Soft Hearted Thug

By moc.loa@0096eItUcYN

Published on Sep 4, 2003


Disclaimer: This is a story involves two teen boys having sex...if u dont like any of this turn back now...if u enjoy all this sit back enjoy..most of this story is true/fantasy...but ill leave it 2 u 2 guess whats true or not....REMEBER THIS IS MY FIRST ATTEMPT AT WRITING A STORY!ITS NOT PERFECT!!!!

Soft Hearted Thug Chap.6 By:Nycutie69

I seem to wake up alot now with my ass leaking a whole lot of cum...I just had the hottest fuck with Ricardo and Miguel...I could so die a happy now!!!lol...Ricardo and I were knocked out after our hot fuck!!!I ran to the nearest bathroom to wash up...As soon as I got out the shower Ricardo walked in...

You must be real hungry havn't eaten anything all day but cock!!!

Shit ive been so occuppied I wasn't even hungry...I had enough cum in me to last a few more days lol!!!Ricardo wrapped a towel around me and dried me up like I was 5 years old...and I did feel that way in his arms...he was so huge!!!We always seem to catch each other staring at each other...he was gorgeous...I gave him a kiss...and he pulled me out the bathroom and guided me to the kitchen...

Oh didnt have to do this it was candle lit dinner...It looks and smells delicious...I did't know you can cook???

Well in luck cause my mom has taught me Come on sit down...

Why dont you let me put some clothes on first

No..Alex theres no point I'm just gonna have to take them off you later!!!

You are so crazy...Well then I better not be the only naked one I walked into him dropping my towel...I took his shirt off while he pulled off his pants...And I was so hungry I started licking up his nipples...

Fuck better stop...come on lets get some food into you...Im fucking hungry too!!!

Fine Fine...I sat down and we ate just learning more about each other and just having a good time...We pretty much ate everything...We cleaned up the kitchen together!!!It was alot of fun...he looked so good!!!

Damn I wish I can see that ass walk around my house like that all the time!!!But we better put some clothes on my parents and Hector(his brother) would be coming back soon!!!

We ran upstairs an we got dressed...He always looked sexy!!!I was so happy to just be around him...and he seemed to happy aswell!!!

Damn Alex you always take my breath away even when you have clothes on...God you I love you baby! You are the fucking best thing that has ever happend to me! I want you to know that...I am always gonna love you and take care of you baby! Nobody is ever gonna hurt you or they are gonna gave to deal with me...

God Ricardo...I love you too...I will practiacally do anything for you...You make me feel so good...I need you!!!I dont know what would happen If anything happend to you or us!!!

SHSHSH!!!DOn't even start with that...I aint going anywhere...Come on we look so fucking good..why don't we go get some air and do something...

Ok Ricardo...yea we need to get out lol...havnt done much but have your cock up in me in every way!!!

Dont worry your gonna get a hell lot more baby!!!Why dont we call up Tasha and Gary and catch a movie or something!!!

Good idea!!!I'll call Tasha!!!

I called up Tasha and she was glad to finally hear from me lol ...Yea I know we havnt talked much...Yea Ive been doing alot with Ricardo shut up that's not all we do(damn she knew me to well)

Yea they are gonna meet us at the movies!!!I called out to Ricardo...As i started walking downstairs back into the kitchen...

Okay...Yo Alex I want you to meet my parents...

O Hi Good Evening!!!It's really nice meeting you!!!They were really nice to me!!!I sort of felt a little wierd cause Hector his brother went to school with me and we weren't really that close!!!

I turned around to talk to Ricardo and let him know we better get going...As i turned around I sort of caught Hector and Ricardo's Dad staring at my ass!!!Damn i felt like a slut which doenst really bother me lol!!!

Ricardo told them we were gonna catch a movie...and that he probably wouldn't be coming home tonight...which made Hector's face change!!!It was alright with his parents...Ricardo was a freshman at the local what can they do lol!!!Yup I had a college boy lol!!!

