AT WRITING A STORY! IT'S NOT PERFECT!!!!

Soft Hearted Thug Chap.9 By:Nycutie69

It's practically been the best 3 months of my life. Spending almost everyday or at least every other day with Ricardo. Each time Ricardo made sure to tell me and show me how much he loved me and trusted me. He would take me out to the movies, shopping, dinners, parties, clubs, ball games wrapped all over me showing how much he loved me. And when the weather got better I loved the times when he would just take me to the beach and sit and stare into each others eyes. I also loved the times when he would tenderly make love to me, and I definitely loved when he would fuck me like a crazy animal over and over night after night. Since Ricardo's family is well off his parents got him a nice apartment in the city 5 mins away from the university and 15 mins away from me, which gave us more time together. We both were finishing off with school, and I had been accepted to the same school as Ricardo, and was waiting on one school to finalize my decision. While Ricardo was busy with his final papers and exams, I was busy with my school's senior year activities and partying with my friends.

We pretty much gotten to know each other's friends and they all were cool with our relationship. My friends all loved Ricardo, the girls thought he was hot and the guys looked up to him because of his record at the university, and to admit his ripped and defined body which they all wish they had. His friends first thought I was this little teen nympho, but once we all got to know one another they all accepted me. We all went to parties and clubs together which was fun. I even hung out with some of his girlfriends to go shopping which was hilarious cause since it was the only time I was away from Ricardo the girls all wanted me to fill them in on how Ricardo was in bed which got them jealous. His guy friends are crazy are lots of fun too, Ricardo always has to keep a watch out. Well you know college guys are always horny so I guess they figured if Im good enough for Ricardo, im definitely a hot piece of ass. So it's funny watching them piss ass drunk checking me out, coping a feel and making passes at me when they got no girls around for them. Of course it would only be fun to tease them by shaking my ass around for them and straddling them before Ricardo pulls me away from them. I loved that he had his own made our times more intimate..

He laid me on his huge bed and took of the rest of his clothes...Fuck Alex...not fucking you all day...and then watching you with my buddies made me so fucking hot!Ahhhh gawd! I need you baby!

Aww I love when you get like this Ricardo! It' so sexy...I love knowing that I turn you on and that you want me!

Want you...Fuck Alex...there's not an hour that goes by you never cross my mind...I think about you all day when I'm not around you...and when I am...all I can think about is how much more I can please you and how lucky I am to and have you! Baby your all that I want...I love your tight little body...your smooth skin...beautiful pink puffy lips...your tiny nose...your soft hair...

Aww baby your so sweet...All you jocks know how to fucking sweet talk a bitch so they can spread their legs for you lol!!!!

Shut up baby! I mean every word... I never knew that I would fall for a guy but...with you Alex your practically more than what I've hoped for. Hell yeah your crazy in give the best head... that ass god that ass...But baby your just so sweet, giving, adorable! I can't stand to not be with you.

Ricardo I love you so much...

I know you do baby! Well what I'm trying to say is that...I know all of this is new to us and it's only been a few months but baby I just can't stand to be away from you...I want you in to move in with me Alex...he looked at me with those sexy eyes that look into your soul

Oh my god Ricardo your crazy! I love you so much...I don't want you to rush into anything!

Baby I'm crazy for you! And I talked to your parents last week and they think I'm rushing a little too...but they know we love each other so they said that if you want to...they would approve of any decisions you and I make!

Ricardo I would love to move in with you...It's just that you know that I'm not sure if im going to college here yet...I still haven't decided...

Yea baby...he looked at me with those eyes again...I thought you would just go to school here because of what we have...and you already got accepted to school here...

I know Ricardo...but you know I've always wanted to go to school in NY...of course I don't want to leave you...but I just want to still have that option if I do get accepted at NYU...

So what If you did get accepted...what's going to happen to us? I love you Alex...

Ricardo don't try to make me feel guilty...I love you too papi! It's just that do you ever think we might be rushing all of this...I mean im still 17...and your still questioning your sexuality....

Baby how can you say that....I love you! If that doesn't mean Im gay now that what will...

Well I know you still get turned on by women!

Well ever thought It was just that it was easier for me to hook up with a girl... girl or not Alex Im in love with you...and to tell the truth sex with you blows me away...I've never been so turned on so much when Im with you...God you drive me crazy! Shit ten minutes with you fucking is hotter than anything I can get with a girl going at it for hours!

Hours huh Ricardo?

Fuck you! You know how I do...You can't deny you have moaned my name for hours night after night!

Alright you got me there! But come one Ricardo seriously nothing more would make me happier than to move in with you! But what happens if I move to NY for school...