We drove off...and I wanted to stop at home first to just drop in on my parents...they have been real cool with me and Ricardo even on a school week they didn't mind me staying and sleeping at Ricardo's place lol...But they trusted me...So we got to my house and walked in...

I went into my dad's office and Ricardo went into the kitchen to see my mom...of course my mom loved him...

Hey Dad!!!wat's up???

Hey Alex...nothing much just busy working!!!How have you been..You staying home tonight???

Ive been good...Ricardo is in the kitchen with mom...Actually we are gonna catch a movie with Tasha and Gary and probably get some ice cream or something...But I'll be home later anyway...

Ok that should be fun...I'm really happy for you and Ricardo...You know I love you Alex!!!

Yea I Know dad...I love you too!!!

So do you need any money!!!

No dont worry bout that sir...Ricardo siad...I'll take care of it...So how you been catch the game last night...

Nice to see you Ricardo!!!They shook hands...yea the Yankees fucking lost!!!

I better see mom lol...Once they get into sports I knew i had to leave lol..K dad I'll see you later giving him a hug!!!

Take care Alex!!!He kept talking to Ricardo...I looked at Ricardo and told him I'll be with my mom...

I went over to my mom and gave her a kiss...Wat's up???

Hey look look real happy...Im so happy for you guys!!! so cute!!!My mom is gorgeous shes a knock out...I probably get alot of my features from her lol!!!

Come sit down eat something!!!

That's ok mom...Ricardo made dinner...

O so he can cook...I'm really like this boy now lol!!!

Yup Yup...I met his parents they were really nice...

Thats nice we should have them over for dinner sometime!!!

Lol my mom and dinner parties lol...she never stops...Sure why not...anyway mom I gotta get going we are meeting up with Tasha and Gary at the movies...But i'll be home later...Ricardo walked in and I wrapped my arms around him...he looked so adorable...Ok mom love ya n see ya later..I gave her a kiss...

Ok sweetie you guys be good...

We drove off again and went to the movies...and met up with Tasha and Gary...Tasha jumped on it's not like I didnt see her in school today!!!But we havnt really hung out lately so I can understand why!!!we are always together...even though she was with Gary I never felt like the third wheel cause Gary was really cool with me...And I know Gary is real cool with Ricardo so we all are gonna be a tight group!!!

Tasha and Gary have been going out for more than a year now...He was a senior and she was Junior...and he graduted with Ricardo and went to the same college and they are on the same baseball team aswell so they are cool...anwyay even though he was in Collge he still stayed with Ive gotten close with Gary over the year...

Anyway the guys really wanted to see Bad Boys II so we watched that but me and Tasha really wanted to see Finding Nemo lol me n her are dorks we always enjoyed doing stuff like that!!!But we still had fun I got to cuddle wit my man!!!He didnt give a fuck about what other people thought nothing was gonna stop him anyway!!!I didnt mind!!!lol

After the movies Gary and Ricardo were hunrgy lol like always!!!So we all went to get something to eat!!!Me and Tasha went straight for the Ice Cream!!!Gary and RIcardo went for the huge burgers and fries lol they were big guys and needed to n Tasha had to keep our tight little figures to make our men happy lol!!!I finally got to spend alot of time wit Tasha n I told her all bout how ggod it has been wit Ricardo!!!But of course I left out the little threesome(wasn't sure how she would feel bout that yet)...I also could tell that Ricardo was having fun...him and Gary were getting along great we all were having fun...We finished eating...

Anyway Tasha I gotta head home...I'll see ya 2morrow sweetie!

Okie Alex you be good now!!!and you RICARDO better take care of this rite here!!!Or Im gnna have to get on your case lol!!!

Yea Ricardo u watch my little boy lol!!!Gary sort of took on the role of my older brother lately!!!

Hey Hey Of course this is my baby!ANyway you two run along I wanna spend some time wit Alex!see you guys soon!!!

Tasha left wit Gary...and I jumped into the car with Ricardo giving him a kiss...we got to my house and decided to just go to my room!!!My parents were already in their room!!!So i went in to just let them know i was home!

Hey guys Im home!!!

Hey sweetie hope you guys had fun!!How are Tasha and Gary doing?

Yea we did we all got along well...they are fine!!!ANyway Ricardo is gonna spend the night!If it's ok!!!

Sure sweetie!!!We'll see you guys in the morning...Night!!!


I walked into my room and Ricardo was just relaxing in my room watching T.V.!!!

Hey Sweetie!Parents are going to i straddled him giving him a kiss!!!

God baby you always taste so sweet!Let me finish the game first...

Sure Ricky(his nickname)...I stayed on his lap resting on him with my head on his shoulder!!!I felt so safe and warm...and he held me tight in his arms...I just sucked on his neck and nibbled on his ear...and he started grinding his hard on up into me!!!Of course we had our hands all over each other and we stayed like that watching the game...I didnt mind we just got be close to each other!!!

Mmmm Alex baby I love feeling you up against me!!!Your so fucking hot I love your hot little tight body all over me!!!Can we stay like this all night!!!

Well Actually I have better things in mind!!!Why dont we go outside and jump into the pool realy quick!!!

I dont have anything to use baby and nothing you have would fit me!!!

Who siad you have to wear anything!!!giving him this cute little smirk...Come on!!!

We went downstairs and headed was a nice warm night!!!And I knew the temperature of the water would just be perfect...I stripped off my clothes giving RIcardo a little show...which made him even harder(he was already hard from me sitting on his lap)...

Fuck your hott piece of work Alex...he siad taking a seat on a lounge chair...I got on my knees in between his legs and took his shoes off and socks off kissing his feet...I crawled up pulling off his shirt...Ahhh Fuck baby...he stood up and pulled off his pants and pushed the both of us in the pool...and played around in the pool...

Ricardo you look so hott rite now!!!

Not as hot as you baby!And he pulled me into a sexy kiss...he was backed up against a wall and he lifted me up a little and wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his neck...We made out for 10mins straight...I dont know how i did that!!!But when we finally came out of this kiss we were panting like dogs...

Come on lets go back up and wash up Baby!So you can take care of my problem Alex...grabbing his huge dick and swinging it around!!!lol

Well only if you will fuck me hard enough so i feel your cock coming out of my mouth!!!lol

I dont think that would be a problem sweetie you have gotten me so hott for rite now!!!

That's the point I started running away from him and going to my room...He followed me and I got into the shower and locked the door so it would just get him more hot and bothered!!!Soon as I opened the door he was rite in my way !!!

Where do you think you going think you so slick!!!He grabbed me...

Hod on a sec!!!You better hop in that shower first!!!

Fine Fine...He ran into the shower and took a real quick shower lol...It gave me time to light up some candles and set the mood!!!It was so sexy...I heard the shower come off and he came up behind me and started biting me neck...

Finally...Fuck you purposely got me this hot Alex...your such a bad boy!!!He pinched my ass lol Im gonna have to punish you!!!lol

Im so sowwie I never meant to get you upset Ricardo!!!lol He picked me up like a girl and I wrapped my legs around him...It was so hott...damn I know im smaller than him but I have a pretty average build...

Hmmm Papi!!!God you so hott...I feel like putty in your arms...Take ME now RIcardo Take me!!!

Damn you make me so hott...Come baby get down there and put it in your mouth sweetie!!!

I took his cock and jerked it off a little bit it was so hard...I started licking his head and sucking on it...I then started to lick down to his balls and sucked his balls...and licked rite under them...

Fuck yeah!!!Ahhh Alex suck my dick baby suck it!!!Yes ahhh...your mouth is so hott!!!