Well I don't wanna think about that well work that out if that happens baby...we have the whole summer too...Even if you do baby! we never know what will happen maybe I'll go to NY with you ....but all that matters now is that you and me should be!!!Baby it will be a place for you and me...Our own place!!!

Fine I guess it won't hurt to move in here for a while! I definitely would be a lot of fun...I hope?

Ahh come on what kind of question is that? Im here and you get to have all of this he said while rubbing his body up and

Do i get to have this? I said grabbing his crotch...

Oooo baby you can have this anytime you want! It's all yours Alex...on one condition...

And what would that be?

He turned me around and pulled down my pants...Only if I get to have this sweet fucking juicy ass!smack smack

Ouch! Only when your good! lol

Then i'm going to have to behave cuz I want this ass all the time...Damn just thinking about coming home every night to you with this tight ass...God that would be the life...

Your so adorable with that smile Ricardo!

How can I not smile...since Ive had you in my life...that's all Ive been doing...I love you Alex...and I'll do anything to protect you and make sure to make you happy baby! Anything...

Anything huh???

Well....Ricardo said trying to take back what he just said

O no you dont! There's something Ive always wanted to do...Follow me...I walked into his kitchen...

What are you doing baby?

Nothing much just gettin me some dessert...I looked into his eyes and backed him up into the counter....hop on Ricardo...Ricardo sat on top of the counter

Alex come on whats going on...

Just sit back and relax'll definitely like this...I turned around and took out some ice cream, chocolate syrup and whipped cream...Don't you want some dessert Ricardo???

You know I'll eat anything you put out for me baby!

Good...I scooped him some ice cream and fed him...

Alex come on don't make a mess...

O well you are just gonna have to take that off....I said as I pulled off his shirt and unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them off him...

What are you doing?

Actually you had enough Ice cream now I want some! giving him my best baby faces...I spooned some ice cream on his chest and watched the vanilla ice cream melt down his mocha colored chest...Fuck your so hot papi! I said as I licked off the ice cream off his chest...

You want more baby! he figured out what I wanted and started putting some more ice cream and all the trimmings on his baby I know you love sundaes...

God it was so fucking sexy a fucking adonis with melting ice cream all over his chest waiting for me to eat it off him... A little nymph's dreams come true!

Damn Alex god you make me so hott! Baby you make me feel so good! Ahh shit...look at how sexy you look licking up my body! Shit nobody's ever done this to me!

Good I better be the only one licking your body anyway Riacrdo!

O don't worry baby nobody would ever please me as much as you do! Fuck...ahhhh yea baby suck my nip! Shit... like that don't you papi! I looked into his eyes and started taking all my clothes off...hmmm cuz i sure love this!

AAaaaawwww fuck your making me so hard...

I licked up his body and started sucking on his neck meanwhile getting on top of him rubbing my tight little body all over his body!

Fuck you smell so sweet Alex...Ricardo said while getting a hold of my ass cheeks...Hmmm baby I want so more Ice cream but i want it on you...he said while putting ice cream on my chest....

Oooo its so cold Ricardo!

Don't worry baby I'll make you all hot! Just leave it to me Alex and baby ooo I'll make you hot!Ricardo got off and put me on top of the counter...lifting up my legs and then scooping ice cream onto my ass and letting it melt down my crack...and started to eat me out!!!

Ahhh Ricardo ahhh shit its so cold...fuck....ahhh papi eat me out ay papi! yes...he ate my ass out fucking me with his tongue...gawd it felt so good the ice cream his hot tongue....

Damn baby your ass is so tight!...its so fucking pretty...I love this ass baby! Fuck Im so hard baby...

Well I love this cock as much as you love my ass! I said as i got down on my knees...and started licking up his cock!

Ahh fuck yeah baby that's it...

I started sucking his cock and then I remembered the ice cream...I got off his cock and put some ice cream in my mouth and then stuffed my mouth full of my hot blooded latin papi's huge cock....

Ahhh fuck baby! what the fuck ahhh....yeah baby....oh my god...ahhh that's...shit im gnna cum...Ricardo pulled his cock out my mouth...and got on his knees with me on the floor...but not yet!

Im sorry papi! did i hurt you...

Ahhh no baby ! fuck no way that was incredible...but I wanna cum in that sweet ass!

O baby I love when you fuck me! God Ricardo I need you in me now! please...Ring Ring...

Alex shit Im gnna fuck you so fucking good baby...Ring Ring....Ring....What the fuck...

Just pick it up Ricardo...its probably important it hasnt stop ringing....God he looked so hot walking away from me...I knew Ricardo had a hot body but damn he is really gorgeous...