It tasted so good...I needed it in me...I had to have it in me...Ricardo baby I need you in me!!!Ahhh fuck me...please...I crawled up to him and he turned me around and he started eating my ass...Ahhh Ricardo Ahhhh...ohhh Fuck eat my ass!!!Fuck me Fuck ME AHHH Come on Papi!!!AHH yes!!!

Shit I can't wait anymore I have to be inside you Baby!!!NOW!!!He flipped on my back and lifted up my legs and just guided himself in me in seconds...AHh hell yea your fucking burning my dick baby...its so hot and tight in here!!!SHit...Ahhh OHHh...Baby!!!Squeeze it a HEll yeah!!!

God Papi!!!Fuck ME Ahh Ahh..Yes Yes I was panting...He was fucking me so kept hitting my spot...Ahhh Ricardo...I pulled him into a sloppy sexy kiss...

Hmmm Baby he kept grunting...Fucking me hard...harder...he was going crazy...Fuck baby you take my dick like nobody else!!!Shit Ahhh Fuck...

Yes Yes...Ahhh Fuck me!!!OH god Im cummming RIcardo ahh Fuck ME aiieee!!!..AHHHH...I came all over my stomach and hit my chin!!!

Fuck ahhh your ahit now your making me cum!!!AHhh he fucked me for almost 15mins more until he lost it!!!Shit AHHH god!!!!Im cumming hmmm!!!AHhh yes baby!!!Damn you make me crazy!!!and he just layed ontop of me with his cock still buried in me and we fell asleep... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My alarm went on...and I guess Ricardo flipped us over cuase now i was on top of him resting on his chest...God he smelled and felt great!!!

Mmmm baby you better get up and ready for school!!!

So your my daddy now huh!!!lol

Well I am the one who been fucking up to you like a fucking maniac!!!lol Actually I better head home too...I'll call you later this afternoon!!!

Okie sweetie...I have a meeting today anyway so maybe I'll give you a call as soon as I'm done...Ok...I gave him a kiss...and parted ways...

I'll see you later babe!!!

I got in the shower and got dressed...of course looking cute as usual lol!!!I decided to call Tasha up and let her know I would pick her up so we can go to school together!!!I went downstairs...and Ricardo was still My parents made him stay and eat something lol(he always had time to eat)...I gave my mom a kiss good morning...and got some OJ...

Anyway I gotta head home...thanks for breakfast it was great!!!

No problem Ricardo...YOu take care now!!!my mom told him...

See you soon sir!!!shaking hands wit my dad!!!

Ok have a nice day!!!Guessing i'll probably see more of you around now!!!lol

I hope so!!!Ricardo siad giving me this cute grin...

Anyway Im gonna head out 2...I'll see you guys later bye!!!

Be good Alex have a nice day!!!

K,mom bye!!!

I walked Ricardo out and then gave him a kiss...He walked me to my car and let me in like a gentleman lol!!!k sweetie I'll see you later!!!Bye...

K babe...he gave me a peck and then walked to his car...and we drove off...

I got to Tasha's which was like 5 mins away and she jumped in!!!I love this girl me and her have this crazy relationship ...we are so close we finish each other sentences and know what each other is thinking(sort of like Will and Grace from NBC)lol...anyway she was xcited to see me all happy bout RIcardo...We got to school...and I always had fun in school...It came easy for me...I was a good student top of my class...had alot of friends(nobody really gave me a problem bout being gay)...and part of the student goverment so everyone pretty much knew me!!!

As soon as I was done wit school and meeting...It was 2:00 so Tasha n i decided on just driving down to the University and watch our men at their baseball practice lol!!!As soon as we got there we just took a seat and talked and watched them...didn't want to interrupt them so we just hung out!!!

When practice was over Ricardo and Gary ran over to us...

Hey sweetcheeks...How was ur day???

Hey Baby it was fine...hmmm you look so cute out there!!!

Not as cute as me a kiss...and tickling me!!!lol

Some of there teamates came by siad your the hott litte piece that's Ricardo getting lol...his coach siad...keep up the good work son...your must be doing something good...cause RIcardo here has been playing alot better lately!!!

Whatever coach!!! lol...Ricardo joked around with him alot...

Nice meeting you sir!!!

My pleasure son!!!You are something special!!!You RIcardo better hold on to this here...know plenty of other guys would love a piece of him!!!lol I'll see you guys soon!!!

Lol...he's so crazy!!!Ricardo siad...Anyway what are guys up 2???

Nothing much...Tash guys wanna do anything???

I dont feel like doing anything special you guys wanna just chill out at my house...have dinner and just hang out!!!

Hell yeah y not...sounds good your house has practically everything and your mom sure can cook lol...Gary siad...

Yippe lol...Tasha siad...its should be fun!!!

Baby why dont I bring Hector along wit me!!!

Yea sure that would be nice Ricardo!!!

Anyway sweetie I better go him and clean up!!!He gave me a kiss...

K babe!!See u later!!!

Gary hugged me tight and gradded me and dragged me away...Hey look RIcardo im stealing ur hot little boyfriend hahah lol!!!Gary is a hottie lol...

Get the fuck off me Gary lol!!!Ricardo took me away from him lol this is ur girl is over there lol...Tasha was laughing...

Anyway come on Gary lets go...I'll see u soon baby!!!Gary and RIcardo got into his car....and I drove wit Tasha to my house...the guys needed to go home and clean up!!!We got into my house and greeted my mom..and let her know that a few people were coming over for dinner...she was excited to have a little B.B.Q. which me n Tasha knew the guys would love!!!!

Me n Tasha went upstairs and did some Homework!!!And got ready...Damn did we look cute!!!I was actually excited to finally get to know Ricardo's brother...he was a cutie...but in school we just hung out with different people so I wasn't really close with him...Gary arrived and came up 2 my room...and just started playing with my PS2 all excited like a little boy...n Tasha just started messing around with him...we always had alot of fun bothering each other!!!

Alex...Ricardo just pulled up...Why dont you guys come down so we can eat!!!

ok thanx mom be rite down!!!Come on Gary you can play later lol!!!We walked down and Ricardo was just walking in introducing Hector to my parents...Hector is a hottie is 6" nice blue eyes and a hot body...

Me and Tasha went straight to Hector and welcomed him...we knew all knew each other but werent close it was only fair to be really nice to him!!!

Why dont we head out back and eat!!!

Good Im hungry!lol...Gary siad

Shit man your always hungry Gary!!! lol

Be quiet You kow u wish u can eat me!!!lol Gary siad joking around...

ewww...not really don't play ur self you wanna eat me!!!lol...Tasha slapped my ass...

U slut lol!!!Tasha knew we were just playing around me and Gary used to joke around like that alot cuz i didn't have a man!!!

You guys are crazy!!!Hector siad...

Lol Yea they are but u'll get used it...they are alot of fun...Ricardo told him.

Come on grab a plate!!!my mom had B.B.Q and all this other good shit on the table...

Mmmm this looks good...Gary siad

My dad was away for business so my mom left us with a bunch of food and went out with her friends...So we all hung out eating so much food...the weather was so perfect...we all had alot of fun joking around getting closer ...even Hector started to let loose and started having fun...he was actually really nice...Cause lately I felt alittle wierd around with him...maybe cause I was taking his brother's cock up my ass I dunno...but we finally just put all things aside and had alot of fun...After we ate...wwe cleaned up a bit and then went downstairs...which was like the house entertainment Gary siad it had everything Bar,Movie Screen, Pool table,arcade games,table hockey,karaoke thingy wuth a little stage and dance floor set up like a small club it was a teenagers dream place...and my dad just wanted a place for me and my friends to hang out and have fun...and of course my mom always kept it stocked with a bunch of junk food...