Fine right back! Ricardo came back in the it's for's Gary said it was really important...he said before kissing my neck...

Thanx Ricardo...i'll take it in the other room! Hey Gary wats up ass wipe!

Hey Alex...thank god I didn't kno who else to call!

Why wats up?

Its Tasha...she just pissed off wit me and I don't know wat to do? God this sucks...

Awww don't worry bout it Gary..Let me talk to her!

No that's ok...its's just that I so messed up rite now...this totally sucks...I can't stand her mad at me...

Gary don' t stress its... she'll be fine in a few days she loves you...

I dunno she just stop talking to me...You know girls... that's what they love to do...god i feel like shyt...

Don(t worry Gary...hold on I'm coming over Im gnna bring you something to eat...

Thanx starving...

Of course you sound fucked up..

Well what else can I do...I feel like shit...

Okay calm down i'll be there in a few minutes..

Thanx Alex...I love you man!

Ricardo baby...Gary and Tasha are fighting and he's fucked up rite now...Im gonna check up on him make sure he'll be okay...

Shit...we were just having a good time!

Don't worry baby! i can finish you off when I get back!

Fuck yeah you better be ready to get fucked so good baby!

hmm can't wait...come one lets just take a quick shower...your fucking sticky from all the ice cream...god your so fucking cute...

stop lets just get cleaned up...we had a quick shower..Ricardo couldnt keep his hands off me...Ricardo...come on...the faster I check up on Gary the faster I can be back here...

O okay...fine then we better hurry up he picked me up and dried me up and got me dressed in 30 seconds...make it fast Alex...I need you baby! he said before giving me a kiss...

Okie baby...i'll be back in a few! I drove down to GAry's in like 10mins...I walked into his dorm room...and he was wasted ... its fucking great to see u...he said giving me a huge bear hug...

O okie Gary a little too tight!

Well it's easy to fucking squeeze you Alex your so fucking tiny in my arms!

Well ur a fucking muscle you feeling better! I brought you some food!

Well now that your here...Great im starving....o I knew there was a good reason for you coming around! god you know me so well...Taco Bell!

Gary sat down n chowed down on his food...he was so cute...

Fuck Ive been starving! Man Alex what would I do without you man! He said when he finished eating.

No problemo Gary.

Damn this place is a fucking mess...your such a fucking pig! Lol

Fuck you...then do something about it bitch! Damn you worse then my mother...

Shut the fuck up...your lucky I love you...I started cleaning up his place...while he sat on the couch watching the game...I was finally getting his place back to order...when I got that feeling I usually get when a guy is checking me out...

Ahhh Gary you feeling better?

Well yea now that you're here... why don't you come sit down and a have a drink?

Ummm that okYI gotta head back to Ricardo newayYand I think that you have had enoughYI said while walking to him to take away his drink from himY

O no you don't AlexYthis is mineYcome on Im almost finished with it YI stood in front of him trying to take away his drinkYhe pulled his drink all the way behind the couch that I had to reach for itYof course with my luck I lose my balance and fall on top of himYI don't know why I always end up straddled between a guys legs with his hands on my assY

Hahah AlexYsee you can fight meY lol shit trying to take my fucking drink awayYhe said looking into my eyesY

Gary of course had to have killer green eyesYand they definitely sucked me inYhe was to drunk that he kept groping my ass...he looked really hot and I guess he was horny because he started sucking my neck(another thing that turns me on)

Gary stop itYI said pulling myself off of himY we cant do thisY

Fuck Alex come onY

No Gary your too drunkYand god your fighting with Tasha this is not gonna make things any betterY

Yea it willYgnna be able to fuck your hot tight ass!

God Gary stop thisYFuck you I cant believe your doing this I'm outYI stormed out his placeYGary came running after meYShitYno Gary leave me alone..

Alex waitYsorry I know Im so fucked upYpleaseYAlex pleaseY

Hearing his tone of voice I knew he was seriousYI stopped and walked back to him...

Alex Im so sorry I don't know what came over meYSeeing you around my apartment cleaning and taking care of meYI dunnoYand god your ass walking aroundYhavn't gotten any latelyYso im fucking hard as hellY

Gary stopYwhatever your I dunk I knowYI came here cuz I'm you friendY nothing moreYYou know I love youYbut come on we can'tY

I know Im really sorryYplease forgive meYPlease Im so sorry AlexYreally am!

Ok whateverYbut you need to go sober up and well work this out laterY

God thank you AlexYI don't know if I could take you not talking to meY1st Tasha and then youYgod I would kill myselfY

Shut up Gary whateverYyou need some sleepYI'll call you tomorrowY

Alex waitYhe came and gave me a hug and sorry againYThank you AlexYIm really sorryY

It's ok GaryYI'll call you tomorrowYI walked away and drove back to Ricardo's apartmentYGod I dunno how I get myself into these messesYI walked into the apartmentYOf course Ricardo was asleep. He looked so adorable and I didn(t want to wake him so I just got into bed snuggled myself next to him and went to sleep.

I woke up with Ricardo(s cock stuck up my ass(All I remembered was him on top of me getting what he wanted.

Good morning baby! God after all the fucking you have taken how the hell does your ass stay so fucking tight! Fuck Alex this is the life waking up with you in my arms baby. Hmmmm your so adorable! Come on honey lets get going we got a lot of work to do.

What are you talking about Alex(I thought maybe we can go out for a bit so I can spoil my baby!

We can do that anytime(but if you want to wake up with me tomorrow we better get my things moved over here!

Oh my god baby nothing would make me happier. I(m so glad your going to move in with me, its going to be so hot having our own place.

I know Im so excited to Ricardo!

All right baby I(ll clean up around here(go home and pack up and I(ll be by to help you move(I cant wait sweetie! He pulled me into his arms and gave me the sweetest kiss! Now get going he slapped my ass(I don(t know how we gonna get all your clothes here!

Shut up! Well why take them all here you already promised to take me shopping anyway!

Whatever you want baby as long as I have you in my arms at night!

Your so cheesy lol

You love it! I(ll be by in about an hour!

I left our apartment well it is more like a duplex. I fell in love with it once Ricardo moved in it(s so my taste very modern.

I got home and my mom already had things packed for me.

Mom what is going on?

Hey sweetie! After Ricardo told your father and I his plans to ask you to move in with him(we knew you wouldn(t say no!

Mom your so funny! I love you Alex and your father and I want whatever makes you happy(and we have come to love Ricardo and know that he will treat you well. It is so obvious how much he loves you!

Awww mom I love you guys(Come one I got a lot of stuff to pack up!

Alex I(m so happy for the two of you! You know if you need anything you can always come to us honey! Anything(

I know mom (I love you I said while giving her a huge hug! A few hours later I had most of the things I wanted to bring with me. I was having the pool table and a few of the arcade games sent over later. Ricardo of course made it just in time for lunch. So we sat down with my parents and had a quick lunch. May parents were excited for us and offered anything we needed help with. That night we had everything I needed in our new place, it was going to take a few days to re- arrange things but everything went well. We decided we needed a night out to celebrate. I decided to take a quick shower and get cleaned up while Ricardo ran some errands.

Alex baby I(m home! He said as he came up behind me and pulled me into his arms(God Alex you smell so good he said while grinding into me(

Ahhhh save that for later cause I still have to finish getting ready. Why don(t we hit up Mood tonight? We need to start getting you to do other things than fucking me all the time!

Hmmm I kinda like what I got going on already but that(s true baby! Alright get ready cause god knows how long you(ll take.

Shut up(I just can never choose what to wear!

Like it matters anyway you look fucking hot in everything you wear(I don(t know how you do it baby(

What can I say I(m blessed haha(.I said as I walked into the closet. Ricardo showered while I took my time rummaging through clothes, accessories and shoes to wear. I finally picked out a really hot outfit showing off my hot ass! I finished getting ready and by that time Ricardo was downstairs pregaming with Hector and his best friend Davis, who also was in my grade. Davis happens to be one of the hottest guys in my school. He is a basketball jock with a gorgeous body. He actually is a nice guy and really adorable.

Alex my man how you been Hector said as he walked by me and slapped my ass. Harold came by and said hi and offered me a drink. Ricardo pulled me into his arms and gave me a kiss. God he smelt so hot!

Hey Harold! Thanks(uhhh Ive been good Hector(.whats been going on with you?

Same old shit fucking horny as hell! This bitch Natalie fucking dumped me(Yo Alex you know anybody that can take care of this(shit I need a hot fuck tonight. Ricardo man this place better have some hot bitches!

I don(t know about you but I got mine for tonight Ricardo said as he squeezed my ass(I looked into his eyes and he looked so fucking gorgeous. I kind of shivered with excitement just looking up at him knowing that he(s all mine.

Come on guys how bout a few shots! Harold said while handing me and Ricardo shot(s.

So where we heading off to tonight? Harold asked Do you guys wanna go to Mood tonight? I heard it should be hot.

This is the end of Chapter 9...I hope your enjoying the story...Sorry for the long wait I know my writing can suck but just bare with me!Thanx Alot again!Tell me what you think!!! More to come if you guys want....

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