Fuck this is the shit!!!Hector siad...Damn I knew you were rich but damn this is nice...No wonder Ricardo is always with you!!!

Only if he knew the other things his brother did with me!!!lol

Ain't it sweet Hector...Ricardo siad

HEll yeah...he started a pool game with Gary..

Tasha and I went over to the bar and opened up the fridge to get us some ice cream...Cause we are ice cream And we just hung out and talked while the guys were playing pool...Ricardo decided to head over to us and I fed him some ice cream...

Aww aren't you guys so cute!!!TAsha siad

Shut the Fuck up slut!!!Hector is really cool baby!!!He should hang out with us more!!!

I knew u guys would like him!!!He seems to be having alot of fun 2!!!He siad before he started kissing me!!!

Ewww you guys are always at it lol!!!Tasha siad

Well I can't resist my baby here!!!he so fucking adorable!!!Ricardo siad

Awww...i hugged him and kissed his nose lol!!!

So you guys wanna chill out and watch a movie???

Yea why not!!!

Yo Gary we wanna watch a movie!!!he and HEctor were playing PS2 that Dancing game (DDR) and using the movie screen...

10mins please!!!Gary always seemed to get caught up wit the video Tasha got in front of him and kissed him which made him stop lol...Fine we'll play later then!!!Tasha picked the movie and wanted to watch something we ended up wathching The Ring...

We got on the huge couch...Me n Tasha always sat next to each other and I had my legs over RIcardo...Gary was on the other side of Tasha n HEctor was next to Gary...they seemed to hit off...The movie was sort of freaky lol Ricardo just held me...n me and Tasha made fun of things as usual!!!lol Tasha had to leave after the movie so Gary drove her home...which just left me with Ricardo and Hector!!!Ricardo fell asleep during the movie so we left him to get some sleep...

You want anything to drink???

I got any beer???

Yea sure...we walked over to the bar and I bent down to get some Coronas and then HEctor wrapped his arms around my waist!!!

SHSHSH!!!Fuck you have a hott ass!!!No wonder my brother can't get enough of you!!!

Hector we shouldn't be doing this!!!I pulled him off me!!!

What the fuck!I know your a slut!!!Come on you!!!I know you want some of this

fuck off Hector!!!This isn't rite...

Whatever then Im just gonna have to take what I want...he grabbed me and backed me up to the wall and started groping me all over and trying to kiss me...we are both 17 but he was bigger than me...he worked out with RIcardo all the time so he was big!!!(Ricardo is hotter though lol)

Stop not while Ricaedo is sleeping over there...Please I'll do anything you long as you won't tell Ricardo.. Please

Fine...2morrow after school your fucking mine...And your gonna work my cock so good baby!!!!Ricardo has told me how good you take him!!!Just wait till I get up in you!!! quiet I'll give u what u want!!!Just not now!!!

Ok I know...I'll meet you after school...Ricardo has practice so you have no choice!!!!

Fine...I think you better go!!!Ricardo probably stay the night so you can take his car home and I'll bring him home 2morrow!!!

k no problem baby!!!Remember 2morrow...and he winked at me and slapped my ass...Hell yeah Im gonna get some of this!!!He pulled my hand and placed it on his dick...SEe it's all hard cause of you!!!he started kissing me...but i didnt kiss back...Fine just wait till 2morrow baby!!!!he siad as he left...

Fuck I was in deep shit...I didn't want to hurt Ricardo...but Hector wouldn't take no for an answer!!!

I woke Ricardo up and let him know that Hector took his car we decided to just head up 2 my room...

What's wrong baby seems like something is bothering you???

Im ok...nothing just thinking bout things!!!

we got into bed and he just cuddled making out a bit and I just fell asleep in his arms....worried about 2morrow after school!!!!

This is the end of Chapter 6...I hope your enjoying the story...Thanx Alot again!Tell me what you think!!! More to come if you guys want....

Next: Chapter 6

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